60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Marriage equality means equal legal benefits. It will never mean marriage.

Maybe not to bigots like you.
Good news. I'm very pleased to be living in a state where my marriage is now recognized. I can't wait for this issue to be settled legally once and for all.
If you're married to someone of the same gender, your marriage will still be second rate to mine. The only thing for which your will be recognized it's its abnormality.

Your opinion is duly noted and just as easily dismissed since it has absolutely no bearing legally. Sorry about it.

You dismissal is noted and dismissed because my opinion doens't have to agree with yours to be valid.
Marriage equality means equal legal benefits. It will never mean marriage.

Maybe not to bigots like you.
Good news. I'm very pleased to be living in a state where my marriage is now recognized. I can't wait for this issue to be settled legally once and for all.
If you're married to someone of the same gender, your marriage will still be second rate to mine. The only thing for which your will be recognized it's its abnormality.

Your opinion is duly noted and just as easily dismissed since it has absolutely no bearing legally. Sorry about it.

You dismissal is noted and dismissed because my opinion doens't have to agree with yours to be valid.

Indeed it doesn't. Legally speaking though, your opinion doesn't mean squat.
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.
Drink...twice. :beer:
Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.

No, I'll continue to beleive the courts and the precedents they have set concerning wether marriage is a right or not. All you have is your opinion which is unsupported by the courts.
Drink...twice. :beer:
Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.
So you don't have the right to marry either, I guess. :D
Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.

No, I'll continue to beleive the courts and the precedents they have set concerning wether marriage is a right or not. All you have is your opinion which is unsupported by the courts.

And once again the far left shows that they do not understand the Constitution.

"Marriage" is not a "right".

So when your partner leaves and you want to stay "Married" were your "Civil" rights violated?

See one person can take away your "rights".
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:
The same could be said about the far left drones when they post their far left programmed propaganda.

Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

Gays have had the same right to marry as straights all along.
Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.
So you don't have the right to marry either, I guess. :D

I am not the one claiming it is a "right".
Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.

No, I'll continue to beleive the courts and the precedents they have set concerning wether marriage is a right or not. All you have is your opinion which is unsupported by the courts.

Enablers enable. Nothing new here
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.

Why is it bad for kids to be in a family where there are two men?

Is it about sex? Hell, I've known plenty of people to walk in on their parents doing it. It's something kids end up finding out about anyway. But what's that got to do with anything?

If the kids have a stable family life, are happy, great. Many kids with heterosexual parents, both at home, don't get that. A lot of kids have a majorly bad time at home and it has nothing to do with who their mum or dad is banging.

The biggest problem you have is that you think kids are adults. They're not. They don't get a funny feeling for being a little different. Why? Because other kids accept what they see as normal. You tell them something, they don't know any different, it's normal.
Kids grow up with disabilities and all sorts of things, other kids don't care. When they're older and kids become bullies, maybe, but generally kids will be bullied regardless, or not, it's more about personality than it is about other stuff.

Kids DON'T need to know what homosexuality is to understand they have two dads.

They don't think "I have a mum, I have a dad, they must fuck every night" either.

Your argument works both ways, for both gay and straight.

"Why is it bad for kids to be in a family where there are two men?"

Your question is irrelevant and obfuscation.

The only thing I have ever stated is it is bad for two homosexual men or two homosexual woman to adopt a heterosexual child who has lost his or her entire family. Losing ones mother and father is thee most tragic thing that can happen to a child. What do you think that child is thinking well waiting to be adopted? You would force that child into a homosexual lifestyle.

"Is it about sex? Hell, I've known plenty of people to walk in on their parents doing it. It's something kids end up finding out about anyway. But what's that got to do with anything?"

This comment is a nice gem, you ask me if its about sex, and then explain to me sex is natural and kids walk in on parents doing it all the time. NO KIDDING. But what does not happen all the time is for those same kids to lose their parents, find themselves in an Orphanage with their entire life destroyed.

Of course your response leaves out all reference to homosexuality, why not describe your thoughts with the descriptive of what we are speaking about, homosexuality.

So as long as you brought it up, tell us all how you think the Boy who lost his Mom and his Dad, who is Orphaned, now adopted into a homosexual lifestyle not of his choosing, tell us how he will react when he walks into a bedroom and finds his new dad and dad doing something sexually unnatural? In the context of losing the ones he loves, how does he react?

"It's something kids end up finding out about anyway."

Finding out about mom and dad making love is one thing, and yes they find out about that, but that is not what we are talking about, what we are talking about, homosexuality. So to answer your question, your comment has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

You did a fair job at dodging, I suspect you want me to talk more about the sexual aspect so that we can turn the tables and make me sound like some sort of sexual prude.

There are so many dynamics in a family, which are completely lost and broken when kids lose their parents, your ideas and response to my post is irrelevant.

You see my posts, my threads, what you state here is irrelevant, you talk about normal, happy, and everything sweet and nice while that fact that the children that do not have both a mother and father, biologically, can never live normally, they can succeed, they can make money, they can be happy, and say so on questionnaire, but always there is that part that is hurt and broken for not knowing or for losing one or both parents.

Marriage Equality, will always abuse children adopted into or designed (test tube babies) into homosexual lifestyles, its simply not natural, at the least to be without ones parents, even less so if one is forced into a homosexual lifestyle that one does and would not choose.
Homosexual's have a right to deny children, a Mother or Father?

Marriage Equality is a violation of Children's rights. Homosexuals have no right to deny children a Mother and Father,

Of all the problems in the world, the idea of forcing children into a government designed homosexual family is healthy is just plane old tyranny.

We must save our children from this sickness.

Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.
How is putting a child into a "homosexual lifestyle" any different than putting a child into a "heterosexual lifestyle"?
one happens naturally, the other unnaturally through the force of courts
Drink...twice. :beer:
Drink...twice. :beer:

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

Gays have had the same right to marry as straights all along.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: < what the Supreme Court did when that same argument was used in Loving v Virginia
Why's it sick? Because they have sex?
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.
How is putting a child into a "homosexual lifestyle" any different than putting a child into a "heterosexual lifestyle"?
one happens naturally, the other unnaturally through the force of courts
"Unnaturally"? So you disapprove of our Constitution.
Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

Gays have had the same right to marry as straights all along.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: < what the Supreme Court did when that same argument was used in Loving v Virginia


Men were allowed to marry women

Gays have always been allowed to marry, same as straights
I was not inferring that the homosexuals would have sex with heterosexual children they adopt, that would be rape and I would describe it as such.

Nor was I, I mean they have sex with each other, not with children. Is that sick? What's sick about sex?
The sick part is you think its okay to put a child in a homosexual lifestyle, before they even know what sex is let alone man to man anal sex, the first day of school the kids are all going to explain to that child exactly what it means to have to fathers, that is how the child will learn what sex is, by having two homosexual fathers.

That is very sick, to think that is actually what you are arguing for.

Children learn too much too fast, they do not need to learn what homosexuality is by being adopted into homosexual lifestyle of the choosing of two gay men or two gay woman.

Marriage Equality equals child abuse. I see it no other way.
How is putting a child into a "homosexual lifestyle" any different than putting a child into a "heterosexual lifestyle"?
one happens naturally, the other unnaturally through the force of courts
"Unnaturally"? So you disapprove of our Constitution.

When administered by enablers. Yes
Of course not.

You seem to not read with the intent to understand.

And you have not provided citations to support your opposition to federalism and freedom. Your data on Wisconsin is highly suspect.

But here we go... In sum, as simply as I can make it......the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear any of the cases on same-sex marriage means, that lower court rulings that struck down state marriage laws now will go into effect, forcing the redefinition of marriage in Indiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Oklahoma and Utah (millions of voters, voices and rights), and potentially in other states in the 4th, 7th, and 10th circuits.
That shouldn’t be acceptable—regardless of your position on same-sex marriage. Voters in 31 states voted to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. What legal recourse are they now left with? Now, nothing. Thus, this is unconstitutional. And the narrow radicals rejoice? Ignoring the larger implications to freedom?[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
Of course not.

You seem to not read with the intent to understand.

And you have not provided citations to support your opposition to federalism and freedom. Your data on Wisconsin is highly suspect.

But here we go... In sum, as simply as I can make it......the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear any of the cases on same-sex marriage means, that lower court rulings that struck down state marriage laws now will go into effect, forcing the redefinition of marriage in Indiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Oklahoma and Utah (millions of voters, voices and rights), and potentially in other states in the 4th, 7th, and 10th circuits.
That shouldn’t be acceptable—regardless of your position on same-sex marriage. Voters in 31 states voted to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. What legal recourse are they now left with? Now, nothing. Thus, this is unconstitutional. And the narrow radicals rejoice? Ignoring the larger implications to freedom?

excellent summary :beer:
"Marriage" is not a "right", but then again you believe you own your home as well.

You keep tying that marriage is not a right. But in the United States its a legally protected right having been recognized by the USSC as a right in 14 separate cases. How do you reconcile the differences between what you type and the way our legal system recognizes marriage as a right?

Especially when you're trying to relate your comments directly to the way government treats marriage.

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