60% Voters think Republican will be next President (Rasmussen)


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Most voters still think the next president is likely to be a Republican, but belief that it's very likely has changed little for months. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of likely U.S. Voters believe that the next president will be a Republican. Twenty-five percent (25%) consider it unlikely that President Obama will be succeeded by a Republican. Sixteen percent (16%) aren't sure. Rasmussen Report.
Let's hope so. I just saw Mitt Romney on the news a moment ago and it was so nice to hear him say something good about our country rather then apologize for it.
Let's hope so. I just saw Mitt Romney on the news a moment ago and it was so nice to hear him say something good about our country rather then apologize for it.
Yep, Bigfoot, sho'd have thought that saying something good about America would be the very thing that wins the Bully Pulpit back? Or that just good common sense friendship and courtesy, and not an "enemies" blamegame thesis would be a coveted objective by the American people?
obama is circling the drain. At this point, he has almost no choice. The circumstances he created, he can't overcome. He's running out of money. He's already run out of ideas.

This is just about over.
That's not good for the GOP.

How do you draw that conclusion?


If GOP voters are sure they will win, then they are less likely to vote, and if dem voters feel there is a real chance they will lose, they are more motivated to vote.

Bush v Kerry

Lots of polls had Kerry winning. There was a general acceptance, IMO, by the dems that Bush couldn't possibly be reelected.
That's not good for the GOP.

How do you draw that conclusion?


If GOP voters are sure they will win, then they are less likely to vote, and if dem voters feel there is a real chance they will lose, they are more motivated to vote.

Bush v Kerry

Lots of polls had Kerry winning. There was a general acceptance, IMO, by the dems that Bush couldn't possibly be reelected.

I think people are far from complacent this time around. More like disillusioned.

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