58 reasons why Trump Has Got to Go

And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

Nobody is giving polluters "free rein", Reasonable! We are however going to take advantage of the energy reserves that we have...including coal. Get used to it.
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

Nobody is giving polluters "free rein", Reasonable! We are however going to take advantage of the energy reserves that we have...including coal. Get used to it.
US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections
Your Trump-a-phobia is the thing that's on full display, Reasonable! Trump isn't naming incompetent people...he's naming highly successful people. They don't happen to have the same political views as you do. That doesn't make them incompetent anymore than you calling yourself "Reasonable" MAKES you reasonable!
Your Trump-a-phobia is the thing that's on full display, Reasonable! Trump isn't naming incompetent people...he's naming highly successful people. They don't happen to have the same political views as you do. That doesn't make them incompetent anymore than you calling yourself "Reasonable" MAKES you reasonable!
Obama's head of the energy dept was a nuclear physicist.
Perry has a degree in Animal Husbandry.
This is the type of insanity prevailing in this administration.
He's stocking the swamp with the same people he accused Hillary of. Wall Street types. Billionaires. They know they'll be able to further enrich themselves just like aTeump is doing.
Tilliotson : zero diplomatic experience.
Carson : zero gov experience.
Just be loyal to the pussy grabber and you got a job in government. No experience necessary.
58 reasons why Trump is the best president in 100 years:

This is only a partial list.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. us doing what he said he would do.
8. Paid more in taxes than 0bama and Bernues Sanders.
9. Called out and bitch-slapped the deserving left wing media.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed a completely constitutional executive order, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Terror sponsoring nations from entering the U.S.
13. Told the truth about the number of people who watch his inauguration.
14. exposed the left wing media and their fake news repeatedly.
15. Told the truth about attacks in Sweden.
16. Responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Called out the failing NY Times.
18. Prevented Hillary, the most corrupt person on the planet from becoming president.
19. Told the truth about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Pointed out the tragedy of our murder rate, especially in the democrat run cities.
21. Helped the GOP gain control of our government.
22. pointed out that while Obama was fiddling, the US was burning.
23. is going to repeal 0bamacare.
24. Pointed out how untrustworthy the media is.
25. Told the truth about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, to head the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our corrupt court system and questioned a corrupt and incompetent federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued expose voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court. Which exposes the stupidity of liberals everywhere.
48. Got more done in two weeks than Obama did in two months.
49. has proposed a budget that will save billions of taxpayer dollars.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a brilliant 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the corrupt media.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day, which everyone knows has to do with Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for stupidly saying the travel ban was unconstitutional.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Makes liberals cry.
58. Makes Americans proud again.

Thank you Mr.President!
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
1 reason why he should stay: He's not Hitlery Clinton.
She would have been 100 times better. Plus she wouldn't be alienating our allies and lying about ridiculous things easily proven to be lies.
She wouldn't hire white supremacists either as is Trump's #1 adviser.
She wouldn't be cutting the EPA, getting rid of after school programs and Food programs.
We'd have a steady hand as prez not an unhinged lunatic.
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?

Shortly before Obama left office.
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.
1 reason why he should stay: He's not Hitlery Clinton.
She would have been 100 times better. Plus she wouldn't be alienating our allies and lying about ridiculous things easily proven to be lies.
She wouldn't hire white supremacists either as is Trump's #1 adviser.
She wouldn't be cutting the EPA, getting rid of after school programs and Food programs.
We'd have a steady hand as prez not an unhinged lunatic.
We'd have a steady hand as prez not an unhinged lunatic.

Both of the candidates were unhinged.
And he made liberals SAD!
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Soon he will make you, your children and everyone else UNHEALTHY by giving polluters free rein. He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.
If that doesn't make YOU sad and pissed off there is something wrong with you..

He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.
View attachment 117522
He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Thanks for not knowing when this awesome rule went into effect.

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