56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Now you see what party has the real war on women. You think they would wake up someday


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News
and Hillary is concerned over womans rights/wages? how about getting them a job? and all of this crap about equal wages, well maybe its because men seem to have skills that can get them jobs. like construction and other hard labor related work.
when Hillary speaks to her massive crowds of unemployed women, does she inform them that its because of Democrat economic polices passed by Obama that they can't find jobs and wind up on Match.com?
I kind of think this is a good thing as long as 80% of them married and a stay at home mom

But I know reality, most our single mothers living off of tax payers like me

More good news for that Obama who was sent from the heavens above to save us all

Working Class Gives Up On Obama, Fears Job Losses
Mon, Mar 09 2015 00:00:00 E 00_WEB
08:02 AM ET

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In what could be a significant opening for the Republican Party, working-class Americans have largely abandoned President Obama and rejected his economic policies as they continue to suffer from the historically weak economic recovery, a new analysis of IBD/TIPP Poll data finds.

By wide margins, this group is more likely to say the country is headed in the wrong direction, the economy is getting worse, and they fear losing their jobs than any other income class.

Just 36% approve of the job Obama is doing as president, compared with 43% overall, and vast majorities say his policies haven't helped the middle class.

Over the past two months, IBD has asked people to identify themselves as either upper class, upper-middle class, middle class, working class, or lower class.

The average income for self-described working class families was just over $50,700 a year — which is close to the national median household income. Those calling themselves middle class had an average income of $70,800, and the average for upper-middle class was close to $100,000.

High Economic Anxiety

For several years, Obama said his policies would produce "bottom up prosperity," and in his State of the Union address in January, he claimed they were "helping working families feel more secure in a world of constant change."

The IBD/TIPP Poll shows the opposite. Working-class families are overwhelmingly discouraged with the economy and anxious about their prospects, more so than the country at large and far more than upper-middle class families, who are generally happy with the way things are going.

For example, nearly two thirds of the working class (64%) say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Nearly as many (60%) say they're not satisfied with federal economic policies. And 53% say the economy is not improving.

ALL of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/politics/031015-742556-working-class-downbeat-on-economy-blame-obama-policies.htm#ixzz3Tz6ZWxXQ
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Working Class Gives Up On Obama Fears Big Job Losses IBD TIPP Poll - Investors.com
Now you see what party has the real war on women. You think they would wake up someday


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News

Was under the impression conservatives wanted women to stay at home?
As long as Stephanie is not in the labor force, I am happy

Thanks President Obama
A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Damn, maybe they could have included 14yo to get the number WAY up there.

I know it is awful that all those high school age young women don't work.. I mean every Republican knows education means jack shit and those MW jobs are the careers of the future.
All those grandmas, high-school juniors, and, stay-at-home moms need to stop being so lazy and get a job.
For example, nearly two thirds of the working class (64%) say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Nearly as many (60%) say they're not satisfied with federal economic policies. And 53% say the economy is not improving.

Since when did the fucking Republicans give a rats ass about he middle and lower class of workers.

Hey you repub assholes, the ultra wealthy that you worship is doing fine. Don't you worry about the middle and the lower classes of workers. You all just want to use us for propaganda.
For example, nearly two thirds of the working class (64%) say the country is headed in the wrong direction. Nearly as many (60%) say they're not satisfied with federal economic policies. And 53% say the economy is not improving.

Since when did the fucking Republicans give a rats ass about he middle and lower class of workers.

Hey you repub assholes, the ultra wealthy that you worship is doing fine. Don't you worry about the middle and the lower classes of workers. You all just want to use us for propaganda.
Can't you see the jobs bills passed by Congress lately?
I had a daughter along with 3 sons, their job until they graduated was to make high grades in school..I took care of the rest....Kids have many, many years of being a wage slave before them, there is no reason the start working at a job early in life...
Just another economic stat showing the anemic state of our economy. Sure some women are too young and some stay home to care for kids and household, that has always been the case....but this is a RECORD number not working. RECORD...get it?

Those on the left are so partisan, they can't accept any criticism of their Messiah. If an R were in the WH, they would be vomiting on their keyboards with rage.
Just another economic stat showing the anemic state of our economy. Sure some women are too young and some stay home to care for kids and household, that has always been the case....but this is a RECORD number not working. RECORD...get it?

Those on the left are so partisan, they can't accept any criticism of their Messiah. If an R were in the WH, they would be vomiting on their keyboards with rage.
Of course it's a record, since there are more people living today as compared to ten years ago...
Maybe they're at home where they belong: cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the old man.

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