56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force

The good news:

1) Gas prices are about a dollar a gallon lower than they were a few months ago.

2) In 2014, the unemployment rate went down IN ALL 50 STATES.

3) In 2014, the number of medically uninsured went down in 49 STATES. All but Kansas.

4) In the past 12 months, U-1 through U-6 went down across the board.

5) The 14 year long plunge in the Labor Force Participation rate has been halted for the past 11 months.

Gas prices down. Unemployment down. Uninsured down. The retards trying to piss on this parade of good news all have Down Syndrome.
Now you see what party has the real war on women. You think they would wake up someday


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News
Huh....why didn't that mention that February had the second highest number of women who are employed? And that January was the highest.
So where's the data showing whether these women want to be in the workforce but can't find jobs or whether the improving economy is allowing them to stay home and raise their children?
Hyper-partisan hacks will assume whichever supports their own bias and demand otherso makethe same assumptions.
Pretty stupid
Yeah, and where's the data that shows these women don't prefer living off of government handouts anyway?
There are plenty of possibilities. This one piece of raw data tells us very little about what is really happening.
Now you see what party has the real war on women. You think they would wake up someday


56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force
March 6, 2015 - 11:07 AM
By Ali Meyer

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.

Not only was that a record high, but it's also the first time the number has exceeded 56 million, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

To be counted as ‘not in the labor force,’ according to the BLS, one must not have a job or have looked for one in the past four weeks. In January 2015, there were 55,756,000 women not in the labor force, which means that 267,000 women dropped out of the labor force since then.

The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of those who are participating in the labor force by either having a job or looking for one in the past four weeks, declined in February.

According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. In the last year, since February 2014, the labor force participation rate for women has fluctuated within a range of 56.6 percent to 57.2 percent, and February’s percentage of 56.7 falls on the low end of that scale.

ALL of it here:
56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force CNS News
Fucking lazy stay at home soccer moms.
56,023,000: Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force

even minorities did better under Bush
Dont forget 700,000 jobs a month were leaving the country in Bush's last year. Many people lost their good jobs and had to take lower paying jobs.

And isnt your rw advice for them to go back to school or start a business? Remember before you said don't blame bush? Now you want to blame Obama? Seems hypocritical.

Damn, girl, look what you started !!!

Damn, girl, look what you started !!!
Yea now both husband and wife both have to work 40 hours to maintain the same lifestyle they did before with one income. The corporations never lose. Who won the sexual revolution? They did.

Damn, girl, look what you started !!!
Yea now both husband and wife both have to work 40 hours to maintain the same lifestyle they did before with one income. The corporations never lose. Who won the sexual revolution? They did.
You Liberal types are never satisfied with the comments that a non-Liberal makes, are you?

Even when they're intended purely to celebrate the advent and integration of women into the workforce.

Everything is a goddamned segue for the next round of bitching and pissing and moaning, isn't it?

Would you rather we (society) "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant"?

Enough, already.

Women are to be congratulated for the gigantic strides that they've made on the political and economic fronts in the past century or so, and the WWII era, which featured vast numbers of women on the production lines, was truly the signal moment... the watershed in history... that enabled all who came into the workforce afterwards.

It is a cause for celebration, despite any short-term and minor fluctuations in percentages currently in the workforce, and that particular post was a modest, limited-audience salute to the Better Half of the Greatest Generation.

Let a celebratory comment be what it is... a celebratory comment, eh?

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