55% rating for hiLIARy Clinton remains "rock solid'

Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.

why you broads keep deflecting to Trump's numbers? This thread is about hiLIARy's unprecedented, on the Dem side, abysmal ratings.

Has Bernie knocked you up yet?

Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.

why you broads keep deflecting to Trump's numbers? This thread is about hiLIARy's unprecedented, on the Dem side, abysmal ratings.

Has Bernie knocked you up yet?
Can you kiss any more ass...

You lowlife piece of shit - Trump's disapproval rating is 70%. I see you're still suffering from Bernie butt hurt.
deflecting is not a debating tactic injun

Why you Dem Plantation- types run interference for her defies logic. NEWSFLASH!!! She sold-out to Wall St/sold the middle-class down the river

Wall Street is MAIN Streets money dumb ass. You're not going to separate one from the other. Your nursing home candidate didn't even know that the Federal Government has no authority to break up those big Wall Street bankers.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break Up Big Banks, Among Other Things | VICE News

Classic thread... Best ever. The GOP is soooooooooooo very fucked; they know it too.

Watching it sink in is fucking wonderful.

Did I mention I'd be going on a cruise in October?
Classic thread... Best ever. The GOP is soooooooooooo very fucked; they know it too.

Watching it sink in is fucking wonderful.

Did I mention I'd be going on a cruise in October?

Donald Trump is the accidental nominee. There are millions of Republicans that are asking themselves--"What have I done." It's unfortunate they didn't realize who Donald Trump was, but they should have. They had months to investigate, they heard all the warnings, they heard it all and still cast a vote for him. A comedy of errors created this disaster called Donald Trump.

1. 17 GOP candidates running against one woman was a little over the top.

2. The RNC using polling data to create 2 debate stages, and against the advice of the pollsters themselves. Donald Trump with 100% name recognition, kept him front and center throughout the debates giving the impression, he was the imminent nominee, so the not so politically smart Republicans voted for him.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

Trump was just the benefactor of too many GOP candidates in this race. Votes & donation pools were being split everywhere. Scott Walker & Rick Perry saw it when they dropped out of the race immediately, and warned all other candidates, that if they didn't drop out Donald Trump would be the nominee. They were right.

3. Add to this right wing talk radio and those on FOX News that kept promoting this chimpanzee, with unprecedented news coverage, and not informing their audiences of who Donald Trump really was. Whom are also responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions. Continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment, "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"--basically eating their own. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. And this nominee, Donald Trump is going to go down hard.

Hillary Clinton is going to wipe the plate clean on election night. After this disaster it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see that the Republican party adds in Super Delegates of their own to their primary process. In their efforts to get a non establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country



Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.


You're celebrating a 5.8% lead. Polls are meaningless.

Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.


You're celebrating a 5.8% lead. Polls are meaningless.

Look Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the first woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Primarily 17% of the population, Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

Add to that, that 73% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. In fact, half of Republican women won't be voting for him, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton, just to keep Trump out of the Oval Office.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

So I imagine election night is going to look something similar to what happened in 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Just move the states around to suit yourself. Donald Trump is going to get slaughtered, and he will take the Republican Senate with him. I imagine Republicans will lose a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.


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Look Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the first woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

That's all she has going for her. Being a woman. How sad that she can't run on any of her "qualifications".
Classic thread... Best ever. The GOP is soooooooooooo very fucked; they know it too.

Watching it sink in is fucking wonderful.

Did I mention I'd be going on a cruise in October?

Donald Trump is the accidental nominee. There are millions of Republicans that are asking themselves--"What have I done." It's unfortunate they didn't realize who Donald Trump was, but they should have. They had months to investigate, they heard all the warnings, they heard it all and still cast a vote for him. A comedy of errors created this disaster called Donald Trump.

1. 17 GOP candidates running against one woman was a little over the top.

2. The RNC using polling data to create 2 debate stages, and against the advice of the pollsters themselves. Donald Trump with 100% name recognition, kept him front and center throughout the debates giving the impression, he was the imminent nominee, so the not so politically smart Republicans voted for him.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

Trump was just the benefactor of too many GOP candidates in this race. Votes & donation pools were being split everywhere. Scott Walker & Rick Perry saw it when they dropped out of the race immediately, and warned all other candidates, that if they didn't drop out Donald Trump would be the nominee. They were right.

3. Add to this right wing talk radio and those on FOX News that kept promoting this chimpanzee, with unprecedented news coverage, and not informing their audiences of who Donald Trump really was. Whom are also responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions. Continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment, "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"--basically eating their own. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. And this nominee, Donald Trump is going to go down hard.

Hillary Clinton is going to wipe the plate clean on election night. After this disaster it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see that the Republican party adds in Super Delegates of their own to their primary process. In their efforts to get a non establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country



They would probably be hesitant to do that. Moreover you'll likely see a committee "holdback" some delegates as to where you need, just to pick a number, 3,000 delegates to win the nomination. The State primaries and caucuses can deliver, to you, 2,500 delegates. The committee can deliver 1,500 delegates. The committee would be independent of the voters and could steer the nomination to the 2n'd highest vote getter if they want.
That Hillary Clinton is leading by 10 points in the polls despite having a 55% unfavorable rating is just more proof that the Right has made one of the biggest blunders in the history of politics

by nominating Donald Trump.
How does any of that make government bigger?
obamacare makes government bigger

When 80% of government spending continues to grow, it makes the government bigger. That isn't hard to figure out.

Obamacare is primarily privately funded.

Eventually, if entitlement programs aren't reigned in, taxes or going to go up, benefits are going to get cut, or we'll go bankrupt. The conservative wing - i.e. Paul Ryan - has proposed a plan to reign these costs in. Trump has repudiated it, and said he will have no part of cutting these programs. The Democrats agree.

Trump is a leftist. He will make government bigger, bigger than Obama ever did.

Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.

why you broads keep deflecting to Trump's numbers? This thread is about hiLIARy's unprecedented, on the Dem side, abysmal ratings.
It's like that old adage ... I don't have to run faster than the bear... I just have to run faster than you.
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Classic thread... Best ever. The GOP is soooooooooooo very fucked; they know it too.

Watching it sink in is fucking wonderful.

Did I mention I'd be going on a cruise in October?
wonderful knowing that a solid 55% loathes your candidate for obvious reasons? :rofl: They wouldn't trust her to house sit their dog.

Not even close to what Donald Trump's is. He has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it


And his polling numbers have dropped off a cliff.


You're celebrating a 5.8% lead. Polls are meaningless.

Look Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the first woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Primarily 17% of the population, Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan, needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

Add to that, that 73% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. In fact, half of Republican women won't be voting for him, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton, just to keep Trump out of the Oval Office.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com

So I imagine election night is going to look something similar to what happened in 1980 between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Just move the states around to suit yourself. Donald Trump is going to get slaughtered, and he will take the Republican Senate with him. I imagine Republicans will lose a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot state races all across this country.


NEWSFLASH!!! She's NOT the "first woman Presidential candidate in history" you cumb dunt :banghead: Do some research instead of slurping- up what MSNBC dishes-out to you

She IS, however, the 1st Presidential candidate in THIS category :laugh:

That Hillary Clinton is leading by 10 points in the polls despite having a 55% unfavorable rating is just more proof that the Right has made one of the biggest blunders in the history of politics

by nominating Donald Trump.
buuuuut it doesn't address the OP of the Dems having the candidate w/ the worst unfavorables since stats have been kept. You're welcome

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