60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Well if you drink every time the far left lies on this board (including yourself) you will be drunk in under five minutes.

Yes please do, as if you want to get drunk faster, drink for every far left lie posted!

The SC has ruled marriage a right on numerous occasions. Call that a lie all you wish. You have every right to be willfully obtuse and incorrect. These flailings of yours are getting more desperate by the minute. I didn't think that was possible but you continue to impress.

Gays have had the same right to marry as straights all along.

No they haven't. Straight people have been able to marry any consenting adult of their choice. Gay people haven't.

Silly boy, straight men can't marry straight or gay men.
A few steps closer to Sodom & Gomorrah.
Ah yes...the story where god rewards the guy who offers his virgin daughters to the crowd so they would leave him alone....and turns his wife to a pillar of salt for being observant.

You forgot the part where the "hero" later had sex with his daughters.
Didn't they roofie their dad and then jump him while he was out cold?

Yup...hefty Christian family values there eh? And who gets scapegoated in that allegory? Gays that had nothing to do with the story in the first place.
Gays had EVERYTHING to do with the story.

Nope. Gang rape was mentioned. The inhospitable townspeople wanted to rape angels...but I'm sure you're aware that rape is about power, not sex and is certainly not consensual.

So your "hero", Lott offers up his teen daughters for raping instead...then fucks them himself...and consenting adult gays get pilloried for centuries. Thats some epic scapegoating.
"Unnaturally"? So you disapprove of our Constitution.

You asked how Children become part of a Homosexual Lifestyle, I stated, "unnaturally", tell me which part of the Constitution establishes the Right of Homosexuals over the Rights of Children.

Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

You asked how Children become part of a Homosexual Lifestyle, I stated, "unnaturally", tell me which part of the Constitution establishes the Right of Homosexuals over the Rights of Children.

Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now
Ah yes...the story where god rewards the guy who offers his virgin daughters to the crowd so they would leave him alone....and turns his wife to a pillar of salt for being observant.

You forgot the part where the "hero" later had sex with his daughters.
Didn't they roofie their dad and then jump him while he was out cold?

Yup...hefty Christian family values there eh? And who gets scapegoated in that allegory? Gays that had nothing to do with the story in the first place.
Gays had EVERYTHING to do with the story.

Nope. Gang rape was mentioned. The inhospitable townspeople wanted to rape angels...but I'm sure you're aware that rape is about power, not sex and is certainly not consensual.

So your "hero", Lott offers up his teen daughters for raping instead...then fucks them himself...and consenting adult gays get pilloried for centuries. Thats some epic scapegoating.
My favorite part of that story is God bargaining with Abraham.

You asked how Children become part of a Homosexual Lifestyle, I stated, "unnaturally", tell me which part of the Constitution establishes the Right of Homosexuals over the Rights of Children.

Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...
The Constitution was written by men who had female wives. Nobody conceived that a society of sick, depraved, misfit homosexuals would someday emerge from the slime-pits of debauchery.

It was also made by people with slaves, by people who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing.

What's your point?

1) Not all owned slaves. In fact, most did not.
2) Some who owned slaves sought to end slavery. Jefferson being one.
3) Gay marriage is not equivalent to slavery. Apples and oranges.
4) Even slaves knew that men married women and women married men.
5) Slavery was abolished by many of the children and grandchildren of the founders.
6) Slavery was wrong and it was reversed. Homosexual marriage is wrong but it's being embraced (by depraved leftists).

Any more silly questions?
You asked how Children become part of a Homosexual Lifestyle, I stated, "unnaturally", tell me which part of the Constitution establishes the Right of Homosexuals over the Rights of Children.

Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.
6) Slavery was wrong and it was reversed. Homosexual marriage is wrong but it's being embraced (by depraved leftists).

Why is homosexual marriage wrong? Slavery is wrong because it hurt people and robbed them of fundamental liberties. Who does gay marriage hurt?
You asked how Children become part of a Homosexual Lifestyle, I stated, "unnaturally", tell me which part of the Constitution establishes the Right of Homosexuals over the Rights of Children.

Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Explain what? I've said before. If procreation is not a part of marriage, why make sure those too closely related can't.

Are you dumb or has your obsession clouded your mind?
Ah yes...the story where god rewards the guy who offers his virgin daughters to the crowd so they would leave him alone....and turns his wife to a pillar of salt for being observant.

You forgot the part where the "hero" later had sex with his daughters.
Didn't they roofie their dad and then jump him while he was out cold?

Yup...hefty Christian family values there eh? And who gets scapegoated in that allegory? Gays that had nothing to do with the story in the first place.
Gays had EVERYTHING to do with the story.

Nope. Gang rape was mentioned. The inhospitable townspeople wanted to rape angels...but I'm sure you're aware that rape is about power, not sex and is certainly not consensual.

So your "hero", Lott offers up his teen daughters for raping instead...then fucks them himself...and consenting adult gays get pilloried for centuries. Thats some epic scapegoating.

Nope. The "twin" cities were destroyed because of a total loss of sexual self-control and especially for the ongoing sin of homosexuality. You have heard of "Sodomites" ... have you not? You know ... as in Sodom?

The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19. Genesis chapter 18 records the Lord and two angels coming to speak with Abraham. The Lord informed Abraham that "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous." Verses 22-33 record Abraham pleading with the Lord to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah because Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom.
Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me..." The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination." Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "...Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion." So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities.
What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah
Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.

No, I see just fine, but you obviously don't comprehend what you read. Pop thinks marriage is about procreation. The FACT that some civilly married couples are actually prohibited from procreating renders his "argument"...well, stupid.
6) Slavery was wrong and it was reversed. Homosexual marriage is wrong but it's being embraced (by depraved leftists).

Why is homosexual marriage wrong? Slavery is wrong because it hurt people and robbed them of fundamental liberties. Who does gay marriage hurt?

Society, in general.
Poor example for children.
Spread of disease (especially HIV but not limited to that).
Sin before God. God is slow to judge but WILL judge.
Misuse of God's design for the human body and the main purpose for reproductive organs which is, of course, reproduction.

To name a few.
You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.

No, I see just fine, but you obviously don't comprehend what you read. Pop thinks marriage is about procreation. The FACT that some civilly married couples are actually prohibited from procreating renders his "argument"...well, stupid.

Pops isn't the only one who believes that marriage is primarily for procreation.
Last edited:
You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.

No, I see just fine, but you obviously don't comprehend what you read. Pop thinks marriage is about procreation. The FACT that some civilly married couples are actually prohibited from procreating renders his "argument"...well, stupid.

To the demented maybe
You forgot the part where the "hero" later had sex with his daughters.
Didn't they roofie their dad and then jump him while he was out cold?

Yup...hefty Christian family values there eh? And who gets scapegoated in that allegory? Gays that had nothing to do with the story in the first place.
Gays had EVERYTHING to do with the story.

Nope. Gang rape was mentioned. The inhospitable townspeople wanted to rape angels...but I'm sure you're aware that rape is about power, not sex and is certainly not consensual.

So your "hero", Lott offers up his teen daughters for raping instead...then fucks them himself...and consenting adult gays get pilloried for centuries. Thats some epic scapegoating.

Nope. The "twin" cities were destroyed because of a total loss of sexual self-control and especially for the ongoing sin of homosexuality. You have heard of "Sodomites" ... have you not? You know ... as in Sodom?

The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis chapters 18-19. Genesis chapter 18 records the Lord and two angels coming to speak with Abraham. The Lord informed Abraham that "the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous." Verses 22-33 record Abraham pleading with the Lord to have mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah because Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his family lived in Sodom.
Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me..." The Hebrew word translated "detestable" refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an "abomination." Similarly, Jude 7 declares, "...Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion." So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities.
What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah


Do you actually believe both cities were gay? Come on, you people cannot be that stupid. What was the sin? She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me...

Again, here's the story:

Angels visit this town that has turned away from god, been shitty to the poor and lived in general sloth and unconcern for their fellow man (Kind of like that guy that yelled "let them die" at a GOP event). Anyway, I digress...

God sends angels to Lott's house because supposedly he's a "holy" man For some reason Lott thinks that 15-18 foot beings made of light are in danger of being raped by the angry mob (what's rape about? Is it a consenting relationship?) so he says "take my virgin daughters instead" (Father of the year, that fucker)

After the shit hits the fan and the wifey turns to salt...Good old "holy feller" fucks his daughters and get's them pregnant. Tell me again how consenting adult gay relationships get the bad rap in that bullshit story?
Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.

No, I see just fine, but you obviously don't comprehend what you read. Pop thinks marriage is about procreation. The FACT that some civilly married couples are actually prohibited from procreating renders his "argument"...well, stupid.

Pops isn't the only one who believes the marriage is primarily for procreation.

Procreation, the ability of only one of the demographic groups to do so, without a third party, makes the two groups incredibly different.
Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Are you literally blind? Pop asked about parent/child marriage and you bring up 65-year-old marriage between cousins? See? Homosexuality is already muddling your mind.

No, I see just fine, but you obviously don't comprehend what you read. Pop thinks marriage is about procreation. The FACT that some civilly married couples are actually prohibited from procreating renders his "argument"...well, stupid.

Pops isn't the only one who believes the marriage is primarily for procreation.

So you can tell us which states require it in order for a couple to receive a civil license? How many revoke a couples license when they don't?
Since children aren't a requirement of any marriage, straight or gay.....how do children validate or invalidate any marriage?

You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Explain what? I've said before. If procreation is not a part of marriage, why make sure those too closely related can't.

Are you dumb or has your obsession clouded your mind?

You just destroyed your own argument and don't realize it. That's funny.
You'll have to ask the incestuous couples denied marriage cuz they might procreate

Explain then those with too close familial ties that are prevented from procreating but not civil marriage?

Where, la single county, state?

And where is a parent allowed to marry a child?

Common now

First cousin marriage is allowed in these states under the following circumstances:

Arizona- if both are 65 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Illinois- if both are 50 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

Indiana- if both are at least 65.

Maine- if couple obtains a physician's certificate of genetic counseling.

Utah- if both are 65 or older, or if both are 55 or older and one is unable to reproduce.

Wisconsin- if the woman is 55 or older, or one is unable to reproduce.

So explain now Pop...

Explain what? I've said before. If procreation is not a part of marriage, why make sure those too closely related can't.

Are you dumb or has your obsession clouded your mind?

You just destroyed your own argument and don't realize it. That's funny.

Strengthened it, and you don't realize it.

You are dense

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