57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
I think the mayor made a "politically correct" call on this one, and it was the wrong call. This well known activist in the community, regardless of his age, got in the cop's face while the cop was marching to clear the street. The other cop gave him a push out of the way. He didn't pepper spray him or taze him or smack him with his baton. I'm sorry the guy cracked his head on the sidewalk, but that happens sometimes when people fall. The cop directly behind them called an ambulance. Yes, it would have been a nice thing to do if one of them had stopped to see what he could do for the old guy 'til the medics arrived, but do the cops do that? I don't know. This wasn't patrolling the midway at the County Fair. They were apparently clearing a protest that had gotten out of hand.

It's the mayor who made the bad call because he has been meeting with protesters (a good thing) and trying to calm things down. Then an old guy gets hurt in the fray and it sounds good to call it police brutality. It's guff. The guy fell down and hurt his head. It's unfortunate but it wasn't intentional nor was it "undue" force. I don't blame the team for resigning. When you've doing your job and the boss undermines you, it's not worth risking your life for anymore.

If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise.

"If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise."

What you obviously haven't seen in a while is your humanity. Be advised, you better go find it.

Police are there to serve and protect. Is there something overly complicated about "serve and protect"? They are entitled to using force insofar, and to the degree necessary, as required to protect goods higher than those they damage. Shoving the old fart within an inch of his life was disproportionate, brutal, and a textbook example of what is wrong with U.S. police. What is more, the unit then lied about the incident, which is even more of a telltale sign for what is wrong with policing. The two ghouls should be fired immediately, as should be those who lied about it, and they should be personally liable for all the costs emerging from their brutality. The unit that is refusing to do their assigned job should be given another chance resuming it, and otherwise also be dealt with like someone unwilling to do the job requested from him.

If you don't understand that (sadly, care4all also doesn't seem to care for all), there really is no way to help, unless, of course, you retrieve your misplaced humanity. You, and folks like you, who stand behind the police even when they are clearly in the wrong, are the support that enables the ghouls. They then sit on juries and fail to convict police murderers for reasons defying any and all efforts at understanding. That's bad enough. They are one of the main reasons why Floyd ended up dead, and for the outrage and the riots playing out on the streets right now. The outright Nazis on this thread, eager to have a police state, aren't even worth a mention.

I hate, really, hate smartphones. In many a way they are a symptom of what is wrong with this Me! Me! Me! Western world. There is just one redeeming quality about them: They serve to document police brutality, and police murders, in particular. From Scott, to Arbery, to Floyd to the old guy, and all too many before and since, police have a harder time to get away with their lies. That's undeniably, undoubtedly, unambiguously a good thing. All that's missing right now is folks finding their misplaced humanity and mete out punishment commensurate to the brutality meted out to perfectly non-threatening victims.
I think the mayor made a "politically correct" call on this one, and it was the wrong call. This well known activist in the community, regardless of his age, got in the cop's face while the cop was marching to clear the street. The other cop gave him a push out of the way. He didn't pepper spray him or taze him or smack him with his baton. I'm sorry the guy cracked his head on the sidewalk, but that happens sometimes when people fall. The cop directly behind them called an ambulance. Yes, it would have been a nice thing to do if one of them had stopped to see what he could do for the old guy 'til the medics arrived, but do the cops do that? I don't know. This wasn't patrolling the midway at the County Fair. They were apparently clearing a protest that had gotten out of hand.

It's the mayor who made the bad call because he has been meeting with protesters (a good thing) and trying to calm things down. Then an old guy gets hurt in the fray and it sounds good to call it police brutality. It's guff. The guy fell down and hurt his head. It's unfortunate but it wasn't intentional nor was it "undue" force. I don't blame the team for resigning. When you've doing your job and the boss undermines you, it's not worth risking your life for anymore.

If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise.

"If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise."

What you obviously haven't seen in a while is your humanity. Be advised, you better go find it.

Police are there to serve and protect. Is there something overly complicated about "serve and protect"? They are entitled to using force insofar, and to the degree necessary, as required to protect goods higher than those they damage. Shoving the old fart within an inch of his life was disproportionate, brutal, and a textbook example of what is wrong with U.S. police. What is more, the unit then lied about the incident, which is even more of a telltale sign for what is wrong with policing. The two ghouls should be fired immediately, as should be those who lied about it, and they should be personally liable for all the costs emerging from their brutality. The unit that is refusing to do their assigned job should be given another chance resuming it, and otherwise also be dealt with like someone unwilling to do the job requested from him.

If you don't understand that (sadly, care4all also doesn't seem to care for all), there really is no way to help, unless, of course, you retrieve your misplaced humanity. You, and folks like you, who stand behind the police even when they are clearly in the wrong, are the support that enables the ghouls. They then sit on juries and fail to convict police murderers for reasons defying any and all efforts at understanding. That's bad enough. They are one of the main reasons why Floyd ended up dead, and for the outrage and the riots playing out on the streets right now. The outright Nazis on this thread, eager to have a police state, aren't even worth a mention.

I hate, really, hate smartphones. In many a way they are a symptom of what is wrong with this Me! Me! Me! Western world. There is just one redeeming quality about them: They serve to document police brutality, and police murders, in particular. From Scott, to Arbery, to Floyd to the old guy, and all too many before and since, police have a harder time to get away with their lies. That's undeniably, undoubtedly, unambiguously a good thing. All that's missing right now is folks finding their misplaced humanity and mete out punishment commensurate to the brutality meted out to perfectly non-threatening victims.
I'm touched that you care for my lost humanity. That must be why I've spent the last week arguing the BLM cause and the reason they're protesting--because I just have no compassion. I'd like to remind you, though, that cops are human too and they've got a tough job at any time. During riot detail, it's even harder. I don't know what they were doing except the news said they were "clearing the street." There must have been a reason for that. Could they have just walked around the guy? Would he have let them? What was he saying and how provoked was he? What did they say to him? We don't know. How would you propose they should have gotten the guy out of the way? Stopped for him until he decided to move?

You're laying it on WAY too thick here.
BLM is a fake racist movement. More whites get killed by law enforcement. It's an excuse to wield political power. The Black Caucus should also be disbanded it's RACIST!!!
That was a small push and the guy tripped .............the pavement caused the damage...........

Was not an intentional take down........incidental only.

We had a guy in the engine room who knocked knocked cold.......hit a steal deck with the back of his head falling down.......and didn't know his own name for hours..........was an asshole though............got what he deserved on that one..........not related to this old guy in the Op

Small push to a 75 year-old... and even if you want to die on the hill of that argument, they are REQUIRED to provide first aid to a citizen in medical distress.
The other police officer pointed to the one stopping at first and called it in on the radio for medical attention...........You guys HYPE EVERYTHING.

Calling it in is NOT providing 1st aid... the guy was pooling blood coming out of his ears. Jesus. If that was your grandfather or father you sure as fuck wouldn't be so simple. No one stopped to check his pulse or to see if he was still breathing. The one officer that started to was immediately pulled away and did not try to contest.
I don't live in fantasy Island where the police can shit emt's immediately, and aid comes from lightning bolts from their asses................I see no intent of doing harm here.........Aid was rendered........medical personnel were called.

And yet here you are hyping the dang thing.........My parents or grandparents, god rest their souls, wouldn't have been trying to impede the police from stopping riots........So your comparison is BS

I'm going to cue you in on a very poorly kept secret... Police officers are given 1st aid training, and in a lot of states if a person is trained in 1st aid and there is a medical emergency, they are legally obligated to provide it. Calling an EMT over the radio is NOT providing 1st aid, it is merely a step in doing so. You might want to educate yourself a bit before responding so you don't make yourself look foolish.

If you watch the video, an EMT was already there within seconds of the call being made. Conscience disregard of the facts is a libtard tactic. Are you sure you want to go there?

"Libtard," you lost any discussion with that ad hominem attack out of the gate.
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
He has a right to address law enforcement doing their job, just like you or I.

He strolled up to the cops and made no threatening gestures.
He was there alone
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
He has a right to address law enforcement doing their job, just like you or I.

He strolled up to the cops and made no threatening gestures.
He was there alone

He would have been treated differently on here had he been carrying an AR. Funny how your rights are only lawful and protected as long as you protest for a cause they agree with.
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
He has a right to address law enforcement doing their job, just like you or I.

He strolled up to the cops and made no threatening gestures.
He was there alone
He reached out and pointed to the officer's utility belt that may have contained a weapon. He's either insanely stupid or some kind of older guy hat thinks he's some kinda James Bond.
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
He has a right to address law enforcement doing their job, just like you or I.

He strolled up to the cops and made no threatening gestures.
He was there alone
He reached out and pointed to the officer's utility belt that may have contained a weapon. He's either insanely stupid or some kind of older guy hat thinks he's some kinda James Bond.

Well bash his fucking head in
I think the mayor made a "politically correct" call on this one, and it was the wrong call. This well known activist in the community, regardless of his age, got in the cop's face while the cop was marching to clear the street. The other cop gave him a push out of the way. He didn't pepper spray him or taze him or smack him with his baton. I'm sorry the guy cracked his head on the sidewalk, but that happens sometimes when people fall. The cop directly behind them called an ambulance. Yes, it would have been a nice thing to do if one of them had stopped to see what he could do for the old guy 'til the medics arrived, but do the cops do that? I don't know. This wasn't patrolling the midway at the County Fair. They were apparently clearing a protest that had gotten out of hand.

It's the mayor who made the bad call because he has been meeting with protesters (a good thing) and trying to calm things down. Then an old guy gets hurt in the fray and it sounds good to call it police brutality. It's guff. The guy fell down and hurt his head. It's unfortunate but it wasn't intentional nor was it "undue" force. I don't blame the team for resigning. When you've doing your job and the boss undermines you, it's not worth risking your life for anymore.

If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise.

"If there's something I haven't seen that I should know, please advise."

What you obviously haven't seen in a while is your humanity. Be advised, you better go find it.

Police are there to serve and protect. Is there something overly complicated about "serve and protect"? They are entitled to using force insofar, and to the degree necessary, as required to protect goods higher than those they damage. Shoving the old fart within an inch of his life was disproportionate, brutal, and a textbook example of what is wrong with U.S. police. What is more, the unit then lied about the incident, which is even more of a telltale sign for what is wrong with policing. The two ghouls should be fired immediately, as should be those who lied about it, and they should be personally liable for all the costs emerging from their brutality. The unit that is refusing to do their assigned job should be given another chance resuming it, and otherwise also be dealt with like someone unwilling to do the job requested from him.

If you don't understand that (sadly, care4all also doesn't seem to care for all), there really is no way to help, unless, of course, you retrieve your misplaced humanity. You, and folks like you, who stand behind the police even when they are clearly in the wrong, are the support that enables the ghouls. They then sit on juries and fail to convict police murderers for reasons defying any and all efforts at understanding. That's bad enough. They are one of the main reasons why Floyd ended up dead, and for the outrage and the riots playing out on the streets right now. The outright Nazis on this thread, eager to have a police state, aren't even worth a mention.

I hate, really, hate smartphones. In many a way they are a symptom of what is wrong with this Me! Me! Me! Western world. There is just one redeeming quality about them: They serve to document police brutality, and police murders, in particular. From Scott, to Arbery, to Floyd to the old guy, and all too many before and since, police have a harder time to get away with their lies. That's undeniably, undoubtedly, unambiguously a good thing. All that's missing right now is folks finding their misplaced humanity and mete out punishment commensurate to the brutality meted out to perfectly non-threatening victims.
Brought to you by a poster from the nose bleed section of the stadium.

My point stands and Old lady made a very good post.
They are wrong

The two cops were out of line
It was one cop and I'm sure he didn't think the guy would trip on that concrete ball...the other cop got on his phone and called an ambulance...and then the cops had to attend to the rioters rushing towards them....at least that's what I saw on the video...

They walked right past him without bothering to see if he was hurt.
He was shoved and fell backwards
There were protesters rushing into the area...they had to confront them.....
No threat from a 70 year old
So, all 70 year olds can't be threatening? How stupid are you?

75 year old, all by himself, walking up to four burly cops in their 20s.

I can see why they were in fear
This is why you don't want to attend riots......look at it as an informational video...a public service video on how not to get injured....
I saw the video.
I saw a protest and not a riot. I saw an old man walking up to cops all by himself and speaking to them.

I saw cops shove him to the sidewalk and walk right past him as his head gushed blood on the sidewalk.
I saw the old man advancing toward law enforcement when he was supposed to be going the other way. He also was holding something up in front of him and using it to point to the officer's weapon. Even old men can carry weapons you know. Here's a bit of advice...When you see a line of officers advancing toward you don't confront them in any way. They have no idea who you are and what you are carrying. IOW don't be a stupid fucking fool. And DON'T walk the streets during a riot!!!
He has a right to address law enforcement doing their job, just like you or I.

He strolled up to the cops and made no threatening gestures.
He was there alone

He would have been treated differently on here had he been carrying an AR. Funny how your rights are only lawful and protected as long as you protest for a cause they agree with.
That is true. But saying it's a "right" to walk up to a cop on riot control and interfere with him doing his job is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as owning and brandishing AR's.
He did trip on his own. Watch the video and see where he was pushed and how many steps he took backwards before falling.
The shoving resulted in him falling and hitting his head.

You fucking pathetic bootlicker
He was in the way of police doing their job. Like I said in the beginning. They need to shoot these trouble makers and it would already be over. How many innocent people are going to die before you wake up? Floyd was a meth head, the world is a better place without him.
Kill yourself, trash
He did trip on his own. Watch the video and see where he was pushed and how many steps he took backwards before falling.
The shoving resulted in him falling and hitting his head.

You fucking pathetic bootlicker

That shove could have knocked him into the path of a freight train, but it didn't! Dumbass! There was no way the cop could have foreseen him busting his brain cage on the sidewalk.
Then maybe he shouldn’t have shoved a 75 year old man who was merely talking with them.

Both cops should be fired. and I hope this man sues them into nothingness
He did trip on his own. Watch the video and see where he was pushed and how many steps he took backwards before falling.
The shoving resulted in him falling and hitting his head.

You fucking pathetic bootlicker
He was in the way of police doing their job. Like I said in the beginning. They need to shoot these trouble makers and it would already be over. How many innocent people are going to die before you wake up? Floyd was a meth head, the world is a better place without him.
Kill yourself, trash
That's the tolerance I'm talking about!
Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen!
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."

He was not shoved to the ground. He was shoved and stumbled over his own two feet before falling backwards, striking his head on the sidewalk.

A distinction without a difference.

If you shove someone and they trip over their own 2 feet crack their skull on the pavement and die you will be charged with manslaughter at the very least
Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen!

" Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen! "

don't say we didn't warn you, ya stinking piece of conservative shit, if YOU and the POLICE keep treating everyone else as YOUR ENEMY and the police REFUSE to stand by the OATH they took to SERVE and PROTECT ALL ALL ALL citizens then REAL Americans who PAY your fukin salaries will DEMAND t hat you DO YOUR FKN JOBS ACCORDING TO YOUR OATH AND THE CONSTITUTION!

other than that

you can go fuk yourself

cons are human garbage
Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen!

" Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen! "

don't say we didn't warn you, ya stinking piece of conservative shit, if YOU and the POLICE keep treating everyone else as YOUR ENEMY and the police REFUSE to stand by the OATH they took to SERVE and PROTECT ALL ALL ALL citizens then REAL Americans who PAY your fukin salaries will DEMAND t hat you DO YOUR FKN JOBS ACCORDING TO YOUR OATH AND THE CONSTITUTION!

other than that

you can go fuk yourself

cons are human garbage
You know who's "human garbage"? George Floyd! He was a grown man who spent his life high on drugs. He was the leader of a home invasion where he forced his way into a single mother's home and held a gun to her pregnant belly trying to get money and drugs! He got up the morning that he died...did meth and fentanyl then went out to steal from a business using counterfeit money! THAT'S the piece of shit that you on the left are making into a martyr.
Truth to power! The truth about who and what George Floyd was makes a mockery of the protests that you on the left are inflicting on cities across the nation!
Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen!

" Don't say you weren't warned, Kiddies! If you treat the Police as your enemy...and demand that they don't do their jobs...then nobody will be there to answer your 911 calls for help when the bad people turn their attentions to you...something that will ALWAYS happen! "

don't say we didn't warn you, ya stinking piece of conservative shit, if YOU and the POLICE keep treating everyone else as YOUR ENEMY and the police REFUSE to stand by the OATH they took to SERVE and PROTECT ALL ALL ALL citizens then REAL Americans who PAY your fukin salaries will DEMAND t hat you DO YOUR FKN JOBS ACCORDING TO YOUR OATH AND THE CONSTITUTION!

other than that

you can go fuk yourself

cons are human garbage
And nobody pays my "fukin salary", you moron...I'm not a police officer I'm a citizen who pays the taxes that supports the nanny State that you on the left love so much! A citizen who's pissed because the things my tax money gets spent on are now being destroyed over a druggie piece of shit!
Wow, did ANYONE expect this?! I will say, whatever side you are on the issue of the push that hurt that older gentleman, this response is that of people truly putting their money where their mouth is.

57 Buffalo cops resign from response team after officers suspended for shoving 75-year-old man to ground; DA investigating incident

All 57 officers of the Buffalo Police Emergency Response team resigned Friday afternoon in support of two police officers who were suspended without pay after shoving a 75-year-old man to the ground during a protest.

A police union representative told WKBW that the officers were following orders given to them by Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Gramaglia to clear the area and do not believe they were in the wrong.

While the members of the emergency response team resigned from their specific roles, they did not resign from the police department altogether and are still employed.

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said in a statement his office "is aware of developments related to the world assignments of certain members of the Buffalo police force."

He added: "At this time, we can confirm that contingency plans are in place to maintain police services and ensure public safety within our community."

Saw the entire video of that creepy old faggot, and the creepy gimp was deliberately walking up in front of them, blocking their movement on purpose, and pawing them. He did this repeatedly and got what he was trying to provoke. No telling what filth he had on his hands, since these rioter mobs are made up of all kinds of sick deviants and scum. Too bad officers all across the country in left wing shit holes aren't manning up and doing the same thing en masse. Apparently the left now thinks their freakshow scum can just run around manhandling cops any old way they want.

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