55% rating for hiLIARy Clinton remains "rock solid'

Bernie butt hurt is an ugly thing to watch.
deflecting from the OP is worse hon :thup:

your candidate is reviled by people young and old to the tune of a consistent 55% UNFAVORABILITY rating
"Bernie Butthurt"


FTR had socialist Bernie won, I would have absolutely voted for Johnson.

Unlike us Canadians/Brits, most Americans wouldn't know socialism if socialism bit you on the ass.

Bernie sounds like a real socialist.
Bernie is a real socialist, as in Socialist, since he never was a Democrat.

Anyone think Bernie will end up endorsing Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, possibly even being Stein's VP candidate...??
Bernie is a real socialist, as in Socialist, since he never was a Democrat.

Anyone think Bernie will end up endorsing Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, possibly even being Stein's VP candidate...??
ummm..... that has anything to do w/ my thread how exactly?

OP, stay on it
Bernie is a real socialist, as in Socialist, since he never was a Democrat.

Anyone think Bernie will end up endorsing Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate, possibly even being Stein's VP candidate...??

No, he won't.

He will endorse Hillary.

And Dot will vote for her.

Everybody knows it.

AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check


Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.


You're celebrating a 5.8% lead. Polls are meaningless.

Look Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the first woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Primarily 17% of the population, Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

Add to that, that 73% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. In fact, half of Republican women won't be voting for him, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton, just to keep Trump out of the Oval Office.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

So I imagine election night is going to look something similar to what happened in 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Just move the states around to suit yourself. Donald Trump is going to get slaughtered, and he will take the Republican Senate with him. I imagine Republicans will lose a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.


NEWSFLASH!!! She's NOT the "first woman Presidential candidate in history" you cumb dunt :banghead: Do some research instead of slurping- up what MSNBC dishes-out to you

She IS, however, the 1st Presidential candidate in THIS category :laugh:


That's what I said dumb ass, unless "first woman Presidential nominee", means something different to you? While they're on this FBI investigation they should probably start one on Colin Powell and Condi Rice as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
WHICH has gotten us to where we are today having a liar as a Dem candidate

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