61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

Can men rape women?

Is that not “regulating” the actions of humans on humans?
Like vaccine mandates?

“Your body, your choice” got replaced with “Your body, Biden’s choice”.
brainwashed functional idiots...safe and effective, ends pandemic and supply chain crisis...smh. Way to spread that crap around the world and block world vaccine...No sacrifice is too much to save the greedy GOP rich from paying their fair share, dupe.
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who lol? Murdoch and Internet nuts? Masks don't work and the election was stolen? etc etc etc etc etc
Which is the lie? Masks don’t work, no study has been done to claim otherwise. If they actually did work there would never had been masked people getting sick
brainwashed functional idiots...safe and effective, ends pandemic and supply chain crisis...smh. Way to spread that crap around the word and block world vaccine...No sacrifice is too much to save the greedy GOP rich from paying their fair share, dupe.
If the vaccine works, why are you afraid of unvaccinated? Still crickets
brainwashed functional idiots...safe and effective, ends pandemic and supply chain crisis...smh. Way to spread that crap around the world and block world vaccine...No sacrifice is too much to save the greedy GOP rich from paying their fair share, dupe.
Except it’s not safe, nor effective, and hasn‘t ended the scamdemic, now has it?

Block world vaccine? WTF are you talking about? Vaccines are all over the world and they don’t work.

Greedy GOP rich not paying their fair share? Is their tax code different than greedy Dem rich?

Could you be anymore incoherent?
Which is the lie? Masks don’t work, no study has been done to claim otherwise. If they actually did work there would never had been masked people getting sick
The best masks are 95% effective....cloth ones are not good, so that is all you fools hear about lol arghhhh.There are a million studies duh....google something, ignoramus. "Do masks work?"
Republicans are on the wrong side of this one.

Not at all, abortion in the 1st trimester most people agree with. But only 17% is in the third, your party is fighting for.
The laws suq and are based on religion. We will defend your right to be total jackasses...remember separation of church and state?...
Separation of church and state is a fantasy you lefties propagate. It has never been in US law or the constitution. Most laws are based off religious laws. The phrase was coined by the founder of Rhode Island, who was saying that Christian churches would need a “wall of separation” in order to protect them from government. Otherwise they would become corrupt. Not that religious believes of a population shouldn’t effect government laws.

Now carry on with your ignorance.
Except it’s not safe, nor effective, and hasn‘t ended the scamdemic, now has it?

Block world vaccine? WTF are you talking about? Vaccines are all over the world and they don’t work.

Greedy GOP rich not paying their fair share? Is their tax code different than greedy Dem rich?

Could you be anymore incoherent?
Dems vote for and support taxing the rich DUH. Thanks for screwing the world AGAIN, Allowing 9/11, stupidest wars ever, corrupt depression/recession very time, stupidest pandemic response anywhere and world con leader smh. Vaccines at least 70% effective, started out 94%, and YOU DON'T DIE!!! Thanks for keeping this going for another year at least. Poor America. Poor world. How's your hero Putin/Carlson doing?
Dems vote for and support taxing the rich DUH. Thanks for screwing the world AGAIN, Allowing 9/11, stupidest wars ever, corrupt depression/recession very time, stupidest pandemic response anywhere and world con leader smh. Vaccines at least 70% effective, started out 94%, and YOU DON'T DIE!!! Thanks for keeping this going for another year at least. Poor America. Poor world. How's your hero Putin/Carlson doing?
Okay, go ahead and “tax the rich”. What makes you think I give a fuck?

Last time I checked, when Dems had a super majority in Congress and White House, they voted to extend the “Bush Tax Cuts”. So once again you are full of shit.

9/11 was planned on Clinton’s watch, and he refused to bomb Bin Laden when given the chance. Stupidest wars ever? The ones Biden and Clinton voted for? Also the Al Hussein Obama bin Biden wars on Libya and Syria too? The only four years of no new wars we got was under President Trump. Now we got Ukraine-Russia war we can send your kids to die in.

President Trump responded by shutting down travel to China, and you lefties called him a xenophobe. So get bent with your attempted re-write of history. President Trump handed Biden the vaccines you love so much, yet more people have died of Coof under Biden.

Vaccines are considered 95%+ effective when they work nearly perfectly for twenty years after one shot. Your shit mRNA jabs don’t work after a few months. That puts them at < 1% effective. I’m glad dupes like you keep getting your boosters though, you‘re doing the long term trials for Big Pharma Pfizer and Moderna for free, so when you get VAIDS those big rich Phrama billionaires won’t be held accountable and you’ll have to pay for your own VAIDS/blood clot/myocarditis treatments, if you are still alive.
Lol, do keep up. The southern liberal democrats were fighting for slavery. The liberals of the 1950s welcomed segregation. Even today, liberals segregate race, ethnicities, etc. They never change.
The batshittery is getting exponentially worse around here.

An open bible, a cross, a sword, a Confederate flag, saluting the US flag. Yeah, this SCREAMS "left wing". :laughing0301:


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