5th Circuit court just reversed decision! We are BUILDING the wall!

Trumpsters are you tired of losing yet.

  • Nope, every day i see the President giving the Demoncrats their just desserts.

    Votes: 17 100.0%
  • Yes, i am finally tired of the President always winning, when can we take a break.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The American people don’t want war with Iran. Our fragile climate cannot bear another war.
Marvelous Matt Gaetz voted for the war powers resolution. he's tired of Trump's wars!

What war is that?

the Iran War of 2020

Appeals court allows $3.6 billion in military funds for border wall
Appeals court allows $3.6 billion in military funds for border wall
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to temporarily stay a lower court ruling out of Texas.
Qassem Soleimani, top Iranian military commander, killed in U.S. airstrike in Baghdad
Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds military force and one of the most powerful figures in the Islamic Republic, was killed Thursday night in an airstrike in Baghdad, the U.S. Defense Department confirmed.
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · January 9, 5:00 PM EST
▲ 211.81 (0.74%)
It is like the energizer bunny just keeps on winning and winning.....

You would figure that by now some Demonrats would get very tired of constantly losing to President Trump....Nah, they are too stupid and dont know how to win....Democrats = Losers....

Oooh! Another circle jerk thread!

Somebody's insecure!
President Trump speaking on China: “We don't want to send you any tanks, because we're going to kick your ass!"
I am all for strong immigration laws. The wall will do nothing to prevent the root cause of the immigration problem: gang violence, poverty, corruption in their home countries and employers here in the US who hire these folks.

Kris Kristofferson said it best: “Freedom means having nothing left to lose”.

A wall will not stop that desperation, but continue to believe that if it makes you feel better.

That's too nuanced for this torch and pitchfork mob to wrap their minds around.

Appeals court allows $3.6 billion in military funds for border wall
Appeals court allows $3.6 billion in military funds for border wall
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 to temporarily stay a lower court ruling out of Texas.
Qassem Soleimani, top Iranian military commander, killed in U.S. airstrike in Baghdad
Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds military force and one of the most powerful figures in the Islamic Republic, was killed Thursday night in an airstrike in Baghdad, the U.S. Defense Department confirmed.
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Index: DJI · January 9, 5:00 PM EST
▲ 211.81 (0.74%)
It is like the energizer bunny just keeps on winning and winning.....

You would figure that by now some Demonrats would get very tired of constantly losing to President Trump....Nah, they are too stupid and dont know how to win....Democrats = Losers....

Oooh! Another circle jerk thread!

Somebody's insecure!

United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit - Wikipedia

Did you check out the district court, many Texans do not want to sell their land for gov use.
To bad move out of America!

Do you realize that part of the The United States of America was created was to get away from an oppressive government that thought they had the right to take whatever you have and you didn't have any rights to stop that?...

So now you are happy the U.S. government is doing that, and are ironically telling those that oppose the practice move out of America.

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