58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Yes, the wealthy of the world wield immense power over government not only here but EVERYWHERE! Even in communist countries there was always an "elite" class of people who lived totally different from the masses. It was that way in Cuba...it was that way in the Soviet Union and China. So kindly explain how progressive policies address that? They pay it lip service, Sealy but when Barack Obama is hanging out with the people he's hanging out with this week in Martha's Vineyard do you NOT think that those people in large part "control" our government? I've got news for you...if you're palling around with the POTUS then you've got some huge clout!
But only the GOP here fights for secret campaign funding and no limits on lobbying campaign financing duh. People paying for getting destructive, greedy stuff, like screwing the workers, customers and the environment duh.

What the GOP "fought for" was the right for Americans to contribute to political causes they support without having to fear repercussions from employers or the government in power. You know like some zealot in the IRS deciding that because you're a conservative that they should leak your confidential taxpayer information to your political enemies? Sound familiar?
Nixon? That's why they changed the rules so presidents have little power over the IRS. Sorry, duped AGAIN, hater dupe.

They "changed the rules" Franco because Nixon tried to use the IRS against his political enemies UNSUCCESSFULLY! Barack Obama and the Progressives on the other hand were successful in doing what Nixon attempted. They used the power of the IRS against their political opponents. One of the main reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was what he attempted to do with the IRS. So what punishment has been meted out to Obama or anyone else involved in the IRS scandal?
Nixon actually did it, chump. There is no IRS scandal, just an underfunded IRS dealing with a huge number of bs Tea Party orgs. There is no evidence it caused them any harm, and none were turned down. Total bs, Foxbot or whatever.

More liberal lies. The fact they even targeted any specific political group is illegal.
But only the GOP here fights for secret campaign funding and no limits on lobbying campaign financing duh. People paying for getting destructive, greedy stuff, like screwing the workers, customers and the environment duh.

What the GOP "fought for" was the right for Americans to contribute to political causes they support without having to fear repercussions from employers or the government in power. You know like some zealot in the IRS deciding that because you're a conservative that they should leak your confidential taxpayer information to your political enemies? Sound familiar?
Nixon? That's why they changed the rules so presidents have little power over the IRS. Sorry, duped AGAIN, hater dupe.

They "changed the rules" Franco because Nixon tried to use the IRS against his political enemies UNSUCCESSFULLY! Barack Obama and the Progressives on the other hand were successful in doing what Nixon attempted. They used the power of the IRS against their political opponents. One of the main reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was what he attempted to do with the IRS. So what punishment has been meted out to Obama or anyone else involved in the IRS scandal?
Nixon actually did it, chump. There is no IRS scandal, just an underfunded IRS dealing with a huge number of bs Tea Party orgs. There is no evidence it caused them any harm, and none were turned down. Total bs, Foxbot or whatever.

More liberal lies. The fact they even targeted any specific political group is illegal.
They didn't target anyone, dupe. The whole thing is ridiculous propaganda. Anything to ignore solutions to Boosh messes and distract the chumps....
its true; the Left is cheering the record profits of Wall Street DOW corporations they vowed to SHUT DOWN AND "OCCUPY" not that long ago, hollering "MAKE THEM PAY!!"
And Pubs are still blocking efforts to make them pay their fair share, dunce, for infrastructure jobs and training for 3 million tech jobs going begging. Idiocy.
What the GOP "fought for" was the right for Americans to contribute to political causes they support without having to fear repercussions from employers or the government in power. You know like some zealot in the IRS deciding that because you're a conservative that they should leak your confidential taxpayer information to your political enemies? Sound familiar?
Nixon? That's why they changed the rules so presidents have little power over the IRS. Sorry, duped AGAIN, hater dupe.

They "changed the rules" Franco because Nixon tried to use the IRS against his political enemies UNSUCCESSFULLY! Barack Obama and the Progressives on the other hand were successful in doing what Nixon attempted. They used the power of the IRS against their political opponents. One of the main reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was what he attempted to do with the IRS. So what punishment has been meted out to Obama or anyone else involved in the IRS scandal?
Nixon actually did it, chump. There is no IRS scandal, just an underfunded IRS dealing with a huge number of bs Tea Party orgs. There is no evidence it caused them any harm, and none were turned down. Total bs, Foxbot or whatever.

More liberal lies. The fact they even targeted any specific political group is illegal.
They didn't target anyone, dupe. The whole thing is ridiculous propaganda. Anything to ignore solutions to Boosh messes and distract the chumps....

Again you lie. We know you are a hater dupe. Carry on with more of you lies.
its true; the Left is cheering the record profits of Wall Street DOW corporations they vowed to SHUT DOWN AND "OCCUPY" not that long ago, hollering "MAKE THEM PAY!!"
And Pubs are still blocking efforts to make them pay their fair share, dunce, for infrastructure jobs and training for 3 million tech jobs going begging. Idiocy.

you're an idiot

but since you're an idiot, it's no use trying to make you realize how stupid you look thinking you are at once trying to school people you think you're smarter than, and at the same time crying like a baby how those people you think you're smarter than keep foiling all your best plans
its true; the Left is cheering the record profits of Wall Street DOW corporations they vowed to SHUT DOWN AND "OCCUPY" not that long ago, hollering "MAKE THEM PAY!!"
And Pubs are still blocking efforts to make them pay their fair share, dunce, for infrastructure jobs and training for 3 million tech jobs going begging. Idiocy.

you're an idiot

but since you're an idiot, it's no use trying to make you realize how stupid you look thinking you are at once trying to school people you think you're smarter than, and at the same time crying like a baby how those people you think you're smarter than keep foiling all your best plans
Pubs love disfunction in DC. Paying no taxes is great, dupe. So is wrecking the nonrich and the environment. All they care about is getting rich on your back, Pub dupe. Answer ANY question, and cut the crappe. You can be married to anyone and still be a racist, btw. You speak French?
So what happened? Dems are SO powerful they stopped any criminal charges? lol idiot. Have another idiotic witch hunt...

criminal charges for what Einstein?
For breaking the law, dumbass. Like you keep saying they did...ay caramba. Your scandals are a joke, for hater dupes only. There's nothing constructive to do beside cut taxes on the rich? What fools dupes be...
So what happened? Dems are SO powerful they stopped any criminal charges? lol idiot. Have another idiotic witch hunt...

criminal charges for what Einstein?
For breaking the law, dumbass. Like you keep saying they did...ay caramba. Your scandals are a joke, for hater dupes only. There's nothing constructive to do beside cut taxes on the rich? What fools dupes be...

i was addressing control of congress and majorities, not those things you idiot

seriously are you high? where did i even speak on that?
So what happened? Dems are SO powerful they stopped any criminal charges? lol idiot. Have another idiotic witch hunt...

criminal charges for what Einstein?
For breaking the law, dumbass. Like you keep saying they did...ay caramba. Your scandals are a joke, for hater dupes only. There's nothing constructive to do beside cut taxes on the rich? What fools dupes be...

i was addressing control of congress and majorities, not those things you idiot

seriously are you high? where did i even speak on that?
Answer ANY question. Whatever you're talking about, it's dumass talking points and insults lol. Quote the whole thing.
now we have Two misinformed morons
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
$325 for the whole year? Not in Michigan. Maybe in Kentucky or Arkansas.
What does a state have to do with anything?

Again it's 2% of your yearly salary or a minimum of $325 for an adult this year, I don't believe you even work.

It goes up to 2.5% next year

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform

Something else that Sealy is clueless about...sigh...

Here's a dose of reality for all you progressive ACA "cheerleaders". Way too many people didn't sign up for ObamaCare because they are young, healthy and didn't want to spend the money. Instead they paid a relatively small penalty and went without. They'll be able to get away with that for a short amount of time but mark my words the penalty for noncompliance is about to be raised and raised substantially because without those young, healthy people in the pool the numbers don't work and the whole system goes into a "death spiral". The only reason the penalty was so little at the onset of this is that Democrats didn't want the public to see the true cost of ObamaCare until it was too late to change it.

What happens if you owe $200 every month you are not covered and you are not covered for an entire year but you were going to get $200 back on your taxes? Do you think uncle sam is going to come after you for the extra $2200? I don't think he is. I think you just aren't going to get any money back.

And if you were going to get $1000 back but you owe $2400 for Obamacare, I think you just don't get anything back. I don't think they send the IRS after you for the extra $1400.

I could be wrong but that's how I understood it was going to work.

If young people don't want their income tax returns, cool. They don't go to the hospital much anyways so anything they pay in is cool with me.

But some of them will get cancer or in a car wreck and you and I will have to pay for them. Same way you complain about illegals using the ER, so do young Americans.
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
$325 for the whole year? Not in Michigan. Maybe in Kentucky or Arkansas.
What does a state have to do with anything?

Again it's 2% of your yearly salary or a minimum of $325 for an adult this year, I don't believe you even work.

It goes up to 2.5% next year

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform

Something else that Sealy is clueless about...sigh...

Here's a dose of reality for all you progressive ACA "cheerleaders". Way too many people didn't sign up for ObamaCare because they are young, healthy and didn't want to spend the money. Instead they paid a relatively small penalty and went without. They'll be able to get away with that for a short amount of time but mark my words the penalty for noncompliance is about to be raised and raised substantially because without those young, healthy people in the pool the numbers don't work and the whole system goes into a "death spiral". The only reason the penalty was so little at the onset of this is that Democrats didn't want the public to see the true cost of ObamaCare until it was too late to change it.

He ran away from this thread, facts got in his way

He don't work....

Silly boo boo is a child
Or I'm a fucking working adult who can't sit around all day and argue with jackasses.
View attachment 46951
Look, Sealy...this really isn't rocket science. American corporations compete in a global economy. If you burden them with too many regulations, things like the ACA and things like ridiculous $15 an hour minimum wages for unskilled labor...then they WILL build that new factory somewhere else.

Corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. It's time to stop with the "burdensome regulations" BS.

Did just a little bit of research on "have corporate profits tripled under Obama...
Please tell me where this is a "triple " profits?
NOTE: Bush had Recession...dot com bust... 9/11.... worst hurricane SEASONS... all events NeVER experienced by any presidency.
But Bush had higher growth rate then Obama IN Spite of 9/11/worst hurricanes/etc....
What has Obama FACED??? NOTHING!!!

Really? I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. That's not what you showed.Look at data from 1st quarter '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

Graph Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Profits & Markets
Corporate Profits — Corporate profits have soared under Obama, smashing all previous records.

After-tax corporate profits are up since our last report. They hit a seasonally adjusted yearly rate of just under $1.9 trillion in the first three months of this year, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. That nearly equals the record level set in the third quarter of 2014.

Profits are now running 182 percent higher than in the recession-plagued quarter just before Obama entered office. And they are 34 percent higher than in the best quarter prior to his taking office, which was the third quarter of 2006.

Read more at FactCheck Obama s numbers July 2015 update

It's hard to argue that "burdensome regulations" are hindering business growth under this president.

YOU SAID: I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

DEFINITION OF TRIPLE: three times as much or as many.

what is 3 times profits in 2009 per below table:
Corporate Profits in 2009 were $5,890,000,000
If you doubled them they would be $11,780,000,000
If you tripled them they would be $17,670,900,000
NOW what does the below table show corporate profits to be in 2014? $8,831,000,000!

Pretty damn far from $17.6 Trillion as you suggest..
corporate profits have nearlytripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.
TRIPLE means 3 times what the profits were in 2009 which were $5.8 trillion!
GEEZ no wonder you are a FFO, a LIP... just plain ignorant people who don't know the difference between
180% (which is 1.8 TIMES) and 300% which is 3 times!!!

Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 5.32.58 PM.png
Is it NO wonder dumb f..ks like obama spouts phony baloney numbers.."46 million uninsured" "155 million with pre-existing conditions.."
You will get $2,500 savings end of my first term!
Idiots that voted for the above STUPID ass statements are like those so totally simple arithmetic ignorant to think that
180% is the SAME as triple or 3 times!
GEEZ where did these idiots go to school????
FACTS are so simple to get now with the Internet I am truly embarrassed for being on this forum with such ignorant people that think
180% is the same as 3 times!!!
GWB corporate profits grew from 2001 to 2008 200% or nearly 2 times!
Idiot Obama? from 2009 to 2014 grew 149% or less the 1 1/2 TIMES!!!
AND what major events has Obama had to face??? ZERO!
TARP has been paid back plus making $55 billion!
So what has Obama done to promote business?
Right... this is the guy that has:
Obama has like MOST totally ignorant people said he preferred that the 1,400 health insurance companies go out of business not figuring that
they pay $100 BILLION a year in Federal/state/local/property taxes while employing 400,000 people that will then require nearly 2 years of unemployment benefits costing nearly $20 billion for 99 weeks (The amount will be 60% of the average weekly earnings during your base year period.--average $45,000 for each of the 400,000 employees)..
More importantly though ignorant people like Obama didn't figure as I'm sure those ignorant professionals..i.e. physicians/lawyers that support Obama and a Federal single payer system comes into play the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act would apply.
This would mean ALL physicians would be under Federal contract under a single payer and therefore could not be sued.
Thus the $270 billion lawyers make each year would be dramatically reduced as no more medical malpractice.
The ONLY good that would come from that would be doctors wouldn't practice defensive medicine that the insurance companies gladly pay out as claims as it constantly raises premiums. This would save about $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate testings,etc. i.e. "defensive medicine".
Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 5.46.01 PM.png
View attachment 46951
Look, Sealy...this really isn't rocket science. American corporations compete in a global economy. If you burden them with too many regulations, things like the ACA and things like ridiculous $15 an hour minimum wages for unskilled labor...then they WILL build that new factory somewhere else.

Corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. It's time to stop with the "burdensome regulations" BS.

Did just a little bit of research on "have corporate profits tripled under Obama...
Please tell me where this is a "triple " profits?
NOTE: Bush had Recession...dot com bust... 9/11.... worst hurricane SEASONS... all events NeVER experienced by any presidency.
But Bush had higher growth rate then Obama IN Spite of 9/11/worst hurricanes/etc....
What has Obama FACED??? NOTHING!!!

Really? I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. That's not what you showed.Look at data from 1st quarter '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

Graph Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Profits & Markets
Corporate Profits — Corporate profits have soared under Obama, smashing all previous records.

After-tax corporate profits are up since our last report. They hit a seasonally adjusted yearly rate of just under $1.9 trillion in the first three months of this year, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. That nearly equals the record level set in the third quarter of 2014.

Profits are now running 182 percent higher than in the recession-plagued quarter just before Obama entered office. And they are 34 percent higher than in the best quarter prior to his taking office, which was the third quarter of 2006.

Read more at FactCheck Obama s numbers July 2015 update

It's hard to argue that "burdensome regulations" are hindering business growth under this president.

YOU SAID: I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

DEFINITION OF TRIPLE: three times as much or as many.

what is 3 times profits in 2009 per below table:
Corporate Profits in 2009 were $5,890,000,000
If you doubled them they would be $11,780,000,000
If you tripled them they would be $17,670,900,000
NOW what does the below table show corporate profits to be in 2014? $8,831,000,000!

Pretty damn far from $17.6 Trillion as you suggest..
corporate profits have nearlytripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.
TRIPLE means 3 times what the profits were in 2009 which were $5.8 trillion!
GEEZ no wonder you are a FFO, a LIP... just plain ignorant people who don't know the difference between
180% (which is 1.8 TIMES) and 300% which is 3 times!!!

View attachment 46974

Try again.
OH and before any of you idiots stupidly point out "Well corporate profits grew because of TAX CUTS"!!!
Idiots ! This is before TAXES ARE ASSESSED Here is what happened AFTER Bush tax cuts!!!

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 5.58.02 PM.png

GDP grew:
Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?
View attachment 46951
Look, Sealy...this really isn't rocket science. American corporations compete in a global economy. If you burden them with too many regulations, things like the ACA and things like ridiculous $15 an hour minimum wages for unskilled labor...then they WILL build that new factory somewhere else.

Corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. It's time to stop with the "burdensome regulations" BS.

Did just a little bit of research on "have corporate profits tripled under Obama...
Please tell me where this is a "triple " profits?
NOTE: Bush had Recession...dot com bust... 9/11.... worst hurricane SEASONS... all events NeVER experienced by any presidency.
But Bush had higher growth rate then Obama IN Spite of 9/11/worst hurricanes/etc....
What has Obama FACED??? NOTHING!!!

Really? I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. That's not what you showed.Look at data from 1st quarter '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

Graph Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed

Profits & Markets
Corporate Profits — Corporate profits have soared under Obama, smashing all previous records.

After-tax corporate profits are up since our last report. They hit a seasonally adjusted yearly rate of just under $1.9 trillion in the first three months of this year, according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. That nearly equals the record level set in the third quarter of 2014.

Profits are now running 182 percent higher than in the recession-plagued quarter just before Obama entered office. And they are 34 percent higher than in the best quarter prior to his taking office, which was the third quarter of 2006.

Read more at FactCheck Obama s numbers July 2015 update

It's hard to argue that "burdensome regulations" are hindering business growth under this president.

YOU SAID: I said corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.

DEFINITION OF TRIPLE: three times as much or as many.

what is 3 times profits in 2009 per below table:
Corporate Profits in 2009 were $5,890,000,000
If you doubled them they would be $11,780,000,000
If you tripled them they would be $17,670,900,000
NOW what does the below table show corporate profits to be in 2014? $8,831,000,000!

Pretty damn far from $17.6 Trillion as you suggest..
corporate profits have nearlytripled under Obama. '09 to now. You will see an over 180% gain.
TRIPLE means 3 times what the profits were in 2009 which were $5.8 trillion!
GEEZ no wonder you are a FFO, a LIP... just plain ignorant people who don't know the difference between
180% (which is 1.8 TIMES) and 300% which is 3 times!!!

View attachment 46974

Try again.
Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 6.00.46 PM.png
Is it NO wonder dumb f..ks like obama spouts phony baloney numbers.."46 million uninsured" "155 million with pre-existing conditions.."
You will get $2,500 savings end of my first term!
Idiots that voted for the above STUPID ass statements are like those so totally simple arithmetic ignorant to think that
180% is the SAME as triple or 3 times!
GEEZ where did these idiots go to school????
FACTS are so simple to get now with the Internet I am truly embarrassed for being on this forum with such ignorant people that think
180% is the same as 3 times!!!

Try again tard.

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