58 reasons why Trump Has Got to Go

View attachment 117522
OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Thanks for not knowing when this awesome rule went into effect.
Thanks for proving you had no idea he did this. Ignorance is bliss isn't it.
Your answer is in my links you stupid SOB.
an opinion piece from The Hill?

I'd certainly believe that...

View attachment 117522
He already started with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers.

OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
If nothing else, Trump is a successful President because he makes liberals cry,
Trump is successful because of his America First ideology. It's what will get him reelected and make America great again!
This is only a partial list. This madman is dangerous to the citizens of this country and the world.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze that blocked 2,000 vital, new positions at the VA, and indefinitely suspended Army childcare programs for vets.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen that killed 30 people including at least 10 civilians, many of whom were women and children, as well as U.S. Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. Didn’t fully divest from his businesses and has transferred many of his companies to his sons opening the door for a litany of potential conflicts of interest.
8. Didn’t release his tax returns like he promised, and has no plans to do so.
9. Demonized and repeatedly attacked the free press in order to build a propaganda machine.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule making it far easier for coal companies to dump mining waste in rivers, lakes and streams.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed an executive order, later ruled to be unconstitutional, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.
13. Lied about inauguration crowd size.
14. Lied about the size of his electoral college victory.
15. Lied about attacks in Sweden, yet never mentioned attacks in Kansas or Quebec perpetrated by white men on people of color.
16. Lied about being solely responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Lied about the New York Times failing.
18. Lied about Chris Cuomo never asking Senator Blumenthal about misrepresenting his service in Vietnam.
19. Lied about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Lied about the murder rate being the highest its been in 47 years.
21. Lied about Philadelphia’s murder rate increasing.
22. Lied about people being killed at Obama’s farewell address.
23. Lied about ACA covering “very few people.”
24. Lied about the media being less trusted than congress.
25. Lied about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, a man whose racist comments cost him a federal judgeship in 1986, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, a former Exxon CEO with no military or government experience as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, a man with who once forgot the Department of Energy existed, flunked organic chemistry and received Cs and Ds in other science courses to run the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, a man with no government, housing or management experience to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Two weeks prior to being nominated, Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams said “Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Alt-right hero and former Breitbart Editor Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our court system and questioned a federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued to push evidence-less claims of voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court.
48. Cost taxpayers serious money in travel expenses. Estimates by the Washington Post show that his first month in office has cost nearly as much as Obama’s first year
49. Set his sons out to travel the globe, growing the Trump brand with secret service in tow while taxpayers are footing the bill.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired hateful, loony creationist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped vaccine-skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a belligerent 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the media and lied about numerous inconsequential things.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and never mentioned Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for saying the travel ban was unconstitutional. A few weeks later, the travel ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Showed that he shakes people’s hands like a frustrated, socially-awkward baboon.
58. Embarrassed himself and the country by refusing to shake hands with Angela Merkel.
The three reasons why Clinton lost: Her follow up of Obama's goal of destroying the United States as a secular, free and sovereign nation.
View attachment 117522
OMG. Are you really that uninformed?
Isn't Fox covering it?
Of course they're not.

US coal miners applaud Republican axing of stream protections

When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
This is only a partial list. This madman is dangerous to the citizens of this country and the world.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze that blocked 2,000 vital, new positions at the VA, and indefinitely suspended Army childcare programs for vets.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen that killed 30 people including at least 10 civilians, many of whom were women and children, as well as U.S. Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. Didn’t fully divest from his businesses and has transferred many of his companies to his sons opening the door for a litany of potential conflicts of interest.
8. Didn’t release his tax returns like he promised, and has no plans to do so.
9. Demonized and repeatedly attacked the free press in order to build a propaganda machine.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule making it far easier for coal companies to dump mining waste in rivers, lakes and streams.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed an executive order, later ruled to be unconstitutional, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.
13. Lied about inauguration crowd size.
14. Lied about the size of his electoral college victory.
15. Lied about attacks in Sweden, yet never mentioned attacks in Kansas or Quebec perpetrated by white men on people of color.
16. Lied about being solely responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Lied about the New York Times failing.
18. Lied about Chris Cuomo never asking Senator Blumenthal about misrepresenting his service in Vietnam.
19. Lied about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Lied about the murder rate being the highest its been in 47 years.
21. Lied about Philadelphia’s murder rate increasing.
22. Lied about people being killed at Obama’s farewell address.
23. Lied about ACA covering “very few people.”
24. Lied about the media being less trusted than congress.
25. Lied about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, a man whose racist comments cost him a federal judgeship in 1986, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, a former Exxon CEO with no military or government experience as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, a man with who once forgot the Department of Energy existed, flunked organic chemistry and received Cs and Ds in other science courses to run the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, a man with no government, housing or management experience to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Two weeks prior to being nominated, Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams said “Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Alt-right hero and former Breitbart Editor Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our court system and questioned a federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued to push evidence-less claims of voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court.
48. Cost taxpayers serious money in travel expenses. Estimates by the Washington Post show that his first month in office has cost nearly as much as Obama’s first year
49. Set his sons out to travel the globe, growing the Trump brand with secret service in tow while taxpayers are footing the bill.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired hateful, loony creationist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped vaccine-skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a belligerent 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the media and lied about numerous inconsequential things.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and never mentioned Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for saying the travel ban was unconstitutional. A few weeks later, the travel ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Showed that he shakes people’s hands like a frustrated, socially-awkward baboon.
58. Embarrassed himself and the country by refusing to shake hands with Angela Merkel.
The three reasons why Clinton lost: Her follow up of Obama's goal of destroying the United States as a secular, free and sovereign nation.
You're just as crazy as the dingbat prez.
Thanks for the laugh.
View attachment 117522
When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Thanks for not knowing when this awesome rule went into effect.
Thanks for proving you had no idea he did this. Ignorance is bliss isn't it.
Your answer is in my links you stupid SOB.

The coal waste rule was intended to protect 6,000 miles (9,700 km) of streams and large areas of forests over the next two decades, the Interior Department said when
it issued the rule in December.

Obama waited until the month before he was out of office to get this awesome rule in place?
He was okay with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers for the first 95 months he was in office?

Why was Obama such a big twat for 95 months?
View attachment 117522
When did that awesome rule get enacted?
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP.
I thought your list had 58 listed?

Find out some of them weren't lies?
This is only a partial list. This madman is dangerous to the citizens of this country and the world.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze that blocked 2,000 vital, new positions at the VA, and indefinitely suspended Army childcare programs for vets.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen that killed 30 people including at least 10 civilians, many of whom were women and children, as well as U.S. Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. Didn’t fully divest from his businesses and has transferred many of his companies to his sons opening the door for a litany of potential conflicts of interest.
8. Didn’t release his tax returns like he promised, and has no plans to do so.
9. Demonized and repeatedly attacked the free press in order to build a propaganda machine.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule making it far easier for coal companies to dump mining waste in rivers, lakes and streams.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed an executive order, later ruled to be unconstitutional, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.
13. Lied about inauguration crowd size.
14. Lied about the size of his electoral college victory.
15. Lied about attacks in Sweden, yet never mentioned attacks in Kansas or Quebec perpetrated by white men on people of color.
16. Lied about being solely responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Lied about the New York Times failing.
18. Lied about Chris Cuomo never asking Senator Blumenthal about misrepresenting his service in Vietnam.
19. Lied about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Lied about the murder rate being the highest its been in 47 years.
21. Lied about Philadelphia’s murder rate increasing.
22. Lied about people being killed at Obama’s farewell address.
23. Lied about ACA covering “very few people.”
24. Lied about the media being less trusted than congress.
25. Lied about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, a man whose racist comments cost him a federal judgeship in 1986, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, a former Exxon CEO with no military or government experience as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, a man with who once forgot the Department of Energy existed, flunked organic chemistry and received Cs and Ds in other science courses to run the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, a man with no government, housing or management experience to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Two weeks prior to being nominated, Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams said “Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Alt-right hero and former Breitbart Editor Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our court system and questioned a federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued to push evidence-less claims of voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court.
48. Cost taxpayers serious money in travel expenses. Estimates by the Washington Post show that his first month in office has cost nearly as much as Obama’s first year
49. Set his sons out to travel the globe, growing the Trump brand with secret service in tow while taxpayers are footing the bill.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired hateful, loony creationist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped vaccine-skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a belligerent 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the media and lied about numerous inconsequential things.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and never mentioned Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for saying the travel ban was unconstitutional. A few weeks later, the travel ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Showed that he shakes people’s hands like a frustrated, socially-awkward baboon.
58. Embarrassed himself and the country by refusing to shake hands with Angela Merkel.

59. leftisit showflakes are butt hurt

View attachment 117522
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP.
I thought your list had 58 listed?

Find out some of them weren't lies?
He's the 45th prez doofus.
You were dropped on your head as a baby weren't you.
View attachment 117522

His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP.
I thought your list had 58 listed?

Find out some of them weren't lies?
He's the 45th prez doofus.
You were dropped on your head as a baby weren't you.
and you were thrown...

You might want to take a look at your list.

It ain't exactly factual
View attachment 117522
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Thanks for not knowing when this awesome rule went into effect.
Thanks for proving you had no idea he did this. Ignorance is bliss isn't it.
Your answer is in my links you stupid SOB.

The coal waste rule was intended to protect 6,000 miles (9,700 km) of streams and large areas of forests over the next two decades, the Interior Department said when
it issued the rule in December.

Obama waited until the month before he was out of office to get this awesome rule in place?
He was okay with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers for the first 95 months he was in office?

Why was Obama such a big twat for 95 months?
Democratic Senator Edward Markey said the coal industry's request that Republicans kill the rule amounted to saying: "Please protect us from having to protect the public."
This is only a partial list. This madman is dangerous to the citizens of this country and the world.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze that blocked 2,000 vital, new positions at the VA, and indefinitely suspended Army childcare programs for vets.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen that killed 30 people including at least 10 civilians, many of whom were women and children, as well as U.S. Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. Didn’t fully divest from his businesses and has transferred many of his companies to his sons opening the door for a litany of potential conflicts of interest.
8. Didn’t release his tax returns like he promised, and has no plans to do so.
9. Demonized and repeatedly attacked the free press in order to build a propaganda machine.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule making it far easier for coal companies to dump mining waste in rivers, lakes and streams.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed an executive order, later ruled to be unconstitutional, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.
13. Lied about inauguration crowd size.
14. Lied about the size of his electoral college victory.
15. Lied about attacks in Sweden, yet never mentioned attacks in Kansas or Quebec perpetrated by white men on people of color.
16. Lied about being solely responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Lied about the New York Times failing.
18. Lied about Chris Cuomo never asking Senator Blumenthal about misrepresenting his service in Vietnam.
19. Lied about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Lied about the murder rate being the highest its been in 47 years.
21. Lied about Philadelphia’s murder rate increasing.
22. Lied about people being killed at Obama’s farewell address.
23. Lied about ACA covering “very few people.”
24. Lied about the media being less trusted than congress.
25. Lied about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, a man whose racist comments cost him a federal judgeship in 1986, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, a former Exxon CEO with no military or government experience as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, a man with who once forgot the Department of Energy existed, flunked organic chemistry and received Cs and Ds in other science courses to run the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, a man with no government, housing or management experience to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Two weeks prior to being nominated, Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams said “Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Alt-right hero and former Breitbart Editor Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our court system and questioned a federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued to push evidence-less claims of voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court.
48. Cost taxpayers serious money in travel expenses. Estimates by the Washington Post show that his first month in office has cost nearly as much as Obama’s first year
49. Set his sons out to travel the globe, growing the Trump brand with secret service in tow while taxpayers are footing the bill.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired hateful, loony creationist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped vaccine-skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a belligerent 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the media and lied about numerous inconsequential things.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and never mentioned Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for saying the travel ban was unconstitutional. A few weeks later, the travel ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Showed that he shakes people’s hands like a frustrated, socially-awkward baboon.
58. Embarrassed himself and the country by refusing to shake hands with Angela Merkel.
The three reasons why Clinton lost: Her follow up of Obama's goal of destroying the United States as a secular, free and sovereign nation.
You're just as crazy as the dingbat prez.
Thanks for the laugh.
Hmmm. Clinton publically announced that if elected, there would no longer be borders and allow in huge amounts of refugees and migrants. Thus, no borders, no sovereign nation. It's part of the "New World Order, One World Government" agenda. Add in a class of people whose average family birthrate is 7.1 compared with this nation's national average of 2.8 per family and over generations and you eventually have a majority Muslim population making the decisions for the continent and as in all Muslim countries, the non-Muslims being oppressed, persecuted, imprisoned, raped and murdered.
View attachment 117522 Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP.
I thought your list had 58 listed?

Find out some of them weren't lies?
He's the 45th prez doofus.
You were dropped on your head as a baby weren't you.
and you were thrown...

You might want to take a look at your list.

It ain't exactly factual
You wish it weren't. It is an extremely ugly ACCURATE. list.
But if you overlooked your fuhrer admitting to sexual assault, mocking the handicapped and daily lying... you'll overlook any list.
View attachment 117522
EO. Remember the child holding up all his EO's like a third grader?
Not surprising you have no idea what is going on. Easier to be devoid of facts.


His rule was an EO?
When did it get enacted?

It's okay to admit you don't know.

Easier to be devoid of facts.

It works for liberals.
Thanks for confirming how stupid you are. Your loyalty to the indefensible it noted here.

Thanks for not knowing when this awesome rule went into effect.
Thanks for proving you had no idea he did this. Ignorance is bliss isn't it.
Your answer is in my links you stupid SOB.

The coal waste rule was intended to protect 6,000 miles (9,700 km) of streams and large areas of forests over the next two decades, the Interior Department said when
it issued the rule in December.

Obama waited until the month before he was out of office to get this awesome rule in place?
He was okay with letting Big Coal dump their shit in the rivers for the first 95 months he was in office?

Why was Obama such a big twat for 95 months?

Obama's minions over at the Interior Department gave the incoming administration a "present"...enacting new rules that would make it impossible to mine 60% of our coal reserves. Could they have done so earlier? Of course...but that would have affected Obama's economy and not Trump's!
Did you really just claim that one of the advantages of having Hillary as President is that she wouldn't lie about easily proven things?

You mean like how she got her name? About getting shot at by snipers in Bosnia? About learning how to do a cattle futures trade that netted her $600,000 by reading an article in The New York Times? Like saying the attacks in Benghazi were because of a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent? Like saying she'd turned over all of her emails on Benghazi? Like saying she didn't have any top secret information on her private servers? Stop me if you'd like, Reasonable...I could go on for a long time about what Hillary's "hasn't" lied about! (eye roll)
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP. He's already an international disgrace. This wouldn't be happening in a Hillary administration.
Accusing a former prez of a felony with no proof?
Lying about the number of people at his inauguration?
On and on... President Crazypants is a disgrace.
I see your already forgetting the mind numbingly stupid lies of 45 I listed in the OP.
I thought your list had 58 listed?

Find out some of them weren't lies?
He's the 45th prez doofus.
You were dropped on your head as a baby weren't you.
and you were thrown...

You might want to take a look at your list.

It ain't exactly factual
You wish it weren't. It is an extremely ugly ACCURATE. list.
But if you overlooked your fuhrer admitting to sexual assault, mocking the handicapped and daily lying... you'll overlook any list.

It's a bullshit list...compiled by idiots like yourself who are still coming to terms with Hillary's loss!
This is only a partial list. This madman is dangerous to the citizens of this country and the world.

1. Restarted the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
2. Instituted a federal hiring freeze that blocked 2,000 vital, new positions at the VA, and indefinitely suspended Army childcare programs for vets.
3. Approved a raid in Yemen that killed 30 people including at least 10 civilians, many of whom were women and children, as well as U.S. Navy Seal Ryan Owens.
4. Reinstated and strengthened the global gag rule thereby pulling all world-wide federal funding from any institutions that even attempt to educate patients about abortion.
5. Rescinded federal bathroom protections for transgender students.
6. Used the office of the presidency to criticize Nordstrom, a private company, for no longer selling his daughter’s clothing line.
7. Didn’t fully divest from his businesses and has transferred many of his companies to his sons opening the door for a litany of potential conflicts of interest.
8. Didn’t release his tax returns like he promised, and has no plans to do so.
9. Demonized and repeatedly attacked the free press in order to build a propaganda machine.
10. Signed a bill reversing the Stream Protection Rule making it far easier for coal companies to dump mining waste in rivers, lakes and streams.
11. Announced plans to sign executive orders lifting a coal mining ban on federal land, and lifting or limiting restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from utility companies.
12. Signed an executive order, later ruled to be unconstitutional, barring immigrants and travelers from 7 Muslim-majority nations from entering the U.S.
13. Lied about inauguration crowd size.
14. Lied about the size of his electoral college victory.
15. Lied about attacks in Sweden, yet never mentioned attacks in Kansas or Quebec perpetrated by white men on people of color.
16. Lied about being solely responsible for Lockheed Martin cutting $700 million from the F-35 program.
17. Lied about the New York Times failing.
18. Lied about Chris Cuomo never asking Senator Blumenthal about misrepresenting his service in Vietnam.
19. Lied about major news organizations intentionally ignoring terrorist attacks.
20. Lied about the murder rate being the highest its been in 47 years.
21. Lied about Philadelphia’s murder rate increasing.
22. Lied about people being killed at Obama’s farewell address.
23. Lied about ACA covering “very few people.”
24. Lied about the media being less trusted than congress.
25. Lied about sanctuary cities being hotbeds of crime.
26. Said “Any negative polls are fake news.”
27. Berated the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
28. Threatened to send U.S. troops into Mexico.
29. Used the National Prayer breakfast to throw shade at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
30. Said he would “get rid of and totally destroy” the Johnson amendment, which was designed to keep religion out of politics.
31. Appointed Betsy Devos, a billionaire GOP donor with no public school experience to run our public school system.
32. Appointed fossil-fuel-shill and climate change-denier Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He’s sued the EPA 13 times.
33. Appointed Jeff Sessions, a man whose racist comments cost him a federal judgeship in 1986, as the attorney general.
34. Appointed Rex Tillerson, a former Exxon CEO with no military or government experience as secretary of state.
35. Appointed Rick Perry, a man with who once forgot the Department of Energy existed, flunked organic chemistry and received Cs and Ds in other science courses to run the Department of Energy.
36. Appointed Ben Carson, a man with no government, housing or management experience to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Two weeks prior to being nominated, Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams said “Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
37. Appointed former Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn to head the National Economic Council.
38. Appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department.
39. Appointed Alt-right hero and former Breitbart Editor Stephen Bannon as chief strategist and later elevated him to the National Security Council.
40. Continued to criticize Hillary Clinton, without ever criticizing Vladimir Putin.
41. Threatened Chicago with martial law.
42. Threatened to take away funding from all sanctuary cities.
43. Announced plans to repeal Dodd-Frank and fiduciary rule.
44. Plans to make major cuts to the EPA while dramatically increasing military spending.
45. Demeaned our court system and questioned a federal judge’s credentials.
46. Continued to push evidence-less claims of voter fraud.
47. Tweeted “I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT” to a court.
48. Cost taxpayers serious money in travel expenses. Estimates by the Washington Post show that his first month in office has cost nearly as much as Obama’s first year
49. Set his sons out to travel the globe, growing the Trump brand with secret service in tow while taxpayers are footing the bill.
50. Nominated Neil Gorsuch, an originalist, for the open supreme court seat.
51. Hired hateful, loony creationist Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education task force.
52. Tapped vaccine-skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head a commission on vaccine safety.
53. Gave a belligerent 57 minute press conference in which he attacked the media and lied about numerous inconsequential things.
54. Made a statement for Holocaust Remembrance Day and never mentioned Jewish people.
55. Fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates for saying the travel ban was unconstitutional. A few weeks later, the travel ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court.
56. Supported his newly-appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind Obama-era efforts and build up the private prison system once again.
57. Showed that he shakes people’s hands like a frustrated, socially-awkward baboon.
58. Embarrassed himself and the country by refusing to shake hands with Angela Merkel.
The three reasons why Clinton lost: Her follow up of Obama's goal of destroying the United States as a secular, free and sovereign nation.
You're just as crazy as the dingbat prez.
Thanks for the laugh.
Hmmm. Clinton publically announced that if elected, there would no longer be borders and allow in huge amounts of refugees and migrants. Thus, no borders, no sovereign nation. It's part of the "New World Order, One World Government" agenda. Add in a class of people whose average family birthrate is 7.1 compared with this nation's national average of 2.8 per family and over generations and you eventually have a majority Muslim population making the decisions for the continent and as in all Muslim countries, the non-Muslims being oppressed, persecuted, imprisoned, raped and murdered.

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