60 big companies that avoided all federal income taxes

LoL!!!! I see what these rightwing idiots are trying to do, but little do they know, it's not going to work...

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericansIsCultureWarBS
  • Taxable income is the result of determining the annual total or gross income of an individual or entity and reducing that amount by the exclusions, exemptions, and deductions allowed under the tax law.
so unless you have proof they violated this I dont see the problem??
Many on the right have been advocating for a flat tax no deductions for years. Democrats don't want it.
Who was the last Republican Presidential candidate that had the flat tax on their platform?
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Remember the good old days when revenooers were at war with illegal stills back in the 30's and they raided and killed poor old folks who were trying to make a living? The agents were armed federal Tax police who were authorized to enforce federal tax laws regarding alcohol. The era gave birth to the NASCAR races although you wouldn't recognize it today. Be careful what you wish for lefties. The federals are armed with high tech weapons and have the ultimate authorization to take and kill if necessary and there ain't a thing you can do if you end up as their target.
Last time I checked (30 years ago) the Internal Revenue Code was thicker than the Bible, and the Regulations were three times as big. The reason for their size is Congressional meddling. Congress wants to incentivize one thing and penalize something else, "for the good of the country."

So when companies do what Congress induces them to do, and as a result their taxes are reduced or eliminated, those very same Congressmen say the corporations aren't paying "their fair share." And yet the corporations are audited every year, and found to be in compliance with the tax laws.

Bottom line: Democrat congresspeople are liars, and hope that their constituents are too stupid to see through it. And they are.
By taking advantage of complex and stupid ass tax codes/laws that were designed to allow them to do this sort of thing while we the people get fucked over.
Handed to Congress critters by the MNCs.
TV commercials, signs and leaflets cost money.
Last time I checked (30 years ago) the Internal Revenue Code was thicker than the Bible, and the Regulations were three times as big. The reason for their size is Congressional meddling. Congress wants to incentivize one thing and penalize something else, "for the good of the country."

So when companies do what Congress induces them to do, and as a result their taxes are reduced or eliminated, those very same Congressmen say the corporations aren't paying "their fair share." And yet the corporations are audited every year, and found to be in compliance with the tax laws.

Bottom line: Democrat congresspeople are liars, and hope that their constituents are too stupid to see through it. And they are.


Stupid fucks like Sanders and Warren bitch when corporations use their profits to pay dividends or buy back stock, instead of reinvesting in the company. Then, when they reinvest in the company, and get write-offs for doing so, the fucking twats whine that the corporations don't pay taxes.
Why dont Washington simplify the tax code so they dont get out of taxes?

No doubt it will be much easier if the current administration manages to ruin our economy then rebuild it with a central government controlled bank and we move to digital currency. Then we won't have to worry about taxes, they will just take what they think everyone owes. We won't even have to file taxes anymore.
thats because both parties made up the rules to allow this in the tax code,,

not paying doesnt mean they owe them and didnt pay,,

if they broke the law then prosecute,, but to whine because they followed the tax code and ended up not owing anything is a waste of time,,
I am sure each case is different in how they got there,,

as for me I see no problem breaking the law to avoid paying federal income taxs of any kind,,

starve the beast is what I say,,
but u will be audited by these clowns!

I do think the beast should be starved but not sure how to go about that...
What are these companies doing to EARN no income tax obligation? Certain number of jobs created and held? Investment in economically disadvantaged areas?

Don’t let your economic envy blind you on this one. If you don’t like it, you should be lobbying your Democrat Reps and Senators to have the tax code changed. Then, watch what happens.

Democrat politicos already treat small businesses like shit. They are too savvy to play their base with the evil corporate demonization bit yet crony up to the Corporations behind the scenes.
well first we can use every loop hole in the tax code to pay as little as possible,, then use everything you can thats not in the code,,
true but oftentimes that takes a lawyer. They know that and so they go after the ones who cannot afford an attorney

what a bunch of pigs who passed this monstrosity increasing irs..

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