600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

* Pandering To Illegal Immigration Violates Equal Protection Of Us White Citizens *

My experiences have been that nearly every commercial broadcast for pity donations on television most typically promotes a stereotype for either destitute poor black or brown .

The tactic originates with the antagonistic purpose of goading white guilt and anti-racist racist persecution whites .

The border crisis is another example that exists in particular as a political ploy by demon rats to split the white vote through an evil racist white supremacist scapegoat , while trying to align non whites against whites to promote populism for democrat candidates .

The vast majority of the global population is disproportionately non white and a vast majority of browns and blacks genuinely despise europeans and those of european descent - Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? .

The equal protection of us citizens is being violated by the very act of not enforcing and securing the us borders and , in particular , the equal protection of us white citizens is being violated as government representatives promote that the law of us citizens should not be enforced because any us white opposed to an open borders public policy are racists .

By not enforcing the border , govenment is violating laws to ensure competition for wages that are set by us secretary of labor .

Where is congress to address the border absurdity with public policy that is not subject to controls by the whimsy of the executive branch ?

* Where Is The Secretary Of Labor Briefing On Immigration Versus Skill Set Demands ? *

-- Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States --
Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States
A Rule by the Employment and Training Administration on 10/08/2020
The INA prohibits the admission of certain employment-based immigrants unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that (I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and (II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.[3]

A substantial body of evidence examined by the Department also suggests that the existing prevailing wage rates used by the Department in these foreign labor programs are causing adverse effects on the wages and job opportunities of U.S. workers,
and are therefore at odds with the purpose of the INA's labor safeguards. The current wage levels were also promulgated through guidance and without any meaningful economic justification.

-- US Citizens Need To Prosecute Big Business For Illegal Immigration --
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" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

* Pandering To Illegal Immigration Violates Equal Protection Of Us White Citizens *

My experiences have been that nearly every commercial broadcast for pity donations on television most typically promotes a stereotype for either destitute poor black or brown .

The tactic originates with the antagonistic purpose of goading white guilt and anti-racist racist persecution whites .

The border crisis is another example that exists in particular as a political ploy by demon rats to split the white vote through an evil racist white supremacist scapegoat , while trying to align non whites against whites to promote populism for democrat candidates .

The vast majority of the global population is disproportionately non white and a vast majority of browns and blacks genuinely despise europeans and those of european descent - Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? .

The equal protection of us citizens is being violated by the very act of not enforcing and securing the us borders and , in particular , the equal protection of us white citizens is being violated as government representatives promote that the law of us citizens should not be enforced because any us white opposed to an open borders public policy are racists .

By not enforcing the border , govenment is violating laws to ensure competition for wages that are set by us secretary of labor .

Where is congress to address the border absurdity with public policy that is not subject to controls by the whimsy of the executive branch ?

* Where Is The Secretary Of Labor Briefing On Immigration Versus Skill Set Demands ? *

-- Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States --
Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States
A Rule by the Employment and Training Administration on 10/08/2020
The INA prohibits the admission of certain employment-based immigrants unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that (I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and (II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.[3]

A substantial body of evidence examined by the Department also suggests that the existing prevailing wage rates used by the Department in these foreign labor programs are causing adverse effects on the wages and job opportunities of U.S. workers,
and are therefore at odds with the purpose of the INA's labor safeguards. The current wage levels were also promulgated through guidance and without any meaningful economic justification.

-- US Citizens Need To Prosecute Big Business For Illegal Immigration --
They all have governments the size of bathtubs.
" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

* Pandering To Illegal Immigration Violates Equal Protection Of Us White Citizens *

My experiences have been that nearly every commercial broadcast for pity donations on television most typically promotes a stereotype for either destitute poor black or brown .

The tactic originates with the antagonistic purpose of goading white guilt and anti-racist racist persecution whites .

The border crisis is another example that exists in particular as a political ploy by demon rats to split the white vote through an evil racist white supremacist scapegoat , while trying to align non whites against whites to promote populism for democrat candidates .

The vast majority of the global population is disproportionately non white and a vast majority of browns and blacks genuinely despise europeans and those of european descent - Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? .

The equal protection of us citizens is being violated by the very act of not enforcing and securing the us borders and , in particular , the equal protection of us white citizens is being violated as government representatives promote that the law of us citizens should not be enforced because any us white opposed to an open borders public policy are racists .

By not enforcing the border , govenment is violating laws to ensure competition for wages that are set by us secretary of labor .

Where is congress to address the border absurdity with public policy that is not subject to controls by the whimsy of the executive branch ?

* Where Is The Secretary Of Labor Briefing On Immigration Versus Skill Set Demands ? *

-- Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States --
Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States
A Rule by the Employment and Training Administration on 10/08/2020
The INA prohibits the admission of certain employment-based immigrants unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that (I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and (II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.[3]

A substantial body of evidence examined by the Department also suggests that the existing prevailing wage rates used by the Department in these foreign labor programs are causing adverse effects on the wages and job opportunities of U.S. workers,
and are therefore at odds with the purpose of the INA's labor safeguards. The current wage levels were also promulgated through guidance and without any meaningful economic justification.

-- US Citizens Need To Prosecute Big Business For Illegal Immigration --

I feel your pain, as President Clinton used to say.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

One must simply accept brutal reality.

When it comes to undocumented immigration from south of the border, we have passed the point of no return. The powers-that-be want immigration from that region. The matter has been settled.

By the next century, Hispanic people will be the largest ethnicity and eventually the new majority.

If you visit my city of Los Angeles and my state of California, you will see what the future United States of America will look like.

Of course, all current Americans will be gone by then.

So one should simply live the best life that one can now.

There is no point in hitting one's head against the wall.
" Playing Gaming Conspiracies Objectives For More Of Us With Less Of Use "

* Mocking Head Count Poachers By Weighing Why Knots With Triple Beam Balances *

I feel your pain, as President Clinton used to say.
But there is nothing that can be done about it.
One must simply accept brutal reality.
When it comes to undocumented immigration from south of the border, we have passed the point of no return. The powers-that-be want immigration from that region. The matter has been settled.
By the next century, Hispanic people will be the largest ethnicity and eventually the new majority.
If you visit my city of Los Angeles and my state of California, you will see what the future United States of America will look like.
Of course, all current Americans will be gone by then.
So one should simply live the best life that one can now.
There is no point in hitting one's head against the wall.
The left promotes diversity as importation of semitic and hamitic peoples into the societies of japheth peoples as it seeks to ensure that no more than 1/3 japheth ever be allowed to exist in us demographic , while japheth populations may represent in estimate at most 1/5 of the global population .

According to Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S. , projections are that asians will take over as they represent more than 4 / 7 ths of the world population .

" Latin America Incompetence To Take Care Of Their Own Is Not A Us Immigration Problem "

* Making The Us More Stupid By The Minute *

They all have governments the size of bathtubs.
A minimum median iq of 90 is speculated for stable government .

Country IQ Population
Uruguay 96 3,485,151
Portugal 95 10,167,925
Argentina 93 45,605,826
Chile 90 19,212,361
Costa Rica 89 5,139,052
Ecuador 88 17,888,475
Mexico 88 130,262,216
Bolivia 87 11,832,940
Brazil 87 213,993,437
Columbia 85 51,265,844
Cuba 84 11,317,505
Paraguay 84 7,219,638
Peru 85 33,359,418
Panama 84 4,381,579
Venezuela 84 314,464
Nicaragua 81 6,702,385
Honduras 81 10,062,991
El Salvador 79 6,518,499
Guatemala 79 18,249,860
Haiti 67 11,541,685

" Apparently Did Not Read The Keep Out Sign "

* Invaders With Dementia *

Prove it.
It is too funny that anyone would believe that the middle east peoples who can barely stand each other are welcoming to outsiders that includes the europe peon .

The only thing middle easterners are happy about with europe is that their leadership is so gawd awful stupid as to proverbially sell their peoples down the river by allowing them to be invaded and supplanted without opposition to the depravity of fictional ishmaelism .

Even if it ( Russia ) were to cast itself in the role of protector of the region’s Christians, it would be nearly unemployed, as Christians are fast disappearing from the region through war, exodus, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

One of the reasons that the Middle East seems to confound so many outside, and especially Western, observers is
that various forms of deadly loyalties to a collective—whether it’s a tribe, a religious sect or a nation—seem to exert
power that many in the West consider to be long gone, or at least that should be long gone.

There’s no question that the Muslim and Arab worlds are experiencing a youth bulge. According to a 2015 Pew
Research Center study, the number of Muslims worldwide is expected to grow by 73% from 2010 to 2050, and
Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians by 2070 (Figure 3).

A number of factors have contributed to economic trouble among the oil-exporting Arab states. As their populations
expanded at the highest growth rate in the world over the past decade, which required enlarged government
budgets to expand their welfare states and make up for rampant unemployment, their oil revenues dropped

According to the World Bank, in 1962 the Arab world had 1,335 cubic metres of fresh water per capita; as of 2014,
that volume had dwindled to around 295 cubic metres (the world average in 2014 was 5,925 cubic metres).
Global warming is causing temperatures to rise, which corresponds to a decline in rainfall and thus further reduces
the availability of fresh water and causes desertification. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
estimates that 60% of Syria faces desertification; Iraq faces desertification at a rate of 0.5% per year; in Jordan,
it’s estimated that as much as 30% of the country’s surface water resources has been lost due to drought and
desertification. The flow in the Euphrates is expected to decline by 50% by 2025, which would lead to an estimated
shortage of 33billion cubic metres of water per year .

The idea of the caliphate isn’t going away. It’s merely the historical Islamic form of Arab and Muslim unity—a fundamental political organising principle. Even if the current organisation that goes by the name of the Islamic State is defeated, the idea of an Islamic state will continue to hold sway as the organising principle of the Sunni Arab world and the Muslim world more broadly.

The Middle East’s current conflicts and emerging environmental and demographic challenges ensure that mass unplanned or forced migration from the region is all but certain.

Ultimately, Australia and other Western countries have to come to terms with their limited role in shaping the
outcomes of the battle for hegemony in the Arab Middle East. This doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be done, but
those outside the region must clinically and dispassionately consider their interests in the region and what they can
reasonably expect to achieve.

To avoid importing or expanding the Middle East’s conflicts, those outside the region need to develop a greater
understanding of its various layers of complexity. And, in doing so, they need to avoid the temptation to seek an
over-simplistic ‘fix’. In the realms of domestic, border and international security, what’s to be done is arguably much

more about Islam in the West than about the Middle East.
" 600 Million Plus In Latin America Are Too Incompetent To Take Care Of Their Own "

* Pandering To Illegal Immigration Violates Equal Protection Of Us White Citizens *

My experiences have been that nearly every commercial broadcast for pity donations on television most typically promotes a stereotype for either destitute poor black or brown .

The tactic originates with the antagonistic purpose of goading white guilt and anti-racist racist persecution whites .

The border crisis is another example that exists in particular as a political ploy by demon rats to split the white vote through an evil racist white supremacist scapegoat , while trying to align non whites against whites to promote populism for democrat candidates .

The vast majority of the global population is disproportionately non white and a vast majority of browns and blacks genuinely despise europeans and those of european descent - Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? .

The equal protection of us citizens is being violated by the very act of not enforcing and securing the us borders and , in particular , the equal protection of us white citizens is being violated as government representatives promote that the law of us citizens should not be enforced because any us white opposed to an open borders public policy are racists .

By not enforcing the border , govenment is violating laws to ensure competition for wages that are set by us secretary of labor .

Where is congress to address the border absurdity with public policy that is not subject to controls by the whimsy of the executive branch ?

* Where Is The Secretary Of Labor Briefing On Immigration Versus Skill Set Demands ? *

-- Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States --
Strengthening Wage Protections for the Temporary and Permanent Employment of Certain Aliens in the United States
A Rule by the Employment and Training Administration on 10/08/2020
The INA prohibits the admission of certain employment-based immigrants unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that (I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and (II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.[3]

A substantial body of evidence examined by the Department also suggests that the existing prevailing wage rates used by the Department in these foreign labor programs are causing adverse effects on the wages and job opportunities of U.S. workers,
and are therefore at odds with the purpose of the INA's labor safeguards. The current wage levels were also promulgated through guidance and without any meaningful economic justification.

-- US Citizens Need To Prosecute Big Business For Illegal Immigration --
Pass a goddamn ID card like the 2010 Democratic immigration bill started out with and end this GOP mess like every other modern country has. But thanks for the dumb ideas, brainwashed functional moron.
" Apparently Did Not Read The Keep Out Sign "

* Invaders With Dementia *

Prove it.
It is too funny that anyone would believe that the middle east peoples who can barely stand each other are welcoming to outsiders that includes the europe peon .

The only thing middle easterners are happy about with europe is that their leadership is so gawd awful stupid as to proverbially sell their peoples down the river by allowing them to be invaded and supplanted without opposition to the depravity of fictional ishmaelism .

Even if it ( Russia ) were to cast itself in the role of protector of the region’s Christians, it would be nearly unemployed, as Christians are fast disappearing from the region through war, exodus, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

One of the reasons that the Middle East seems to confound so many outside, and especially Western, observers is
that various forms of deadly loyalties to a collective—whether it’s a tribe, a religious sect or a nation—seem to exert
power that many in the West consider to be long gone, or at least that should be long gone.

There’s no question that the Muslim and Arab worlds are experiencing a youth bulge. According to a 2015 Pew
Research Center study, the number of Muslims worldwide is expected to grow by 73% from 2010 to 2050, and
Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians by 2070 (Figure 3).

A number of factors have contributed to economic trouble among the oil-exporting Arab states. As their populations
expanded at the highest growth rate in the world over the past decade, which required enlarged government
budgets to expand their welfare states and make up for rampant unemployment, their oil revenues dropped

According to the World Bank, in 1962 the Arab world had 1,335 cubic metres of fresh water per capita; as of 2014,
that volume had dwindled to around 295 cubic metres (the world average in 2014 was 5,925 cubic metres).
Global warming is causing temperatures to rise, which corresponds to a decline in rainfall and thus further reduces
the availability of fresh water and causes desertification. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
estimates that 60% of Syria faces desertification; Iraq faces desertification at a rate of 0.5% per year; in Jordan,
it’s estimated that as much as 30% of the country’s surface water resources has been lost due to drought and
The flow in the Euphrates is expected to decline by 50% by 2025, which would lead to an estimated
shortage of 33billion cubic metres of water per year .

The idea of the caliphate isn’t going away. It’s merely the historical Islamic form of Arab and Muslim unity—a fundamental political organising principle. Even if the current organisation that goes by the name of the Islamic State is defeated, the idea of an Islamic state will continue to hold sway as the organising principle of the Sunni Arab world and the Muslim world more broadly.

The Middle East’s current conflicts and emerging environmental and demographic challenges ensure that mass
unplanned or forced migration from the region is all but certain.

Ultimately, Australia and other Western countries have to come to terms with their limited role in shaping the
outcomes of the battle for hegemony in the Arab Middle East. This doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be done, but
those outside the region must clinically and dispassionately consider their interests in the region and what they can
reasonably expect to achieve.

To avoid importing or expanding the Middle East’s conflicts, those outside the region need to develop a greater
understanding of its various layers of complexity. And, in doing so, they need to avoid the temptation to seek an
over-simplistic ‘fix’. In the realms of domestic, border and international security, what’s to be done is arguably much

more about Islam in the West than about the Middle East.
Many thanks to the incompetent GOP for wrecking the Middle East with the stupidest longest wars ever. And of course allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence......
" Apparently Did Not Read The Keep Out Sign "

* Invaders With Dementia *

Prove it.
It is too funny that anyone would believe that the middle east peoples who can barely stand each other are welcoming to outsiders that includes the europe peon .

The only thing middle easterners are happy about with europe is that their leadership is so gawd awful stupid as to proverbially sell their peoples down the river by allowing them to be invaded and supplanted without opposition to the depravity of fictional ishmaelism .

Even if it ( Russia ) were to cast itself in the role of protector of the region’s Christians, it would be nearly unemployed, as Christians are fast disappearing from the region through war, exodus, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

One of the reasons that the Middle East seems to confound so many outside, and especially Western, observers is
that various forms of deadly loyalties to a collective—whether it’s a tribe, a religious sect or a nation—seem to exert
power that many in the West consider to be long gone, or at least that should be long gone.

There’s no question that the Muslim and Arab worlds are experiencing a youth bulge. According to a 2015 Pew
Research Center study, the number of Muslims worldwide is expected to grow by 73% from 2010 to 2050, and
Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians by 2070 (Figure 3).

A number of factors have contributed to economic trouble among the oil-exporting Arab states. As their populations
expanded at the highest growth rate in the world over the past decade, which required enlarged government
budgets to expand their welfare states and make up for rampant unemployment, their oil revenues dropped

According to the World Bank, in 1962 the Arab world had 1,335 cubic metres of fresh water per capita; as of 2014,
that volume had dwindled to around 295 cubic metres (the world average in 2014 was 5,925 cubic metres).
Global warming is causing temperatures to rise, which corresponds to a decline in rainfall and thus further reduces
the availability of fresh water and causes desertification. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
estimates that 60% of Syria faces desertification; Iraq faces desertification at a rate of 0.5% per year; in Jordan,
it’s estimated that as much as 30% of the country’s surface water resources has been lost due to drought and
desertification. The flow in the Euphrates is expected to decline by 50% by 2025, which would lead to an estimated
shortage of 33billion cubic metres of water per year .

The idea of the caliphate isn’t going away. It’s merely the historical Islamic form of Arab and Muslim unity—a fundamental political organising principle. Even if the current organisation that goes by the name of the Islamic State is defeated, the idea of an Islamic state will continue to hold sway as the organising principle of the Sunni Arab world and the Muslim world more broadly.

The Middle East’s current conflicts and emerging environmental and demographic challenges ensure that mass unplanned or forced migration from the region is all but certain.

Ultimately, Australia and other Western countries have to come to terms with their limited role in shaping the
outcomes of the battle for hegemony in the Arab Middle East. This doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to be done, but
those outside the region must clinically and dispassionately consider their interests in the region and what they can
reasonably expect to achieve.

To avoid importing or expanding the Middle East’s conflicts, those outside the region need to develop a greater
understanding of its various layers of complexity. And, in doing so, they need to avoid the temptation to seek an
over-simplistic ‘fix’. In the realms of domestic, border and international security, what’s to be done is arguably much

more about Islam in the West than about the Middle East.
Unlike the Republican base, the peoples of the Middle East know that the government is not the voice of the people. Anthony Bourdain said Iranians were the friendliest people he'd ever met. Everything you know is wrong Etc etc. You think the tiny percentage of terrorists is all of them, brainwashed functional moron. Thanks for the stupidest wars ever and blindly following right wing swine in Israel. Why they hate our government....
White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s rather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
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White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s feather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
What a load of crap. We believe everyone is equal in talent and we are not racist, only that environment hurts the success of people DUH. I think it would be nice if we helped latin American instead of screwing it over as we have for over a hundred years..... Reagan was worst of all....
White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s feather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
What a load of crap. We believe everyone is equal in talent and we are not racist, only that environment hurts the success of people DUH. I think it would be nice if we helped latin American instead of screwing it over as we have for over a hundred years..... Reagan was worst of all....
Latin america has more resources than the US---their issues all stem from their people. They need to fix themselves for no one else can do it for them. They can start and should start with their catholic overbreeding practices that lead to poverty, disease, and crime as human life is worth less.
White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s feather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
What a load of crap. We believe everyone is equal in talent and we are not racist, only that environment hurts the success of people DUH. I think it would be nice if we helped latin American instead of screwing it over as we have for over a hundred years..... Reagan was worst of all....
^^ see? Francis thinks we should help Latinos, while at the same time claiming we have been “screwing them over” for a hundred years.

Reagan was bad, he allowed millions of Latinos in with his terrible immigration policies.
White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s feather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
What a load of crap. We believe everyone is equal in talent and we are not racist, only that environment hurts the success of people DUH. I think it would be nice if we helped latin American instead of screwing it over as we have for over a hundred years..... Reagan was worst of all....
Latin america has more resources than the US---their issues all stem from their people. They need to fix themselves for no one else can do it for them. They can start and should start with their catholic overbreeding practices that lead to poverty, disease, and crime as human life is worth less.
" Sounds Like Crime Organization Accounting "

* Citing Half Truths *

More stupidity from the camp that ignores a reduction in fertility only means there is less growth , and not that overall growth is continuing .

The slowdown in population growth, mainly due to the falling fertility rate and negative migration balances will lead Latin America and the Caribbean to reach maximum population by around 2058, with a total of 767.5 million people, according to an analysis of recent population trends in the region, carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

In the process of demographic transition in the region, the accelerated fall in fertility stands out, which was preceded by a sustained reduction in mortality since the end of the first half of the twentieth century, today reflected in a life expectancy of 75.2 years and a global fertility rate of two children per woman.
White liberals always have this “white savior complex” where they think white people need to save all other people, as if they are “lesser” and cannot take care of themselves. It’s feather baffling how racist lefties like that are.
What a load of crap. We believe everyone is equal in talent and we are not racist, only that environment hurts the success of people DUH. I think it would be nice if we helped latin American just say anything you want lol instead of screwing it over as we have for over a hundred years..... Reagan was worst of all....
Latin america has more resources than the US---their issues all stem from their people. They need to fix themselves for no one else can do it for them. They can start and should start with their catholic overbreeding practices that lead to poverty, disease, and crime as human life is worth less.
Yes yes they have more natural resources than the US lol. Kindly point out their coal iron timber etc etc. That is the stupidest comment I've ever seen. Their natural resources include dirt Volcanoes and hurricanes dumbass.. and ridiculous destructive bologna from the United States whenever they try anything on their own......
" Latin America Incompetence To Take Care Of Their Own Is Not A Us Immigration Problem "

* Making The Us More Stupid By The Minute *

They all have governments the size of bathtubs.
A minimum median iq of 90 is speculated for stable government .

Country IQ Population
Uruguay 96 3,485,151
Portugal 95 10,167,925
Argentina 93 45,605,826
Chile 90 19,212,361
Costa Rica 89 5,139,052
Ecuador 88 17,888,475
Mexico 88 130,262,216
Bolivia 87 11,832,940
Brazil 87 213,993,437
Columbia 85 51,265,844
Cuba 84 11,317,505
Paraguay 84 7,219,638
Peru 85 33,359,418
Panama 84 4,381,579
Venezuela 84 314,464
Nicaragua 81 6,702,385
Honduras 81 10,062,991
El Salvador 79 6,518,499
Guatemala 79 18,249,860
Haiti 67 11,541,685

In short. The darker the skin, the dumber their kin

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