55% rating for hiLIARy Clinton remains "rock solid'

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
WHICH has gotten us to where we are today having a liar as a Dem candidate
Trump's not just a racist he's a lying POS racist. So, take you "truth quotient" and sit this one out. Maybe Gerald Ford will run in 20.
What a presidential race this is turning out to be as each major party adopts the same campaign slogan: We suck less than they suck?
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
WHICH has gotten us to where we are today having a liar as a Dem candidate
Trump's not just a racist he's a lying POS racist. So, take you "truth quotient" and sit this one out. Maybe Gerald Ford will run in 20.
And Dems promising gubmint bennies to inner city blacks/keeping them on the Dem Plantation is not?

You and easyt65 must be on the same Retard Facebook feed. They make pretty little pictures for idiots with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker to copy and paste.

Dumbass. We've had "weapons deals" with those countries for decades. Were you in a coma between birth and 2009? These countries are our ALLIES!

Here's one between the Reagan Administration and Saudi Arabia, for example: US–Saudi Arabia AWACS Sale

Here's one between President Dubya and all of those allies: U.S. Plans New Arms Sales to Gulf Allies
Most, but not all, of the arms sales to the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries -- Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman -- will be defensive, the officials said.

You dumb fuck.

Don't you dumb fucks ever get tired of parroting fake scandals? Why do you keep getting back in line for refills of your piss cups? Seriously.

"They've only lied to me 50 times, so I still trust this source of propaganda. Totally!"

You and easyt65 must be on the same Retard Facebook feed. They make pretty little pictures for idiots with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker to copy and paste.

Dumbass. We've had "weapons deals" with those countries for decades. Were you in a coma between birth and 2009? These countries are our ALLIES!

Here's one between the Reagan Administration and Saudi Arabia, for example: US–Saudi Arabia AWACS Sale

Here's one between President Dubya and all of those allies: U.S. Plans New Arms Sales to Gulf Allies
Most, but not all, of the arms sales to the six Gulf Cooperation Council countries -- Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman -- will be defensive, the officials said.

You dumb fuck.

Don't you dumb fucks ever get tired of parroting fake scandals? Why do you keep getting back in line for refills of your piss cups? Seriously.

"They've only lied to me 50 times, so I still trust this source of propaganda. Totally!"
What do you know about me or the M.E dummy? I spent time in Bahrain. You know the country that suppressed dissent at the end of Clinton's Arab Winter? Yeah, THAT Bahrain
AGAIN injun, this thread isn't about Bernie. Reading is not your strong suit. Understood

It's funny how you've never been reluctant to divert and troll other threads - but now you criticize others for doing the same thing. Actually, this thread IS about Bernie - because that's why you're pissed off and trying to trash Hillary. What goes around comes around...
NEWSFLASH!!!. hiLIARy doesn't need me to "trash" her. Her action/inaction during her *cough* career is MORE THAN sufficient to accomplish that you Plantation Dem
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check


Beats Trump? - check
God help me, but I'd rather vote for the geriatric socialist who's never worked than Trump. Hillary would be an easy choice. But maybe the anti-Christ would too.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
WHICH has gotten us to where we are today having a liar as a Dem candidate
Trump's not just a racist he's a lying POS racist. So, take you "truth quotient" and sit this one out. Maybe Gerald Ford will run in 20.
And Dems promising gubmint bennies to inner city blacks/keeping them on the Dem Plantation is not?
Hillary's as crooked as they possibly can come, but calling her racist because blacks supported her and voted for her is ..... stupid and desperately futile.

they didn't like Bernie, btw. LOL
Donald Trump said that Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald right before he shot JFK.

The Republican Party’s Coming Trumpian Disaster, by George Will, National Review

And "progressive" VigilanteOdiumDotCom is voting for him.


Read it shit stain

Your weak deflections are not only tiresome but off-topic

What's the difference between this thread and the other 400 anti-Clinton threads you've started this year?

Maybe the mods should roll all them into one.
hiLIARy represents everything this election cycle is against.

Washington- insider?- check

Sold-out her public service to Goldman?- check

Attacked the victims of her groper hubby?- check

Destroyed evidence wanted in an investigation?- check

She's against the Big Fat Racist. It may be choosing between getting a tooth drilled or continuing pain, but there is a "not as bad as the other option."
WHICH has gotten us to where we are today having a liar as a Dem candidate
Trump's not just a racist he's a lying POS racist. So, take you "truth quotient" and sit this one out. Maybe Gerald Ford will run in 20.
And Dems promising gubmint bennies to inner city blacks/keeping them on the Dem Plantation is not?
Hillary's as crooked as they possibly can come, but calling her racist because blacks supported her and voted for her is ..... stupid and desperately futile.

they didn't like Bernie, btw. LOL
No, she's patronizing them hence the "Dem Plantation" moniker
Donald Trump said that Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald right before he shot JFK.

The Republican Party’s Coming Trumpian Disaster, by George Will, National Review

And "progressive" VigilanteOdiumDotCom is voting for him.


Read it shit stain

Your weak deflections are not only tiresome but off-topic

What's the difference between this thread and the other 400 anti-Clinton threads you've started this year?

Maybe the mods should roll all them into one.
Why don't you whine to them conservative voter for hiLIARy :thup:
Are you proposing folks vote for Trump?
if Bernie is not in the race? Yes

Had enough of the Clintons in the 90's when they had their chanc BTW. Not ready for a First Groper (Bill) either especially after all these recent sexual assault stories going round

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Can't say I understand your logic since the policies of Bernie are far closer to those of Hillary than Trump. Trump stands for everything Bernie is against. Even worse, the next president is going to appoint the replacement to Scalia's S.C. seat. Bernie would appoint a Liberal. Hillary will appoint a Liberal. Trump would appoint a conservative. And the next president will likely fill at least one more S.C. justice. I can certainly see why some on the left do not want to vote for Hillary, but I cannot fathom how they could advocate voting for Trump. :confused:
Are you proposing folks vote for Trump?
if Bernie is not in the race? Yes

Had enough of the Clintons in the 90's when they had their chanc BTW. Not ready for a First Groper (Bill) either especially after all these recent sexual assault stories going round

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Can't say I understand your logic since the policies of Bernie are far closer to those of Hillary than Trump. Trump stands for everything Bernie is against. Even worse, the next president is going to appoint the replacement to Scalia's S.C. seat. Bernie would appoint a Liberal. Hillary will appoint a Liberal. Trump would appoint a conservative. And the next president will likely fill at least one more S.C. justice. I can certainly see why some on the left do not want to vote for Hillary, but I cannot fathom how they could advocate voting for Trump. :confused:
you got that backwards, hiLIARy's policies are closely mimicking Bernie's
Are you proposing folks vote for Trump?
if Bernie is not in the race? Yes

Had enough of the Clintons in the 90's when they had their chanc BTW. Not ready for a First Groper (Bill) either especially after all these recent sexual assault stories going round

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Can't say I understand your logic since the policies of Bernie are far closer to those of Hillary than Trump. Trump stands for everything Bernie is against. Even worse, the next president is going to appoint the replacement to Scalia's S.C. seat. Bernie would appoint a Liberal. Hillary will appoint a Liberal. Trump would appoint a conservative. And the next president will likely fill at least one more S.C. justice. I can certainly see why some on the left do not want to vote for Hillary, but I cannot fathom how they could advocate voting for Trump. :confused:
you got that backwards, hiLIARy's policies are closely mimicking Bernie's
...as opposed to Trump's, which are the polar opposite of Bernie's.
Are you proposing folks vote for Trump?
if Bernie is not in the race? Yes

Had enough of the Clintons in the 90's when they had their chanc BTW. Not ready for a First Groper (Bill) either especially after all these recent sexual assault stories going round

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
Can't say I understand your logic since the policies of Bernie are far closer to those of Hillary than Trump. Trump stands for everything Bernie is against. Even worse, the next president is going to appoint the replacement to Scalia's S.C. seat. Bernie would appoint a Liberal. Hillary will appoint a Liberal. Trump would appoint a conservative. And the next president will likely fill at least one more S.C. justice. I can certainly see why some on the left do not want to vote for Hillary, but I cannot fathom how they could advocate voting for Trump. :confused:
you got that backwards, hiLIARy's policies are closely mimicking Bernie's
...as opposed to Trump's, which are the polar opposite of Bernie's.
name them? Not sll sre conservative policies.

Remember hiLIARy voted for every trade deal placed before her resulting in the killing of the middle-class

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