6/14 John McCain Day


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
Spineless day?
No one who volunteers to fly combat missions and risk death, injury or capture is far from spineless, especially with the knowledge of how captured persons were abused and tortured by the enemy.
Why do so many posters here on USMB hate veterans so much?
Why do so many posters here on USMB hare veterans so much?

Are you saying I hate my father? My uncles? My friends? DO NOT try to pas your shit onto us that not liking McCain means hating veterans. That's as big a lie as claiming opposing Obama meant you were against blacks. Coming here with such a bullshit argument is no way to make a case.

Just the SSDD bullshit trolling by the Left.

McCain supporters troll Trump on his 73rd birthday by declaring it 'John McCain Day'
A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
The yards love McCain EXCEPT when he ran for president. Then he was Satan.

I'm consistent. I've always disliked that fraud.
Why do so many posters here on USMB hare veterans so much?

Are you saying I hate my father? My uncles? My friends? DO NOT try to pas your shit onto us that not liking McCain means hating veterans. That's as big a lie as claiming opposing Obama meant you were against blacks. Coming here with such a bullshit argument is no way to make a case.
My post was not addressed directly to you. You must have felt like the shoe fit.
A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
Spineless day?
No one who volunteers to fly combat missions and risk death, injury or capture is far from spineless, especially with the knowledge of how captured persons were abused and tortured by the enemy.

That was when he was young.

He later career, much less honorable.
Why do so many posters here on USMB hare veterans so much?

Are you saying I hate my father? My uncles? My friends? DO NOT try to pas your shit onto us that not liking McCain means hating veterans. That's as big a lie as claiming opposing Obama meant you were against blacks. Coming here with such a bullshit argument is no way to make a case.
My post was not addressed directly to you. You must have felt like the shoe fit.

It might fit up your ass. You are a Size 13 a-hole.
Why do so many posters here on USMB hate veterans so much?

You seem to be confused about the relationship between groups and individuals.

McCain is being judged not on his membership in a group, but on his individual actions.

A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
Yeah they are calling it "Collaborate with the VC day". Joeb is pushing hard for it.
I really didn't start the thread as a pro or anti-McCain rhread. Just wondering what is the 6/14 McCain Day all about.
A movement seems ro be underway for making June 14 John McCain Day as some kind of insult to Donald Trump. Has anyone heard of this?
Yeah they are calling it "Collaborate with the VC day". Joeb is pushing hard for it.
McCain never had contact with the VC. You know nothing about that war.
The yards love McCain EXCEPT when he ran for president. Then he was Satan.

I'm consistent. I've always disliked that fraud.
Keating Five. War hawk neo con. The best senator the democrats ever had. Anti Trump loon. Worst husband/person ever.
Errand boy for Comey and McCabe. Etc. He was an abomination, as I said.
Like Benedict Arnold, the hero of the Revolution; all his former glory’s were pissed away with treachery later in his career... What a waste...

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