6 year old girl shot in chest, two others dead in Chicago

So you don't think obama should speak out when a child who could look his child gets shot in Chicago? 2 weekends ago a 5 year old boy who was shot needed multiple organs removed. Now a 6 year old, and now liberals tell us to look the other way.

If Trayvon Martin had been shot mugging some black teen for his Nike shoes, this wouldn't have been a story either.
I mean liberals refuse to even make a national issue of this idiotic violence, to even address the possibility the war on drugs is responsible. No obama speaking out on urban crime, no 100 cities marches, no nothing other than some localized outrage that is so eclipsed by trayvon that it isn't even funny.
It's pretty sad that only 3% of the population of this country create 50% or more of the murders.
Not much in the way of ratings for the MSNBC crowd.
Give them one good juicy story where a white guy kills a black guy and
that's ratings gold.

They even went so far as to declare Zimmerman "white" Hispanic just so
they could stir up the low information voters that are their viewers.

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