6 16 2016: more bad polls for trump

In Trump's defense, it is an outsider election cycle HOWEVER, not just any outsider like him.

Trump is as much of an outsider as Clinton is... He just bought the politicians in the past and now want to just rid the middle man...
No Republican presidential candidate should be tied with the Democrat in Utah EVER at any time in their campaign. You people on the Trump train had better wake up really soon to how fucked you are in this race.

No Utah is very different this time round with Team Beck and Red State and anti Trump super pacs telling a very religious electorate that those photo shoots for GQ were actually for lesbian porn.

Come on man. They did in Trump via Melania. So screw Utah. Trump will never win it after Team Becks lies.
Yeah, this should have been an outsider pick this time, but Trump poisoned the well.

I could have gone with Rand Paul even before JOhn Kasich.
Johnson who is a socially liberal economically conservative
Republican is the final person who can pretend now to be an outsider.
Primaries...Sanders (Progressive) loses to Clinton (make believe Blue Dog Democrat)
GE...Clinton (Progressive in GE) will lose to Trump (somewhat Blue Dog Democrat in GE)
People are sick and tired of loserterianism threatening to shut everything down and allowing everythign to go to shit. HIllary will win this election and be our next president. I'll be voting for her.

The republican party has killed their own party with economic liberterianism and idiocy.

So far, this country is being killed off by a bad economy. How many adults do you see working at Burger King? I know you convinced people that these are jobs of the future but some of us remember a day when these were garbage jobs.
SD, the economy is great but not "being killed off by a bad economy." That is is such a silly statement.
I get it!
JS and Taz think Hillary is going to run as Trump Light aka Blue Dog Democrat aka Just Left of Center!
Really, guys, do you actually believe even for a moment Hillary is not going Left of Left of Center?
Dream on.
The news just gets worse. :)

Bloomberg has donnie down by 12 Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Madison has her a head in WI with all voters 42 to 35 and those most likely vote 47 to 36. New Marquette poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump as Republican voter enthusiasm dampens

Blood red rare cut Utah is now tied for Clinton and Trump (thanks Johnson) This new Utah poll is amazingly bad for Donald Trump

redstate's analysis had Trump doomed by HRC on issues that he thought he was leading. The conserv red rag says not only no but fuck no, donnie your ass is fried ANOTHER National Poll Shows Trump is Doomed; Gary Johnson Getting Massive Support | RedState
Second Jake for Hillary poll today
Jake has been celebrating all day starting multiple threads about polling !
He just loves to announce that his Hillary is going to win !
Bet he's popped the cork several times today !
  • May/June Polls: most often very, very wrong
    Wikipedia: Polling for U.S. Presidential Elections ^ | 6/16/2016 |
    May/June polls are quite often predictive in that the leader is often the loser in November. At the very least, they were way, way off: In June 2012, Obama led Romney by 5 but Romney surged into a lead in October, then two ties. Final margin? 4 (Plus 1 swing to the GOP) In May 2008, John McCain led Obama by 6, yet within a few weeks Obama led McCain by 9-—a 15 point swing. (Plus Plus 15 swing to Dem) In June 2004, Kerry led Bush by 6. Final margin? Bush won by 3, an error of 9 points....

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