60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Because you want to deny and so much fun watching you deny what you post proving my point time and time again that you are far left hack that sees gay "Marriage" as the ultimate revenge.

Um, how is equal protection in the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it 'revenge' against?

Its not like you lose a single right just because the law recognizes gay and lesbians marriages as legally valid.

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

So your entire post is moot!

Still can not tell anyone how getting the government out of the business of "Marriage" is going to "Invalidate" all "marriages".

What "special privileges"? Name them and be specific. What do you believe gays want in legal civil marriage that straights don't get with legal civil marriage.

All you have to do name all the "rights" gays do not have because they are not married.
you are correct, you bigots are not having any rights taken from you by the US constitution and statutes.

Gays are not the ones trying to keep a fundamental right from a minority group Fishy, you are. That makes you an unadulterated bigot. There is no right you are losing by my legal, civil marriage...which by the way will be celebrating its 6th anniversary at the end of this month.

It is important to remember that conservatives, some of them mind you. are not "trying to keep a fundamental right away from a minority group," as you suggest. They are instead responding to a militant and progressive movement to change definitions and the historic and fundamental traditions of marriage. NOBODY is denying gays from civil unions and other such legal and contractual agreements that protect them in all relevant ways. What it all boils down to is not "rights" but public acceptance, and that isn't going to happen with the methodologies in play by the aggressive, militant, intolerant leftists of this country and most others. A naturally occurring sexual abnormality is worthy of respect and acknowledgment, but to aggressively assert such a thing into a natural and historical institution called marriage is clearly a debatable topic worthy of respect on both sides, yet the libs give ZERO respect for the historical and pre-historical nature of sanctified natural pair-bonding.

I understand the radicals will not understand a word I just said. Been there, done that.

Did you really say nobody is denying gays civil unions? Apparently you are not aware that Nebraska, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, Alabama and South Dakota all wrote their anti gay amendments to include civil unions. Guess that shoots your "nobody" all to pieces.

Gays are married. We marry civilly and religiously. Now, using a reasonable person standard, cite the societal harm in treating my legal, civil marriage exactly like yours. We'll wait.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Then you can decide who gets your money..

Yeah? How's that going? Have you called your Congressman or Senator? Have they laughed at you?

So yes the far left supports the government dictating their lives to them .
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.
Because you want to deny and so much fun watching you deny what you post proving my point time and time again that you are far left hack that sees gay "Marriage" as the ultimate revenge.

Um, how is equal protection in the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it 'revenge' against?

Its not like you lose a single right just because the law recognizes gay and lesbians marriages as legally valid.

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

So your entire post is moot!

Still can not tell anyone how getting the government out of the business of "Marriage" is going to "Invalidate" all "marriages".

What "special privileges"? Name them and be specific. What do you believe gays want in legal civil marriage that straights don't get with legal civil marriage.

All you have to do name all the "rights" gays do not have because they are not married.

It is the civil marriage itself that is the right not the cash and prizes that straight folks decided needed to go with it. What do you believe gays will get that straights don't. That would make something a "special".
YEs! Yes! We know that the far left drones see a non-ruling as a ruling..

Are you honestly claiming that the USSC didn't rule that marriage is a right? Seriously? Shall I quote several of those cases to you?

Or do you still insist that you know better than the USSC on what rights are?

Yes we know that the whole "rights" thing was far left propaganda to scare the programmed masses.

Still not going to provide those "rights" gays do NOT have for NOT being "Married".

So are you willfully ignoring the words "Fundamental Right to Marry" in SCOTUS rulings? I can quote them since you seem to lazy to look as I suggested. Far left right wing drones sure like other people to do the work for them...

Loving v Virginia: "Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. Skinner v. Oklahoma,316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942). See also Maynard v. Hill,125 U.S. 190 (1888). To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law."

Zablocki v Redhail: Although Loving arose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals....

More recent decisions have established that the right to marry is part of the fundamental "right of privacy" implicit in the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Court observed: "We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights - older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."

Turner v Safley:. The constitutional right of prisoners to marry is impermissibly burdened by the Missouri marriage regulation.

Are you going to try to deny the words "right to marry" in all those rulings?

And once again the same old cases that does not prove their point in the slightest.

However to the far left being gay is the same as being a race.

"Marriage" is not a "right"..

Wow...you can ignore the actual words "right to marry" in the rulings? That is some amazing denial...to the point of being close to insane.

Turner v Safley and Zablocki v Redhail were not about race were they? Sorry, another fail for you. Poor dear.
Gays are not the ones trying to keep a fundamental right from a minority group Fishy, you are. That makes you an unadulterated bigot. There is no right you are losing by my legal, civil marriage...which by the way will be celebrating its 6th anniversary at the end of this month.

It is important to remember that conservatives, some of them mind you. are not "trying to keep a fundamental right away from a minority group," as you suggest. They are instead responding to a militant and progressive movement to change definitions and the historic and fundamental traditions of marriage. NOBODY is denying gays from civil unions and other such legal and contractual agreements that protect them in all relevant ways. What it all boils down to is not "rights" but public acceptance, and that isn't going to happen with the methodologies in play by the aggressive, militant, intolerant leftists of this country and most others. A naturally occurring sexual abnormality is worthy of respect and acknowledgment, but to aggressively assert such a thing into a natural and historical institution called marriage is clearly a debatable topic worthy of respect on both sides, yet the libs give ZERO respect for the historical and pre-historical nature of sanctified natural pair-bonding.

I understand the radicals will not understand a word I just said. Been there, done that.

Did you really say nobody is denying gays civil unions? Apparently you are not aware that Nebraska, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, Alabama and South Dakota all wrote their anti gay amendments to include civil unions. Guess that shoots your "nobody" all to pieces.

Gays are married. We marry civilly and religiously. Now, using a reasonable person standard, cite the societal harm in treating my legal, civil marriage exactly like yours. We'll wait.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Then you can decide who gets your money..

Yeah? How's that going? Have you called your Congressman or Senator? Have they laughed at you?

So yes the far left supports the government dictating their lives to them .

So you've never married? Shocking... :lol:
Because you want to deny and so much fun watching you deny what you post proving my point time and time again that you are far left hack that sees gay "Marriage" as the ultimate revenge.

Um, how is equal protection in the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it 'revenge' against?

Its not like you lose a single right just because the law recognizes gay and lesbians marriages as legally valid.

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

So your entire post is moot!

Still can not tell anyone how getting the government out of the business of "Marriage" is going to "Invalidate" all "marriages".

What "special privileges"? Name them and be specific. What do you believe gays want in legal civil marriage that straights don't get with legal civil marriage.

All you have to do name all the "rights" gays do not have because they are not married.

It is the civil marriage itself that is the right not the cash and prizes that straight folks decided needed to go with it. What do you believe gays will get that straights don't. That would make something a "special".

So in other words that list that was provided the other far left drone was special privileges.

Well you just outed your far left buddy.

Like I said the whole "rights" thing was just far left propaganda based on fear mongering.

So there "rights" that gays do NOT have now because they are not "Married" do not actually exist.

Been confirmed over and over now.
YEs! Yes! We know that the far left drones see a non-ruling as a ruling..

Are you honestly claiming that the USSC didn't rule that marriage is a right? Seriously? Shall I quote several of those cases to you?

Or do you still insist that you know better than the USSC on what rights are?

Yes we know that the whole "rights" thing was far left propaganda to scare the programmed masses.

Still not going to provide those "rights" gays do NOT have for NOT being "Married".

So are you willfully ignoring the words "Fundamental Right to Marry" in SCOTUS rulings? I can quote them since you seem to lazy to look as I suggested. Far left right wing drones sure like other people to do the work for them...

Loving v Virginia: "Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. Skinner v. Oklahoma,316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942). See also Maynard v. Hill,125 U.S. 190 (1888). To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law."

Zablocki v Redhail: Although Loving arose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals....

More recent decisions have established that the right to marry is part of the fundamental "right of privacy" implicit in the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Court observed: "We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill of Rights - older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions."

Turner v Safley:. The constitutional right of prisoners to marry is impermissibly burdened by the Missouri marriage regulation.

Are you going to try to deny the words "right to marry" in all those rulings?

And once again the same old cases that does not prove their point in the slightest.

However to the far left being gay is the same as being a race.

"Marriage" is not a "right"..

Wow...you can ignore the actual words "right to marry" in the rulings? That is some amazing denial...to the point of being close to insane.

Turner v Safley and Zablocki v Redhail were not about race were they? Sorry, another fail for you. Poor dear.

Just like you believe you have a "right: to vote for president or the "right" to own property.

So many people so blind..
The total population of those states, based on 2013 estimates from the Census Bureau, is about 190 million. Just over 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state where marriage equality soon will be legal.

And with Millennials coming into the mjority they stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey conducted
Feb. 14-23, 2014 among 1,821 adults nationwide, including 617 Millennial adults, and analysis of other Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 1990 and 2014.

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

an activist government.....

Those words scare the crap out of me

No, dummy, a Government that finally follows its own constitution...
It is important to remember that conservatives, some of them mind you. are not "trying to keep a fundamental right away from a minority group," as you suggest. They are instead responding to a militant and progressive movement to change definitions and the historic and fundamental traditions of marriage. NOBODY is denying gays from civil unions and other such legal and contractual agreements that protect them in all relevant ways. What it all boils down to is not "rights" but public acceptance, and that isn't going to happen with the methodologies in play by the aggressive, militant, intolerant leftists of this country and most others. A naturally occurring sexual abnormality is worthy of respect and acknowledgment, but to aggressively assert such a thing into a natural and historical institution called marriage is clearly a debatable topic worthy of respect on both sides, yet the libs give ZERO respect for the historical and pre-historical nature of sanctified natural pair-bonding.

I understand the radicals will not understand a word I just said. Been there, done that.

Did you really say nobody is denying gays civil unions? Apparently you are not aware that Nebraska, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, Alabama and South Dakota all wrote their anti gay amendments to include civil unions. Guess that shoots your "nobody" all to pieces.

Gays are married. We marry civilly and religiously. Now, using a reasonable person standard, cite the societal harm in treating my legal, civil marriage exactly like yours. We'll wait.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Then you can decide who gets your money..

Yeah? How's that going? Have you called your Congressman or Senator? Have they laughed at you?

So yes the far left supports the government dictating their lives to them .

So you've never married? Shocking... :lol:

So if some one chooses not to be "Married" you are going to ridicule someone for their choice?

How far left of you!

See the far left wants to dictate to people how to live their lives via the government.
The total population of those states, based on 2013 estimates from the Census Bureau, is about 190 million. Just over 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state where marriage equality soon will be legal.

And with Millennials coming into the mjority they stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey conducted
Feb. 14-23, 2014 among 1,821 adults nationwide, including 617 Millennial adults, and analysis of other Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 1990 and 2014.

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

an activist government.....

Those words scare the crap out of me

No, dummy, a Government that finally follows its own constitution...
"Marriage" is not in the Constitution...
Good news. I'm very pleased to be living in a state where my marriage is now recognized. I can't wait for this issue to be settled legally once and for all.
If you're married to someone of the same gender, your marriage will still be second rate to mine. The only thing for which your will be recognized it's its abnormality.

Your opinion is duly noted and just as easily dismissed since it has absolutely no bearing legally. Sorry about it.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The total population of those states, based on 2013 estimates from the Census Bureau, is about 190 million. Just over 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state where marriage equality soon will be legal.

And with Millennials coming into the mjority they stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey conducted
Feb. 14-23, 2014 among 1,821 adults nationwide, including 617 Millennial adults, and analysis of other Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 1990 and 2014.

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

an activist government.....

Those words scare the crap out of me

No, dummy, a Government that finally follows its own constitution...
"Marriage" is not in the Constitution...

Nor is privacy.
The total population of those states, based on 2013 estimates from the Census Bureau, is about 190 million. Just over 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state where marriage equality soon will be legal.

And with Millennials coming into the mjority they stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey conducted
Feb. 14-23, 2014 among 1,821 adults nationwide, including 617 Millennial adults, and analysis of other Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 1990 and 2014.

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

an activist government.....

Those words scare the crap out of me

No, dummy, a Government that finally follows its own constitution...

Why change 238 years of failure?
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol
The total population of those states, based on 2013 estimates from the Census Bureau, is about 190 million. Just over 60 percent of the U.S. population now lives in a state where marriage equality soon will be legal.

And with Millennials coming into the mjority they stand out for voting heavily Democratic and for liberal views on many political and social issues, ranging from a belief in an activist government to support for same-sex marriage and marijuana legalization.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey conducted
Feb. 14-23, 2014 among 1,821 adults nationwide, including 617 Millennial adults, and analysis of other Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 1990 and 2014.

Millennials in Adulthood Pew Research Center s Social Demographic Trends Project

an activist government.....

Those words scare the crap out of me

No, dummy, a Government that finally follows its own constitution...
"Marriage" is not in the Constitution...

Nor is privacy.

And the far left drone is back..

Nor is "separation of church and state"..
I swear we should turn Kosh's posting style into a drinking game. Every time one of his posts contains the words "far left" take a sip of beer. We would be blind drunk after 30 minutes. lol

The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.
Um, how is equal protection in the law 'revenge'. And who, pray tell, is it 'revenge' against?

Its not like you lose a single right just because the law recognizes gay and lesbians marriages as legally valid.

You have already expressed you want special privileges and not "equal" protection..

So your entire post is moot!

Still can not tell anyone how getting the government out of the business of "Marriage" is going to "Invalidate" all "marriages".

What "special privileges"? Name them and be specific. What do you believe gays want in legal civil marriage that straights don't get with legal civil marriage.

All you have to do name all the "rights" gays do not have because they are not married.

It is the civil marriage itself that is the right not the cash and prizes that straight folks decided needed to go with it. What do you believe gays will get that straights don't. That would make something a "special".

So in other words that list that was provided the other far left drone was special privileges.

Well you just outed your far left buddy.

Like I said the whole "rights" thing was just far left propaganda based on fear mongering.

So there "rights" that gays do NOT have now because they are not "Married" do not actually exist.

Been confirmed over and over now.

They are privileges associated with civil marriage but it is the civil marriage that is the right and what gays are fighting for equal access to. If you took away the cash and prizes, gays would still want access to the civil marriage. They are not special privileges that would only be granted to gays. They are privileges associated with civil marriage that gays now have equal access to in most states.
Did you really say nobody is denying gays civil unions? Apparently you are not aware that Nebraska, Georgia, North Dakota, Ohio, Alabama and South Dakota all wrote their anti gay amendments to include civil unions. Guess that shoots your "nobody" all to pieces.

Gays are married. We marry civilly and religiously. Now, using a reasonable person standard, cite the societal harm in treating my legal, civil marriage exactly like yours. We'll wait.

Get the government out of the business of "Marriage".

Then you can decide who gets your money..

Yeah? How's that going? Have you called your Congressman or Senator? Have they laughed at you?

So yes the far left supports the government dictating their lives to them .

So you've never married? Shocking... :lol:

So if some one chooses not to be "Married" you are going to ridicule someone for their choice?

How far left of you!

See the far left wants to dictate to people how to live their lives via the government.

Wait...so you are married? Why would you want the government "dictating your life" like that?

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