55 million abortions / 40 years roe vs wade

There is an upside. That's 55 million fewer democrat voters. Conservatives should just keep having their babies and wait for the liberals to abort themselves into oblivion.

You don't think conservatives have abortions? :eusa_drool:

Boy are you ignorant.
God got pissed off and flooded the earth killing almost every inhabitant including babies, grandmas, puppies and kittens

To prove he hadn't learned he decided to kill all the firstborn of Egypt just to show he could

You believe in God now?
I find it amazing that liberals rant and rave and cry about the 20 kids killed in Newtown, but have no feelings for the 55 million innocent kids killed by abortions. I guess that "defective liberal gene" thing is real.
I find it amazing that liberals rant and rave and cry about the 20 kids killed in Newtown, but have no feelings for the 55 million innocent kids killed by abortions. I guess that "defective liberal gene" thing is real.

I find it amazing that conservatives rant and cry about abortions, but don't give a shit about people who are already here alive and breathing. They bitch about tax dollars going towards abortion but don't stop to think about how much money and resources would be needed for all these people were they born instead.

We aren't running out of people. We will soon be reproducing beyond our ability to support. Over 350,000 people are born every day. About 150,000 people die every day. That means we have a net increase of over 200,000 people every day - roughly the population of Dallas every week. There are over 7 billion people in the world today. In a hundred years we'll be drowning in our own poisons.

So go ahead and be like Jim Bob or the Octo-mom. You're just hastening our own destruction.
I find it amazing that liberals rant and rave and cry about the 20 kids killed in Newtown, but have no feelings for the 55 million innocent kids killed by abortions. I guess that "defective liberal gene" thing is real.

I find it amazing that conservatives rant and cry about abortions, but don't give a shit about people who are already here alive and breathing. They bitch about tax dollars going towards abortion but don't stop to think about how much money and resources would be needed for all these people were they born instead.

We aren't running out of people. We will soon be reproducing beyond our ability to support. Over 350,000 people are born every day. About 150,000 people die every day. That means we have a net increase of over 200,000 people every day - roughly the population of Dallas every week. There are over 7 billion people in the world today. In a hundred years we'll be drowning in our own poisons.

So go ahead and be like Jim Bob or the Octo-mom. You're just hastening our own destruction.

Lame baseless deflection. And yeah, people are a drain on money and resources just like your sorry ass.
I find it amazing that liberals rant and rave and cry about the 20 kids killed in Newtown, but have no feelings for the 55 million innocent kids killed by abortions. I guess that "defective liberal gene" thing is real.

I find it amazing that conservatives rant and cry about abortions, but don't give a shit about people who are already here alive and breathing. They bitch about tax dollars going towards abortion but don't stop to think about how much money and resources would be needed for all these people were they born instead.

We aren't running out of people. We will soon be reproducing beyond our ability to support. Over 350,000 people are born every day. About 150,000 people die every day. That means we have a net increase of over 200,000 people every day - roughly the population of Dallas every week. There are over 7 billion people in the world today. In a hundred years we'll be drowning in our own poisons.

So go ahead and be like Jim Bob or the Octo-mom. You're just hastening our own destruction.

Lame baseless deflection. And yeah, people are a drain on money and resources just like your sorry ass.

Not as lame as conservatives continually bleating about the poor blobs of protoplasm they try to pass off as "babies". Not baseless at all - I presented facts. You conservatives would be first to start crying about any money spent on these people in the form of welfare or healthcare. Abortion is probably saving you big bucks.
I find it amazing that conservatives rant and cry about abortions, but don't give a shit about people who are already here alive and breathing. They bitch about tax dollars going towards abortion but don't stop to think about how much money and resources would be needed for all these people were they born instead.

We aren't running out of people. We will soon be reproducing beyond our ability to support. Over 350,000 people are born every day. About 150,000 people die every day. That means we have a net increase of over 200,000 people every day - roughly the population of Dallas every week. There are over 7 billion people in the world today. In a hundred years we'll be drowning in our own poisons.

So go ahead and be like Jim Bob or the Octo-mom. You're just hastening our own destruction.

Lame baseless deflection. And yeah, people are a drain on money and resources just like your sorry ass.

Not as lame as conservatives continually bleating about the poor blobs of protoplasm they try to pass off as "babies". Not baseless at all - I presented facts. You conservatives would be first to start crying about any money spent on these people in the form of welfare or healthcare. Abortion is probably saving you big bucks.

You haven't presented jack shit in this thread.

Here's a fact- straight from the yapper of Lynn Paltrow, Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women...

LYNN PALTROW: Well, I had the privilege, earlier on in my career, there was a campaign by NARAL to collect letters from people, men and women, describing why they had had an abortion, or somebody they knew had an abortion. And I had the privilege of reading hundreds of letters.

And what was so amazing about them is that they wrote that they had abortions not because, "I had a right to choose," or "I was exercising my right to bodily-- you know, my body, my right." They were all talking about the most fundamental aspects of liberty.

You know, "I needed to finish my education." "I had a child with a disability. I wanted to be able to be home and take care of that child and my husband was going to Vietnam, my father-in-law was sick." They were talking about basic, you know, human relationships and responsibility.

So there you have it, from the words of people who have had abortions. It's not a "right to choose" privilege given to them by a split-court decision. That's how much they fucking appreciate Roe V Wade. They could give a shit.

It's about their own human relationships- not with their child- but within their own lives. And the inconvenience in their lives that a child would bring with it.

That's what it fucking boils down to. Not my words- the words of an abortion advocate and the words of those who have had abortions.

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Lame baseless deflection. And yeah, people are a drain on money and resources just like your sorry ass.

Not as lame as conservatives continually bleating about the poor blobs of protoplasm they try to pass off as "babies". Not baseless at all - I presented facts. You conservatives would be first to start crying about any money spent on these people in the form of welfare or healthcare. Abortion is probably saving you big bucks.

You haven't presented jack shit in this thread.

Here's a fact- straight from the yapper of Lynn Paltrow, Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women...

LYNN PALTROW: Well, I had the privilege, earlier on in my career, there was a campaign by NARAL to collect letters from people, men and women, describing why they had had an abortion, or somebody they knew had an abortion. And I had the privilege of reading hundreds of letters.

And what was so amazing about them is that they wrote that they had abortions not because, "I had a right to choose," or "I was exercising my right to bodily-- you know, my body, my right." They were all talking about the most fundamental aspects of liberty.

You know, "I needed to finish my education." "I had a child with a disability. I wanted to be able to be home and take care of that child and my husband was going to Vietnam, my father-in-law was sick." They were talking about basic, you know, human relationships and responsibility.

So there you have it, from the words of people who have had abortions. It's not a "right to choose" privilege given to them by a split-court decision. That's how much they fucking appreciate Roe V Wade. They could give a shit.

It's about their own human relationships- not with their child- but within their own lives. And the inconvenience in their lives that a child would bring with it.

That's what it fucking boils down to. Not my words- the words of an abortion advocate and the words of those who have had abortions.

Gee, imagine that. People deciding that having the incredible added expenses, responsibilities, and demands might choose against it. Or the many cases where medical circumstance necessitates abortion. The ability to choose is a right, not a privilege, one that most people do appreciate, except for the usual holier than thou rightwing nosybodies who picket and firebomb clinics, harass patients, and murder doctors.
There is an upside. That's 55 million fewer democrat voters. Conservatives should just keep having their babies and wait for the liberals to abort themselves into oblivion.

That's not how abortion work.

That's not how genetics work.

How dumb are you?

Oh wait, you're dumb enough to believe that people of a political ideology can abort themselves to death, as if babies from parents with other ideologies could never grow up to be their ideology.

That dumb.
By the way, I don't for one second believe that the members on this board care about aborted fetuses for anything more than political ammunition.

All the shit I've heard in regards to other areas of innocent human lives(particularly children)? Yeah... something tells me they're not into the whole caring about life thing beyond the ability to use something to spice up their political past-time.

This one goes especially big for you Koshergrl.
By the way, I don't for one second believe that the members on this board care about aborted fetuses for anything more than political ammunition.

All the shit I've heard in regards to other areas of innocent human lives(particularly children)? Yeah... something tells me they're not into the whole caring about life thing beyond the ability to use something to spice up their political past-time.

This one goes especially big for you Koshergrl.

Absolutely. It is just a wedge issue they like to bring up every couple years. Else they would have gotten rid of it back when they had the House, Senate, Presidency, and Supreme Court.
Not as lame as conservatives continually bleating about the poor blobs of protoplasm they try to pass off as "babies". Not baseless at all - I presented facts. You conservatives would be first to start crying about any money spent on these people in the form of welfare or healthcare. Abortion is probably saving you big bucks.

You haven't presented jack shit in this thread.

Here's a fact- straight from the yapper of Lynn Paltrow, Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women...

LYNN PALTROW: Well, I had the privilege, earlier on in my career, there was a campaign by NARAL to collect letters from people, men and women, describing why they had had an abortion, or somebody they knew had an abortion. And I had the privilege of reading hundreds of letters.

And what was so amazing about them is that they wrote that they had abortions not because, "I had a right to choose," or "I was exercising my right to bodily-- you know, my body, my right." They were all talking about the most fundamental aspects of liberty.

You know, "I needed to finish my education." "I had a child with a disability. I wanted to be able to be home and take care of that child and my husband was going to Vietnam, my father-in-law was sick." They were talking about basic, you know, human relationships and responsibility.

So there you have it, from the words of people who have had abortions. It's not a "right to choose" privilege given to them by a split-court decision. That's how much they fucking appreciate Roe V Wade. They could give a shit.

It's about their own human relationships- not with their child- but within their own lives. And the inconvenience in their lives that a child would bring with it.

That's what it fucking boils down to. Not my words- the words of an abortion advocate and the words of those who have had abortions.

Gee, imagine that. People deciding that having the incredible added expenses, responsibilities, and demands might choose against it. Or the many cases where medical circumstance necessitates abortion. The ability to choose is a right, not a privilege, one that most people do appreciate, except for the usual holier than thou rightwing nosybodies who picket and firebomb clinics, harass patients, and murder doctors.

You are fucking delusional. Putting a price on progeny.

The "right" to choose was granted by the split court decision as I stated.
And, as I stated, that so-granted "right" is not the deciding factor in having an abortion (quoting Paltrow). It boils down to a matter of inconvenience. If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture then go right ahead.

I do happen to think that pregnancy is not a "crisis" but a miracle and a blessing. I have faced the ugly truth of abortion on more than one occasion. Each time it was not an issue of the "right" to choose, but the issue of convenience.

Now let me hear you say that if this is something I embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. Then I will consider you an equal on the issue.
You haven't presented jack shit in this thread.

Here's a fact- straight from the yapper of Lynn Paltrow, Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women...

LYNN PALTROW: Well, I had the privilege, earlier on in my career, there was a campaign by NARAL to collect letters from people, men and women, describing why they had had an abortion, or somebody they knew had an abortion. And I had the privilege of reading hundreds of letters.

And what was so amazing about them is that they wrote that they had abortions not because, "I had a right to choose," or "I was exercising my right to bodily-- you know, my body, my right." They were all talking about the most fundamental aspects of liberty.

You know, "I needed to finish my education." "I had a child with a disability. I wanted to be able to be home and take care of that child and my husband was going to Vietnam, my father-in-law was sick." They were talking about basic, you know, human relationships and responsibility.

So there you have it, from the words of people who have had abortions. It's not a "right to choose" privilege given to them by a split-court decision. That's how much they fucking appreciate Roe V Wade. They could give a shit.

It's about their own human relationships- not with their child- but within their own lives. And the inconvenience in their lives that a child would bring with it.

That's what it fucking boils down to. Not my words- the words of an abortion advocate and the words of those who have had abortions.

Gee, imagine that. People deciding that having the incredible added expenses, responsibilities, and demands might choose against it. Or the many cases where medical circumstance necessitates abortion. The ability to choose is a right, not a privilege, one that most people do appreciate, except for the usual holier than thou rightwing nosybodies who picket and firebomb clinics, harass patients, and murder doctors.

You are fucking delusional. Putting a price on progeny.

The "right" to choose was granted by the split court decision as I stated.
And, as I stated, that so-granted "right" is not the deciding factor in having an abortion (quoting Paltrow). It boils down to a matter of inconvenience. If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture then go right ahead.

I do happen to think that pregnancy is not a "crisis" but a miracle and a blessing. I have faced the ugly truth of abortion on more than one occasion. Each time it was not an issue of the "right" to choose, but the issue of convenience.

Now let me hear you say that if this is something I embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. Then I will consider you an equal on the issue.

If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. I've been there. I chose against abortion and I'm glad. Other folks may decide otherwise. I promise I won't picket outside your house. I promise not to firebomb your doctor's office. Hope you can do the same.
Gee, imagine that. People deciding that having the incredible added expenses, responsibilities, and demands might choose against it. Or the many cases where medical circumstance necessitates abortion. The ability to choose is a right, not a privilege, one that most people do appreciate, except for the usual holier than thou rightwing nosybodies who picket and firebomb clinics, harass patients, and murder doctors.

You are fucking delusional. Putting a price on progeny.

The "right" to choose was granted by the split court decision as I stated.
And, as I stated, that so-granted "right" is not the deciding factor in having an abortion (quoting Paltrow). It boils down to a matter of inconvenience. If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture then go right ahead.

I do happen to think that pregnancy is not a "crisis" but a miracle and a blessing. I have faced the ugly truth of abortion on more than one occasion. Each time it was not an issue of the "right" to choose, but the issue of convenience.

Now let me hear you say that if this is something I embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. Then I will consider you an equal on the issue.

If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. I've been there. I chose against abortion and I'm glad. Other folks may decide otherwise. I promise I won't picket outside your house. I promise not to firebomb your doctor's office. Hope you can do the same.

I promise I won't shove my boot up your fucking ass. Fair enough.
You are fucking delusional. Putting a price on progeny.

The "right" to choose was granted by the split court decision as I stated.
And, as I stated, that so-granted "right" is not the deciding factor in having an abortion (quoting Paltrow). It boils down to a matter of inconvenience. If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture then go right ahead.

I do happen to think that pregnancy is not a "crisis" but a miracle and a blessing. I have faced the ugly truth of abortion on more than one occasion. Each time it was not an issue of the "right" to choose, but the issue of convenience.

Now let me hear you say that if this is something I embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. Then I will consider you an equal on the issue.

If this is something you embrace and choose to nurture, then go right ahead. I've been there. I chose against abortion and I'm glad. Other folks may decide otherwise. I promise I won't picket outside your house. I promise not to firebomb your doctor's office. Hope you can do the same.

I promise I won't shove my boot up your fucking ass. Fair enough.

Ooh, an internet tough guy. yawn.

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