60th Anniversary of Stalin - A Reminder

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I am told the communists have appointed revisionists to revise the truth about Stalin. Revisionists have in the past attempted to revise history claiming the holocaust did not happen, that the gas chambers didn't exist. We have photographs, documentation to prove otherwise but still the holocaust deniers persist. Here again, we are seeing an attempt by revisionists to clean up Stalins reputation. It is with that in mind, that I'd like to remind the world about the truth concerning Stalin. Here are some facts, evidence I believe this generation should examine for themselves.

The following poem was written to honor Stalin in Pravda ( Moscow 10,1939 ) Pravda is the central organ of the communism Party in the U.S.S.R. This was part of the deification process of the Communist leader Stalin whose goal was to cast God from his throne and replace him in the hearts and minds of the people.

The sun shines mildly and who would not know that you are the sun?
The pleasant noise of the sea waves sing an ode to Stalin.
The blind snowy peaks of mountains sing the praise of Stalin.
The millions of flowers and meadows than you.

Likewise the covered tables.
The beehives thank you.
The fathers of all young heroes thank you, Stalin.
Oh, Lenin's heir, you are for us Lenin himself.

Do you know how many of these poems exist? THOUSANDS. This was part of the deification process of Stalin. We see the beginnings of that process taking place here in America concerning Obama. The Messiah, The anointed one, the placement of a nativity with Obama replacing Jesus. People think this if funny. It is not funny. It is the process of communism being rolled out in America. What do you believe the new dietary restrictions for school lunches are about? Communists always roll out strict dietary rules pretending to be for the good of the people only once the tanks roll in and take over they won't care WHAT YOU EAT! They will laugh at you in that day because your destiny is a Gulag and that was the only destiny any person has under a Communist Regime takeover of a nation.

Here is another poem where we see Stalin being written about as if he is God himself. Read up here:

O Great Stalin, O leader of the peoples,
Thou who broughtest man to birth <--------------------who can do that? Only God!
Thou who purifiest the earth,
Thou who restorest the centuries,
Thou who makes bloom the Spring,
Thou who makes vibrate the musical chords.

Thou, splendor of my Spring
Sun reflected from millions of hearts.

The foregoing hymn was published in Pravda in August 1936. In May 1935 the same official Party newspaper had published the following

This is about Stalin:

He commands the sun of the enemies to set.
He spoke, and the East for friends became a great glow.
Should he say that coal turns white,
It will be as Stalin wills......
The master of the entire world - remember - is now Stalin.

A much later composition by a leading Soviet poet about Stalin:

I would have compared him to a white mountain - but the mountain has a summit.
I would have compared him to the depths of the sea - but the sea has a bottom,
I would have compared him to the shining moon - but the moon shines at midnight, not at noon. I would have compared him to the brilliant sun - but the sun radiates at noon, not at midnight.

This is not an abberation of Communism. This is the standard. Mao Tse-Tung was hailed as one "whose mind created the world." Kim II-Sung, deceased dictator of North Korea was also deiified, as was Nicole Ceausescu, Communist Dictator of Romania. Ceausescu was another Stalinist figure. A cult personality likened to Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Cromwell, Pericles, but that distinguished roster was not enough for him. He demanded to be called, "our Lay God". Post Communist Romania which didn't permit an international religious convention had no problem permitting a witches convention in the Spring of 1979 in Cetuea-de Argesh. Indeed artwork in Bucharest Museums depicts watercolor art with Ceausescu giving sight to the blind. Yes, Communists always have their Messiahs, Anointed One to elevate and replace God of the bible with and the end result for each man remains the same. Look no further than Chavez. ( eaten up with cancer ) Ah! The frailty & mortality of man! The one thing the Communist Dictators fail to factor in. So much for the "religion of Communism", eh? - Jeremiah
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I am told the communists have appointed revisionists to revise the truth about Stalin. Revisionists have in the past attempted to revise history claiming the holocaust did not happen, that the gas chambers didn't exist. We have photographs, documentation to prove otherwise but still the holocaust deniers persist. Here again, we are seeing an attempt by revisionists to clean up Stalins reputation. It is with that in mind, that I'd like to remind the world about the truth concerning Stalin. Here are some facts, evidence I believe this generation should examine for themselves.


The following poem was written to honor Stalin in Pravda ( Moscow 10,1939 ) Pravda is the central organ of the communism Party in the U.S.S.R. This was part of the deification process of the Communist leader Stalin whose goal was to cast God from his throne and replace him in the hearts and minds of the people.

The sun shines mildly and who would not know that you are the sun?
The pleasant noise of the sea waves sing an ode to Stalin.
The blind snowy peaks of mountains sing the praise of Stalin.
The millions of flowers and meadows than you.

Likewise the covered tables.
The beehives thank you.
The fathers of all young heroes thank you, Stalin.
Oh, Lenin's heir, you are for us Lenin himself.

Do you know how many of these poems exist? THOUSANDS. This was part of the deification process of Stalin. We see the beginnings of that process taking place here in America concerning Obama. The Messiah, The anointed one, the placement of a nativity with Obama replacing Jesus. People think this if funny. It is not funny. It is the process of communism being rolled out in America. What do you believe the school lunches were about? Communists always roll out strict dietary rules pretending to be for the good of the people only once the tanks roll in and take over they won't care WHAT YOU EAT! They will laugh at you in that day because your destiny is a Gulag and that was the only destiny any person has under a Communist Regime takeover of a nation.

Here is another poem where we see Stalin being written about as if he is God himself. Read up here:

O Great Stalin, O leader of the peoples,
Thou who broughtest man to birth <--------------------who can do that? Only God!
Thou who purifiest the earth,
Thou who restorest the centuries,
Thou who makes bloom the Spring,
Thou who makes vibrate the musical chords.

Thou, splendor of my Spring
Sun reflected from millions of hearts.

The foregoing hymn was published in Pravda in August 1936. In May 1935 the same official Party newspaper had published the following

This is about Stalin:

He commands the sun of the enemies to set.
He spoke, and the East for friends became a great glow.
Should he say that coal turns white,
It will be as Stalin wills......
The master of the entire world - remember - is now Stalin.

A much later composition by a leading Soviet poet about Stalin:

I would have compared him to a white mountain - but the mountain has a summit.
I would have compared him to the depths of the sea - but the sea has a bottom,
I would have compared him to the shining moon - but the moon shines at midnight, not at noon. I would have compared him to the brilliant sun - but the sun radiates at noon, not at midnight.

This is not an abberation of Communism. This is the standard. Mao Tse-Tung was hailed as one "whose mind created the world." Kim II-Sung, deceased dictator of North Korea was also deiified, as was Nicole Ceausescu, Communist Dictator of Romania. Ceausescu was another Stalinist figure. A cult personality likened to Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Cromwell, Pericles, but that distinguished roster was not enough for him. He demanded to be called, "our Lay God". Post Communist Romania which didn't permit an international religious convention had no problem permitting a witches convention in the Spring of 1979 in Cetuea-de Argesh. Indeed artwork in Bucharest Museums depicts watercolor art with Ceausescu giving sight to the blind. Yes, Communists always have their Messiahs, Anointed One to elevate and replace God of the bible with and the end result for each man remains the same. Look no further than Chavez. Ah! The mortality of man! The one thing the Communist Dictators fail to factor in. So much for the "religion of Communism". - Jeremiah

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9ScChTcCag]Glory to Stalin - YouTube[/ame] :clap2:

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A man of the people:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

A visionary:

The Pope? How many divisions has he got?
Joseph Stalin

The "life" of the Party:

One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin
Stalin was a student at an orthodox seminary when he obtained instruction that Charles Darwin claimed man is not a creation of God but rather a product of evolution. Yes, a product of evolution in which ruthless competition reigns. It is only the strongest and most cruel that survive. He learned the moral and religious criteria play no role in nature and that man is as much a part of nature as a fish or an ape. Long live the ruthless and cruelty!

If anyone is wondering why the Communist backed EPA ( a front organization for communism now ) has granted more rights to the sucker fisher than humans wonder no more! ha! ha!

Yes, Darwin had written this science - his theory of origins - is the spiritual father of the greatest mass murderer in history! Imagine that!

Did you know that during the upheaval in France, Anarchasis Clootz, a leading French revolutionary and Illuminatus ( all communists are part of illuminati ) declared himself to be "the personal enemy of Jesus Christ" ( again another declaration made by all communists ) He proclaimed, before the Convention of November 17, 1792, "The people is the sovereign and the god of the world......... Only fools believe in any other God, in a Supreme Being." The Convention then issued a decree proclaiming, "the nullification of all religions."

For Americans we must listen carefully to the words of the VOM founder concerning the Lords' Prayer, "Deliver us from Evil", the meaning is clear, we implore a loving God to protect us and society around us from false doctrine, from pernicious art that accustoms us to evil and deadens our senses to - accustoms us to evil under the guise of beauty ( art such as a crucifix submerged in a jar of urine ) and from immorality in life. Then we do not need to fear Satan and his traps.

We have a choice: Do we want to become like Satan, cruel and vicious? ( such as Stalin chose to do) or like Jesus Christ, the G-d- man of holy Love and Peace? My belief is that Americans still choose Christ. America is a Christian nation still and those who love her must pray against the Communist forces that even now attempting to destroy our constitution, our bill of rights, our history, our land and our people. Time to arise out of your slumber, America. - Jeremiah
A man of the people:

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

A visionary:

The Pope? How many divisions has he got?
Joseph Stalin

The "life" of the Party:

One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
Joseph Stalin

You must realise that to the Communist the end justifies the means. Stealing an election means nothing. Obamas cousin, Odinga, stole his own election and murdered many innocents - they were burned alive - in order to obtain it.

Communism is the most brutal force on earth. If others could look inside the gulags of North Korea today - to see the work camps - the slave labor - the innocent citizens that are rounded up daily to be taken to these work camps - never to see daylight again - their hair would turn white. The world has no idea what is hiding behind the borders of North Korea but through testimonies before Congress some North Koreans have told the world and still no one is listening? How is that possible? Buy the book Eyes of the Tail less animals by Sun Lee and see for yourselves what a life under communist rule looks like. What have you got to lose, reader? Why not examine the real evidence, facts concerning Communism before you dive off the deep end accepting it as a viable answer for America? Only a fool would take another mans word for it. ( especially a marxist professor in your school! ) Do your own research and see that Communism is alive and well and the Soviets have been biding their time for this hour. Do not make it easy on them. - Jeremiah
Snopes is not a valid fact checking source, Bendog. Surely you realize that? It's funded by the communists, George Soros and friends.
Polkow you may not realize this but many Americans are fully aware of the influx of Russians into NY area. The Christian real estate agents have listings of the homes you've bought, the addresses, names, affiliations, references, it is all there being cataloged. Let me explain what you don't realize. Some of us did learn for the history lessons of Communist barbarism. While before in every single communist takeover you people had your own inside our churches getting lists of names as to who to pick up when the time comes? This time your names and locations have been identified well in advance and you and your Soviet pals shall not have the same experience in this takeover has you have had in the others. My G-d is sitting on his Throne laughing at the Soviets right now. Just as he laughed in the 80's when we destroyed your hockey team on the ice at Lake Placid. LOL... - Jeremiah
Oh and Polkow? The main stronghold for Soviets based inside USA is not in NY but in South Fla and Minnesota. Surprised? Don't be. We know alot more about your plans than you think we do. - Jeremiah
Snopes is not a valid fact checking source, Bendog. Surely you realize that? It's funded by the communists, George Soros and friends.

Creating another urban myth?!?! :cool:

No. That is what communists love to claim but lets cut to the chase and get the truth to the american people anyhow, alright? Read this and see if it awakens a brain cell or too in that progressive - communist mind of yours. - Jeremiah

UVORKUTA, Russia -- Anna Krikun can barely read the yellowing papers that show she was sentenced as a young woman to hard labor in one of Stalin's cruelest Gulag camps.

At 90, her eyesight is fading. But she remembers everything as if it happened yesterday. She recalls the name of the investigator who tortured her with a sleep-deprivation technique known as the "conveyor" until she confessed to betraying the motherland and agitating against the Soviet Union.

It was 1946, the throes of the Stalinist terror, and Krikun was sent to Vorkuta - a labor camp-cum-city built from nothing on an icebound wasteland by political prisoners from 1931 to 1957.

Today, the city is still a byword for the suffering of the ill-equipped labor brigades that were effectively sent to their death as Stalin used his enemies - both real and imagined -- to tap into vast natural resources in the uninhabited Far North.

And yet here, in this inhospitable outpost, Krikun has remained all these years.

Freed in 1957 and joined by her mother, Krikun could not return home to the Crimean city of Sevastopol. The family house had been destroyed during World War II, their ownership documents were lost, and no friends or family had survived.

Without the money or contacts to leave, she remained in Vorkuta and grew old. Now too frail to venture out of her little apartment where she lives a life of reflection with ticking clocks and a sleepy ginger cat, Krikun exudes a practiced stoicism.

"Why would I leave? At least here I know what to do if something happens," she says. "What would become of me if I arrived alone to a new city, old and needed by nobody?"

No Way To Leave

Today, the Gulag is long gone and there are only a handful of people like Krikun who witnessed the height of the Soviet repressions.

And yet more than half a century later, Vorkuta has become a prison for a new generation unable to find a way to leave. Many say they lack the money to move away and are trapped in this remote and declining coal town, suffering from the legacy of a Stalinist experiment 60 years after he died.

Many of them even came to Vorkuta willingly.

&#8203;&#8203;Vladimir Zharuk came to the city from Ukraine in 1979 as a 17-year-old aspiring geologist. He was prepared to brave the bleak climate in exchange for "hardship" pay and a shortcut to retirement in the south.

But 34 years after he arrived, Zharuk looks as far as ever from leaving. He calls himself one of thousands of "hostages of the Far North."

His geology work dried up in the 1990s when exploration plans were shelved. Zharuk then took to the coal mines to make a living but suffered a debilitating injury in 2005. He now subsists, with his wife and two sons, on a pension of 15,000 rubles ($490) a month.

Zharuk, who still speaks with a soft Ukrainian accent, enrolled in a federal resettlement program to move his family south in 1997. But over the past 16 years he found that the program is massively oversubscribed and that the resettlement rate is painfully slow.

According to a 2011 count, there were 2,179 disabled persons, 12,802 pensioners, and 7,028 working-age citizens waiting to receive accommodation below the Arctic Circle from the state.

Last year, only 117 pensioners were reportedly resettled. At that rate, it will take more than a century to resettle everybody who is waiting, according to Zharuk, who equates the failure of the resettlement program to a "genocide" of the elderly.

He claims the authorities are deliberately trying to stem emigration to keep the city afloat.

"My children are getting older. I cannot move out of here, and they can't either," Zharuk says. "They will have to go into slavery. Where? They can be slaves in the mines or somewhere else. The authorities benefit."

Determined To Leave

It wasn't always so hard to leave Vorkuta.

In the 1990s, many young people left to find work elsewhere as eight of the town's 13 coal mines closed, reducing some suburbs to wind-blasted ghost towns. The government helped relocate those who lost their jobs; pensioners moved in with relatives in the south if they had them. Others relocated under a program sponsored by the World Bank.

&#8203;&#8203;The city's population plummeted from 217,000 in the late 1980s, when Zharuk's 24-year-old son Vadim was born, to 96,000 today.

The suburb of Vorgoshor, where the Zharuks and Krikun live, has emptied precipitously, the front doors of vacant apartments marked by a few nails or planks of wood.

Many of those who remained, especially after the 1998 financial crisis wiped out many Russians' savings, simply lacked the means, opportunity, or wherewithal to get out.

Nevertheless, young people like Vadim Zharuk, who aren't interested in a life in the mines, are determined to leave, despite the odds. After studying in the Moscow Oblast, he has seen what life can be like outside remote and icy Vorkuta.

He says he is considering moving to Tver, where he has friends.

"I know what it's like to live in a different city. I can compare life in Vorkuta with life in Zelenograd in Moscow Oblast," he says. "It's two completely different worlds."

But Vadim tempers his criticism with praise of the tundra's beautiful summers and stunning white nights.

Like many residents, he is also proud of this city, where a deep sense of solidarity and camaraderie has risen out of a brutal past.

'Capital Of The World'

Vorkutlag, the city's Stalin-era labor camp, once heaved with political prisoners from so many countries that it earned the droll nickname of the "capital of the world."

Today, it still has a retro Soviet feel. Vorkuta's central Lenin Street is adorned with signs exhorting citizens to mine more coal for the motherland. Banners from the ruling United Russia party call on citizens to "build the future together."

&#8203;&#8203;From 1931 to 1957, 2 million prisoners from the U.S.S.R. and 21 other countries passed through the Gulag system here. Local historians say there are 200,000 political prisoners buried in the permafrost in marked and unmarked graves.

Despite this dark history, there is a strong current of Soviet nostalgia here. The Communist Party marshals a strong following.

In 2011, communist Leonid Gorbachev was briefly declared the winner of mayoral elections. But a recount was held and the United Russia candidate was declared the winner by one vote -- a move that sparked small street protests.

'City Is Dying'

Konstantin Rimenov, an unabashed Stalinist who has a poster of the Soviet tyrant on his kitchen door, has worked in the mines for 27 years.

At 46, he's already drawing a pension but continues to work in the mines. He says his pension is not enough to provide for his family.

Rimenov is grim about the city's prospects.

"Whatever the government says and however much they deceive the people, the city is dying," he says. "The city really is dying because they are not building any factories, plants, mines, shafts. There's nothing, and people aren't coming here."

Rimenov, who is a deputy chairman on Vorkuta's City Council, says miners' wages, relatively high in Soviet times, don't go so far any more -- especially given the safety risks and health hazards.

&#8203;&#8203;He spoke just days before a methane explosion ripped through the Vorkutinskaya coal pit, killing 18 miners, one of them a 22-year-old father of a 3-month-old child.

Nonetheless, Rimenov says the huge remaining coal reserves are a guarantee there will be jobs here.

But jobs or no jobs, many here are clamoring to leave -- and increasingly frustrated at the obstacles in their way.

Svetlana Zatokovenko, 63, a pensioner who worked as an administrator at a coal company, has been on a waiting list to leave Vorkuta for 27 years.

She was 11th in line to receive her apartment elsewhere last year but was never contacted by the housing authorities. When she complained, she says she was told her documents had been lost.

"I am from the Gulag's second generation - those who can't leave here because of economic circumstances," she says. "Even the first generation of prisoners were not deprived the right to leave. You served your stint and then you could go where you wanted. We would gladly go anywhere. This is an economic Gulag. We are hostages of the north."

This post appears courtesy of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Obama must have missed the Memo from Stalin that the ban on coal was a failed experment. Could someone clue him in? Thanks!
Question: Speaking of the Capitol of the World, the author misses it as this was the imperialistic ambitions of communism - to rule the world - which leads me to this question. As the progressives have sought out the assistance of Islamists worldwide just exactly how do they intend to break the news to these Muslims that they are nothing more than useful idiots and will be disposed of by the millions once they are no longer needed.

If islam is supposed to rule the world and communists believe they are supposed to rule the world which one will win? Any ideas about that?
If you don't know the answer, read Vladimir Zhirinovsky's book, Final March to the South. He clearly explains the Soviet plan to resurrect Stalinist leadership - far more brutal than Stalin - and how they will use the Middle East Muslims to take Israel once and for all. What does he say will happen to the Middle East Muslims? He plans on sending them all to their paradise of 72 virgins. It is a win - win situation he says. The Russians are fully involved in double crossing the Iranians right now in order to bring down the final nation in the middle east that stands in the way of their goals. The Russians have aligned themselves with the islamic world only for a season and that season is about to end. - J.
Snopes is not a valid fact checking source, Bendog. Surely you realize that? It's funded by the communists, George Soros and friends.

Creating another urban myth?!?! :cool:

No. That is what communists love to claim but lets cut to the chase and get the truth to the american people anyhow, alright? Read this and see if it awakens a brain cell or too in that progressive - communist mind of yours. - Jeremiah

UVORKUTA, Russia -- Anna Krikun can barely read the yellowing papers that show she was sentenced as a young woman to hard labor in one of Stalin's cruelest Gulag camps...(snip)

That has nothing whatsoever to do with the veracity of snopes, troll!!!

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