6 year old murdered after boys in blue decide to chase his father for minor warrants

If you ram a cop car and you have a little kid in the car, you're putting the kid at risk of death.

Hope dad is prosecuted for the death of his son.

".....the marshals cornered the suspect in his vehicle. Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."
If you commit a crime and someone dies, yes you should be responsible. Even if you didn't pull the trigger.

Reminds me of the story where the cops went all Die Hard shooting into a crowd hitting innocent bystanders and the cops charged the guy they were shooting at with shooting the bystanders because yanno, cops arent responsible for anything

Don't do drugs.
Cut off the caffeine...
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father hit police with his vehicle on purpose then tried to flee.

The father killed this boy.

It is tragic.

And where does is say what he warrant was for -- not that it matters when you strike police with your car then try to escape you're now a felon.
If you believe the cops. I don't. Its why they are being asked to wear cameras now.
It's hard to believe people who managed to shoot a grown man only twice but a small child five fucking times eh?
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
I respect the job police have to do. I'm all in favor of police doing what they need to do to go home at the end of their shift and if the choice is some hump or a cop, I'm picking the cop.

But their job is to keep 5 year olds alive. Kid is in the car and it looks like the bad guy is going to flee? Let him go rather than peppering the car full of rounds and then saying "oh well." Same thing about chasing car thieves at 100mph through neighborhoods.

At some point the reward of getting just one more minor bad guy off the street right that minute just isn't worth the cost. Put out an APB, get a warrant, and arrest the guy later.
Did the cops know the kid was in the car?
Yes, according to all the links it appears that they knew the child was in the vehicle and shot anyways.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
Both the father and the cops are at fault. But the cops used extremely poor judgement, and showed an extreme lack of impulse control, by firing into a car that they knew had an innocent kid in it. And for what? Some minor warrants? They should have called the chase off and caught up with him later - never mind endangering the public by firing into a car and killing a child. They should all be fired and charged with involuntary manslaughter and/or reckless endangerment.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
Both the father and the cops are at fault. But the cops used extremely poor judgement, and showed an extreme lack of impulse control, by firing into a car that they knew had an innocent kid in it. And for what? Some minor warrants? They should have called the chase off and caught up with him later - never mind endangering the public by firing into a car and killing a child. They should all be fired and charged with involuntary manslaughter and/or reckless endangerment.
If they truly knew the child was there, and fired anyway, that is 2nd degree murder. And the wrongful death suit on this is going to fly through a jury. This is so outrageous I don't know where to begin. A complete and total disregard for human life.
PaintMyHouse: 12737162 said:
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father hit police with his vehicle on purpose then tried to flee.

The father killed this boy.

It is tragic.

And where does is say what he warrant was for -- not that it matters when you strike police with your car then try to escape you're now a felon.
If you believe the cops. I don't. Its why they are being asked to wear cameras now.
It's hard to believe people who managed to shoot a grown man only twice but a small child five fucking times eh?
Cops are lousy shots. They pretty much squeeze the trigger and hope they hit the target
Gee, imagine that:

“Shooting at vehicles creates an unreasonable risk unless such a real and articulable threat exists,” the DOJ wrote. “First, it is difficult to shoot at a moving car with accuracy. Missed shots can hit bystanders or others in the vehicle. Second, if the driver is disabled by the shot, the vehicle may become unguided, making it potentially more dangerous.”
‘Not worth a child’s life': Marshals’ shootout that killed autistic first-grader criticized

Even someone who's seen a movie knows you dont just fire off randomly because of innocent bystanders
well do you know were there bystanders around?
Even someone who has seen movies knows you don't try to run from or try to hit a cop, when your child is in the car.
Gee, imagine that:

“Shooting at vehicles creates an unreasonable risk unless such a real and articulable threat exists,” the DOJ wrote. “First, it is difficult to shoot at a moving car with accuracy. Missed shots can hit bystanders or others in the vehicle. Second, if the driver is disabled by the shot, the vehicle may become unguided, making it potentially more dangerous.”
‘Not worth a child’s life': Marshals’ shootout that killed autistic first-grader criticized

Even someone who's seen a movie knows you dont just fire off randomly because of innocent bystanders
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father killed him by running. His fault.
Both the father and the cops are at fault. But the cops used extremely poor judgement, and showed an extreme lack of impulse control, by firing into a car that they knew had an innocent kid in it. And for what? Some minor warrants? They should have called the chase off and caught up with him later - never mind endangering the public by firing into a car and killing a child. They should all be fired and charged with involuntary manslaughter and/or reckless endangerment.
If they truly knew the child was there, and fired anyway, that is 2nd degree murder. And the wrongful death suit on this is going to fly through a jury. This is so outrageous I don't know where to begin. A complete and total disregard for human life.
If they truly knew the kid was in the car, then I agree, they should be charged.
PaintMyHouse: 12737162 said:
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.

The father hit police with his vehicle on purpose then tried to flee.

The father killed this boy.

It is tragic.

And where does is say what he warrant was for -- not that it matters when you strike police with your car then try to escape you're now a felon.
If you believe the cops. I don't. Its why they are being asked to wear cameras now.
It's hard to believe people who managed to shoot a grown man only twice but a small child five fucking times eh?
Cops are lousy shots. They pretty much squeeze the trigger and hope they hit the target
So it would seem. Just a couple of Barney Fifes, obviously...

And the result...
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
It makes the person making the claim a liar. Just say'in
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
It makes the person making the claim a liar. Just say'in
well then you should have double checked your facts before posting then eh?
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
the man was immediately a fugitive. Need to straighten out your story a bit jean.
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
It makes the person making the claim a liar. Just say'in
well then you should have double checked your facts before posting then eh?
My "facts" are as they are reported in links posted in this thread and other news sources. Your facts are coming out of your lies. Give it some time, however, when the Marshalls realize they are going down for the murder their lawyer will whine self-defense for them.
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.
It makes the person making the claim a liar. Just say'in
well then you should have double checked your facts before posting then eh?
My "facts" are as they are reported in links posted in this thread and other news sources. Your facts are coming out of your lies. Give it some time, however, when the Marshalls realize they are going down for the murder their lawyer will whine self-defense for them.
so bubba, were the marshals in their cars when the man rammed their cars?
It does if you try to ram them with a vehicle
some folks are just too naive to know that the dude used his car as a weapon. clueless left I call them. completely escaping reality.
You are the only one making the claim of the victims vehicle being used as a weapon. The investigation implies that the vehicle was backed into the patrol car. The Marshalls were outside of their vehicle standing beside the victim's truck at the time of the shooting. They were not being threatened with being run over. They murdered that 6-year-old kid.

"Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."

They were in the car when the dipshit rammed it. And they shot him through the driver's side window. Which means he was using the kid as a shield.
That means they were no longer in any danger when they murdered the kid. They were not in the path of the vehicle and were standing beside it. The shots were fired with the intent of stopping the vehicle, not as a means of self-defense.
the man was immediately a fugitive. Need to straighten out your story a bit jean.
You keep talking out of your ass dude. The so-called warrant or document being issued or served is being kept secret for some reason.

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