6 negroes rape and assault woman 6 months pregnant

they were charged for the conspiracy to rob the home which led to the woman being raped.
Of course there are white rapists but look at the statistics. Blacks rape,rob and murder at a MUCH higher rate than whites especially for their small % of population.

Then it must definitely have something to do only with race. There can be no other contributing factors, can there? Those black subhumans! You're right! I'm totally a racist now! Time to go get some white sheets, some rope, some crosses and lighter fluid, and shave my head and get a swastika tattoo!

What's your brilliant idea that it has to do with? Let me guess...their home life sucked? They are poor? They live around violence? There was no dad in the homes? What is it? Fact remains negro's are more bound to violence.
they were charged for the conspiracy to rob the home which led to the woman being raped.

The article didn't state that it was the same home as where the sexual assault took place. So either you are lying or you have another source that you do not wish to share.
Of course there are white rapists but look at the statistics. Blacks rape,rob and murder at a MUCH higher rate than whites especially for their small % of population.

Then it must definitely have something to do only with race. There can be no other contributing factors, can there? Those black subhumans! You're right! I'm totally a racist now! Time to go get some white sheets, some rope, some crosses and lighter fluid, and shave my head and get a swastika tattoo!

What's your brilliant idea that it has to do with? Let me guess...their home life sucked? They are poor? They live around violence? There was no dad in the homes? What is it? Fact remains negro's are more bound to violence.

Do you realize that you have written that "negro's [sic] are more bound to violence" right above your signature line which states "Power comes from the barrel of a gun." That is either blatant hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance, or both. Probably both.
Of course there are white rapists but look at the statistics. Blacks rape,rob and murder at a MUCH higher rate than whites especially for their small % of population.

Then it must definitely have something to do only with race. There can be no other contributing factors, can there? Those black subhumans! You're right! I'm totally a racist now! Time to go get some white sheets, some rope, some crosses and lighter fluid, and shave my head and get a swastika tattoo!

What's your brilliant idea that it has to do with? Let me guess...their home life sucked? They are poor? They live around violence? There was no dad in the homes? What is it? Fact remains negro's are more bound to violence.

Why do white people commit violence? It's their right as the superior race?
The world would be a better place if it were colorblind.
EVERY race commits violence only negro's do it at an astounding rate.

Why do the other races commit violence? Poor upbringing, poverty, etc., etc.? But black people commit violence only because they are black? That's logical....
I believe there are a lot of African-American children that deserve both a loving mother and father to support and discipline them, as well as teaching them to use money wisely while placing a premium on education.
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EVERY race commits violence only negro's do it at an astounding rate.

Why do the other races commit violence? Poor upbringing, poverty, etc., etc.? But black people commit violence only because they are black? That's logical....

The reason isnt because of skin color. Its because black culture is an inferior/failed culture.

They dont speak well, they dont take care of their children, they have no snitch policies, their role models are ignorant rappers and athletes, they arent wise about how they spend money, they are loud and aggressive in public, 72% fatherless households, they watch more tv than everyone else, obesity is rampant in their community, they are permiscuous, they dont take education seriously, they are more prone to commit crime, their children often lack manners and respect, polls show that they are incredibly racist, they glorify violence, they refer to women as "bitches".... I mean you can go on and on with how much that culture sucks.

Shitty cultures breed shitty people.
I live in Rancho Cucamonga and my friend Tommy (white) lives in a trailer park and a lot of people there are poor and have little paying jobs. Most of the people who live there are white but there hasn't been a crime there in several years.
Poverty and crime has a correlation but I think culture and upbringing is what causes it the most.
What the hell is with the influx of racism and bigotry on the board lately?
Six People Charged in ?One of the Most Disturbing Crimes? Police Chief Has Ever Seen | TheBlaze.com

The typical suspects. Why in the hell we allow these fucking animals to exist in civilized society is beyond me.

Do you suggest we kill all black people because they MIGHT commit a crime some day?

Kill no.Ship them ALL to a reservation then give them all the drugs,alcohol,food,drinks,tv they want and infuse ALL food and water and drinks with a drug to sterilize them. Within 50-75 years most if not all would be gone. Humanely done.
Liberal/democrat "war on poverty" over the past 50 years, by making blacks slaves to government handouts, is primarily responsible for black ghettos and black crime! Democrats are the real racists in this country!
Liberal/democrat "war on poverty" over the past 50 years, by making blacks slaves to government handouts, is primarily responsible for black ghettos and black crime! Democrats are the real racists in this country!

Your the fucking racist.

why do black voters HATE your party?

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