60 Percent Of Americans Soon Will Live In States With Marriage Equality

Nope, you dug the hole and are scrambling to dig your way out of it.

I have made no secret of the fact that I personally believe that gay marriage is wrong and the homosexuality is a human abnormality. But, unlike you, I am willing to abide by the will of the people----------if and when all of the people are allowed to cast their votes.

Balls are you. Every time you speak you change the goalposts to suit your own needs. You said, as I quote below, that you'd accept it if a majority of Americans were in favor and you dropped that pretty smart. You don't care whether a majority are in favor, you will be against it, just keep pretending you'd be in favor if something that won't happen happens.

Why aren't you in favor of the Bill of Rights? Because it wasn't passed by a majority of Americans?

I am in favor of the bill or rights, please quote the language where gay marriage is mentioned.

10th amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

This says there are powers that exist, which are not written in the Constitution.

9th Amendment

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Just because a right is not written in the Constitution, does not mean it's not a right, and does not mean that the US govt can infringe upon it.
As to the constitution, I understand it better than you or obozo can ever hope to.

You know what they say? Actions speak louder than words, and your actions suggest you haven't got a clue.

Anyone who makes that claim that because something isn't explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution is therefore not protected by the Constitution doesn't know anything about the US Constitution or how it works. I'm sorry if you disagree, but you can accept fundamentals or not, your choice.

Let's see. Nothing in the Constitution says you are innocent until proven guilty. It comes from English Common Law which is assumed to exist still in US Law.

There's nothing about a fair trial.

No right to vote.

No right to travel.

No judicial review by the federal courts.

No right to procreate.

No right to privacy.

No separation of church and state.

That s Not in the Constitution Rights Not Spelled Out

"The people who sincerely believe that constitutional rights are limited solely to those spelled out in the text of the Constitution must be able to defend not just the absence of a right to privacy, but also the absence of constitutional rights to travel, a fair trial, marriage, procreation, voting, and more — not every right which people take for granted has been discussed here. I don’t think it can be done."

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Again, similar stuff.

Clearly, there's a lot of stuff that is protected by the constitution that isn't specified by the Constitution.

What you fail to see is what is written in the constitution. 14th Amendment

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

No state can deprive someone of liberty.

What is Liberty?

liberty definition of liberty in Oxford dictionary American English US

"The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views:"

Definition of ldquo liberty rdquo Collins English Dictionary

"the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction"

So, surely the power of choosing for yourself without having the govt choose for you is protected by the Constitution. States cannot prevent you from choosing what you want to do. Clearly those who deny gay marriage are denying consenting adults the right to marry the person of their choice (and no, this doesn't mean they can marry someone who doesn't want to marry them, because this would be taking away their right and no right is higher than rights themselves).

Stopping people from marrying who they choose is stopping people doing what they want when it doesn't harm others, this is an oppressive restriction imposed by authority on their way of life.

So I'm saying firstly stopping gay marriage deprives people of liberty and is therefore unconstitutional to deny them this.

Also it denies then equal protection of the law. There is one law for straight people and something different for gay people. Clearly not equal to anyone other than those who are looking for a way to deny people equal protection of the laws, (like you with the "they can marry someone of the opposite sex so it's fair", clearly not as liberty is about the ability to make your own choices free from govt control as long as it doesn't hurt anyone (At which point you'll make the daft statement that it harms people, when clearly it doesn't harm anyone)).

Look, I am sick of the gay agenda and its bullshit. Put the issue to bed one way or the other. If you gays win then you can add a sexual preference course to the common core curriculum. Tell 3rd graders that they can choose to be straight or gay as soon as they reach puberty. Tell the multi partner marriage advocates to line up for marriage licenses. Forget morallity and just say anything goes as long as it feels good at the time.

and while you are at it, lets do away with all drug laws and put coke and crack on the shelves of every Walgreens and CVS. After all, why discriminate against those with a drug addiction?

A society with no morals will die, maybe that would be the best thing for this one. Scrap it and start over.

It was put to bed in the 14th Amendment. GET OVER IT.

nice copy/paste job. Gay marriage is NOT A RIGHT. get the fuck over that and then we can talk. Until then, you are wasting my time.
Sorry, dude. But its your interpretation of the constitution that I take issue with, the document is clear. Homosexuality is mentioned nowhere in the constitution. For that matter, neither is marriage of any kind.

But lets try again. I said that if a majority of americans vote to allow gay marriage, I will abide by that vote. If a majority vote against it, will you abide by that vote? Yes or No.

Oh come on, this isn't the US Constitution for primary school kids. Either understand how it works, or go back to school.

So, why is it that it has to be a majority of Americans voting for gay marriage, but only a majority of people voting for the Bill of Rights?

A majority of both houses of congress could probably do it with a bill. Thats how we got the terrible ACA law.

As to the constitution, I understand it better than you or obozo can ever hope to.

Look, I am sick of the gay agenda and its bullshit. Put the issue to bed one way or the other. If you gays win then you can add a sexual preference course to the common core curriculum. Tell 3rd graders that they can choose to be straight or gay as soon as they reach puberty. Tell the multi partner marriage advocates to line up for marriage licenses. Forget morallity and just say anything goes as long as it feels good at the time.

and while you are at it, lets do away with all drug laws and put coke and crack on the shelves of every Walgreens and CVS. After all, why discriminate against those with a drug addiction?

A society with no morals will die, maybe that would be the best thing for this one. Scrap it and start over.

A society with no morals SHOULD die. It's the best thing for all.

A society with no rights should also die.

a society that is ruled by minority views is doomed. Its called anarchy or dictatorship.
Nope, you dug the hole and are scrambling to dig your way out of it.

I have made no secret of the fact that I personally believe that gay marriage is wrong and the homosexuality is a human abnormality. But, unlike you, I am willing to abide by the will of the people----------if and when all of the people are allowed to cast their votes.

Balls are you. Every time you speak you change the goalposts to suit your own needs. You said, as I quote below, that you'd accept it if a majority of Americans were in favor and you dropped that pretty smart. You don't care whether a majority are in favor, you will be against it, just keep pretending you'd be in favor if something that won't happen happens.

Why aren't you in favor of the Bill of Rights? Because it wasn't passed by a majority of Americans?

I am in favor of the bill or rights, please quote the language where gay marriage is mentioned.

10th amendment.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

This says there are powers that exist, which are not written in the Constitution.

9th Amendment

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Just because a right is not written in the Constitution, does not mean it's not a right, and does not mean that the US govt can infringe upon it.

Ok, then lets let each state decide. you preach about states rights but don't have any idea what that really means.
As to the constitution, I understand it better than you or obozo can ever hope to.

You know what they say? Actions speak louder than words, and your actions suggest you haven't got a clue.

Anyone who makes that claim that because something isn't explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution is therefore not protected by the Constitution doesn't know anything about the US Constitution or how it works. I'm sorry if you disagree, but you can accept fundamentals or not, your choice.

Let's see. Nothing in the Constitution says you are innocent until proven guilty. It comes from English Common Law which is assumed to exist still in US Law.

There's nothing about a fair trial.

No right to vote.

No right to travel.

No judicial review by the federal courts.

No right to procreate.

No right to privacy.

No separation of church and state.

That s Not in the Constitution Rights Not Spelled Out

"The people who sincerely believe that constitutional rights are limited solely to those spelled out in the text of the Constitution must be able to defend not just the absence of a right to privacy, but also the absence of constitutional rights to travel, a fair trial, marriage, procreation, voting, and more — not every right which people take for granted has been discussed here. I don’t think it can be done."

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Again, similar stuff.

Clearly, there's a lot of stuff that is protected by the constitution that isn't specified by the Constitution.

What you fail to see is what is written in the constitution. 14th Amendment

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

No state can deprive someone of liberty.

What is Liberty?

liberty definition of liberty in Oxford dictionary American English US

"The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views:"

Definition of ldquo liberty rdquo Collins English Dictionary

"the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; freedom from control or restriction"

So, surely the power of choosing for yourself without having the govt choose for you is protected by the Constitution. States cannot prevent you from choosing what you want to do. Clearly those who deny gay marriage are denying consenting adults the right to marry the person of their choice (and no, this doesn't mean they can marry someone who doesn't want to marry them, because this would be taking away their right and no right is higher than rights themselves).

Stopping people from marrying who they choose is stopping people doing what they want when it doesn't harm others, this is an oppressive restriction imposed by authority on their way of life.

So I'm saying firstly stopping gay marriage deprives people of liberty and is therefore unconstitutional to deny them this.

Also it denies then equal protection of the law. There is one law for straight people and something different for gay people. Clearly not equal to anyone other than those who are looking for a way to deny people equal protection of the laws, (like you with the "they can marry someone of the opposite sex so it's fair", clearly not as liberty is about the ability to make your own choices free from govt control as long as it doesn't hurt anyone (At which point you'll make the daft statement that it harms people, when clearly it doesn't harm anyone)).

Look, I am sick of the gay agenda and its bullshit. Put the issue to bed one way or the other. If you gays win then you can add a sexual preference course to the common core curriculum. Tell 3rd graders that they can choose to be straight or gay as soon as they reach puberty. Tell the multi partner marriage advocates to line up for marriage licenses. Forget morallity and just say anything goes as long as it feels good at the time.

and while you are at it, lets do away with all drug laws and put coke and crack on the shelves of every Walgreens and CVS. After all, why discriminate against those with a drug addiction?

A society with no morals will die, maybe that would be the best thing for this one. Scrap it and start over.

It was put to bed in the 14th Amendment. GET OVER IT.

nice copy/paste job. Gay marriage is NOT A RIGHT. get the fuck over that and then we can talk. Until then, you are wasting my time.

It doesn't matter. You're trying to get out of things again, and again, and again, and again.

So, is privacy not a right. Answer this. Is it a right or not?

Also, if you now the constitution well enough you'll know that the Constitution doesn't make something a right. It makes it a Constitutional Right.
And you'll know the 9A protects rights that are not mentioned.

So what's your point here? Just a get out and squirm again and again?
Ok, then lets let each state decide. you preach about states rights but don't have any idea what that really means.

So then you accept all of the states that have enacted gay marriage then?


Dark blue are states which have same sex marriages as legal.

So you must accept it.

However do you accept the 14th Amendment then?
There will be no marital equality until you Islamists are permitted to marry the goat of your choice. But not your fave little boy. Normal age limits MUST continue to apply.
There will be no marital equality until you Islamists are permitted to marry the goat of your choice. But not your fave little boy. Normal age limits MUST continue to apply.

Say something 1000 times, it doesn't become true, you know that right?

How can a goat consent?
Marriage Equality tramples the rights of Children.

Homosexuals do not have the right to adopt children into a homosexual lifestyle.
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.

Let me explain how Government works. People can sue because they feel their rights are being violated. Whether they have rights or not to begin with isn't established here at this point. Then it goes up through the courts until the supreme court chooses to hear it. If they uphold it then the only option to overrule it is to ammend the constitution which is VERY hard to do and you need tons of votes in congress, because the Supreme court only power comes from what is made law and put into the constitution. This is where this battle is headed to. There will be 2 fights.

I never said God was ok with it because I clearly labeled it sin. Also, there is Gods law in the bible and there is mans law. Gods law rains supreme. The bible is the way we should live our life and Gods says what is sin and what is right and wrong. law. I'm not in anyway saying don't fight this and stick up for what gods says. I'm saying if we run out of options the world would have just got worse, but as long as our rights aren't being trampled on, why should we be so angry? We should leave the anger and judgement up to God.
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.

Let me explain how Government works. People can sue because they feel their rights are being violated. Whether they have rights or not to begin with isn't established here at this point. Then it goes up through the courts until the supreme court chooses to hear it. If they uphold it then the only option to overrule it is to ammend the constitution which is VERY hard to do and you need tons of votes in congress, because the Supreme court only power comes from what is made law and put into the constitution. This is where this battle is headed to. There will be 2 fights.

I never said God was ok with it because I clearly labeled it sin. Also, there is Gods law in the bible and there is mans law. Gods law rains supreme. The bible is the way we should live our life and Gods says what is sin and what is right and wrong. law. I'm not in anyway saying don't fight this and stick up for what gods says. I'm saying if we run out of options the world would have just got worse, but as long as our rights aren't being trampled on, why should we be so angry? We should leave the anger and judgement up to God.
Children have no rights?

You will support children being forced into homosexual lifestyles?
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.

Let me explain how Government works. People can sue because they feel their rights are being violated. Whether they have rights or not to begin with isn't established here at this point. Then it goes up through the courts until the supreme court chooses to hear it. If they uphold it then the only option to overrule it is to ammend the constitution which is VERY hard to do and you need tons of votes in congress, because the Supreme court only power comes from what is made law and put into the constitution. This is where this battle is headed to. There will be 2 fights.

I never said God was ok with it because I clearly labeled it sin. Also, there is Gods law in the bible and there is mans law. Gods law rains supreme. The bible is the way we should live our life and Gods says what is sin and what is right and wrong. law. I'm not in anyway saying don't fight this and stick up for what gods says. I'm saying if we run out of options the world would have just got worse, but as long as our rights aren't being trampled on, why should we be so angry? We should leave the anger and judgement up to God.
Children have no rights?

You will support children being forced into homosexual lifestyles?

I wont support it. That issue will likely come up in the supreme court battle. It's up to our Government. The other way to do something about it and end this debate, becaise I believe the latest polling was that most Americans are against same sex maraige is to hold a state convention and get the majority of the states to ammend the constitution and bypass government/congress.
You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.

Let me explain how Government works. People can sue because they feel their rights are being violated. Whether they have rights or not to begin with isn't established here at this point. Then it goes up through the courts until the supreme court chooses to hear it. If they uphold it then the only option to overrule it is to ammend the constitution which is VERY hard to do and you need tons of votes in congress, because the Supreme court only power comes from what is made law and put into the constitution. This is where this battle is headed to. There will be 2 fights.

I never said God was ok with it because I clearly labeled it sin. Also, there is Gods law in the bible and there is mans law. Gods law rains supreme. The bible is the way we should live our life and Gods says what is sin and what is right and wrong. law. I'm not in anyway saying don't fight this and stick up for what gods says. I'm saying if we run out of options the world would have just got worse, but as long as our rights aren't being trampled on, why should we be so angry? We should leave the anger and judgement up to God.
Children have no rights?

You will support children being forced into homosexual lifestyles?

I wont support it. That issue will likely come up in the supreme court battle. It's up to our Government. The other way to do something about it and end this debate, becaise I believe the latest polling was that most Americans are against same sex maraige is to hold a state convention and get the majority of the states to ammend the constitution and bypass government/congress.

Your "belief" in the latest polling is incorrect.

You guys need to accept something here and this is me talking as a constitutionalists republican/conservative/ Christian. When the gay marriage case gets before the supreme court if the court upholds it then we have to accept it, but that doesn't mean agree with it. No ones forcing us to be gay or to marry to same sex. Are they? Nope.

As a Christian I refuse to judge another, BUT I do have to see sin as sin. I'll speak out once and let my voice be heard in love, but then I need to cease unless they are willing to listen to more. They will be judged by God and he's the only judge that matters. Am I saying they are going to hell? No, because who am I to say that? I'm saying God Judges sin. I will live my life according to the word of God as law, but with the realization that God has the such a big heart that we can't even comprehend it. It's in his hands.
God may judge sin, but it is us who make law.

Marriage equality means children will be forced into homosexual lifestyles via adoption

You will not live your life according to, "the word of God, as law".

Honestly, you kind of sound like you know nothing of god.

God approves of your support of the adoption of children into homosexual lifestyles?

You must obey the Supreme Court? Even when wrong, as they allow children to be forced into homosexual lifestyles, against the children's will?

Yes, God will judge all who fail to protect his children.

Let me explain how Government works. People can sue because they feel their rights are being violated. Whether they have rights or not to begin with isn't established here at this point. Then it goes up through the courts until the supreme court chooses to hear it. If they uphold it then the only option to overrule it is to ammend the constitution which is VERY hard to do and you need tons of votes in congress, because the Supreme court only power comes from what is made law and put into the constitution. This is where this battle is headed to. There will be 2 fights.

I never said God was ok with it because I clearly labeled it sin. Also, there is Gods law in the bible and there is mans law. Gods law rains supreme. The bible is the way we should live our life and Gods says what is sin and what is right and wrong. law. I'm not in anyway saying don't fight this and stick up for what gods says. I'm saying if we run out of options the world would have just got worse, but as long as our rights aren't being trampled on, why should we be so angry? We should leave the anger and judgement up to God.
Children have no rights?

You will support children being forced into homosexual lifestyles?

I wont support it. That issue will likely come up in the supreme court battle. It's up to our Government. The other way to do something about it and end this debate, becaise I believe the latest polling was that most Americans are against same sex maraige is to hold a state convention and get the majority of the states to ammend the constitution and bypass government/congress.

Your "belief" in the latest polling is incorrect.


Thank you for posting this, but see in the grand scheme of things I don't really care. This was the last and hardest route for the GOP to go anyways.

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