58 straight months of jobs growth, ACA working great where allowed to, where is this bad economy?

Part 2: Why Labor Force Participation Continues to Stay Low
Apr 23, 2015 - The aging population is one of the causes. ... In March, labor force participation declined 0.1% to 62.7%, the lowest ..... More people are opting to apply for Medicaid, disability benefits, and food stamps instead of joining the workforce. ... The increase in welfare benefits is contributing to the declining labor

not too hard to find the part of the story you losers on the Left wont talk about
Not true. I myself have blamed those reasons as well in the past when discussing the LFPR.
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Why not automate the basics and offer a living wage welfare program to all Americans??? We don't live in the 50's anymore. lol

Get some forward thinking going,hahahaha....Why should it be work or die in a time where so few could provide food for our population?
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Its sad how some people always want to screw over the weakest amongs us.

And you are helpless to help the weakest?
Why don't you come up with a business idea that would be the weakest to work for a little dignity and not a hand out?
Can't do it can you? So you look to others! How sad!
Its sad how some people always want to screw over the weakest amongs us.

And you are helpless to help the weakest?
Why don't you come up with a business idea that would be the weakest to work for a little dignity and not a hand out?
Can't do it can you? So you look to others! How sad!

Why shouldn't we have a tax payer funded safety net where all can go to when they need help?
Its sad how some people always want to screw over the weakest amongs us.

And you are helpless to help the weakest?
Why don't you come up with a business idea that would be the weakest to work for a little dignity and not a hand out?
Can't do it can you? So you look to others! How sad!

Why shouldn't we have a tax payer funded safety net where all can go to when they need help?

So it's someone else's responsibility to earn the money to pay the taxes to take care of others.
Rather then be so dependent on others why not help others be independent for themselves?
Americans didn't use to daily depend on the government for food,shelter,etc... we learned how to grow our vegetables get our
food, i.e. be independent...counting on the Government for our "common defense" not our "common welfare".
Its sad how some people always want to screw over the weakest amongs us.

And you are helpless to help the weakest?
Why don't you come up with a business idea that would be the weakest to work for a little dignity and not a hand out?
Can't do it can you? So you look to others! How sad!

Why shouldn't we have a tax payer funded safety net where all can go to when they need help?

So it's someone else's responsibility to earn the money to pay the taxes to take care of others.
Rather then be so dependent on others why not help others be independent for themselves?
Americans didn't use to daily depend on the government for food,shelter,etc... we learned how to grow our vegetables get our
food, i.e. be independent...counting on the Government for our "common defense" not our "common welfare".
That system you want, dupe of the greedy idiot megarich, already exists.
in the 1950s it was common for only the man to be the "breadwinner"; both from a practical and cultural point of view. to compare today to the 50's; by the "forward-looking" crowd no less, is just idiotic
Yeah, all those stay at home moms sucking on the "welfare" teat (of their husbands). Now the Right is saying how important it is to return to those stay at home moms times, but now that the number of stay at home moms is increasing, the Right bitches about the drop in LPR and calls the stay at home moms "Welfare Queens." :cuckoo:
The Right are ALWAYS on both sides of every issue!
US female participation peaked in the mid-90′s and has since been trending downwards, while in Germany, Japan, and the UK the rate continued to inch higher.
it has been repeatedly pointed out to you the top Democrat on the comittee said there was no need for ANY ACTION
And they were outnumbered by Republicans on the committee 10 to 8, so they were powerless to do anything but talk.
Part 2: Why Labor Force Participation Continues to Stay Low
Apr 23, 2015 - The aging population is one of the causes. ... In March, labor force participation declined 0.1% to 62.7%, the lowest ..... More people are opting to apply for Medicaid, disability benefits, and food stamps instead of joining the workforce. ... The increase in welfare benefits is contributing to the declining labor

not too hard to find the part of the story you losers on the Left wont talk about
Again we see how the professional liars in the Right-wing think tanks use statistics and half-truths to deceive the gullible NO-Information Voter. It is true that more people are "APPLYING" for disability benefits, there will always be Right-wingers trying to game the system to prove their superior intelligence, but the disability AWARDS have been down the last 4 years!!!!!

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
- Seymour Essrog

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
Labor-Force Participation Among Men Is Declining As ...
Jan 13, 2015 - Labor-Force Participation Among Men Is Declining As Disability Claims Rise .... activity and reliant on safety-net programs, that would be cause for concern. ... reforms was in the 1990s, during the welfare-reform debate.
Same half-truth lie, different Right-wing think tank source.
Again the number of "CLAIMS" is meaningless and deliberately misleading, it is the number of disability AWARDS that is meaningful, and is conspicuous by its absence!!!!

As you can see, the Right-wing sources lie in packs, yet the gullible NO-Information Voter continues to believe them no matter how many times their lies and techniques of deception are pointed out because the Right feeds the gullible the lies they want to believe.
Another Obama Record... Number of Americans on ...
Another 98.5 Million Down the Drain... Nevada Geothermal About to Go Bust After Hefty Obama Loan - The Gateway Punditobama-record-number-of-ameri...
Jul 2, 2012 - The number of Americans on disability now exceeds the number of people in New York City. A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents ...
Gee, what a surprise, NOT! As the population ages the TOTAL number of disabled increases. Mind you that the number of NEW disability AWARDS was DOWN that same year from the previous year, and has been down the last 4 years, all that matters to the Right is the stat that adding the new awards to the old causes an increase, like it did every year of the Bush administration without so much as a peep from the Right!
you know what's hysterical? I haven't been on this site since yesterday afternoon, yet here is this idiot loser^^^^^ desperately trying to dispel the FACTS I put up here yesterday


record numbers are on disability under Obama
this loser left-wing nutjob o-bot is actually tring to brag that nubers are slightly down in Obama's recent years, fro RECORD HIGHS under him
record numbers are on some kind of disability NOT related to military service unde robama

and as I repeatedle showed IT ISNT BECAUSE OF RETIRING BABY BOOMERS; only about 3% is

libs are laughable losers who lie to themselves
what you see is that no matter what it is loser Progressives will make excuses for their FAILURES
You do realize that people will look at their shrinking paychecks, rising insurance premiums, and outrageous deductibles instead of reading your propaganda when they decide how to vote, don't you????

That's called recognizing reality.

Too bad these same people won't care enough to make sure their vote isn't canceled out by ballot box manipulators.
Another Obama Record... Number of Americans on ...
Another 98.5 Million Down the Drain... Nevada Geothermal About to Go Bust After Hefty Obama Loan - The Gateway Punditobama-record-number-of-ameri...
Jul 2, 2012 - The number of Americans on disability now exceeds the number of people in New York City. A record 5.4 million workers and their dependents ...
Gee, what a surprise, NOT! As the population ages the TOTAL number of disabled increases. Mind you that the number of NEW disability AWARDS was DOWN that same year from the previous year, and has been down the last 4 years, all that matters to the Right is the stat that adding the new awards to the old causes an increase, like it did every year of the Bush administration without so much as a peep from the Right!

Who funds the Federal disability payments?
Workers and employers out of the combined payments to Social Security.
What group makes up over 50% of the minimum wage earners? People under 24 years old.
What group will be replaced by employers saving both increasing wages AND SS payments.... people under 24 years old when
MW increased to $15.00.
Bill Gates once told a MSNBC host, “If you raise the minimum wage, you’re encouraging labor substitution, and you’re going to go buy machines and automate things — or cause jobs to appear outside of that jurisdiction. And so within certain limits, you know, it does cause job destruction.”

Gate’s response is honest, practical and—perhaps most importantly—looks to the future. Today’s technological advancements allow major corporations a more affordable alternative to higher minimum wage laws—replace employees with computers. McDonald’s chose to deal with France’s recent government-mandated wage increases by replacing humans with 7,000 touch-screen cashiers.
Will minimum wage jobs be replaced by robots

So if these minimum wage SS payers under 24 are replaced, their payments eliminated AND the retiring /disabled population is growing what is the outcome?
You do realize that people will look at their shrinking paychecks, rising insurance premiums, and outrageous deductibles instead of reading your propaganda when they decide how to vote, don't you????

That's called recognizing reality.

Too bad these same people won't care enough to make sure their vote isn't canceled out by ballot box manipulators.

who is manipulating ballot boxes?
you know what's hysterical? I haven't been on this site since yesterday afternoon, yet here is this idiot loser^^^^^ desperately trying to dispel the FACTS I put up here yesterday


record numbers are on disability under Obama
this loser left-wing nutjob o-bot is actually tring to brag that nubers are slightly down in Obama's recent years, fro RECORD HIGHS under him
record numbers are on some kind of disability NOT related to military service unde robama

and as I repeatedle showed IT ISNT BECAUSE OF RETIRING BABY BOOMERS; only about 3% is

libs are laughable losers who lie to themselves
First of all, that 3% is pure bullshit, and record numbers are also retired, but just for the fun of it, lets pretend it's true. There were over 16 million new SS retirement AWARDS since Obama took office and under 6 million new disability AWARDS over the same period, so if retirement accounts for 3% then disability accounts for 1%.
you know what's hysterical? I haven't been on this site since yesterday afternoon, yet here is this idiot loser^^^^^ desperately trying to dispel the FACTS I put up here yesterday


record numbers are on disability under Obama
this loser left-wing nutjob o-bot is actually tring to brag that nubers are slightly down in Obama's recent years, fro RECORD HIGHS under him
record numbers are on some kind of disability NOT related to military service unde robama

and as I repeatedle showed IT ISNT BECAUSE OF RETIRING BABY BOOMERS; only about 3% is
3% or 3 percentage points? Big difference.
you know what's hysterical? I haven't been on this site since yesterday afternoon, yet here is this idiot loser^^^^^ desperately trying to dispel the FACTS I put up here yesterday


record numbers are on disability under Obama
this loser left-wing nutjob o-bot is actually tring to brag that nubers are slightly down in Obama's recent years, fro RECORD HIGHS under him
record numbers are on some kind of disability NOT related to military service unde robama

and as I repeatedle showed IT ISNT BECAUSE OF RETIRING BABY BOOMERS; only about 3% is
3% or 3 percentage points? Big difference.

Exactly right as there has only been slightly over a 3 point change in the rate since Obama came in.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

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