6 Iranian missiles hit US base or consulate in Erbil, Iraq

That's right everyone, but where in the news is this? Where is Diaper Joe on this? Can he retreat fast enough out of the area like he did in Afghanistan, only, not leaving Americans behind this time?


I think Biden is too busy having the Russians broker a nuke deal with the US and Iran for the US while everything Russian is being sanctioned across the globe.

It takes a special form of crazy to be a democrat as the world falls apart around them while they are in power.
LOL....This is at least the third thread on this.....It gets about as much traction as bald tires on a oil slick. ;)
The US and Europe have been brought to their knees over nuke threats from Russia, so why isn't the msm asking more about the Iran deal? Do democrats not think Iran will do the same as Russia by threatening to use nukes as the ultimate leverage?
You should worry about your own army in Ukraine, Russian scum. They be BEGGIN' the Chinese for help!
Oh, you can bet your pretty pink panties that there are already US forward operators in Ukraine--one of them gets killed or captured...Gonna be some splainin to do Roosey!

That's right everyone, but where in the news is this? Where is Diaper Joe on this? Can he retreat fast enough out of the area like he did in Afghanistan, only, not leaving Americans behind this time?


I think Biden is too busy having the Russians broker a nuke deal with the US and Iran for the US while everything Russian is being sanctioned across the globe.

It takes a special form of crazy to be a democrat as the world falls apart around them while they are in power.
I posted the administration's reaction already. Pay attention!
Details still coming in. The source says "6 missiles lunched from Khasabad military base of Tabriz, eastern Azerbaijan province of #Iran" Still: can't confirm."

This report calls them "drones."

"Local media sources reported that the US military base in Iraq's Erbil was targeted by several drones, Mehr news reports.

Iraqi news sources on Friday reported several explosions in the northern province of Erbil.

Sabereen News reported that several explosions were heard near the Harir base. This base is the headquarters of the American military forces.

According to Sabereen News, the reports indicate that the base was attacked by several drones. No further details have been released about the possible casualties of these attacks.

US bases at Erbil Airport in Iraq have been repeatedly targeted by rockets and drones, which have intensified in recent months."

US base in Erbil comes under drone attcaks

Drones ???? Looked more like ballistic missiles to me. Undoubtedly they are testing their capabilities if things continue to diminish or go down hill in the world.
All three, Iran, China, Russia seem to be pushing for a global war. If that's what they want it will end in their destruction.
Toning the rhetoric down is key to some degree, and right now it seems that we are playing a starring role in it.

However, you are right that it will end in all of our destruction if cooler head's don't prevail. The sad thing is that we don't seem to have quality personnel in charge of thing's here at the moment, and everyone is trying to take each other out politically because of the bull crap (i.e. jockeying for position).

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the Kingdom.

First we need to be honest with ourselves about what exactly is going on here, and this before we can gain the serious ears of our world allies again, and better yet in unity.

Isolating China, and Russia is not the solution to this problem. A serious investigation into what eventually lead up to the Ukraine debacle needs serious looking into without condemnation of any side's in the conflict. Be open minded, and take into consideration all information gathered in truth there in.

We must stop the bull crap once and for all, because this is a serious out of control thing in the 21st century modern era being dealt with.
Joe's gonna be pissed if they wake him from his Saturday nap....

No. Joe's gonna be mightily confused if they wake him from his Saturday nap, as he pisses himself.

It is rough being woken from a deep slumber at the age of 78 to be reminded you're president and there is a world war brewing outside.
Details still coming in. The source says "6 missiles lunched from Khasabad military base of Tabriz, eastern Azerbaijan province of #Iran" Still: can't confirm."

This report calls them "drones."

"Local media sources reported that the US military base in Iraq's Erbil was targeted by several drones, Mehr news reports.

Iraqi news sources on Friday reported several explosions in the northern province of Erbil.

Sabereen News reported that several explosions were heard near the Harir base. This base is the headquarters of the American military forces.

According to Sabereen News, the reports indicate that the base was attacked by several drones. No further details have been released about the possible casualties of these attacks.

US bases at Erbil Airport in Iraq have been repeatedly targeted by rockets and drones, which have intensified in recent months."

US base in Erbil comes under drone attcaks

Iran needs to be smashed. But Senile old Bastard Biden hasn't the guts.
All three, Iran, China, Russia seem to be pushing for a global war. If that's what they want it will end in their destruction.
More like three or more separate wars, with only a few players like the US involved in all of them.
This must be a condition of Biden’s Iran deal: start another war so we can blame Iran for “supply chain issues”, high gas prices, and hyper-inflation.

Fall guys are needed.
Biden probably keeps them on speed dial after all the secret deals they all engaged in over the years. But then again they might all be like a bunch of drug king pins, where the deals have went bad now, and all the shooting is beginning to start. Not good.

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