6 year old murdered after boys in blue decide to chase his father for minor warrants

Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
so, the guy can still use his child as a shield and the cops not know. Just to educate you a bit.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.

How about this.....did the cops even know a kid was in the car
How about this.....if they don't know who or what is in a car, then they shouldn't be unloading guns into it.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
so, the guy can still use his child as a shield and the cops not know. Just to educate you a bit.
Yeah I suppose you're right......if the cops are blind.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.

How about this.....did the cops even know a kid was in the car
How about this.....if they don't know who or what is in a car, then they shouldn't be unloading gins into it.
So cops shouldn't return fire if a guy is shooting at neighbors from his home because other people might be in the house?
More on the incident-

Few, with his son in tow, had led the marshals on a chase through Marksville shortly before 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, speeding down Martin Luther King Drive in the town before being pinned in by at least two patrol cars at a two-way intersection in front of the gates of the closed Marksville State Historical Site, a now-closed state park that features a number of Indian mounds.

What exactly prompted the chase and then the shooting remains unclear, but The Town Talk in Alexandria reported that Few threw his truck into reverse and tried to run his car into one of the marshal’s vehicles...
Spray-painted markings on the street show the location of four vehicles at the site of the shooting. On the driver’s side of one of the markings, at least 17 painted spots possibly show where shell casings or other evidence was recovered...

At TJ’s Lounge, a bar and service station in Marksville, a bartender and patrons said that Few — a familiar face there since relocating from Mississippi about a year ago — had been hanging out there earlier Tuesday, playing pool with a girlfriend before leaving about 9 p.m., less than a half hour before the fatal shooting. None were sure whether Jeremy had been waiting in the car or if Few picked him up later.

Authorities try to sort out details of marshal-involved Marksville shooting that left child dead, father wounded
so he was intoxicated driving with a child. Funny stuff yep let's see the left on that point, marshals are now just supposed to let a drunk on the road? hahahahahahahaahah, you all are just wanting to spar daily here, never have intentions of an actual debate or discussion, just point them fingers.

Yes. Just like the school girl in Columbia....once cops realized he did not want to comply....they should've left him alone. Driving drunk with a child and trying to hit cops with his car....they should've just blocked ALL the surrounding roads and kept other drivers away and just let him drive til he ran out of gas. Or...have a cop break his window and jump in the truck with him and try reasoning with him. Using their heads for once ya know???

Should they use their heads to break the window?

I love it how you want them to be supermen and risk their lives jumping in a crazy person's car. Listen. Don't call the cops if you get into trouble. Just deal with it because clearly you know how to handle things better than any cop can. OMG!
he's was being facetious
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.

How about this.....did the cops even know a kid was in the car
How about this.....if they don't know who or what is in a car, then they shouldn't be unloading gins into it.
So cops shouldn't return fire if a guy is shooting at neighbors from his home because other people might be in the house?
I see you're now seeing what we've all been seeing for quite a long time. The extremism that is left.

I call it the stupid.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.

How about this.....did the cops even know a kid was in the car
How about this.....if they don't know who or what is in a car, then they shouldn't be unloading gins into it.
So cops shouldn't return fire if a guy is shooting at neighbors from his home because other people might be in the house?
Nice strawman
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
They didn't know there was a kid in the car.

They didn't hit any innocent bystanders that were standing around, did they? If there were people in front of the cop car they probably wouldn't have shot in that director for that exact reason. All they knew was one guy was in the car and he rammed them. They didn't see a passenger in the car. Unfortunately he had a little child in the car. That's on the criminal or perpetrator, not the cops. Not their fault.
You are assuming they knew the child was with him. He was 6, in a pickup, sits low, tinted windows and it was 9 at night, thus dark out.
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
so, we've come full circle again, what is it you'd have done? Let's see this marvel new idea on how to do police work that you have figured out and the entire planet hasn't yet.
Sad that low-lives like that have children. We can't choose who we are born to, and it is unfair that some children have to pay the price.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.

How about this.....did the cops even know a kid was in the car
How about this.....if they don't know who or what is in a car, then they shouldn't be unloading gins into it.
So cops shouldn't return fire if a guy is shooting at neighbors from his home because other people might be in the house?
Nice strawman
I'm asking a question. Maybe the answer is they shouldn't return fire on a guy hold up in a house shooting at cops or people who walk by. Maybe the cops should just wait him out or try to negotiate with him.

If a guy is hold up in his home and shooting, is proper proceedure for the cops to light up the house with bullets?
You are assuming they knew the child was with him. He was 6, in a pickup, sits low, tinted windows and it was 9 at night, thus dark out.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
they think the world is marvel comics and all cops have super human everything.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
so, we've come full circle again, what is it you'd have done? Let's see this marvel new idea on how to do police work that you have figured out and the entire planet hasn't yet.
Just let the perp go and hope you catch him somewhere in the future.

If that were the rule, even I would run from the cops. Or shoot at them. Worth a shot. Especially when you know they'll lose their job if they chase or shoot back.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
so, we've come full circle again, what is it you'd have done? Let's see this marvel new idea on how to do police work that you have figured out and the entire planet hasn't yet.
Just let the perp go and hope you catch him somewhere in the future.

If that were the rule, even I would run from the cops. Or shoot at them. Worth a shot. Especially when you know they'll lose their job if they chase or shoot back.
now you're thinking with the correct part of the brain.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
They didn't know there was a kid in the car.

They didn't hit any innocent bystanders that were standing around, did they? If there were people in front of the cop car they probably wouldn't have shot in that director for that exact reason. All they knew was one guy was in the car and he rammed them. They didn't see a passenger in the car. Unfortunately he had a little child in the car. That's on the criminal or perpetrator, not the cops. Not their fault.
I didn't realize you were there. Care to fill us in on any other details?
If you ram a cop car and you have a little kid in the car, you're putting the kid at risk of death.

Hope dad is prosecuted for the death of his son.

".....the marshals cornered the suspect in his vehicle. Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."
If you commit a crime and someone dies, yes you should be responsible. Even if you didn't pull the trigger.

Reminds me of the story where the cops went all Die Hard shooting into a crowd hitting innocent bystanders and the cops charged the guy they were shooting at with shooting the bystanders because yanno, cops arent responsible for anything
They have a tough job. I wouldn't prosecute a cop who accidentally killed an innocent. Who would be a cop if we did that?

I'm sorry, but that's a pretty ignorant statement. Cops are people, some good, some bad. They have to be held accountable, just like everyone else.

I would imagine your attitude would quite different if a cop shot someone close to you by "accident."
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
If he was using his child as a human shield, as you claim (which I seriously doubt), and the cops shot anyway, then they're even more at fault. You may want to rethink your theory.
I think I'm the one who compared the guy to the Taliban because they gather around women and children. He didn't use the kid as a shield, true, but then again the cops didn't know the kid was in the car. Only one person did know. The so called father.

I know Bo never worried about Luke's safety when he ran from the cops but that's just a tv show.
Then the cops should have been the voice of reason in this situation. They should have stopped and thought about the possibility of harming the child in the car (if they knew he was there), or the public in general, if they fired indiscriminately into the car. They're supposed to protect and serve, not punish (even inadvertently) a man's child because the man is either unwilling, or unable to follow the law.
so, we've come full circle again, what is it you'd have done? Let's see this marvel new idea on how to do police work that you have figured out and the entire planet hasn't yet.
Here's an idea: don't unload your weapon into a vehicle as your first response when your life, or the lives of others, aren't at risk. Especially when the only reason you're on the guy is to serve a warrant.

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