6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan, 14, of ‘Abasan al-Jadidah, 15 November 2012

Published:**15 Apr 2013On the afternoon of 15 November 2012, an Israeli aircraft attacked an olive and lemon grove in the village of ‘Abasan al-Jadidah in the Khan Yunis district of the Gaza Strip. Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan, 14, who was working in the grove, was mortally wounded. His father’s uncle, Suliman Abu ‘Alayan, 64, was wounded by shrapnel and taken to the hospital. B’Tselem’s investigation indicated that armed Palestinians had launched rockets that morning from an olive grove near the one that was bombed by the Israeli military. However, relevant testimonies indicate that Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan and Suliman Abu ‘Alayan arrived at their own grove later, after the rocket fire, and had nothing to do with it.

Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of Ahmad Abu ?Alayan, 14, of ?Abasan al-Jadidah, 15 November 2012 | B'Tselem
Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of 4-year-old Tammer Ise’ifan and his 2-year-old sister Jomanah, Beit Lahiya, 18 November 2012

According to testimonies collected by B'Tselem, on Saturday, 17 November 2012, Rida Ise’ifan took her children to visit her parents in the nearby Jabalya Refugee Camp. The three returned home in the afternoon. Then, in the evening, the children had supper and watched cartoons on television. At 9:00 PM, the children went to bed. Their parents retired about two hours later. At around 2:00 AM on 18 November 2012, when the whole family was asleep, a missile struck near their house, causing the ceiling and the walls to collapse. Members of the extended family living nearby came to the scene immediately. They extracted the father, Salameh Ise’ifan, who had been trapped underneath the debris, and his two children. Later that night at the hospital, both children were pronounced dead. Following is what their mother related to B’Tselem about two months after the incident:I lost both my children at once, with no reason or warning, for no fault of their own. They were just sleeping and there was no reason to kill them. Since that day, I've been crying for them. Every time I see their clothing and things and every time I hear the voices of my little brothers-in-law, I am reminded of Jomanah and Tammer. When I go to bed, I weep for them. They were my only children and I have nothing else apart from them… We had a happy life, my children were here by my side and they were the world to me and my husband Salameh. They were more precious to me than anything in the world.

Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of 4-year-old Tammer Ise?ifan and his 2-year-old sister Jomanah, Beit Lahiya, 18 November 2012 | B'Tselem
Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of Talal al-‘Asali, 48, his son Ayman, 19, and daughter ‘Abir, 11, of Jabalya Refugee Camp, 21 November 2012

On 21 November 2012, the last day of Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza, at around 1:00 PM, there was an Israeli air strike on an agricultural area located near residential homes in Jabalya Refugee Camp in the northern Gaza Strip. The bombing killed Talal al-‘Asali, 48, and two of his six children – his son Ayman, 19, and daughter ‘Abir, 11. According to testimony given to B’Tselem, at the time of the strike, the three were out in the fields collecting herbs for tea. According to testimony collected and additional information obtained by B’Tselem about the incident, no rockets had been fired from that location before the al-‘Asali famly was hit. Relatives said that Talal al-‘Asali grew herbs that he then sold in the market, and that he had no connection to Palestinian armed groups.I began preparing the things for tea when suddenly I heard a powerful explosion from behind the house. I went outside immediately and ran to the place where Talal and the children were. Even before I reached them, I could already see Talal and Ayman lying on the ground, covered in blood. The moment I saw them I started screaming and crying. I was in shock. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I understood that my husband had apparently been killed instantaneously. Ayman was still moving a little bit. I didn’t see my daughter ‘Abir. I felt dizzy and weak. Then, apparently, I passed out.

Operation Pillar of Defense: The killing of Talal al-?Asali, 48, his son Ayman, 19, and daughter ?Abir, 11, of Jabalya Refugee Camp, 21 November 2012 | B'Tselem
Holy shit! ShiaSherri stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG to spam arab propaganda that no one but her and her terrorist loving friends believe? Get a life for God's sake!
Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone-ThrowingJuly 2011From the beginning of 2005 to the end of 2010, at least 835 Palestinian minors were arrested and tried in military courts in the West Bank on charges of stone throwing. Thirty-four of them were aged 12-13, 255 were 14-15, 546 were 16-17. Only one of the 835 whttp://m.btselem.org/node/121282as acquitted; all the rest were found guilty.

No Minor Matter: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone-Throwing, July 2011 | B'Tselem
) Children A total of 971 children have been killed in Israeli-Palestinian conflict violence, representing 18% of the total number of conflict deaths. Children are protected, in a number of legal instruments, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, against arbitrary loss of life, even in armed conflict. Of the overall number of children killed, 88% were Palestinian and 12 % were Israeli.The trend of child deaths mirrors the total rate: the number of Israeli children killed has declined markedly while that of Palestinian children remains high. Palestinian children make up 20% of the total Palestinian deaths while Israeli children represent 12% of total Israeli deaths. In 2006, 31% of the Palestinian children killed were 12 years or younger. 8/ The vast majority of children died as a result of injuries sustained either to the head, chest or to more than one place of their body. 9/ - See more at: Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 - OCHA Special Focus (31 August 2007)
Holy shit! ShiaSherri stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG to spam arab propaganda that no one but her and her terrorist loving friends believe? Get a life for God's sake!

Shows you how angry and frustrated she is. Gives me a warm feeling inside !! :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

I think it is from reading about all those Zionist crimes against Palestinian children.

It makes you proud.
) Palestinian Deaths in the Gaza Strip The vast majority of Palestinian deaths occurred in the Gaza Strip. In 2005, 52% of all fatalities from the Israeli- Palestinian conflict happened there. In 2006 the rate was 78%, and in 2007, 67%. (Similarly in 2005, 58% of deaths from internal violence occurred in Gaza, in 2006, 88% and in 2007, 95% of deaths.) 12/ Palestinians have been killed from Israeli military operations, targeted killings, border incidents, search and arrest operations and undercover operations. However, graphs 4 - 6 show that the circumstances in which deaths occur is different between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Although both areas are subject to Israeli military operations, in the Gaza Strip, targeted killings, incursions and border incident are more prevalent. At least 284 Palestinians have been killed for moving within 150 metres of the perimeter fence with Israel, 117 of them civilians, including 23 children. 13/ During 2006, Israeli Security Forces fired some 14,000 artillery shells into the Gaza Strip which were responsible for killing 59 persons, almost all of them civilians. 14 In November 2006, the Government of Israel placed a moratorium on the use of artillery fire, contributing to a significant reduction of civilian deaths in 2007. - See more at: Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 - OCHA Special Focus (31 August 2007)
I feel bad for the kid who lost an eye, but he also has the violent history of the Palestine people to blame for always putting the people of Israel on edge

It is Israel's war. Why do you blame the Palestinians for that?
An illustration that the world is filled with haters of children.

not hate.... just plane old don't give a rats ass.....

same thing



The " jesus lover" Frau Sheri regarding Ms. Fogel; She asked for it, She deserved it !
Holy shit! ShiaSherri stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG to spam arab propaganda that no one but her and her terrorist loving friends believe? Get a life for God's sake!

Shows you how angry and frustrated she is. Gives me a warm feeling inside !! :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

I think it is from reading about all those Zionist crimes against Palestinian children.

It makes you proud.

You call murdered Israeli babies "legitimate military targets". Turnabout is fair play.
Holy shit! ShiaSherri stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG to spam arab propaganda that no one but her and her terrorist loving friends believe? Get a life for God's sake!

Shows you how angry and frustrated she is. Gives me a warm feeling inside !! :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

I think it is from reading about all those Zionist crimes against Palestinian children.

It makes you proud.

No, Frau. That's not it. It's your frustration over the fact that THE JEWISH STATE exists.

Shows you how angry and frustrated she is. Gives me a warm feeling inside !! :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

I think it is from reading about all those Zionist crimes against Palestinian children.

It makes you proud.

You call murdered Israeli babies "legitimate military targets". Turnabout is fair play.

Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer Israel News | Haaretz

Diplomacy and Defense

Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer

In weekly show dedicated to Palestinian prisoners in Israel, Hakim Awad's mother and aunt describe convicted perpetrator of Itamar attack as a 'hero and legend.'

By Avi Issacharoff | Jan. 29, 2012 | 3:35 PM | 15

Itamar murder suspects and crime scene

Amjad Awad and Hakim Awad, with the crime scene in the background.

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Thousands attend memorial for slain Fogel family, vow to continue West Bank settlement

By Chaim Levinson | Feb. 18, 2013 | 1:47 AM

Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as "heroes."

The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israel.

The show featured the aunt and mother of Hakim Awad, who along with his cousin Amjad was convicted of brutally stabbing to death five Fogel family members in an attack on their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar on the night of March 11, 2011.

Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.

Awad's aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a "hero and a legend."

Just one SMALL example of what Frau Sheru APPLAUDS AND APPROVES OF !!!
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People of consience in this world shall keep on speaking about the human rights abuses in Israels Occupation as long as they continue.

Palestinians were created by God in His image too.

They have the right to freedom and to have their basic human rights respected.

There will never be just silence in the face of Israeli human rights abuses of Occupation.

Truth is always brought into the Light.
So, a 6 year old little boy has lost his eye.

His faher says he cannot hardly stand to look at him, it tears him so apart inside.

Imagine if that was your child.

And all he was doing was being present in a refugee camp, a site Israels Zionists target Palestinians to attack in every day of Occupation.
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So, a 6 year old little boy has lost his eye.

His faher says he cannot hardly stand to look at him, it tears him so apart inside.

Imagine if that was your child.

And all he was doing was being present in a refugee camp, a site Israels Zionists target Palestinians to attack in every day of Occupation.

This should not have happened. Hopefully that boy will recover, or somehow doctors will be able to help him in any way.
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