6 year old murdered after boys in blue decide to chase his father for minor warrants

I completely agree, the dad should never have put the son in the car and use him as a shield, you're exactly right, disgusting.
Never used him as a shield idiot. Gang in blue once again shows they have no concern for citizens rights or innocent bystanders by them firing indiscriminately into a vehicle murdering a child in the process. I'll make sure my wife prays for the deaths of those pigs involved.
They didn't murder the kid or the dad. They may have killed them but murder no.
Firing wildly into a vehicle with no idea of occupants is negligent homicide at the least 2nd degree murder at best.
If a criminal uses a car as a weapon how's the cop to know if a baby's in the back seat?

You might get the cops fired but not charged. Not even fired.
Oh my he MIGHT HAVE bumped your car which every thug in blue I have ever seen has their car with a HUGE bumper on it to protect it from those things. Ya get out shoot tires out and he goes NO WHERE! He had no gun so its not like he was gonna shoot back! Its also why you DON'T run up to a car and start firing. Use a little self control you want more free reign try using some self control. A gun to someone's temple USUALLY makes them think twice before doing something dumb...
Like driving away? Like running from the cops? Seems a cop with a gun makes some people stupid. I consider it thinning the herd. His kid would have grown up to be trash just like daddy.

We're they black or white? I'm imagining white.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
How much pre meditation? Pretty sure you just don't go up to a window and start blasting away I am sure they figured soon as they got out of their vehicle they were going to fire so that's pre meditation.But like I said. Won't matter. DA more than likely WON'T charge them.Hardly ever do. That badge to them grants them more rights than normal citizens have.
As it should. We lock vigilantes up batman.
Like I said. Can't wait till a pig shoots you a few times...tell us how you feel then about them having extra rights.
grasping now
To you. I may be but your first post with the cop sucking was grasping from the beginning so.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
That's 1st degree
yes it is and it not what the cops were planning as odious would like you to believe.
in his delusional mind set he wants the cops to be the psyco killers he wishes he was.
Well in this case they rather look like psycho killers since the little boy was shot five times and died, and the man was shot twice and lived? Explain that?

And if they knew the child was in the car, God help them...
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If you ram a cop car and you have a little kid in the car, you're putting the kid at risk of death.

Hope dad is prosecuted for the death of his son.

".....the marshals cornered the suspect in his vehicle. Few then put his vehicle in reverse and struck the police vehicle, the news site reports. The officers exited their vehicle and fired their duty pistols through the driver’s side window."
If you commit a crime and someone dies, yes you should be responsible. Even if you didn't pull the trigger.

Reminds me of the story where the cops went all Die Hard shooting into a crowd hitting innocent bystanders and the cops charged the guy they were shooting at with shooting the bystanders because yanno, cops arent responsible for anything
They have a tough job. I wouldn't prosecute a cop who accidentally killed an innocent. Who would be a cop if we did that?

Thats not the issue about tough jobs. They shot people and then charged the person they were shooting at with shooting people. You cant begin to defend that bullshit
Never used him as a shield idiot. Gang in blue once again shows they have no concern for citizens rights or innocent bystanders by them firing indiscriminately into a vehicle murdering a child in the process. I'll make sure my wife prays for the deaths of those pigs involved.
They didn't murder the kid or the dad. They may have killed them but murder no.
Firing wildly into a vehicle with no idea of occupants is negligent homicide at the least 2nd degree murder at best.
If a criminal uses a car as a weapon how's the cop to know if a baby's in the back seat?

You might get the cops fired but not charged. Not even fired.
Oh my he MIGHT HAVE bumped your car which every thug in blue I have ever seen has their car with a HUGE bumper on it to protect it from those things. Ya get out shoot tires out and he goes NO WHERE! He had no gun so its not like he was gonna shoot back! Its also why you DON'T run up to a car and start firing. Use a little self control you want more free reign try using some self control. A gun to someone's temple USUALLY makes them think twice before doing something dumb...
Like driving away? Like running from the cops? Seems a cop with a gun makes some people stupid. I consider it thinning the herd. His kid would have grown up to be trash just like daddy.

We're they black or white? I'm imagining white.
Nice thing of you to say about a very sweet autistic 6-year-old white little boy...
I respect the job police have to do. I'm all in favor of police doing what they need to do to go home at the end of their shift and if the choice is some hump or a cop, I'm picking the cop.

But their job is to keep 5 year olds alive. Kid is in the car and it looks like the bad guy is going to flee? Let him go rather than peppering the car full of rounds and then saying "oh well." Same thing about chasing car thieves at 100mph through neighborhoods.

At some point the reward of getting just one more minor bad guy off the street right that minute just isn't worth the cost. Put out an APB, get a warrant, and arrest the guy later.
Never used him as a shield idiot. Gang in blue once again shows they have no concern for citizens rights or innocent bystanders by them firing indiscriminately into a vehicle murdering a child in the process. I'll make sure my wife prays for the deaths of those pigs involved.
They didn't murder the kid or the dad. They may have killed them but murder no.
Firing wildly into a vehicle with no idea of occupants is negligent homicide at the least 2nd degree murder at best.
If a criminal uses a car as a weapon how's the cop to know if a baby's in the back seat?

You might get the cops fired but not charged. Not even fired.
Oh my he MIGHT HAVE bumped your car which every thug in blue I have ever seen has their car with a HUGE bumper on it to protect it from those things. Ya get out shoot tires out and he goes NO WHERE! He had no gun so its not like he was gonna shoot back! Its also why you DON'T run up to a car and start firing. Use a little self control you want more free reign try using some self control. A gun to someone's temple USUALLY makes them think twice before doing something dumb...
Like driving away? Like running from the cops? Seems a cop with a gun makes some people stupid. I consider it thinning the herd. His kid would have grown up to be trash just like daddy.

We're they black or white? I'm imagining white.
Ah now the true intent is coming out. No surprise. I bet you are a republican as well.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
That's 1st degree
yes it is and it not what the cops were planning as odious would like you to believe.
in his delusional mind set he wants the cops to be the psyco killers he wishes he was.
Well in this case they rather look like psycho killers since the little boys was shot five times and died, and the man was shot twice and lived? Explain that?

And if they knew the child was in the car, God help them...
are trying to say something?
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
How much pre meditation? Pretty sure you just don't go up to a window and start blasting away I am sure they figured soon as they got out of their vehicle they were going to fire so that's pre meditation.But like I said. Won't matter. DA more than likely WON'T charge them.Hardly ever do. That badge to them grants them more rights than normal citizens have.
As it should. We lock vigilantes up batman.
Like I said. Can't wait till a pig shoots you a few times...tell us how you feel then about them having extra rights.
grasping now
To you. I may be but your first post with the cop sucking was grasping from the beginning so.
to me? to me you are grasping for sure. you the big cop enforcer you are. Dude, do you know how stupid that sounds? Come on dude get a frkn life already.
Weird, why doesn't the left ask what sort of fucking pig attempts to elude cops when he's got a little kid in the car?

The cops probably, rightly, considered him a threat to the kid. Turns out, he was!
ah kosher hag, odious is about as far right as it gets he's a white supremacist.
most of the flack the op is getting is from the "left"
then again you just had to say something.
Lol...so right that I am a Socialist. LMAO....keep grasping for straws kiddo.
where did I say that?
you are constantly proclaiming your a white supremacist .
I'm just stating fact .
Socialism is a social and economic system characterized by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.
White supremacy
White supremacy or white supremacism is a form of racism centered upon the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore whites should politically, economically and socially rule non-whites.
I respect the job police have to do. I'm all in favor of police doing what they need to do to go home at the end of their shift and if the choice is some hump or a cop, I'm picking the cop.

But their job is to keep 5 year olds alive. Kid is in the car and it looks like the bad guy is going to flee? Let him go rather than peppering the car full of rounds and then saying "oh well." Same thing about chasing car thieves at 100mph through neighborhoods.

At some point the reward of getting just one more minor bad guy off the street right that minute just isn't worth the cost. Put out an APB, get a warrant, and arrest the guy later.
do you even know if they knew he was in the car?
How much pre meditation? Pretty sure you just don't go up to a window and start blasting away I am sure they figured soon as they got out of their vehicle they were going to fire so that's pre meditation.But like I said. Won't matter. DA more than likely WON'T charge them.Hardly ever do. That badge to them grants them more rights than normal citizens have.
As it should. We lock vigilantes up batman.
Like I said. Can't wait till a pig shoots you a few times...tell us how you feel then about them having extra rights.
grasping now
To you. I may be but your first post with the cop sucking was grasping from the beginning so.
to me? to me you are grasping for sure. you the big cop enforcer you are. Dude, do you know how stupid that sounds? Come on dude get a frkn life already.
Oh you mean I can put on a shiny tin badge and go murder little kids to!? OH CAN I!? PLEASEEEE!
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
Only 1st degree. 2nd degree is you killed someone just because you decided to on the spur of the moment.
true .
do you,as the op would have you believe, that's what the cops had in mind when they stopped the guy?
As it should. We lock vigilantes up batman.
Like I said. Can't wait till a pig shoots you a few times...tell us how you feel then about them having extra rights.
grasping now
To you. I may be but your first post with the cop sucking was grasping from the beginning so.
to me? to me you are grasping for sure. you the big cop enforcer you are. Dude, do you know how stupid that sounds? Come on dude get a frkn life already.
Oh you mean I can put on a shiny tin badge and go murder little kids to!? OH CAN I!? PLEASEEEE!
and folks, there you go! Nuts to say the least.
What well respecting father, first would have warrants he hadn't taken care of, and would then put their child in danger by running from the police due to those minor, outstanding warrants. Doesn't sound like much of a man, to me.
This tragedy could have been avoided if he had faced the consequences of his own actions, rather than continuing to run, much less with his innocent child beside him.
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Weird, why doesn't the left ask what sort of fucking pig attempts to elude cops when he's got a little kid in the car?

The cops probably, rightly, considered him a threat to the kid. Turns out, he was!
ah kosher hag, odious is about as far right as it gets he's a white supremacist.
most of the flack the op is getting is from the "left"
then again you just had to say something.
Lol...so right that I am a Socialist. LMAO....keep grasping for straws kiddo.
where did I say that?
you are constantly proclaiming your a white supremacist .
I'm just stating fact .
Socialism is a social and economic system characterized by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.
White supremacy
White supremacy or white supremacism is a form of racism centered upon the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore whites should politically, economically and socially rule non-whites.
I am a Racial Socialist. White Supremacy is a fact its not a belief or a theory or anything else. Its just LIFE. It is what it is. Can't change facts.
I respect the job police have to do. I'm all in favor of police doing what they need to do to go home at the end of their shift and if the choice is some hump or a cop, I'm picking the cop.

But their job is to keep 5 year olds alive. Kid is in the car and it looks like the bad guy is going to flee? Let him go rather than peppering the car full of rounds and then saying "oh well." Same thing about chasing car thieves at 100mph through neighborhoods.

At some point the reward of getting just one more minor bad guy off the street right that minute just isn't worth the cost. Put out an APB, get a warrant, and arrest the guy later.
do you even know if they knew he was in the car?

Would it have mattered to the cops on hand? I'm not big on Monday Morning Quarterbacking...but based on police track records when it comes to bystanders and kids getting dead it doesn't seem like cops care.
Like I said. Can't wait till a pig shoots you a few times...tell us how you feel then about them having extra rights.
grasping now
To you. I may be but your first post with the cop sucking was grasping from the beginning so.
to me? to me you are grasping for sure. you the big cop enforcer you are. Dude, do you know how stupid that sounds? Come on dude get a frkn life already.
Oh you mean I can put on a shiny tin badge and go murder little kids to!? OH CAN I!? PLEASEEEE!
and folks, there you go! Nuts to say the least.
Just like the pigs you are defending because that's EXACTLY why they did. Imagine this. Jackass has confrontation with you,drives away you chase him down dead end street blocking him in,he MIGHT have hit you with his vehicle are you going to get out and start blasting away with a pistol? I bet you would but MOST Americans would have let it go after he ran off...not worth endangering ANYONE by chasing him. YOU and those like you are a mentally ill bunch and a threat to sane society.
So, blame the law, rather than the man that broke the law. Talk about a topsy turvy view, and a symptom of today's woes..
Jeremy Mardis: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sure the usual cop suckers here will blame everyone BUT the gang in blue.
Dads fault for running.
No its not. Running from cops doesn't give gang in blue right to murder you dumbass. Jeez I wish just once someone who LOVES that cop cock would get shot doing something simple and then try blaming themselves for it....to many ignorant fucks around.
False !
It's called fleeing or evading .
And? Still doesn't give gang in blue right to murder someone. SOME gang in blues have comprehended that after a few lawsuits forced their hand. Now unless its an absolute necessity to catch the person right then they don't pursue suspects.
I respect the job police have to do. I'm all in favor of police doing what they need to do to go home at the end of their shift and if the choice is some hump or a cop, I'm picking the cop.

But their job is to keep 5 year olds alive. Kid is in the car and it looks like the bad guy is going to flee? Let him go rather than peppering the car full of rounds and then saying "oh well." Same thing about chasing car thieves at 100mph through neighborhoods.

At some point the reward of getting just one more minor bad guy off the street right that minute just isn't worth the cost. Put out an APB, get a warrant, and arrest the guy later.
do you even know if they knew he was in the car?

Would it have mattered to the cops on hand? I'm not big on Monday Morning Quarterbacking...but based on police track records when it comes to bystanders and kids getting dead it doesn't seem like cops care.
so yeah it matters, it matters a great deal. So again, do you think they knew there was a kid in the car?
Running from the cops isn't something simple. It's pretty major if you ask me. I'd never do it.
Sure sure. It gives them the right to murder you.
again false! murder requires pre meditation .
That's 1st degree
yes it is and it not what the cops were planning as odious would like you to believe.
in his delusional mind set he wants the cops to be the psyco killers he wishes he was.
Well in this case they rather look like psycho killers since the little boys was shot five times and died, and the man was shot twice and lived? Explain that?

And if they knew the child was in the car, God help them...
there were two boys?

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