6 year old murdered after boys in blue decide to chase his father for minor warrants

In Michigan we have a scan law. If the cashier (cop) overcharges you they have to pay you 5 times the difference but you have to pay the bill first then go show it to customer service (the judge). You don't argue or tell the cashier they made a mistake. If you do before you pay they will just correct the mistake. So you will not win.

Same with "I know my rights" Americans. If the cashier/cop is wrong, tell the judge.
So the dude used his son as a shield? Is that what you're saying?
Reading comprehension levels low eh? That must suck. Continue the cop sucking.

Odious is on a posting bender !
Too much coffee or too much delusion?
Only post what I find needs to be posted...you wouldn't believe what I pass up...most of this is from my fb news feed.
Yeah..The far left wing moon bat conspiracy theorist blogosphere.....
Odious is on a posting bender !
Too much coffee or too much delusion?
Only post what I find needs to be posted...you wouldn't believe what I pass up...most of this is from my fb news feed.
ok, so the dude used his son for a shield, thanks, I find that unacceptable and I would charge him with that and endangerment counts and the sons death.[/QUOTE]
Nope keep trying to comprehend simple English. Still failing class here cop sucker.
I wonder if there will be grief counselors for his classmates or if he'll just go down the memory hole.
They said there was going to be.Hopefully this will teach kids to never trust cops. Mine don't. They also know why I carry a cell phone with camera on it everywhere and have one mounted in the car.
So the dude used his son as a shield? Is that what you're saying?
Reading comprehension levels low eh? That must suck. Continue the cop sucking.

Odious is on a posting bender !
Too much coffee or too much delusion?
Only post what I find needs to be posted...you wouldn't believe what I pass up...most of this is from my fb news feed.
Too much time on your hands?
Why aren't you spewing racial slurs at people passing your house?
Why should I? They ain't on my property hell with them.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
Nope. Gang members in blue killed him by firing indiscriminately into a vehicle for absolutely no reason. Keep cop sucking,maybe one day it will be YOUR KID that gets it. I'll remember this post from ya.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
that and hiding behind the kid, that is an offense as well. And he will get that added to the list of counts, along with endangering the life of a child and then his death.
Yeah...you're one of these cell phone carrying douche bags that runs around with a police scanner chasing cops. Then shooting video and then editing it to fit your far left wing political agenda. One of these camera carrying fucks that tries to provoke the police into arresting you for being a complete asshole.
It is my hope you find your self in need of the assistance of the police, you call them and they do the professional job that 99.9% of them do on a daily basis.
The worst part about a hate filled person such as yourself is you found a way to reproduce.
At least the officers went home safely. That's the important thing. As for a dead kindergartener? Well, he's just collateral damage in the War on [INSERT EVIL CAUSE HERE].
They weren't even cops! Lol...they were "marshals" I have dealt with idiots like this...usually serve little warrants like traffic court crap,dog got loose and you got a ticket and didn't pay it etc. They leave the big warrants for the real cops...just more trigger happy assholes.
Imagine a world without civilian police forces to protect the sheep from the wolves?...Idea?
The Purge
Perhaps the OP would like to live in this movie
Odious is on a posting bender !
Too much coffee or too much delusion?
Only post what I find needs to be posted...you wouldn't believe what I pass up...most of this is from my fb news feed.
ok, so the dude used his son for a shield, thanks, I find that unacceptable and I would charge him with that and endangerment counts and the sons death.[/QUOTE]
Nope keep trying to comprehend simple English. Still failing class here cop sucker.
I wonder if there will be grief counselors for his classmates or if he'll just go down the memory hole.
They said there was going to be.Hopefully this will teach kids to never trust cops. Mine don't. They also know why I carry a cell phone with camera on it everywhere and have one mounted in the car.
So the dude used his son as a shield? Is that what you're saying?
Reading comprehension levels low eh? That must suck. Continue the cop sucking.

Odious is on a posting bender !
Too much coffee or too much delusion?
Only post what I find needs to be posted...you wouldn't believe what I pass up...most of this is from my fb news feed.
Too much time on your hands?
Why aren't you spewing racial slurs at people passing your house?
Why should I? They ain't on my property hell with them.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
Nope. Gang members in blue killed him by firing indiscriminately into a vehicle for absolutely no reason. Keep cop sucking,maybe one day it will be YOUR KID that gets it. I'll remember this post from ya.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
that and hiding behind the kid, that is an offense as well. And he will get that added to the list of counts, along with endangering the life of a child and then his death.
You'll remember the OP post? Are you making a threat?
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
OH....Now we're down to name calling already? FAN- tastic.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Yes. It is..
But for the negligent actions of the man, his son would be alive and well today.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
False !
It's called fleeing or evading .
And? Still doesn't give gang in blue right to murder someone. SOME gang in blues have comprehended that after a few lawsuits forced their hand. Now unless its an absolute necessity to catch the person right then they don't pursue suspects.
Your hatred of authority figures is irrational
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
First, I did find myself in front of militarized cops. I didn't like it and agree they need to be retrained when they respond to domestic disturbances. They should be nice not mean. You might disagree but when you call 911 the cops shouldn't treat you like the criminal. But they scare both parties thinking most rational people won't want them to come back. But usually the person who calls the cops is the victim and the other guy is crazy. Sometimes the cops aren't fair when they are neutral.

Anyway, even if those cops wrongfully arrested me I'd do what they say and tell it to the judge. Arguing with cops is wrong.
Guys like JED want to tie our cops hands behind their backs and be pussies.
Guys like you want to let the cops do whatever they deem necessary to get the job done. Until one day when they show up on your doorstep for a common call, and shoot your dog because he bared his teeth at them. Or when they shoot one of your loved ones because he reached I to his pocket for his ID
If I can't control my dog, it's on me fk. See I know how to behave when a cop comes to my house.

And yes, the cops do whatever they deem necessary to get the job done. EXACTLY. I'm done with scumbag criminals. you can have all live with you since you love them man.
Wow, rollover for the cops like a well trained seal. You're a real man. Don't forget to wipe your chin when you're finished.
I remember a cop catching me drunk driving after getting a DUI ten years earlier. I would have been fucked! He drove me home.

When a cop tells you to do something like it or not do it. If you don't like it tell it to the judge
I am always respectful to police. If I get pulled over, I don't argue, I don't act like an asshole; I take my ticket (if there is one), and if I don't agree with it, I send it in not guilty. But there's a huge difference between being polite and respectful to police, and letting them walk all over you with impunity. If a cop shoots your dog because your dog bared his teeth at him (police shoot dogs all the time for less), like I said to jc456, then that's a serious problem; that's a cop without impulse control; that's a cop whose first reaction is to shoot instead of stop and assess the situation. To just roll over and say, "That's on me for not controlling my dog", like jc456 said he'd do in that situation, shows no backbone and a willingness to allow the authorities to get away with anything just because they're the authorities. It takes a lot more guts to stand up for what's right and just, than to allow them to abuse their power without scrutiny.
The disgusting monster cops have been charged with murder. Sure to upset the cop defenders who have been defending them on this thread. No doubt they will chime in now about how the cops are being picked on.

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