6 year old murdered after boys in blue decide to chase his father for minor warrants

You do realize that marshalls aren't the same as

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Tell us all which fact I have posted is not true or included in one of the news sources posted in this thread.

You haven't posted any facts. And in fact your statement that the cops werent' in their car when it was rammed was a lie.
I never said the cops were not in their patrol car when it was rammed. I said they exited the patrol car and the threat of being rammed had ceased to exist. They were not in danger of being injured by the car because they were standing beside it, not in front or behind. The threat of being injured by ramming the patrol car was over.
sure you did you fk. Now you're merely sinking into lying, typical leftist shit.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They were not next to the car being rammed. You should at leat read the articles before making all these stupid comments you are making.
nope, they were in it weren't they sherlock? Remember them there facts will ya now.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
who said it was a danger after the man rammed them? who, name someone.
Either answer the question or don't bother. The actual facts of the case are still up for grabs so we are using logic, which leaves you out of the discussion.
so you have zip, so post up you have facts to me is garbage and thanks for playing fk
We don't know all the facts, jackass. Not even the cops do yet. It is under investigation.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
Another of camps facts....he said he never said the cops weren't in their car when rammed.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They should not have shot at the car, period.
Because it was, nearly without a doubt, entirely unnecessary. Chasing after him was unnecessary in the first place.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
Another of camps facts....he said he never said the cops weren't in their car when rammed.
What post did I say that?
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They should not have shot at the car, period.
Because it was, nearly without a doubt, entirely unnecessary. Chasing after him was unnecessary in the first place.
You wanted Big Government.
Now you whine when Big Government does what Big Governments always do.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They should not have shot at the car, period.
Because it was, nearly without a doubt, entirely unnecessary. Chasing after him was unnecessary in the first place.
You wanted Big Government.
Now you whine when Big Government does what Big Governments always do.
No, I don't want Big Government, or a Police State like those here, I want a government the right size to work for the needs of its citizens.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
who said it was a danger after the man rammed them? who, name someone.
Either answer the question or don't bother. The actual facts of the case are still up for grabs so we are using logic, which leaves you out of the discussion.
so you have zip, so post up you have facts to me is garbage and thanks for playing fk
We don't know all the facts, jackass. Not even the cops do yet. It is under investigation.
sure we do, we know the marshals were in their car when the dude rammed them. That makes the vehicle a weapon, immediately. No matter, a car is always a potential weapon when it's moving. ALWAYS. That's a fact, let's don't get confused now.
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They should not have shot at the car, period.
Because it was, nearly without a doubt, entirely unnecessary. Chasing after him was unnecessary in the first place.
You wanted Big Government.
Now you whine when Big Government does what Big Governments always do.
No, I don't want Big Government, or a Police State like those here, I want a government the right size to work for the needs of its citizens.
oh, so you know the right size of government? LOFL
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They were not next to the car being rammed. You should at leat read the articles before making all these stupid comments you are making.
nope, they were in it weren't they sherlock? Remember them there facts will ya now.
The allegation is being made that the cops shot in self-defense. They were not in the patrol car when they murdered the little boy.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Of course the father is not to be blamed. Leftards always side with criminals.
You can blame him all you like, but he's not the one who shot the child five times now is he?
no he's the one that dangerously rammed into a police vehicle risking death to his child. That's who he is, and knowingly used his child as a shield
What a load of crap you spout, lol. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
What a stupid question. Yes if you're in, or next to, a car that is getting rammed you are in danger, ding dong. According to you, cops should run when attacked, and if they run, the danger is no longer dangerous. Typical criminal, mentally ill leftthink.
They were not next to the car being rammed. You should at leat read the articles before making all these stupid comments you are making.
nope, they were in it weren't they sherlock? Remember them there facts will ya now.
The allegation is being made that the cops shot in self-defense. They were not in the patrol car when they murdered the little boy.
so if someone shoots at you and misses now the gun is no longer a weapon? You're confusing me. They were stopping a potential weapon killing others, part of their job.

BTW, the mans fingers were still on the trigger.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Of course the father is not to be blamed. Leftards always side with criminals.
Which post in this thread do you see someone defending the father? Of course the father shares blame with the murdering Marshalls.
The very 1st post has zero blame for the father. It's like when Leftards always blame a gun and not the guy pulling the trigger with intent to murder.
Ah Kosher, if you aren't standing outside and away from a car, and you shoot at the driver but kill a child sitting in the front seat instead because he was in the line of fire, how exactly was the car a danger to you?
who said it was a danger after the man rammed them? who, name someone.
Either answer the question or don't bother. The actual facts of the case are still up for grabs so we are using logic, which leaves you out of the discussion.
so you have zip, so post up you have facts to me is garbage and thanks for playing fk
We don't know all the facts, jackass. Not even the cops do yet. It is under investigation.
sure we do, we know the marshals were in their car when the dude rammed them. That makes the vehicle a weapon, immediately. No matter, a car is always a potential weapon when it's moving. ALWAYS. That's a fact, let's don't get confused now.
When they were in their car, being rammed was not much of a threat and the DOJ says do not shoot at a moving car. That has already been posted and is a common policy in law enforcement.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Of course the father is not to be blamed. Leftards always side with criminals.
Which post in this thread do you see someone defending the father? Of course the father shares blame with the murdering Marshalls.
The very 1st post has zero blame for the father. It's like when Leftards always blame a gun and not the guy pulling the trigger with intent to murder.
In this case, regardless of anything else, the ones pulling the triggers and killing the little boy were cops. Got it now?

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