60 minutes hack piece on GITMO


Apr 22, 2007
Of they do the hack piece on a belligerent inmate the is screaming about being treated inhumanely through a cell. A British Muslim scumbag that is in solitary confinement because of aggressive behavior.

60 mins tries to make it like this asshole is innocent, yet he was caught in Afghanistan on the battlefield fighting against US. He is a prisoner of war, not a common criminal on trial!

They say release him to Britain, however, Britain released the Lockbie Bomber. Why make a similar mistake.
Of they do the hack piece on a belligerent inmate the is screaming about being treated inhumanely through a cell. A British Muslim scumbag that is in solitary confinement because of aggressive behavior.

60 mins tries to make it like this asshole is innocent, yet he was caught in Afghanistan on the battlefield fighting against US. He is a prisoner of war, not a common criminal on trial!

They say release him to Britain, however, Britain released the Lockbie Bomber. Why make a similar mistake.

Many that are in GITMO have been tried to be returned to their home countries, they don't want them. Those that have been released have been recaptured or killing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemnan, Somalia, etc.

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