61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

The best masks are 95% effective…

Which masks would those “best masks” be?

It was an N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. Do you really believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot easily pass through the 50-micron gaps in this mask?

9/11 was planned on Clinton’s watch, and he refused to bomb Bin Laden when given the chance.

And Clinton had no excuse not to know. It was on his watch that the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center happened. It was on his watch that several of the main perpetrators were arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced. Clinton had to know that there was going to be another attempt to destroy the World Trade Center, and to murder as many Americans as possible in the process. And his Administration didn't do shit about it.
Which masks would those “best masks” be?

It was an N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. Do you really believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot easily pass through the 50-micron gaps in this mask?

View attachment 642505
Doing "research" in the GOP propaganda disgrace lol?
The batshittery is getting exponentially worse around here.

An open bible, a cross, a sword, a Confederate flag, saluting the US flag. Yeah, this SCREAMS "left wing". :laughing0301:

Actually it does.

Look at how the cowards on the left run around in their black hoodies and masks while vandalizing property and attacking people. Look at how they carry their flags and slogans like BLM, LGBTQ, and tranny flags.

Different outfits, same playbook.

Thank God the American people are well able to see through "the life of the mother" crap, especially in the third trimester. You do NOT need to murder a baby to save the life of the mother, especially now. So yeah. Let's put this to a vote and see what goes down.
Women still die in childbirth.

A Fallopian tube pregnancy will result in maternal death.

Pregnancies where the water breaks early are especially dangerous. The mother develops an infection, baby lives on for a while but under some abortion laws, like the fetal heartbeat law…an abortion can’t be done because the heart is still beating while the baby dying and the mother going into septicemia.

Placental abruption, where the placenta starts to seperate from the uterus can cause severe bleeding or hemorrhagic shock and an abortion is necessary to save her life.

If preeclampsia develops early (before 24 weeks), it can be severe enough to threaten a woman’s life and require an abortion.

If it is late in the pregnancy, it is an induced labor to save the mother and hopefully the baby since at this point it is a wanted child.

If it is earlier in the pregnancy then an abortion saves the mother’s life.

I truly hope people see through this crap and don’t sacrifice the mother.
Which masks would those “best masks” be?

It was an N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. Do you really believe that a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus cannot easily pass through the 50-micron gaps in this mask?

View attachment 642505
Some republican also refused to wear a mask!!
That's a religious view. Supposed the separate church and state.
That's basic science.

The constitution says nothing about a separation of church and state, it simply forbids the gov't from regulating religion. It demands religious neutrality, it isn't an authorization for gov't control of religion or religious expression.
That's basic science.

The constitution says nothing about a separation of church and state, it simply forbids the gov't from regulating religion. It demands religious neutrality, it isn't an authorization for gov't control of religion or religious expression.
My religion is ok with abortion. End of story then.

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