61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

Well since you don't get to dictate to the rest of us that's certainly not the end of the story.
Not dictating to anyone, you have a personal choice that I don't give a shit about. Religious people want everyone to do as they say.
It's not a baby. Nobody except religious people are talking about killing a baby
When was the last time you heard someone ask a pregnant woman how her "fetus" or "lump of cells" is doing?

By definition and common use of the language it's a baby.
Not dictating to anyone, you have a personal choice that I don't give a shit about. Religious people want everyone to do as they say.
You keep fabricating bullshit faster than a feedlot.

You said your view is the end of the story, it's not since you don't get to dictate to the rest of us.

You don't have to be the least bit religious to recognize that killing the unborn out of convenience is morally repugnant, you just have to have a basic sense of morality which requires no religious belief at all.
Republicans are on the wrong side of this one.

From a political stand point I don't think the GOP has really thought this out...

Louisiana abortion law is going to make some forms of contraception and IVF and other fertility treatments homicide... We could see someone get the death penalty for performing an IVF procedure.

If this doesn't make them look like the Taliban nothing will.. Democrats can very easily show that is the consequences of voting GOP...

Abortion was an area GOP could exploit. It was supposed to be unattainable, but GOP could be fight the cause for decades, picking up free votes of people who wouldn't normally vote for them...

Now they have got a real problem, they got what they wanted... Democrats should point to the consequences, you are going to get some really strange laws in some states and GOP are going to have to own those laws...

Democrats should point out elections have consequences and this was the consequence of voting for Trump...
When was the last time you heard someone ask a pregnant woman how her "fetus" or "lump of cells" is doing?

By definition and common use of the language it's a baby.
Even by your definition, people don't say how is the baby until well into the second trimester... You aren't even supposed to tell people in the first trimester...

Studies in Europe have abortions after first trimester at about 7.5%, so they are a lot rarer... The main reasons were :
No clear, single reason emerges. Amongst the main reasons identified are uncertainty about what to do if they were pregnant, not realising they were pregnant, experiencing bleeding which may have been confused with continuing to have periods, and changes in personal circumstances. The paper ends with a consideration of the implications of the results for education, policy development and service provision.

It seems that there could be some actually good work to make second trimester abortions less common...

Personally I think abortion is not right... I don't believe it is anything close to murder.. I believe it is something that is not for me except for IVF and other very early stage fertilities..
But I really believe I have no right to force my beliefs on others, none what so ever on this particular issue. I think it goes against my Christian faith to not only judge others but also saying this of moral imperative when Jesus never mentioned it.

I compare that to empathy and helping the poor, Jesus did say a lot about that and I see the same anti-Abortion people here showing little to none in relation to that. Being a Christian to me isn't some ala carte selecting from the Old and New testaments... Personally I believe we should focus on what Jesus said primarily, about empathy (love thy Neighbour, poverty and disadvantaged (the beatitudes), forgiveness, Judge Not, Keep your Word, Give in Secret....
Can we say that the Red Tribe are really anti Abortion because they have completed the other more important things on that list or are they following there tribe's mantra?

Being a Christian is very hard and I am sorry to say but I see a lot of unchristian values from so called Christians.
When was the last time you heard someone ask a pregnant woman how her "fetus" or "lump of cells" is doing?

By definition and common use of the language it's a baby.
That's your own personal choice to call it a donkey if you want. I don't force my views on anyone. It's like gay marriage, if you don't like it, don't do it, but don't be so pretentious that you give yourself the right to tell everyone else how to live.
You keep fabricating bullshit faster than a feedlot.

You said your view is the end of the story, it's not since you don't get to dictate to the rest of us.

You don't have to be the least bit religious to recognize that killing the unborn out of convenience is morally repugnant, you just have to have a basic sense of morality which requires no religious belief at all.
Except that everyone who wants to ban abortion is religious. Anyways, I'm for personal choice, as it should be in America. Don't like something, then don't do it.
That's your own personal choice to call it a donkey if you want. I don't force my views on anyone. It's like gay marriage, if you don't like it, don't do it, but don't be so pretentious that you give yourself the right to tell everyone else how to live.
I'm not forcing a definition on anyone, the dictionary does that.

Our system is designed such that we in fact do in many ways get to decide what is or isn't acceptable and is/isn't legal in the US. If you can't handle that you're living in the wrong country.
I'm not forcing a definition on anyone, the dictionary does that.

Our system is designed such that we in fact do in many ways get to decide what is or isn't acceptable and is/isn't legal in the US. If you can't handle that you're living in the wrong country.
So we can vote to make Blacks slaves again? Good to know. :blowpop:
You continue fabricating bullshit.

You just proved my point. Your first link is from "godandscience.org" (an oxymoron if there ever was one, lol). And your second link is from "christianpost.com".
Thanks for clearing that up. :biggrin:
You just proved my point. Your first link is from "godandscience.org" (an oxymoron if there ever was one, lol). And your second link is from "christianpost.com".
Thanks for clearing that up. :biggrin:
They printed an article by a pro life atheist. Too bad you're too blind and too ignorant to read past the headlines.
I'm not forcing a definition on anyone, the dictionary does that.

Our system is designed such that we in fact do in many ways get to decide what is or isn't acceptable and is/isn't legal in the US. If you can't handle that you're living in the wrong country.
Defination of a baby in a dictionary means it is born...

We also have the concept : "She is having a baby in the spring."
That would mean she wouldn't have one before that... Do we think she is just going to have sex in the spring?
Defination of a baby in a dictionary means it is born...

We also have the concept : "She is having a baby in the spring."
That would mean she wouldn't have one before that... Do we think she is just going to have sex in the spring?
That isn't what the definition says.

You should probably read it.

A more extensive definition here as well.

Except that everyone who wants to ban abortion is religious. Anyways, I'm for personal choice, as it should be in America. Don't like something, then don't do it.

This a very childish, short-sighted view. If it feels good, do it, right? Typical left-wing ”thinking”.

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