60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.
Legally, in more and more states, gay marriages are being recognized as the same as straight marriages. :D
It will happen here. The ACLU is already preparing lawsuits. And, once gay marriage becomes the law of the land, there will be absolutely no argument that can be brought to deny all forms of group marriage.

You may think it funny, but it is coming. Once the equal rights argument is sustained for gay couples, then group marriage cannot be legally argued against.

Will you, as a lesbian, campaign against bigamy and polygamy? On what basis would you argue against it?

I don't care about polygamy. It's their choice, it doesn't harm me.

Bigamy is fraud, it won't happen.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.
Legally, in more and more states, gay marriages are being recognized as the same as straight marriages. :D
Often against the will of the people. But being equal and being legally equal doesn't mean the same thing. Polygamy was once legal, in fact legal for a lot longer than gay "marriage".
And why would they want to?

And yes they can...in 30 some states is it now?

But they still won't.

Billy, Jim, Marie, Joan, and Tom love each other and want to make a legal binding committment by getting married. Current laws prohibit these 5 loving committed people from marrying. They are being discriminated against because of who they love. That is not fair, it is not equal, it violates the 14th amendment.

But as soon as gay marriage of two women or two men is legalized by the federal government, then these 5 people can finally get equal treatment because the gay marriage laws will have set a valid legal precedent for all forms of group marriage.

Then I'm sure you'll do everything in your power to help polygamist achieve civil marriage here in the US of A, won't you? I think it's a great way to spend your time...it has a close to zero chance of being achieved and it would keep you busy. Win-win!

Tell me which countries have slippery sloped into polygamy from gay marriage equality? How about which countries have slippery sloped into gay marriage equality from polygamy? What? None you say? And yet you're absolutely positive that will happen here. :lol:

Too funny.

It will happen here. The ACLU is already preparing lawsuits. And, once gay marriage becomes the law of the land, there will be absolutely no argument that can be brought to deny all forms of group marriage.

You may think it funny, but it is coming. Once the equal rights argument is sustained for gay couples, then group marriage cannot be legally argued against.

Will you, as a lesbian, campaign against bigamy and polygamy? On what basis would you argue against it?

The ACLU is not fighting for civil marriage for Polygamy. Why do you people insist on lying about everything? The ACLU fought the law that made bigamy a felony not a misdemeanor. The ACLU was challenging cohabitation laws, not marriage.

I don't care if bigamist and polygamist fight for civil marriage. Their fight has nothing to do with my fight for equality. Come on Fish...where has a county slid from polygamy to same sex marriage or vice versa?
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.
Legally, in more and more states, gay marriages are being recognized as the same as straight marriages. :D
Often against the will of the people. But being equal and being legally equal doesn't mean the same thing. Polygamy was once legal, in fact legal for a lot longer than gay "marriage".
The "will" of the people doesn't trump civil rights. The will of the people cannot vote away the right of equal treatment under the law for other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.

Sorry, but the facts of what "most folks" think about marriage equality doesn't square with your opinion either. :lol:
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.
You will have to let us know when gay marriage is forced on you.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

they aren't the same, but they are entitled to equal rights. Why is a word so important to the gay agenda?
It will happen here. The ACLU is already preparing lawsuits. And, once gay marriage becomes the law of the land, there will be absolutely no argument that can be brought to deny all forms of group marriage.

You may think it funny, but it is coming. Once the equal rights argument is sustained for gay couples, then group marriage cannot be legally argued against.

Will you, as a lesbian, campaign against bigamy and polygamy? On what basis would you argue against it?

I don't care about polygamy. It's their choice, it doesn't harm me.

Bigamy is fraud, it won't happen.

It would harm society, thats the issue, fool. Legal bigamy would not be fraud.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.
Legally, in more and more states, gay marriages are being recognized as the same as straight marriages. :D
Often against the will of the people. But being equal and being legally equal doesn't mean the same thing. Polygamy was once legal, in fact legal for a lot longer than gay "marriage".
The "will" of the people doesn't trump civil rights. The will of the people cannot vote away the right of equal treatment under the law for other law-abiding, tax-paying citizens.

Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.
You will have to let us know when gay marriage is forced on you.

forced on society---------idiot. no one has ever said he or she would be forced into a gay marriage. Damn, you people are ignorant.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.

Sorry, but the facts of what "most folks" think about marriage equality doesn't square with your opinion either. :lol:

sorry, but it does. Checked any state referenda lately?
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

That's not what it means to me. It means that it really isn't the government (or anyone else's business) how two legal adults love each other as long as it's consensual and non-abusive.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.
You will have to let us know when gay marriage is forced on you.

forced on society---------idiot. no one has ever said he or she would be forced into a gay marriage. Damn, you people are ignorant.
So society is forced to have a gay marriage. That would be wrong....consenting adults should have the freedom to choose....even if they choose to marry someone of the opposite sex.

Oh, and do you have to be verbally rude?
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.

Sorry, but the facts of what "most folks" think about marriage equality doesn't square with your opinion either. :lol:

sorry, but it does. Checked any state referenda lately?
Lately? When was the last actual state referendum?
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.
You will have to let us know when gay marriage is forced on you.

forced on society---------idiot. no one has ever said he or she would be forced into a gay marriage. Damn, you people are ignorant.
So society is forced to have a gay marriage. That would be wrong....consenting adults should have the freedom to choose....even if they choose to marry someone of the opposite sex.

The gay agenda is not about equality or rights. It is a move to force societal acceptance, by government edict, of a lifestyle that a majority of human beings find abnormal and aberant.

Most people recognize that gays don't have a choice in their sexual preferences, but most people also recognize that homosexuality is not a normal human condition.

The gay agenda wants government to mandate that everyone change their beliefs on the normality or homosexuality. The gay marriage debate is a smoke screen to cover the true agenda.

seawytch knows that, even thought she will not openly admit it.
Marriage equality apparently means "let's pretend same sex unions are the same as heterosexual unions and leave it at that because we need to adhere to contemporary tradition."
It doesn't get phonier than that.

We don't have to pretend. We can get the same civil marriage license you can get in many states...in fact I think it's a majority of them now.

Your opinion doesn't change the reality. :lol:
If you pulled your head out of where it usually is you'll see I said making it legal doesn't make it the same to most folks, especially when it's forced on them by a minority. Your argument is about a point I didn't make, remove head...breathe and try again.

Sorry, but the facts of what "most folks" think about marriage equality doesn't square with your opinion either. :lol:

sorry, but it does. Checked any state referenda lately?
Lately? When was the last actual state referendum?

why does it matter when it was? The people have spoken in many states.

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