58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

A) I don't need to have stupid crap like this that you expect ANY one to read....
B) Your comment is always good for a laugh!
C)By the way "Franco is dead" in case you didn't know.
(The below is what someone who believes anyone reads anything he writes depends on to get some ignorant unsubstantiated comments at least seen!)
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
I vacationed in Spain several times under Franco- my English Aunt owned a bar in Fuengirola, and I lived there and tried to re-open it '94-5. Franco refers to Francophile.

Everything in my sig is documented fact, so of course breaking news to Foxbot WHATEVER Pub dupe ignoramuses like you.

it's a documented fact? i have some documented facts. let's see if you can handle them (without making pathetic, little boy excuses)

under obama/progressives the richest got richer and the poor got poorer

What policies has Obama and other
Dems put forth to address those issues?

What policies have the Repubs engaged in with the Dems or put forth on their own to address those issues?

You can't say Dems haven't tried to engage Repubs on these issues.

i dont have to. i CAN say they got worse when Dems DID get what they wanted. for instance the almost $1 TRILLION "Stimulus", and tens of billions for "green" jobs like SOLYNDRA that failed to produce jobs and the money disappeared

Disingenuous nonsense. You can't place the blame wholly on the side that has indeed put forth ideas to address some of those issues while giving a pass to the other side that has done nothing even though they have the majority and could easily move on them.

Simply raising the MW would be a good start.

"raising the MW" for who?
For these people?

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:

50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

So these kids in entry level jobs already making $7/hour are the ones you think will make a big difference in "raising the poverty level"?
Here is what one of those fast food chains that will be faced with $15/hour says is going to happen to those 1.7 million entry workers...

First, CFO Todd Penegor talked about the pressure to pay higher wages and said that
“we continue to look at initiatives and how we work to offset any impacts of future wage inflation through technology initiatives, whether that’s customer self-order kiosks, whether that’s automating more in the back of the house in the restaurant.
And you’ll see a lot more coming on that front later this year from us.
So, their first change is going to be looking at greater automation.
This raises the productivity of the labor that they do employ, which is great.
But it also means that for any given level of output they will be employing less labor:
That’s what automation and higher productivity both mean. So, job losses coming here.
“our franchisees will likely look at the opportunity to reduce overall staff, look at the opportunity to certainly reduce hours and any other cost reduction opportunities, not just price.
You know there are some people out there who naively say that these wages can simply be passed along in terms of price increases.
I don’t think that the average franchisee believes that.”
Wendy s Explains What Really Happens With A Minimum Wage Rise Job Losses - Forbes

So over half of the people that would get minimum wage increases ARE GOING TO BE replaced by automation!!!
Bedowin the Fox Arab plant and Health Spammer are a complete waste. Bed has only the stupid talking points and affirms he's won when you present the facts, ie total Pub disasters and obstruction. Pubspam is also just speading idiotic nonsense.
I already answered you ... the ones Bush credited for the real-estate boom.

you mean you are actually saying democrats voted AGAINST those policies?

I said nothing about how Democrats voted and you don't even know how they voted. What I said is you don't understand English...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." - Hurricane Bush to a crowd of Republicans.

YAWN; but I DID say it; and yiou chose to repeatedly argue with me about it, instead of just admitting i was right. if you dont like the point or didnt think it relevant then fine, but you went on and on trying to dance around it. my point about this thread, and specifically YOUR POSTS, was that blaming others for tanking the economy when you cant even show where your own side opposed the vey policies you're blaming others for, makes you look stupid.
Nice. Now you're arguing "facts" you can't prove. You claim Democrats supported those Republican policies yet you offer no proof.

And then there's also a string of bills, all of which died in the Republican-led Senate, to reform oversight of the GSE's, which could have averted the meltdown.

But still, I'm enjoying watching you idiots try to blame Democrats for policies Republicans took credit for before those same policies led to the worst financial meltdown since Republicans gave us the Great Depression.

Great record you rightwing nuts have there. :thup:

Don't you idiots know that there is a thing called the "Internet"???
The Internet provides FACTS that you people making "suppositions" "guesses" "hysterical" fictional statements seem to contradict!

In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In 1992 in the wake of the Savings and Loan crisis, and over concern similar lending problems would develop, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight was created as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.[16] While Senate and House leaders voiced their intention to bring about the needed legislation, no reform bills materialized.

A Senate reform bill introduced by Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) (S.1656) never made it out of the 21-member (10D/11R) Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.[17] At the time members of the 108th congress expressed faith in the solvency of Fannie and Freddie.
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), for example, described them as "not facing any kind of financial crisis." [18]

Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.
However, Fannie's total assets to capital (leverage ratio) was about 20:1, while Freddie's was about 70:1.[53][54]
These numbers increase significantly if one includes all the mortgage-backed assets they guaranteed.
These ratios are considerably higher than investment banks, which leverage around 30:1.[55][56

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines
(13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),
doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.
Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Too fucking retarded. Are you even capable of forming a cogent argument?

S.1656 was sponsored by a Democrat and the Republican-led Senate referred it to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; where Republican leadership let the bill die without a committee vote.

S.190 did pass along partisan lines, as you pointed out. The bill then went to Republican leaders where they refused to place it on the Senate's Legislative Calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

In both bills you cite, Republican leadership in the Senate prevented them from proceeding. And there were more bills Republicans sat on just like those two. H.R.2575(2003), H.R.2803(2003), & H.R.1461(2005) .... all died because Republican leadership sat on them.

Democrats may have been wrong about the GSE's but Republicans were in charge and Republicans did nothing to prevent the meltdown.

What do rightards do because they can't deal with these inconvenient pesky facts...?

Why, blame a single member of the minority Democrat party, of course. :thup:
Last edited:
I vacationed in Spain several times under Franco- my English Aunt owned a bar in Fuengirola, and I lived there and tried to re-open it '94-5. Franco refers to Francophile.

Everything in my sig is documented fact, so of course breaking news to Foxbot WHATEVER Pub dupe ignoramuses like you.

it's a documented fact? i have some documented facts. let's see if you can handle them (without making pathetic, little boy excuses)

under obama/progressives the richest got richer and the poor got poorer

What policies has Obama and other
Dems put forth to address those issues?

What policies have the Repubs engaged in with the Dems or put forth on their own to address those issues?

You can't say Dems haven't tried to engage Repubs on these issues.

i dont have to. i CAN say they got worse when Dems DID get what they wanted. for instance the almost $1 TRILLION "Stimulus", and tens of billions for "green" jobs like SOLYNDRA that failed to produce jobs and the money disappeared

Disingenuous nonsense. You can't place the blame wholly on the side that has indeed put forth ideas to address some of those issues while giving a pass to the other side that has done nothing even though they have the majority and could easily move on them.

Simply raising the MW would be a good start.

"raising the MW" for who?
For these people?

Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:

50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10 Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2012

So these kids in entry level jobs already making $7/hour are the ones you think will make a big difference in "raising the poverty level"?
Here is what one of those fast food chains that will be faced with $15/hour says is going to happen to those 1.7 million entry workers...

First, CFO Todd Penegor talked about the pressure to pay higher wages and said that
“we continue to look at initiatives and how we work to offset any impacts of future wage inflation through technology initiatives, whether that’s customer self-order kiosks, whether that’s automating more in the back of the house in the restaurant.
And you’ll see a lot more coming on that front later this year from us.
So, their first change is going to be looking at greater automation.
This raises the productivity of the labor that they do employ, which is great.
But it also means that for any given level of output they will be employing less labor:
That’s what automation and higher productivity both mean. So, job losses coming here.
“our franchisees will likely look at the opportunity to reduce overall staff, look at the opportunity to certainly reduce hours and any other cost reduction opportunities, not just price.
You know there are some people out there who naively say that these wages can simply be passed along in terms of price increases.
I don’t think that the average franchisee believes that.”
Wendy s Explains What Really Happens With A Minimum Wage Rise Job Losses - Forbes

So over half of the people that would get minimum wage increases ARE GOING TO BE replaced by automation!!!

Over 75 years of MW. Show me even one example of 50% of workers being replaced by automation.

After your reaming on corporate profits, you should understand that there's plenty of wiggle room for wage increases.
you mean you are actually saying democrats voted AGAINST those policies?

I said nothing about how Democrats voted and you don't even know how they voted. What I said is you don't understand English...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." - Hurricane Bush to a crowd of Republicans.

YAWN; but I DID say it; and yiou chose to repeatedly argue with me about it, instead of just admitting i was right. if you dont like the point or didnt think it relevant then fine, but you went on and on trying to dance around it. my point about this thread, and specifically YOUR POSTS, was that blaming others for tanking the economy when you cant even show where your own side opposed the vey policies you're blaming others for, makes you look stupid.
Nice. Now you're arguing "facts" you can't prove. You claim Democrats supported those Republican policies yet you offer no proof.

And then there's also a string of bills, all of which died in the Republican-led Senate, to reform oversight of the GSE's, which could have averted the meltdown.

But still, I'm enjoying watching you idiots try to blame Democrats for policies Republicans took credit for before those same policies led to the worst financial meltdown since Republicans gave us the Great Depression.

Great record you rightwing nuts have there. :thup:

Don't you idiots know that there is a thing called the "Internet"???
The Internet provides FACTS that you people making "suppositions" "guesses" "hysterical" fictional statements seem to contradict!

In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In 1992 in the wake of the Savings and Loan crisis, and over concern similar lending problems would develop, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight was created as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.[16] While Senate and House leaders voiced their intention to bring about the needed legislation, no reform bills materialized.

A Senate reform bill introduced by Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) (S.1656) never made it out of the 21-member (10D/11R) Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.[17] At the time members of the 108th congress expressed faith in the solvency of Fannie and Freddie.
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), for example, described them as "not facing any kind of financial crisis." [18]

Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.
However, Fannie's total assets to capital (leverage ratio) was about 20:1, while Freddie's was about 70:1.[53][54]
These numbers increase significantly if one includes all the mortgage-backed assets they guaranteed.
These ratios are considerably higher than investment banks, which leverage around 30:1.[55][56

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines
(13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),
doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.
Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Too fucking retarded. Are you even capable of forming a cogent argument?

S.1656 was sponsored by a Democrat and the Republican-led Senate referred it to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; where Republican leadership let the bill die without a committee vote.

S.190 did pass along partisan lines, as you pointed out. The bill then went to Republican leaders where they refused to place it on the Senate's Legislative Calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

In both bills you cite, Republican leadership in the Senate prevented them from proceeding. And there were more bills Republicans sat on just like those two. H.R.2575(2003), H.R.2803(2003), & H.R.1461(2005) .... all died because Republican leadership sat on them.

Democrats may have been wrong about the GSE's but Republicans were in charge and Republicans did nothing to prevent the meltdown.

What do rightards do because they can't deal with these inconvenient pesky facts...?

Why, blame a single member of the minority Democrat party, of course. :thup:

Totally MADE UP! Don't believe ONE word of your crap!
Provide LINKS because ANY one can make up that crap!
For example: H.R.2575(2003) Where does it have ANYTHING to do with Fannie/Freddie???
Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 10.10.15 PM.png

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

i'm addressing you directly now. you post nothing of substance, so what is there to fear from you?

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

i'm addressing you directly now. you post nothing of substance, so what is there to fear from you?

Address the point.
Tell me why, with record profits nearly every quarter, that American business can't comfortably raise wages.

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

i'm addressing you directly now. you post nothing of substance, so what is there to fear from you?

Address the point.
Tell me why, with record profits nearly every quarter, that American business can't comfortably raise wages.

I can give you a dozen reasons dimwit; but the most important one is economix doesn't dictate raises be given on the basis of what YOU think are excessive profits

2. many, if not most large corporations are MULTINATIONALS. they aren't making profits on their American workers. who who do you want to give a raise to genius?
and wages are set by what the market says is the proper compensation for a given skillset einstein
I said nothing about how Democrats voted and you don't even know how they voted. What I said is you don't understand English...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all-time high." - Hurricane Bush to a crowd of Republicans.

YAWN; but I DID say it; and yiou chose to repeatedly argue with me about it, instead of just admitting i was right. if you dont like the point or didnt think it relevant then fine, but you went on and on trying to dance around it. my point about this thread, and specifically YOUR POSTS, was that blaming others for tanking the economy when you cant even show where your own side opposed the vey policies you're blaming others for, makes you look stupid.
Nice. Now you're arguing "facts" you can't prove. You claim Democrats supported those Republican policies yet you offer no proof.

And then there's also a string of bills, all of which died in the Republican-led Senate, to reform oversight of the GSE's, which could have averted the meltdown.

But still, I'm enjoying watching you idiots try to blame Democrats for policies Republicans took credit for before those same policies led to the worst financial meltdown since Republicans gave us the Great Depression.

Great record you rightwing nuts have there. :thup:

Don't you idiots know that there is a thing called the "Internet"???
The Internet provides FACTS that you people making "suppositions" "guesses" "hysterical" fictional statements seem to contradict!

In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In 1992 in the wake of the Savings and Loan crisis, and over concern similar lending problems would develop, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight was created as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.[16] While Senate and House leaders voiced their intention to bring about the needed legislation, no reform bills materialized.

A Senate reform bill introduced by Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) (S.1656) never made it out of the 21-member (10D/11R) Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.[17] At the time members of the 108th congress expressed faith in the solvency of Fannie and Freddie.
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), for example, described them as "not facing any kind of financial crisis." [18]

Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.
However, Fannie's total assets to capital (leverage ratio) was about 20:1, while Freddie's was about 70:1.[53][54]
These numbers increase significantly if one includes all the mortgage-backed assets they guaranteed.
These ratios are considerably higher than investment banks, which leverage around 30:1.[55][56

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines
(13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),
doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.
Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Too fucking retarded. Are you even capable of forming a cogent argument?

S.1656 was sponsored by a Democrat and the Republican-led Senate referred it to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; where Republican leadership let the bill die without a committee vote.

S.190 did pass along partisan lines, as you pointed out. The bill then went to Republican leaders where they refused to place it on the Senate's Legislative Calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

In both bills you cite, Republican leadership in the Senate prevented them from proceeding. And there were more bills Republicans sat on just like those two. H.R.2575(2003), H.R.2803(2003), & H.R.1461(2005) .... all died because Republican leadership sat on them.

Democrats may have been wrong about the GSE's but Republicans were in charge and Republicans did nothing to prevent the meltdown.

What do rightards do because they can't deal with these inconvenient pesky facts...?

Why, blame a single member of the minority Democrat party, of course. :thup:

Totally MADE UP! Don't believe ONE word of your crap!
Provide LINKS because ANY one can make up that crap!
For example: H.R.2575(2003) Where does it have ANYTHING to do with Fannie/Freddie???
View attachment 47149
You really are a fucking retard.

H.R. 2575 (108th Congress, 2003–2004)

Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act

To reform the regulation of certain housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, and for other purposes.


people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

i'm addressing you directly now. you post nothing of substance, so what is there to fear from you?

Address the point.
Tell me why, with record profits nearly every quarter, that American business can't comfortably raise wages.

"record corporate profits every quarter"

which ones? some of them? all of them? most of them?
how do you know they aren't giving raises? you don't even give an example; just spout rhetoric
YAWN; but I DID say it; and yiou chose to repeatedly argue with me about it, instead of just admitting i was right. if you dont like the point or didnt think it relevant then fine, but you went on and on trying to dance around it. my point about this thread, and specifically YOUR POSTS, was that blaming others for tanking the economy when you cant even show where your own side opposed the vey policies you're blaming others for, makes you look stupid.
Nice. Now you're arguing "facts" you can't prove. You claim Democrats supported those Republican policies yet you offer no proof.

And then there's also a string of bills, all of which died in the Republican-led Senate, to reform oversight of the GSE's, which could have averted the meltdown.

But still, I'm enjoying watching you idiots try to blame Democrats for policies Republicans took credit for before those same policies led to the worst financial meltdown since Republicans gave us the Great Depression.

Great record you rightwing nuts have there. :thup:

Don't you idiots know that there is a thing called the "Internet"???
The Internet provides FACTS that you people making "suppositions" "guesses" "hysterical" fictional statements seem to contradict!

In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In 1992 in the wake of the Savings and Loan crisis, and over concern similar lending problems would develop, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight was created as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.[16] While Senate and House leaders voiced their intention to bring about the needed legislation, no reform bills materialized.

A Senate reform bill introduced by Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) (S.1656) never made it out of the 21-member (10D/11R) Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.[17] At the time members of the 108th congress expressed faith in the solvency of Fannie and Freddie.
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), for example, described them as "not facing any kind of financial crisis." [18]

Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.
However, Fannie's total assets to capital (leverage ratio) was about 20:1, while Freddie's was about 70:1.[53][54]
These numbers increase significantly if one includes all the mortgage-backed assets they guaranteed.
These ratios are considerably higher than investment banks, which leverage around 30:1.[55][56

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines
(13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),
doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.
Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Too fucking retarded. Are you even capable of forming a cogent argument?

S.1656 was sponsored by a Democrat and the Republican-led Senate referred it to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; where Republican leadership let the bill die without a committee vote.

S.190 did pass along partisan lines, as you pointed out. The bill then went to Republican leaders where they refused to place it on the Senate's Legislative Calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

In both bills you cite, Republican leadership in the Senate prevented them from proceeding. And there were more bills Republicans sat on just like those two. H.R.2575(2003), H.R.2803(2003), & H.R.1461(2005) .... all died because Republican leadership sat on them.

Democrats may have been wrong about the GSE's but Republicans were in charge and Republicans did nothing to prevent the meltdown.

What do rightards do because they can't deal with these inconvenient pesky facts...?

Why, blame a single member of the minority Democrat party, of course. :thup:

Totally MADE UP! Don't believe ONE word of your crap!
Provide LINKS because ANY one can make up that crap!
For example: H.R.2575(2003) Where does it have ANYTHING to do with Fannie/Freddie???
View attachment 47149
You really are a fucking retard.

H.R. 2575 (108th Congress, 2003–2004)

Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act

To reform the regulation of certain housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, and for other purposes.


you're an angry, unhinged idiot. I feel sorry for your family, friends and acquaintances, if you have any
and wages are set by what the market says is the proper compensation for a given skillset einstein

Look at Africa or south Asia...It is the worker that normally gets fucked out of what he/she puts into a corporation. If it cost 100 grand to buy a house, 4 grand to buy a cheap car and 300 bucks per month to eat....Well, do you really think a corporation sucking up 90% of the profit to the highest level is fair and or even right???

Sure the market has supply and demand but the point being is the workers aren't getting what they should. So we have a wealth gap that is growing larger and larger based on greed.
Faun; do you want the "Fannie Mae is fine" Barney Frank story, or the video?
what a joke you are
Half a century after President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a war on poverty, the number of Americans living in slums is rising at an extraordinary pace.

The number of people living in high-poverty areas—defined as census tracts where 40 percent or more of families have income levels below the federal poverty threshold—nearly doubled between 2000 and 2013, to 13.8 million from 7.2 million, according to a new analysis of census data by Paul Jargowsky, a public-policy professor at Rutgers University-Camden and a fellow at The Century Foundation. That’s the highest number of Americans living in high-poverty neighborhoods ever recorded. America s Slums Are Getting Worse As More People Live in Concentrated Poverty - The Atlantic
Nice. Now you're arguing "facts" you can't prove. You claim Democrats supported those Republican policies yet you offer no proof.

And then there's also a string of bills, all of which died in the Republican-led Senate, to reform oversight of the GSE's, which could have averted the meltdown.

But still, I'm enjoying watching you idiots try to blame Democrats for policies Republicans took credit for before those same policies led to the worst financial meltdown since Republicans gave us the Great Depression.

Great record you rightwing nuts have there. :thup:

Don't you idiots know that there is a thing called the "Internet"???
The Internet provides FACTS that you people making "suppositions" "guesses" "hysterical" fictional statements seem to contradict!

In 2003, the Bush Administration sought to create a new agency, replacing the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
In 1992 in the wake of the Savings and Loan crisis, and over concern similar lending problems would develop, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight was created as part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.[16] While Senate and House leaders voiced their intention to bring about the needed legislation, no reform bills materialized.

A Senate reform bill introduced by Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) (S.1656) never made it out of the 21-member (10D/11R) Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.[17] At the time members of the 108th congress expressed faith in the solvency of Fannie and Freddie.
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA), for example, described them as "not facing any kind of financial crisis." [18]

Both Fannie and Freddie had positive net worth as of the date of the takeover, meaning the value of their assets exceeded their liabilities.
However, Fannie's total assets to capital (leverage ratio) was about 20:1, while Freddie's was about 70:1.[53][54]
These numbers increase significantly if one includes all the mortgage-backed assets they guaranteed.
These ratios are considerably higher than investment banks, which leverage around 30:1.[55][56

The George W. Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines
(13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"),
doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized.
Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Too fucking retarded. Are you even capable of forming a cogent argument?

S.1656 was sponsored by a Democrat and the Republican-led Senate referred it to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; where Republican leadership let the bill die without a committee vote.

S.190 did pass along partisan lines, as you pointed out. The bill then went to Republican leaders where they refused to place it on the Senate's Legislative Calendar to be put to an up/down vote by the full Senate.

In both bills you cite, Republican leadership in the Senate prevented them from proceeding. And there were more bills Republicans sat on just like those two. H.R.2575(2003), H.R.2803(2003), & H.R.1461(2005) .... all died because Republican leadership sat on them.

Democrats may have been wrong about the GSE's but Republicans were in charge and Republicans did nothing to prevent the meltdown.

What do rightards do because they can't deal with these inconvenient pesky facts...?

Why, blame a single member of the minority Democrat party, of course. :thup:

Totally MADE UP! Don't believe ONE word of your crap!
Provide LINKS because ANY one can make up that crap!
For example: H.R.2575(2003) Where does it have ANYTHING to do with Fannie/Freddie???
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You really are a fucking retard.

H.R. 2575 (108th Congress, 2003–2004)

Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act

To reform the regulation of certain housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, and for other purposes.


you're an angry, unhinged idiot. I feel sorry for your family, friends and acquaintances, if you have any

Read up on the late 19th century or industrial revolution. This is how corporations would treat their workers and society if it wasn't for regulations...Learn something then come back and discuss.
and wages are set by what the market says is the proper compensation for a given skillset einstein

Look at Africa or south Asia...It is the worker that normally gets fucked out of what he/she puts into a corporation. If it cost 100 grand to buy a house, 4 grand to buy a cheap car and 300 bucks per month to eat....Well, do you really think a corporation sucking up 90% of the profit to the highest level is fair and or even right???

Sure the market has supply and demand but the point being is the workers aren't getting what they should. So we have a wealth gap that is growing larger and larger based on greed.

and your examples are asia and south Africa

thanks genius

people whose cities are insolvent cesspools tottering on the brink of bankruptcy should avoid speaking on what successful corporations can or cant afford

Who's cities sleeply?

I see you have nothing to offer per usual.
You aren't even able to address me directly.

i'm addressing you directly now. you post nothing of substance, so what is there to fear from you?

Address the point.
Tell me why, with record profits nearly every quarter, that American business can't comfortably raise wages.

"record corporate profits every quarter"

which ones? some of them? all of them? most of them?
how do you know they aren't giving raises? you don't even give an example; just spout rhetoric

The wealth gap is spreading ever wider and the rich get richer. Pretty fucking simple...

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