560 Mass Shootings in 2023

I don't run anything. I'm a regular citizen.

I didn't say you did. You're clearly not smart enough to run anything. I said people LIKE you (anti-civil rights DemoKKKrats) run the most violent, corrupt, dirtiest places in America. And you vote for them.
Are you always in the habit of punishing the innocent for the actions of the guilty? Or is it just some hormonal thing?

It can't be because you are mad at all the killings. These people who died mean nothing to you. If you had been told that they died in a water skiing accident, would you then want to ban water skis?

But let's use your number of 560 mass shootings.

That means that 560 people this year -- so far -- have picked up a gun and used it to kill.

Do you know what that means?

That means that there were 339.1 million people who did NOT pick up a gun and kill anyone.

Think about that. Take all the time you need.
ALL human beings mean something to me. And they should to you, also. Even one person who dies in a mass shooting is too many.
ALL human beings mean something to me. And they should to you, also. Even one person who dies in a mass shooting is too many.
So, how about automobiles? Factories? Dangerous yoga classes?

If just one persons dies from those, it is one too many?

BTW, you didn't answer, did you? Would you want to ban skis for those who died skiing?
ALL human beings mean something to me. And they should to you, also. Even one person who dies in a mass shooting is too many.

Thousands (mostly black and brown) die every year in the shithole cities run by people like you, and you've never mentioned any of them. Why?
You're a white, self-important, entitled, non-working, liberal woman who doesn't care if the protected left turned red two car lengths before you entered the intersection.

Wrong on a few counts. I'm not White, self-important, or liberal. I am non-working now after 37 years, and I am a woman.
What is your description?
Thousands (mostly black and brown) die every year in the shithole cities run by people like you, and you've never mentioned any of them. Why?
I am mentioning ALL the people every where who die by gun violence. Why are you trying to make it political? Or are you trying to make it racial?
The NRA has far too much power. Politicians should not be allowed to receive donations from the NRA.
That says it all. Who is you?

I am mentioning ALL the people every where who die by gun violence. Why are you trying to make it political? Or are you trying to make it racial?

Neither political nor racial. Simply a fact. The most violent, corrupt, dirtiest places in America are run by people just like you (anti-civil rights DemoKKKrats). You vote for them, so you're part of the problem.

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