59% of Americans Think Hillary Is Dishonest

One Hillary lie, PLEASE. And not not irrelevant nonsense the dupes bring up EVERY TIME, the definition of under fire in Sarajevo, or the family tradition she was named after Sir Edmund. Try to remember every "lie" about Bengazi turns out to be Pub bs propaganda. Ditto e-mails.
she is responsible for four dead americans in Benghazi. no and ifs about it.
so you're ok with voting in someone responsible for four american deaths in benghazi eh? that would definitely make you a libturd. no character at all. loving womanizing as well.
What do you call someone who gives Bush a pass for killing thousands? Hypocritical wingturd?
Bush didn't kill a single person, asshole. Unlike Hillary.
You have film of her pulling a trigger? :cuckoo:
In a separate poll done by the Economist/YouGov Hillary again led the pack with 53% saying she was dishonest, followed closely by Trump with 51% saying he is dishonest. (And I'd agree with that poll.
Poll: Clinton Is Most Dishonest Candidate - Wed., Dec. 16, 2015
Isn't Quinnipiac (the poll used in the OP) the same pollers that had a poll that 50% of American would be embarrassed if Trump was elected president?
Quinnipiac: Half of US Voters Would Be Embarrassed By Trump Presidency
I dont know. Why dont you post a chart to show how clueless you are.
But thanks for admitting that Hillary has the highest negatives of anyone running. No one can get elected with those numbers.

You know Rabbi, everyone here knows your MO and what tells the story, you are the ONLY one who has the inability to read simple charts. YOU are the only poster who has had to have charts explained to you.
I have no problem acknowledging that Hillary is dishonest, as I have stated multiple times, I will not be voting for her if she wins the nomination.
Also, I see you ignored Trump's dishonesty numbers. What a surprise. The knowledge of his dishonesty is in the margin of error with Hillary's.
Another election with substandard candidates by both worthless parties, another big surprise.
In a separate poll done by the Economist/YouGov Hillary again led the pack with 53% saying she was dishonest, followed closely by Trump with 51% saying he is dishonest. (And I'd agree with that poll.
Poll: Clinton Is Most Dishonest Candidate - Wed., Dec. 16, 2015
Isn't Quinnipiac (the poll used in the OP) the same pollers that had a poll that 50% of American would be embarrassed if Trump was elected president?
Quinnipiac: Half of US Voters Would Be Embarrassed By Trump Presidency
I dont know. Why dont you post a chart to show how clueless you are.
But thanks for admitting that Hillary has the highest negatives of anyone running. No one can get elected with those numbers.

You know Rabbi, everyone here knows your MO and what tells the story, you are the ONLY one who has the inability to read simple charts. YOU are the only poster who has had to have charts explained to you.
I have no problem acknowledging that Hillary is dishonest, as I have stated multiple times, I will not be voting for her if she wins the nomination.
Also, I see you ignored Trump's dishonesty numbers. What a surprise. The knowledge of his dishonesty is in the margin of error with Hillary's.
Another election with substandard candidates by both worthless parties, another big surprise.
No I am not the only one who can read a chart. Nor are you the only one who can't. But I can and you can't is the important thing here.
This thread is not about Trump's numbers. Obviously I dont give a shit about Trump. This thread is about Hillary who is going to be the Democrat nominee. And in the general she will get slaughtered because no one trusts her.
Democrats are disingenuous for sure. The left can NOT win by promoting their candidates policies, they only win by destroying their oppositions character. Do we remember 2012 folks? Did the Democrats run with Obama on his accomplishments for the American people, or rather, did they run on how evil Romney was? Did we hear that Romney,

1. Put thousands of people out of work?
2. Put a dog on the roof of his car?
3. Paid no taxes?
4. Stole his employees healthcare?
5. Gave a woman cancer by taking benefits because he was greedy?

This is how the left works. Today, even upper echelon Democrats will tell you what a great guy Romney is......and yet, the Democrats destroyed him.....which is how we got Obungles II.

We see them doing the same thing today to Cruz, and Carson; or trying to. Once you know the truth here on this board, you should laugh at the lefts pathetic attempts to pull their crap off.

But boy oh boy, do they defend Hillary. Someone who actually had a hand in causing peoples deaths because of incompetence, then lied about it. They want to pretend they are indignant because we dare to bring it up. Well don't stop, and keep pushing. It has faaaaaar more truth than anything they EVER tried to lay at the feet of Romney, and you know what they say.......what goes around, comes around! By repeating it, you will help to destroy Hillary, and at least you are saying something that has merit, not some phony good time rock-n-roll bull that the left creates out of thin air, to assassinate someone character.
Democrats are disingenuous for sure. The left can NOT win by promoting their candidates policies, they only win by destroying their oppositions character. Do we remember 2012 folks? Did the Democrats run with Obama on his accomplishments for the American people, or rather, did they run on how evil Romney was? Did we hear that Romney,

1. Put thousands of people out of work?
2. Put a dog on the roof of his car?
3. Paid no taxes?
4. Stole his employees healthcare?
5. Gave a woman cancer by taking benefits because he was greedy?

This is how the left works. Today, even upper echelon Democrats will tell you what a great guy Romney is......and yet, the Democrats destroyed him.....which is how we got Obungles II.

We see them doing the same thing today to Cruz, and Carson; or trying to. Once you know the truth here on this board, you should laugh at the lefts pathetic attempts to pull their crap off.

But boy oh boy, do they defend Hillary. Someone who actually had a hand in causing peoples deaths because of incompetence, then lied about it. They want to pretend they are indignant because we dare to bring it up. Well don't stop, and keep pushing. It has faaaaaar more truth than anything they EVER tried to lay at the feet of Romney, and you know what they say.......what goes around, comes around! By repeating it, you will help to destroy Hillary, and at least you are saying something that has merit, not some phony good time rock-n-roll bull that the left creates out of thin air, to assassinate someone character.
BS. No lies except from the always BS Pub Propaganda Machine, dupe. Everyone with a brain knows the video probably triggered the (semi)planned terrorist (a-hole militia) attack. But since we may never know, as Hillary said, "Why does it (YOUR ENDLESS BS) matter?
Democrats are disingenuous for sure. The left can NOT win by promoting their candidates policies, they only win by destroying their oppositions character. Do we remember 2012 folks? Did the Democrats run with Obama on his accomplishments for the American people, or rather, did they run on how evil Romney was? Did we hear that Romney,

1. Put thousands of people out of work?
2. Put a dog on the roof of his car?
3. Paid no taxes?
4. Stole his employees healthcare?
5. Gave a woman cancer by taking benefits because he was greedy?

This is how the left works. Today, even upper echelon Democrats will tell you what a great guy Romney is......and yet, the Democrats destroyed him.....which is how we got Obungles II.

We see them doing the same thing today to Cruz, and Carson; or trying to. Once you know the truth here on this board, you should laugh at the lefts pathetic attempts to pull their crap off.

But boy oh boy, do they defend Hillary. Someone who actually had a hand in causing peoples deaths because of incompetence, then lied about it. They want to pretend they are indignant because we dare to bring it up. Well don't stop, and keep pushing. It has faaaaaar more truth than anything they EVER tried to lay at the feet of Romney, and you know what they say.......what goes around, comes around! By repeating it, you will help to destroy Hillary, and at least you are saying something that has merit, not some phony good time rock-n-roll bull that the left creates out of thin air, to assassinate someone character.
BS. No lies except from the always BS Pub Propaganda Machine, dupe. Everyone with a brain knows the video probably triggered the (semi)planned terrorist (a-hole militia) attack. But since we may never know, as Hillary said, "Why does it (YOUR ENDLESS BS) matter?

yeah, yeah, you non American super-duper-party-pooper! Go learn to speak English, write English, read English, and be coherent. Every other word from you is DUPE, you STUPE!

Now go learn how to communicate, and maybe, just maybe, we will listen to something you have to say.

P.S. Can you post anything without using DUPE, lol. Is your real name Chris Matthews? How about Debbie, Wasserman, Shultz? Geeze dude, go take some remedial English classes, will ya please!
Sorry but you do not become President with numbers like this. Hillary is dishonest. People understand that. They understand she is lying, has lied and will lie again. Americans will not vote for someone they cannot trust.
Poll: 59 Percent of Americans Say Hillary Clinton Is Dishonest - Breitbart
That poll is biased!
Prove it, piss guzzler.
I don't have to. I just have to say that poll is biased, and I win.

Just following your example.
In a separate poll done by the Economist/YouGov Hillary again led the pack with 53% saying she was dishonest, followed closely by Trump with 51% saying he is dishonest. (And I'd agree with that poll.
Poll: Clinton Is Most Dishonest Candidate - Wed., Dec. 16, 2015
Isn't Quinnipiac (the poll used in the OP) the same pollers that had a poll that 50% of American would be embarrassed if Trump was elected president?
Quinnipiac: Half of US Voters Would Be Embarrassed By Trump Presidency
I dont know. Why dont you post a chart to show how clueless you are.
But thanks for admitting that Hillary has the highest negatives of anyone running. No one can get elected with those numbers.

You know Rabbi, everyone here knows your MO and what tells the story, you are the ONLY one who has the inability to read simple charts. YOU are the only poster who has had to have charts explained to you.
I have no problem acknowledging that Hillary is dishonest, as I have stated multiple times, I will not be voting for her if she wins the nomination.
Also, I see you ignored Trump's dishonesty numbers. What a surprise. The knowledge of his dishonesty is in the margin of error with Hillary's.
Another election with substandard candidates by both worthless parties, another big surprise.
No I am not the only one who can read a chart. Nor are you the only one who can't. But I can and you can't is the important thing here.
This thread is not about Trump's numbers. Obviously I dont give a shit about Trump. This thread is about Hillary who is going to be the Democrat nominee. And in the general she will get slaughtered because no one trusts her.

You know I get paid a very nice salary to construct charts/graphs and have been doing this for over 20 years. I have presented charts to corporate boards and stockholders.
Secondly you are the only poster, in over five years of my posted graphs, who couldn't understand them. Not once did anyone but you ask for an explanation of the graphs.
But enough of this redundancy, unlike you, I have a job, I can't and don't want to spend all day on USMB, unlike you. Don't you have any friends, family, hobbies, anything, in your life? I guess not. I'm so glad I am not you. Whew!
Anyway, the biggest liar tend to win elections.

Is that your candidate? No? Then you are wasting your time supporting him/her!!
Sorry but you do not become President with numbers like this. Hillary is dishonest. People understand that. They understand she is lying, has lied and will lie again. Americans will not vote for someone they cannot trust.
Poll: 59 Percent of Americans Say Hillary Clinton Is Dishonest - Breitbart
That poll is biased!
Prove it, piss guzzler.
I don't have to. I just have to say that poll is biased, and I win.

Just following your example.
NO thats not my example. That's your example.
In a separate poll done by the Economist/YouGov Hillary again led the pack with 53% saying she was dishonest, followed closely by Trump with 51% saying he is dishonest. (And I'd agree with that poll.
Poll: Clinton Is Most Dishonest Candidate - Wed., Dec. 16, 2015
Isn't Quinnipiac (the poll used in the OP) the same pollers that had a poll that 50% of American would be embarrassed if Trump was elected president?
Quinnipiac: Half of US Voters Would Be Embarrassed By Trump Presidency
I dont know. Why dont you post a chart to show how clueless you are.
But thanks for admitting that Hillary has the highest negatives of anyone running. No one can get elected with those numbers.

You know Rabbi, everyone here knows your MO and what tells the story, you are the ONLY one who has the inability to read simple charts. YOU are the only poster who has had to have charts explained to you.
I have no problem acknowledging that Hillary is dishonest, as I have stated multiple times, I will not be voting for her if she wins the nomination.
Also, I see you ignored Trump's dishonesty numbers. What a surprise. The knowledge of his dishonesty is in the margin of error with Hillary's.
Another election with substandard candidates by both worthless parties, another big surprise.
No I am not the only one who can read a chart. Nor are you the only one who can't. But I can and you can't is the important thing here.
This thread is not about Trump's numbers. Obviously I dont give a shit about Trump. This thread is about Hillary who is going to be the Democrat nominee. And in the general she will get slaughtered because no one trusts her.

You know I get paid a very nice salary to construct charts/graphs and have been doing this for over 20 years. I have presented charts to corporate boards and stockholders.
Secondly you are the only poster, in over five years of my posted graphs, who couldn't understand them. Not once did anyone but you ask for an explanation of the graphs.
But enough of this redundancy, unlike you, I have a job, I can't and don't want to spend all day on USMB, unlike you. Don't you have any friends, family, hobbies, anything, in your life? I guess not. I'm so glad I am not you. Whew!
It si astounding you have managed to fool people for over 20 years. I personally dont believe it.
But I know you cannot read a chart. You post something and I ask you to explain in your own words what the chart shows. You never do it. And when you attempt to, you invariably get it wrong. So I can conclude you cannot read a chart. You cannot interpret it correctly to see what it says. And you have never proven me wrong, despite many opportunities.
What is just as dangerous is a yellow bellied politician unwilling to call a Muslim Jihadist what they are out of fear, nothing short of terrorists! Then again these very politicians think they should receive Miranda rights and their day in court. I prefer to treat these animals as they treat others, no trial, just a quick death. So a liar and coward is all the Democrat's have left in their bag a deceit?
What is just as dangerous is a yellow bellied politician unwilling to call a Muslim Jihadist what they are out of fear, nothing short of terrorists! Then again these very politicians think they should receive Miranda rights and their day in court. I prefer to treat these animals as they treat others, no trial, just a quick death. So a liar and coward is all the Democrat's have left in their bag a deceit?
in other word you don't like our constitution ... Fine !!! then leave the country with the rest of your commie friends
Sorry but you do not become President with numbers like this. Hillary is dishonest. People understand that. They understand she is lying, has lied and will lie again. Americans will not vote for someone they cannot trust.
Poll: 59 Percent of Americans Say Hillary Clinton Is Dishonest - Breitbart
only if you're a libturd can that happen. The libturds have no scruples, integrity, values. They're ok voting for a secretary of state responsible for four american deaths. So when one can justify allowing four deaths, it seems pretty clear character doesn't matter.

Oh and excepting womanizing as well.
nothing like a repub-lie-tard like you with misinformation ...

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