5th Circuit court just reversed decision! We are BUILDING the wall!

Trumpsters are you tired of losing yet.

  • Nope, every day i see the President giving the Demoncrats their just desserts.

    Votes: 17 100.0%
  • Yes, i am finally tired of the President always winning, when can we take a break.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Eminent Domain
they can declare it and take it. no court of law.
It can be fought in court, based on a few different arguments. Is it really for the benefit of the public (in this case, I think it's clearly a public project); could you build your Wall using less of my land or someone elses?; and you didn't pay me enough.
I have read that there is already a long list of lawsuits to be settled from the first round of Wall building back in the 90's, which never got done. Then you'll have the new ones. Trump will have died of old age before we see his beautiful Wall.

Just wondering..any missiles landed up there yet? Sleeping any better or still peeking out the window?
Sleeping better since Trump's address yesterday, thank you for asking.
EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
sleep better to thanks to Mexican military building that wall lol hahahah

I thought we had to have Trump's wall to stop illegal border crossings?

No you didnt. You thought border crossings would increase democrat votes and thats all you care about.
Stealing money from the mi,itaery for a useless wall.

We failed to shoot down a sib=n;e missile fired by Iran in their recent attacks.


Evidently we can not afford missile defense systems at thee sites.

Yet we can build a over priced wall so Trump can claim a campaign promise.

You lost. The American people have beaten you into the ground. You lost in 2016 and you lost in the 5th circuit now. And you will lose this year in November.
Eminent Domain
they can declare it and take it. no court of law.
It can be fought in court, based on a few different arguments. Is it really for the benefit of the public (in this case, I think it's clearly a public project); could you build your Wall using less of my land or someone elses?; and you didn't pay me enough.
I have read that there is already a long list of lawsuits to be settled from the first round of Wall building back in the 90's, which never got done. Then you'll have the new ones. Trump will have died of old age before we see his beautiful Wall.

Just wondering..any missiles landed up there yet? Sleeping any better or still peeking out the window?
Sleeping better since Trump's address yesterday, thank you for asking.
EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
sleep better to thanks to Mexican military building that wall lol hahahah

I thought we had to have Trump's wall to stop illegal border crossings?
We have a few walls.. the Mexican army is one lol hHahahahahHhhhhhhha
Stealing money from the mi,itaery for a useless wall.

We failed to shoot down a sib=n;e missile fired by Iran in their recent attacks.


Evidently we can not afford missile defense systems at thee sites.

Yet we can build a over priced wall so Trump can claim a campaign promise.

You lost. The American people have beaten you into the ground. You lost in 2016 and you lost in the 5th circuit now. And you will lose this year in November.
I didn't lose shit. The US military lost money & your fat assed piece of fucking shit Trump gets away with pissing on the US Constitution. Both things you seem to favor. I thought you assfucks loved the military. I thought you loved the Constitution?
It can be fought in court, based on a few different arguments. Is it really for the benefit of the public (in this case, I think it's clearly a public project); could you build your Wall using less of my land or someone elses?; and you didn't pay me enough.
I have read that there is already a long list of lawsuits to be settled from the first round of Wall building back in the 90's, which never got done. Then you'll have the new ones. Trump will have died of old age before we see his beautiful Wall.

Just wondering..any missiles landed up there yet? Sleeping any better or still peeking out the window?
Sleeping better since Trump's address yesterday, thank you for asking.
EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
sleep better to thanks to Mexican military building that wall lol hahahah

I thought we had to have Trump's wall to stop illegal border crossings?

No you didnt. You thought border crossings would increase democrat votes and thats all you care about.
Oh fuck off. Obama fought border crossings more than Bush.
Stealing money from the mi,itaery for a useless wall.

We failed to shoot down a sib=n;e missile fired by Iran in their recent attacks.


Evidently we can not afford missile defense systems at thee sites.

Yet we can build a over priced wall so Trump can claim a campaign promise.

You lost. The American people have beaten you into the ground. You lost in 2016 and you lost in the 5th circuit now. And you will lose this year in November.
I didn't lose shit. The US military lost money & your fat assed piece of fucking shit Trump gets away with pissing on the US Constitution. Both things you seem to favor. I thought you assfucks loved the military. I thought you loved the Constitution?

You need to quit trying to think. How many times are you going to say "I thought". Think about the American people kicking your ass over and over...and kicking Iran's ass too.
Just wondering..any missiles landed up there yet? Sleeping any better or still peeking out the window?
Sleeping better since Trump's address yesterday, thank you for asking.
EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

EXCLUSIVE: Mexican military rushes to help Border Patrol stop illegal border crossers

Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
sleep better to thanks to Mexican military building that wall lol hahahah

I thought we had to have Trump's wall to stop illegal border crossings?

No you didnt. You thought border crossings would increase democrat votes and thats all you care about.
Oh fuck off. Obama fought border crossings more than Bush.

But not more than Trump. Bush/Obama are gone thank God.
Stealing money from the mi,itaery for a useless wall.

We failed to shoot down a sib=n;e missile fired by Iran in their recent attacks.


Evidently we can not afford missile defense systems at thee sites.

Yet we can build a over priced wall so Trump can claim a campaign promise.

Correction..we can build a wall we elected Trump top build. It was the centerpiece of his campaign and its what we want. If you dont like it (which you dont) and want to fix it (which you dont) then you could demand that the House appropriate money for it. They can take money from anywhere they like just do it. Maybe they could start here Subsidies for Lesbian Farmers

Or food stamps. Maybe they could take a few billion from their 77 billion dollar handout to California for a bullet train to nowhere. Maybe we could have done with studies to see if beer koozies work, if pizza is addictive or why ugly people date out of their league.LINK

Always the military you people attack. And you pretend to complain that it doesnt have the money for a ring of missile protection? Good...get your ass to complaining to Congress and demand they give more money to the military.
Maybe you should read the Constitution. Congress decides where money is spent. They said their border security spending did not include Trump's wall.

Only a fucking idiot would vote for Trump because he wanted to build a 40' concrete wall along the entire border with Mexico.

Congress voted money to the military & your fat asssed buddy stole it.

You pretend to love the troops but you keep proving how much you detest them.
Stealing money from the mi,itaery for a useless wall.

We failed to shoot down a sib=n;e missile fired by Iran in their recent attacks.


Evidently we can not afford missile defense systems at thee sites.

Yet we can build a over priced wall so Trump can claim a campaign promise.

Correction..we can build a wall we elected Trump top build. It was the centerpiece of his campaign and its what we want. If you dont like it (which you dont) and want to fix it (which you dont) then you could demand that the House appropriate money for it. They can take money from anywhere they like just do it. Maybe they could start here Subsidies for Lesbian Farmers

Or food stamps. Maybe they could take a few billion from their 77 billion dollar handout to California for a bullet train to nowhere. Maybe we could have done with studies to see if beer koozies work, if pizza is addictive or why ugly people date out of their league.LINK

Always the military you people attack. And you pretend to complain that it doesnt have the money for a ring of missile protection? Good...get your ass to complaining to Congress and demand they give more money to the military.
Maybe you should read the Constitution. Congress decides where money is spent. They said their border security spending did not include Trump's wall.

Only a fucking idiot would vote for Trump because he wanted to build a 40' concrete wall along the entire border with Mexico.

Congress voted money to the military & your fat asssed buddy stole it.

You pretend to love the troops but you keep proving how much you detest them.
Kiss your future voting base goodbye were kicking you are the fuck out of the country

And kiss my sweet white ass if you want to win another election motherfucker
Good thing now that Jizz will no longer have to compete with illegals for those bus boy jobs.
There won’t be any new wall built before the election. And Mexico would have paid for nothing.

Promise broken.
If it’s on our international border, too bad.
I’m willing to bet far more Texas land owners in the area are tired of dealing with illegals trespassing and destroying their property.

Numerous Texas landowners have already said they do not want a wall built on their land.
again, wow, again one more time, Eminent Domain, ever hear of it? here. Eminent Domain

Eminent domain fights still take time and Trump's time is running out. The DEA itself has identified ports of entry as areas of concern for drug smuggling not the border area.
Eminent Domain
they can declare it and take it. no court of law.
It can be fought in court, based on a few different arguments. Is it really for the benefit of the public (in this case, I think it's clearly a public project); could you build your Wall using less of my land or someone elses?; and you didn't pay me enough.
I have read that there is already a long list of lawsuits to be settled from the first round of Wall building back in the 90's, which never got done. Then you'll have the new ones. Trump will have died of old age before we see his beautiful Wall.
I just don't get it....libs like you want open borders. You weep for a outright terrorist that killed Americans. And, you jump for joy at any proposal that restricts American choice or freedom in favor of Governmental control. But, get pissed when someone calls you "Anti American ".... Well, if you walk like a duck.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
There won’t be any new wall built before the election. And Mexico would have paid for nothing.

Promise broken.
You may be right, but you're saying you'd be proud of that?....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Numerous Texas landowners have already said they do not want a wall built on their land.
again, wow, again one more time, Eminent Domain, ever hear of it? here. Eminent Domain

Eminent domain fights still take time and Trump's time is running out. The DEA itself has identified ports of entry as areas of concern for drug smuggling not the border area.
Eminent Domain
they can declare it and take it. no court of law.
It can be fought in court, based on a few different arguments. Is it really for the benefit of the public (in this case, I think it's clearly a public project); could you build your Wall using less of my land or someone elses?; and you didn't pay me enough.
I have read that there is already a long list of lawsuits to be settled from the first round of Wall building back in the 90's, which never got done. Then you'll have the new ones. Trump will have died of old age before we see his beautiful Wall.
I just don't get it....libs like you want open borders. You weep for a outright terrorist that killed Americans. And, you jump for joy at any proposal that restricts American choice or freedom in favor of Governmental control. But, get pissed when someone calls you "Anti American ".... Well, if you walk like a duck.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Liberal lunatics ARE anti-American in almost every way. I keep telling them if they don't like it here they can always move to Cuba, Venezuela or somewhere in the Middle East where they won't be "oppressed". It would sure make living here in America MUCH nicer if they DID leave.

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