58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Where are 10 million illegals working? Can we at least find 50% of the illegal employers then the other half will probably stop hiring illegals then they go home and or don't come to begin with.

They are working the farms.
That's what McCain said but turns out that's a lie.

I could find thousands of illegals. Ever fly to NYC? The whole place is staffed by illegals.

Then check every construction or factory or company with mexican workers.

I hired Mexicans, good workers. They were documented or they didn't work for me. It is the law.
So you and all your conservative pals pay all your taxes and check all your Mexicans. How patriotic of you. You're acting like corporations don't cheat.

Maybe those bush tax breaks don't include small business owners such as yourselves.

Tell me, is or are your corporations sitting on billions? Then I'm not even talking about you. Youre on of us. And if you aren't, don't ask us to agree with your slant on things. Greed selfish and ignorance is what you are praying on and there's plenty of that here in America.

We should toss out any American who doesn't vote.

Fuck you, I follow the laws it makes life easier. You can't write off illegal aliens. You pay taxes and permits because if you don't, you are screwed during any audit. Be it the IRS, State tax division, employment division, workmans comp. And so on. To try to go under the table or cheat, you could lose your business. It isn't worth it.

Legal is the best way to go, your whole idea that small businesses pay under the table, hire illegally is silly. Most are legit, it is a lot easier and if they are doing things illegally you need to report them instead of bitching about them. Those guys do us legit guys no favors.
Sounds exactly like black people. MOST are good but far too many are not. Same with corporations. Most pay their taxes sure I'll give you that.
What's funny is these sh*tstain progressives complain about many of the things on your list about how screwed up our economy is, usually on threads meant to attack capitalism in general. Yet when it comes to the Hussein and his record, suddenly they are trying to convince everyone what a wonderful job he is doing.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
BS. ACA is the best thing to happen to Americans ever, over time will continue improving and cutting costs, and the stimulus turned around Main St, dingbat. And then the GOP obstructed the recovery and threatenened shutdowns, costing the GDP 1%+ each time.

AND you think the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, HENCE, you too are a branwashed dunce. Less than 6 months- with Teddy able to vote and in session, THIRTEEN DAYS. IDIOT.
And I like how they tax people who opt out of the aca. Something like $200 a month every month you weren't covered. So if you aren't covered all year and you were gonna get $2400 back you get zero.
lmao, WTF?

Silly boo boo you are way misinformed
So my accountant ripped me off for those 2 months I wasn't working last year and didn't have healthcare?

By the way it was less last year than it will be this year. The fee was something like $100 per month and he said next year it'll be more.

Tell me what I'm wrong about then if you can. Or is it you just don't like the truth. What did I say that made you uncomfortable.

And who's the little bitch that agreed or thanked you? What do they think they know? Spit it out loser.
He would have done a lot better without 6 years of mindless Pub obstruction and shutdown threats...that Foxbots etc etc don't seem to know about...

Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
BS. ACA is the best thing to happen to Americans ever, over time will continue improving and cutting costs, and the stimulus turned around Main St, dingbat. And then the GOP obstructed the recovery and threatenened shutdowns, costing the GDP 1%+ each time.

AND you think the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, HENCE, you too are a branwashed dunce. Less than 6 months- with Teddy able to vote and in session, THIRTEEN DAYS. IDIOT.
And I like how they tax people who opt out of the aca. Something like $200 a month every month you weren't covered. So if you aren't covered all year and you were gonna get $2400 back you get zero.
lmao, WTF?

Silly boo boo you are way misinformed
So my accountant ripped me off for those 2 months I wasn't working last year and didn't have healthcare?

By the way it was less last year than it will be this year. The fee was something like $100 per month and he said next year it'll be more.

Tell me what I'm wrong about then if you can. Or is it you just don't like the truth. What did I say that made you uncomfortable.

And who's the little bitch that agreed or thanked you? What do they think they know? Spit it out loser.

Silly boo boo, you are the one who posted the tax was $2,400 a year
That's how you are penalized.
now we have Two misinformed morons
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
So I was just wrong about the dollar amount? First of all it was last year I had to pay and I don't remember what the charge or tax or fee or penalty was and second the fee was smaller last year. Their giving people time to get their shit together.
Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
BS. ACA is the best thing to happen to Americans ever, over time will continue improving and cutting costs, and the stimulus turned around Main St, dingbat. And then the GOP obstructed the recovery and threatenened shutdowns, costing the GDP 1%+ each time.

AND you think the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, HENCE, you too are a branwashed dunce. Less than 6 months- with Teddy able to vote and in session, THIRTEEN DAYS. IDIOT.
And I like how they tax people who opt out of the aca. Something like $200 a month every month you weren't covered. So if you aren't covered all year and you were gonna get $2400 back you get zero.
lmao, WTF?

Silly boo boo you are way misinformed
So my accountant ripped me off for those 2 months I wasn't working last year and didn't have healthcare?

By the way it was less last year than it will be this year. The fee was something like $100 per month and he said next year it'll be more.

Tell me what I'm wrong about then if you can. Or is it you just don't like the truth. What did I say that made you uncomfortable.

And who's the little bitch that agreed or thanked you? What do they think they know? Spit it out loser.

Silly boo boo, you are the one who posted the tax was $2,400 a year
It's over a hundred dollars a month. $200 a month is $2400
Judging from the AWFUL legislation that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party gave us in the two years that they controlled the House, Senate and Oval Office, Franco...it's small wonder that the electorate introduced obstruction to the process when they voted out record numbers of Democrats. That didn't happen because progressives were doing wonderful things...that happened because they chose to take advantage of a financial crisis to pass a completely flawed and poorly named ACA...and a stimulus plan that rewarded Democratic supporters more than it stimulated a staggering economy.
BS. ACA is the best thing to happen to Americans ever, over time will continue improving and cutting costs, and the stimulus turned around Main St, dingbat. And then the GOP obstructed the recovery and threatenened shutdowns, costing the GDP 1%+ each time.

AND you think the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, HENCE, you too are a branwashed dunce. Less than 6 months- with Teddy able to vote and in session, THIRTEEN DAYS. IDIOT.
And I like how they tax people who opt out of the aca. Something like $200 a month every month you weren't covered. So if you aren't covered all year and you were gonna get $2400 back you get zero.
lmao, WTF?

Silly boo boo you are way misinformed
So my accountant ripped me off for those 2 months I wasn't working last year and didn't have healthcare?

By the way it was less last year than it will be this year. The fee was something like $100 per month and he said next year it'll be more.

Tell me what I'm wrong about then if you can. Or is it you just don't like the truth. What did I say that made you uncomfortable.

And who's the little bitch that agreed or thanked you? What do they think they know? Spit it out loser.

Silly boo boo, you are the one who posted the tax was $2,400 a year
If that's all it is to opt out of obamacare that's not much $325 for a whole year.
BS. ACA is the best thing to happen to Americans ever, over time will continue improving and cutting costs, and the stimulus turned around Main St, dingbat. And then the GOP obstructed the recovery and threatenened shutdowns, costing the GDP 1%+ each time.

AND you think the Dems controlled congress for 2 years, HENCE, you too are a branwashed dunce. Less than 6 months- with Teddy able to vote and in session, THIRTEEN DAYS. IDIOT.
And I like how they tax people who opt out of the aca. Something like $200 a month every month you weren't covered. So if you aren't covered all year and you were gonna get $2400 back you get zero.
lmao, WTF?

Silly boo boo you are way misinformed
So my accountant ripped me off for those 2 months I wasn't working last year and didn't have healthcare?

By the way it was less last year than it will be this year. The fee was something like $100 per month and he said next year it'll be more.

Tell me what I'm wrong about then if you can. Or is it you just don't like the truth. What did I say that made you uncomfortable.

And who's the little bitch that agreed or thanked you? What do they think they know? Spit it out loser.

Silly boo boo, you are the one who posted the tax was $2,400 a year
It's over a hundred dollars a month. $200 a month is $2400
I guess it is if you make 125 grand a year, I am going to have to pay around $700 bucks next April, it is still cheaper then my health care at work.
That's how you are penalized.
now we have Two misinformed morons
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
$325 for the whole year? Not in Michigan. Maybe in Kentucky or Arkansas.
What does a state have to do with anything?

Again it's 2% of your yearly salary or a minimum of $325 for an adult this year, I don't believe you even work.

It goes up to 2.5% next year

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform
Yet the R-Derp's and the Franco's of this board are absolutely convinced that the only politicians in the pockets of big business are Republicans.
Make up your minds. Do the rich own and control our government or not?

You Republicans defend the very rich and powerful that own you.

Yes, the wealthy of the world wield immense power over government not only here but EVERYWHERE! Even in communist countries there was always an "elite" class of people who lived totally different from the masses. It was that way in Cuba...it was that way in the Soviet Union and China. So kindly explain how progressive policies address that? They pay it lip service, Sealy but when Barack Obama is hanging out with the people he's hanging out with this week in Martha's Vineyard do you NOT think that those people in large part "control" our government? I've got news for you...if you're palling around with the POTUS then you've got some huge clout!
But only the GOP here fights for secret campaign funding and no limits on lobbying campaign financing duh. People paying for getting destructive, greedy stuff, like screwing the workers, customers and the environment duh.

What the GOP "fought for" was the right for Americans to contribute to political causes they support without having to fear repercussions from employers or the government in power. You know like some zealot in the IRS deciding that because you're a conservative that they should leak your confidential taxpayer information to your political enemies? Sound familiar?
Nixon? That's why they changed the rules so presidents have little power over the IRS. Sorry, duped AGAIN, hater dupe.

They "changed the rules" Franco because Nixon tried to use the IRS against his political enemies UNSUCCESSFULLY! Barack Obama and the Progressives on the other hand were successful in doing what Nixon attempted. They used the power of the IRS against their political opponents. One of the main reasons Nixon was going to be impeached was what he attempted to do with the IRS. So what punishment has been meted out to Obama or anyone else involved in the IRS scandal?
They are working the farms.
That's what McCain said but turns out that's a lie.

I could find thousands of illegals. Ever fly to NYC? The whole place is staffed by illegals.

Then check every construction or factory or company with mexican workers.

I hired Mexicans, good workers. They were documented or they didn't work for me. It is the law.
So you and all your conservative pals pay all your taxes and check all your Mexicans. How patriotic of you. You're acting like corporations don't cheat.

Maybe those bush tax breaks don't include small business owners such as yourselves.

Tell me, is or are your corporations sitting on billions? Then I'm not even talking about you. Youre on of us. And if you aren't, don't ask us to agree with your slant on things. Greed selfish and ignorance is what you are praying on and there's plenty of that here in America.

We should toss out any American who doesn't vote.

Fuck you, I follow the laws it makes life easier. You can't write off illegal aliens. You pay taxes and permits because if you don't, you are screwed during any audit. Be it the IRS, State tax division, employment division, workmans comp. And so on. To try to go under the table or cheat, you could lose your business. It isn't worth it.

Legal is the best way to go, your whole idea that small businesses pay under the table, hire illegally is silly. Most are legit, it is a lot easier and if they are doing things illegally you need to report them instead of bitching about them. Those guys do us legit guys no favors.
Sounds exactly like black people. MOST are good but far too many are not. Same with corporations. Most pay their taxes sure I'll give you that.

Bring race into the issue? Interesting.
That's how you are penalized.
now we have Two misinformed morons
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
$325 for the whole year? Not in Michigan. Maybe in Kentucky or Arkansas.
What does a state have to do with anything?

Again it's 2% of your yearly salary or a minimum of $325 for an adult this year, I don't believe you even work.

It goes up to 2.5% next year

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform

Something else that Sealy is clueless about...sigh...

Here's a dose of reality for all you progressive ACA "cheerleaders". Way too many people didn't sign up for ObamaCare because they are young, healthy and didn't want to spend the money. Instead they paid a relatively small penalty and went without. They'll be able to get away with that for a short amount of time but mark my words the penalty for noncompliance is about to be raised and raised substantially because without those young, healthy people in the pool the numbers don't work and the whole system goes into a "death spiral". The only reason the penalty was so little at the onset of this is that Democrats didn't want the public to see the true cost of ObamaCare until it was too late to change it.
now we have Two misinformed morons
So how are you penalized?
This year it is $325 an adult, $165 a child or 2% of income,
$325 for the whole year? Not in Michigan. Maybe in Kentucky or Arkansas.
What does a state have to do with anything?

Again it's 2% of your yearly salary or a minimum of $325 for an adult this year, I don't believe you even work.

It goes up to 2.5% next year

Full List of Obama Tax Hikes Americans for Tax Reform

Something else that Sealy is clueless about...sigh...

Here's a dose of reality for all you progressive ACA "cheerleaders". Way too many people didn't sign up for ObamaCare because they are young, healthy and didn't want to spend the money. Instead they paid a relatively small penalty and went without. They'll be able to get away with that for a short amount of time but mark my words the penalty for noncompliance is about to be raised and raised substantially because without those young, healthy people in the pool the numbers don't work and the whole system goes into a "death spiral". The only reason the penalty was so little at the onset of this is that Democrats didn't want the public to see the true cost of ObamaCare until it was too late to change it.

He ran away from this thread, facts got in his way

He don't work....

Silly boo boo is a child
62.6% Labor participation Rate.

Worse Recovery Ever.

Just compare Obama's job performance to Reagan's:

View attachment 46799
Hey dumbass dupe, would that have anything to do with Pubs obstructing all reform and threatening shutdowns for four years? The best of the recovery was the first Obama year with congressional control and the last 2 years since the last shutdown bs. Duh.

You are a moron. Obama had a Dem controlled Congress for four years, and pretty much got whatever he wanted. He has also abused his executive power by massively expanding regulations.

The performance of the economy is moribund precisely because of the Big Government Programs and Policies that Obama put in place. You loons of the left are just in denial that the economy is performing as predicted by conservatives.

I agree and even though its better than it was its not up to where those predicting thought it would be.

This is part of the article I read put out by CNBC which of course it left of center.

Blanchard made his remarks after the IMF said its global growth forecasts remained unchanged. It also warned, however, that the economic recovery remains "moderate and uneven," beset by greater uncertainty and a host of risks, including geopolitical tensions and financial volatility.
Look, Sealy...this really isn't rocket science. American corporations compete in a global economy. If you burden them with too many regulations, things like the ACA and things like ridiculous $15 an hour minimum wages for unskilled labor...then they WILL build that new factory somewhere else.

Corporate profits have nearly tripled under Obama. It's time to stop with the "burdensome regulations" BS.
You are math challenged. I've shown you the stats - you are making up shit.
My math in no way conflicts with yours, and especially since we're getting the same answer I'm at a loss as to what you think is wrong. Especially since I gave you my BLS source. You can check my math

Then do the math - your link doesn't show the gross change that you say you are netting out.

The U.S. population of those 16 years and older does not increase 700K+ in a month. That is pure nonsense.
I didn't say it did. It went up 213k
743k entered, 530k left. Go to my link, the total for "other inflows" clearly says 743k (last column, 4th row)
Total for "other outflows" is 530k (next to last column, 5th row.

Other inflows are people Who were not employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force the previous month bu are now

And the footnote for that is:

(2) Includes persons just turning 16 and adjustments to estimated population totals.

Which proves my point that the whose who are younger age cohorts are not entering the workforce, hence they are significant components of the drop in the LFPR. It's NOT JUST BOOMERS.
Who is arguing that the drop in the labor force participation rate is due solely because of baby boomers??

Blaming it on the boomers appeared earlier in this thread (as well as in numerous others on this board). Look it up for yourself if you want to see who all promotes this view.

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