58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Obama's Slams Small Businesses With Excessive Regulations ...
U.S. News World Report News Rankings and Analysis on Politics Education Healthcare and More/.../24/obamas-slams-small-businesses-with...regulations
Mar 24, 2014 · New regulations under the Obama administration are ... But just as the administration continues to increase the rate of new regulations and ...

Most of those are environmental to stop global warming...Not to demand fair treatment of our workers or payment.
Obama's Slams Small Businesses With Excessive Regulations ...
U.S. News World Report News Rankings and Analysis on Politics Education Healthcare and More/.../24/obamas-slams-small-businesses-with...regulations
Mar 24, 2014 · New regulations under the Obama administration are ... But just as the administration continues to increase the rate of new regulations and ...

Most of those are environmental to stop global warming...Not to demand fair treatment of our workers or payment.

I see dimwit; the problem is not ENOUGH regulations

as a matter of fact Faun-tard; liberals want to RETURN to the shaky lending policies that caused the housing bubble
angry sputtering and stammering, along with history revisionism cant hide the holes in your arguments, or change historical facts
Obama's Slams Small Businesses With Excessive Regulations ...
U.S. News World Report News Rankings and Analysis on Politics Education Healthcare and More/.../24/obamas-slams-small-businesses-with...regulations
Mar 24, 2014 · New regulations under the Obama administration are ... But just as the administration continues to increase the rate of new regulations and ...

Most of those are environmental to stop global warming...Not to demand fair treatment of our workers or payment.

I see dimwit; the problem is not ENOUGH regulations


The wrong ones...Obama isn't stopping the big businesses/corporations from fucking over the small businesses and outsourcing industry to shit holes. Tell me, what exactly did he do that Bush and Reagan didn't? They're all owned by the super rich.
Faun; do you want the "Fannie Mae is fine" Barney Frank story, or the video?
what a joke you are
Nah, I've seen you rightards post that idiocy 100 times. What I wanna see is where Republicans, who had control over all legislative functions of our government, did something to prevent the complete fucking meltdown their own policies created.......

you've been shown repeatedly that they weren't "republican" polices. so why do you want a response to what is a false premise in the first place leftard?
You're completely demented as you haven't shown jack shit. Sure, you said that, but you've posted nothing beyond your worthless word to back yourself up. Meanwhile, we have Bush taking the credit along with his party for those policies...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." - Hurricane Bush, to a crowd of Republicans.
as a matter of fact Faun-tard; liberals want to RETURN to the shaky lending policies that caused the housing bubble

Deregulation caused that. ;) The best economic period in our nations history was between 1940 to 1975....The rich paid far more and the public sector invested big time in our economy!!! You wouldn't be typing on a computer if it wasn't for that research, fact. Our industry led the world.
how many times do you idiots have to be reminded it isn't 1945? or 1975? or any year in between?

boring angry left-wing clowns; wallowing in failed ideology, denial, and history revisionism

tsk tsk tsk
and they stopped moving under there under Prog governance right dimwit?

Who are you talking to?

You should make an appointment to talk to someone.

you responded dummy

Funny you didn't. You went on a rant probably to avoid answering my post.
You have nothing but diversion.

you asked who I was talking to but clearly you knew

ok go cry

You're done here.

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