60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

I'll do it with coffee...I'll wake up so much faster.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.

Why is it bad for kids to be in a family where there are two men?

Is it about sex? Hell, I've known plenty of people to walk in on their parents doing it. It's something kids end up finding out about anyway. But what's that got to do with anything?

If the kids have a stable family life, are happy, great. Many kids with heterosexual parents, both at home, don't get that. A lot of kids have a majorly bad time at home and it has nothing to do with who their mum or dad is banging.

The biggest problem you have is that you think kids are adults. They're not. They don't get a funny feeling for being a little different. Why? Because other kids accept what they see as normal. You tell them something, they don't know any different, it's normal.
Kids grow up with disabilities and all sorts of things, other kids don't care. When they're older and kids become bullies, maybe, but generally kids will be bullied regardless, or not, it's more about personality than it is about other stuff.

Kids DON'T need to know what homosexuality is to understand they have two dads.

They don't think "I have a mum, I have a dad, they must fuck every night" either.

Your argument works both ways, for both gay and straight.
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

I'll do it with coffee...I'll wake up so much faster.

Yes the far left can not handle being mocked!

Still has not posted the "rights" that gays do NOT have because they are NOT "Married"..
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

The day I care what you think of me is the day they'll be serving Sno-Cones in Hell.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.

Gays have been adopting children long before states starting allowing them to marry. Your opinion is noted but it was no bearing legally.
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

The day I care what you think of me is the day they'll be serving Sno-Cones in Hell.

And the far left can not handle being mocked!

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

So your entire post is moot!

Still can not tell anyone how getting the government out of the business of "Marriage" is going to "Invalidate" all "marriages".

What "special privileges"? Name them and be specific. What do you believe gays want in legal civil marriage that straights don't get with legal civil marriage.

All you have to do name all the "rights" gays do not have because they are not married.

It is the civil marriage itself that is the right not the cash and prizes that straight folks decided needed to go with it. What do you believe gays will get that straights don't. That would make something a "special".

So in other words that list that was provided the other far left drone was special privileges.

Well you just outed your far left buddy.

Like I said the whole "rights" thing was just far left propaganda based on fear mongering.

So there "rights" that gays do NOT have now because they are not "Married" do not actually exist.

Been confirmed over and over now.

They are privileges associated with civil marriage but it is the civil marriage that is the right and what gays are fighting for equal access to. If you took away the cash and prizes, gays would still want access to the civil marriage. They are not special privileges that would only be granted to gays. They are privileges associated with civil marriage that gays now have equal access to in most states.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws.

Homosexuality certainly occurs naturally but it definitely is not natural to enter a one way door exclusively built for the exit of excrement. To state that as the equivalent of African Americans and their struggle is really a great stretch of the imagination.

The term, "unnatural" is a term that applies to the act of homosexuality, that is not to say that one does not become homosexual naturally, simply that the act itself is unnatural.

Marriage Equality will come with the Adoption of Orphans, every aspect of a homosexual lifestyle is unnatural, hence the greatest tragedy of all, is Orphans are forced into unnatural lifestyles. Children are forced to live in a homosexual lifestyle.

Children do not deserve to be treated this way, a blight on our history this is.
Homosexuality certainly occurs naturally but it definitely is not natural to enter a one way door exclusively built for the exit of excrement. To state that as the equivalent of African Americans and their struggle is really a great stretch of the imagination.

Which has nothing to do with marriage. You don't deny straight people who do the same thing marriage.

The term, "unnatural" is a term that applies to the act of homosexuality, that is not to say that one does not become homosexual naturally, simply that the act itself is unnatural.

Marriage Equality will come with the Adoption of Orphans, every aspect of a homosexual lifestyle is unnatural, hence the greatest tragedy of all, is Orphans are forced into unnatural lifestyles. Children are forced to live in a homosexual lifestyle.

Children do not deserve to be treated this way, a blight on our history this is.

Treated like what? That their parents have sex together? Should we stop all parents having sex? Or stop all parents having anal sex?
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.
How is putting a child into a "homosexual lifestyle" any different than putting a child into a "heterosexual lifestyle"?
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.
Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.

Gays have been adopting children long before states starting allowing them to marry. Your opinion is noted but it was no bearing legally.
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

The day I care what you think of me is the day they'll be serving Sno-Cones in Hell.

And the far left can not handle being mocked!


Trust me, the opinion of some internet random effects me not. I have the courts on my side and a majority of Americans. You have your opinion and hand wringing which amounts to a hill of beans legally speaking. Poor thing.
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

First round is on me my dear.
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.

Gays have been adopting children long before states starting allowing them to marry. Your opinion is noted but it was no bearing legally.
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

The day I care what you think of me is the day they'll be serving Sno-Cones in Hell.

And the far left can not handle being mocked!


Trust me, the opinion of some internet random effects me not. I have the courts on my side and a majority of Americans. You have your opinion and hand wringing which amounts to a hill of beans legally speaking. Poor thing.

Yes get the government out of the business of "Marriage" Allow others to decide where their money goes.

I know that is foreign concept to the far left..

Once again the far left can not handle being mocked!
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

I'll do it with coffee...I'll wake up so much faster.

Yes the far left can not handle being mocked!

Still has not posted the "rights" that gays do NOT have because they are NOT "Married"..

And it has been relayed to you that it is not the privileges associated with marriage that are the right, it is the civil marriage itself that has been declared a fundamental right. Are you married Kosh? Why would you want the gubmit all up in your biz like that?
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

First round is on me my dear.

You meant your tenth right?
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

I'll do it with coffee...I'll wake up so much faster.

Yes the far left can not handle being mocked!

Still has not posted the "rights" that gays do NOT have because they are NOT "Married"..

And it has been relayed to you that it is not the privileges associated with marriage that are the right, it is the civil marriage itself that has been declared a fundamental right. Are you married Kosh? Why would you want the gubmit all up in your biz like that?

So once again all those so called "rights" that gays did not have because they are not "married" were just a farce.

Well there you have it!

The "rights" battle that never was!
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

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