6 Baltimore schools have ZERO students proficient in state math/English tests

If you want to believe that go ahead. The jew obviously finds both Whites and Asians to be a threat because they push invasion aka immigration on BOTH races. It doesn't matter how pale you are it only matters if you are white or not and YOU are a self hating white guy...there are many like you unfortunately.

If I hated my race I would want to genocide all of you and not the small percentage you are part of...

Now enjoy...
Go ahead make up excuses. Of course you claim to only want to see the percentage of whites FIGHTING AGAINST white genocide to die off....big shocker there. You don't want the sheeple to die but you want the fighters to die. Sickening.

You are no fighter except in your keyboard warrior deluded mind. You want the government to support you and that make you like the minorities you whine about. The reality is you are probably some sock puppet of some leftist nutter and I only entertain myself with you to pass the day by.

Now if you were a real white man you would have yourself out working, doing and not begging for government handouts, so sit down little boy and let the men lead because you are nothing but a wanna-be Trump!
LMAO.....I hit a nerve I see. Poor little snowflake,can't handle being called out for his anti white racist policies.

I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.
If I hated my race I would want to genocide all of you and not the small percentage you are part of...

Now enjoy...
Go ahead make up excuses. Of course you claim to only want to see the percentage of whites FIGHTING AGAINST white genocide to die off....big shocker there. You don't want the sheeple to die but you want the fighters to die. Sickening.

You are no fighter except in your keyboard warrior deluded mind. You want the government to support you and that make you like the minorities you whine about. The reality is you are probably some sock puppet of some leftist nutter and I only entertain myself with you to pass the day by.

Now if you were a real white man you would have yourself out working, doing and not begging for government handouts, so sit down little boy and let the men lead because you are nothing but a wanna-be Trump!
LMAO.....I hit a nerve I see. Poor little snowflake,can't handle being called out for his anti white racist policies.

I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.

Well at least I am not a government tit sucking wanna-be keyboard warrior...

Real white men don't need the damn government nor would they vote for a corporate whore nor would they care about the ignorance of public schools except wishing their tax money was not wasted on those like you!
Go ahead make up excuses. Of course you claim to only want to see the percentage of whites FIGHTING AGAINST white genocide to die off....big shocker there. You don't want the sheeple to die but you want the fighters to die. Sickening.

You are no fighter except in your keyboard warrior deluded mind. You want the government to support you and that make you like the minorities you whine about. The reality is you are probably some sock puppet of some leftist nutter and I only entertain myself with you to pass the day by.

Now if you were a real white man you would have yourself out working, doing and not begging for government handouts, so sit down little boy and let the men lead because you are nothing but a wanna-be Trump!
LMAO.....I hit a nerve I see. Poor little snowflake,can't handle being called out for his anti white racist policies.

I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.

Well at least I am not a government tit sucking wanna-be keyboard warrior...

Real white men don't need the damn government nor would they vote for a corporate whore nor would they care about the ignorance of public schools except wishing their tax money was not wasted on those like you!
Adolf Hitler was a real white man snowflake and he was a National Socialist which is the CORRECT way things should be. A benevolent dictator who ran the government for the benefit of ALL his people. Just how it's supposed to be. Now keep crying and ranting anti white snowflake....I enjoy you making a spectacle of yourself.
You are no fighter except in your keyboard warrior deluded mind. You want the government to support you and that make you like the minorities you whine about. The reality is you are probably some sock puppet of some leftist nutter and I only entertain myself with you to pass the day by.

Now if you were a real white man you would have yourself out working, doing and not begging for government handouts, so sit down little boy and let the men lead because you are nothing but a wanna-be Trump!
LMAO.....I hit a nerve I see. Poor little snowflake,can't handle being called out for his anti white racist policies.

I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.

Well at least I am not a government tit sucking wanna-be keyboard warrior...

Real white men don't need the damn government nor would they vote for a corporate whore nor would they care about the ignorance of public schools except wishing their tax money was not wasted on those like you!
Adolf Hitler was a real white man snowflake and he was a National Socialist which is the CORRECT way things should be. A benevolent dictator who ran the government for the benefit of ALL his people. Just how it's supposed to be. Now keep crying and ranting anti white snowflake....I enjoy you making a spectacle of yourself.

Well then North Korea is the place for you, but you would be the dumbest schmuck there and that even mean being dumber than the psycho that is their leader.

In America real men work and do not wait for the government to hand them what they want or think they deserve. Go get a job and work for a living or don't and be like those you whine and bitch about!
LMAO.....I hit a nerve I see. Poor little snowflake,can't handle being called out for his anti white racist policies.

I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.

Well at least I am not a government tit sucking wanna-be keyboard warrior...

Real white men don't need the damn government nor would they vote for a corporate whore nor would they care about the ignorance of public schools except wishing their tax money was not wasted on those like you!
Adolf Hitler was a real white man snowflake and he was a National Socialist which is the CORRECT way things should be. A benevolent dictator who ran the government for the benefit of ALL his people. Just how it's supposed to be. Now keep crying and ranting anti white snowflake....I enjoy you making a spectacle of yourself.

Well then North Korea is the place for you, but you would be the dumbest schmuck there and that even mean being dumber than the psycho that is their leader.

In America real men work and do not wait for the government to hand them what they want or think they deserve. Go get a job and work for a living or don't and be like those you whine and bitch about!
Keep crying you little snowflake racist...
If they can count how many days they have to make parole that's all that matters.
I am as anti-white as you are a true white!

Now get in line with those minorities you hate for your government check because you're a disgrace to the white nation!
Triggered little thing. Its so funny watching you rant and rave.

Well at least I am not a government tit sucking wanna-be keyboard warrior...

Real white men don't need the damn government nor would they vote for a corporate whore nor would they care about the ignorance of public schools except wishing their tax money was not wasted on those like you!
Adolf Hitler was a real white man snowflake and he was a National Socialist which is the CORRECT way things should be. A benevolent dictator who ran the government for the benefit of ALL his people. Just how it's supposed to be. Now keep crying and ranting anti white snowflake....I enjoy you making a spectacle of yourself.

Well then North Korea is the place for you, but you would be the dumbest schmuck there and that even mean being dumber than the psycho that is their leader.

In America real men work and do not wait for the government to hand them what they want or think they deserve. Go get a job and work for a living or don't and be like those you whine and bitch about!
Keep crying you little snowflake racist...

I am not the one that cries when the government dries the tit...

Real men work, and you on the other hand are like those you complain about. Damn public education that gave you the chance to be nothing!

At least Asian kids rise above what is given to them and you like those blacks you complain about just have your hand out for more free stuff and then whine when another person get it when you could just work for it!

Also the failure for the public school system start with the parent. Parents should be more involved with their darling education and because they do not involve themselves leaves the child without and support at home and leave it to the public sector to educate the ignorant child which is fucking worse to me.

In the end if a child fails in the public school then the parent should be held accountable and let me be frank most parents are worthless government tit sucking parasites that do not deserve the government help because of their lazy way of thinking and living.

As you finish reading my poorly worded rant please note this is directed at those like you and you are the problem and have never been the damn solution!

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