61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

Criminalizing abortion, including the patient, has already started.

The Post reports, "Republicans in the Louisiana House advanced a bill Wednesday that would classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutors to criminally charge patients, with supporters citing a draft opinion leaked this week showing the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.

"The legislation, which passed through a committee on a 7-to-2 vote, goes one step further than other antiabortion bans that have gained momentum in recent years, which focus on punishing abortion providers and others who help facilitate the procedure. Experts say the bill could also restrict in vitro fertilization and emergency contraception because it would grant constitutional rights to a person “from the moment of fertilization.”

CNN reports, "Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill Thursday criminalizing abortion-inducing drugs that are provided via mail.

"The measure, known as HB2416, establishes criminal penalties for offenders, but would not apply to the patient who was provided the abortion drugs."

Praise the Lord, Tennessee is not charging the patient with a crime.

Are Republicans proud of their accomplishment?

There is a better question. Have Republicans, overcome with religious fanaticism, gone nuts?
You can leave at any time.
I once saw a picture of a dumpster full of dead black unborn babies.

When people say they like abortion because blacks have abortion, I consider them evil people and refuse to have anything further to do with them.
If the murder of an innocent human being isn't wrong, nothing is wrong.
I realized about 20 years ago that it was stupid liberal women who were killing their unborn and born children. Not only did this lower the Democrat voting base, but stopped that stupid gene pool from spreading. Margaret Sanger used abortion to stop mentally ill people from procreating, these action from the stupid liberal women prove that she was right.

What Margaret Sanger Really Said About Eugenics and Race
She did, and very publicly. In a 1921 article, she wrote that, “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”
I think it is quite righteous that these worthless souls kill their moron bastard spawn before they pollute the earth with their genetic filth.


They're doing Thor's work.
Of course back in 2009 when the brown turd Obammy realized that soon the Democrat party would go extinct because of abortion and inner city murders, he open the flood gates to diseased illegals in the 10s of thousands because that would be the new voting base in a few years.

Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

I have to say, the AP is the leftest left:

Apr 26, 2022 · However, the AP tends to fact-check conservatives more than liberals. Overall,​
we rate the Associated Press Left-Center Biased due to left-leaning editorializing of news stories​
I kinda sorta STILL support abortion. I've seen the neglect and the horrific abuse of children by THEIR own parents. And abortion might have better. (hate to say it). I am not playing the devils advocate for sport. Sometimes abortion is a more humanitarian alternative and should be available. There aren't any easy answers here.
I kinda sorta STILL support abortion. I've seen the neglect and the horrific abuse of children by THEIR own parents. And abortion might have better. (hate to say it). I am not playing the devils advocate for sport. Sometimes abortion is a more humanitarian alternative and should be available. There aren't any easy answers here.
You don't kill people to save them from a bad life.
You don't kill people to save them from a bad life.
I am not a liberal. And I can't argue that. Well, being that NOBODY has the gift of hindsight. But if we had...A woman addicted to crack starves her baby to death, a suburban woman drowns her children in the bath tub, and abusive husband beats their child to death...and on and on. Childhood diseases or accidents & all that. Accept we don't have hindsight and we have to learn and move on. Mathew 19:14 Jesus said, “ Suffer the children not. Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
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I am not a liberal. And I can't argue that. Well, being that NOBODY has the gift of hindsight. But if we had...A woman addicted to crack starves her baby to death, a suburban woman drowns her children in the bath tub, and abusive husband beats their child to death...and on and on. Childhood diseases all that. Mathew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Are you quoting Christ to argue in favor of killing children to save them from child abuse?
I once saw a picture of a dumpster full of dead black unborn babies.

When people say they like abortion because blacks have abortion, I consider them evil people and refuse to have anything further to do with them.
If the murder of an innocent human being isn't wrong, nothing is wrong.
Humans have been killing each other since Cain slew Able, you live in a nation that had to kill the natives to take their land..Death is no more significant than life to humans..
Humans have been killing each other since Cain slew Able, you live in a nation that had to kill the natives to take their land..Death is no more significant than life to humans..
You make the same argument Ted Bundy made when he got caught. "There's so many women, why does anyone care if I kill some of them."
"Fairness" isn't the question in the post you quoted. Alito's memo removes protections fr ANY abotions...including rape,incest,health of the mother

It also goes after contraception and gay marriage
Where did you read Alito's " Leaked " Scotus
Memo.It basically calls for what should have been the
law of the land.That Each state and We the people of
each state decide on Abortion.Not 9 men in black robes
{ there were no Female Scotus in the 70s } deciding all
things Abortion related.
Mark levin goes back a decade earlier in what motivated
those 9 men in black.Plus there is no mention in our
Constitution about Abortion.
The Left as usual is making-up loads of crap concerning
the solid ground Alito's memo covers.
I have to say, the AP is the leftest left:

Apr 26, 2022 · However, the AP tends to fact-check conservatives more than liberals. Overall,​
we rate the Associated Press Left-Center Biased due to left-leaning editorializing of news stories​
The AP has been corrupt ever since Obama was Potus.
One reason you'll be hard pressed to find bad press
coverage during his 8 year regime.
Simple stuff like the word " teabagger " which the AP
banned { like the words "Islamic Terrorism" } yet Obama
used that word " Teabagger " and was never taken to task.
The AP has been corrupt ever since Obama was Potus.
One reason you'll be hard pressed to find bad press
coverage during his 8 year regime.
Simple stuff like the word " teabagger " which the AP
banned { like the words "Islamic Terrorism" } yet Obama
used that word " Teabagger " and was never taken to task.
The AP is 176 years old this year. They have been somewhat to the left since I took up politics and got bashed by a lot of journalists in NYC around the year 1996, when I got my first computer as an early Christmas present from my dear and lovingly supportive late husband. I went to the NYTimes Forums because I was curious as to why the American people had re-elected a sick skirt-chaser regardless of party. I never could figure that one out since it was my opinion that a leader who was true blue to his wife and family was the only kind of leader I could support. Boy, was I dumb back then. :rolleyes-41: But the NYT was a great place to pick up advanced vocabulary... er, some of which were 4-letter words I still don't care for in public speaking out. And I cherish the memory of the Haiku poets who seemed to make the 17-syllable work a beautiful art at the NYT Forums. I'm sure some of them were well-disguised but genius staffers at the paper. They seemed to make American English more beautiful than a colorful sky at morning. However one thing that has not changed at the Associated Press is their certainty of getting stories out there lightening fast. And that is a good thing, whether or not their politics are mismatched to mine.
Where did you read Alito's " Leaked " Scotus
Memo.It basically calls for what should have been the
law of the land.That Each state and We the people of
each state decide on Abortion.Not 9 men in black robes
{ there were no Female Scotus in the 70s } deciding all
things Abortion related.
Mark levin goes back a decade earlier in what motivated
those 9 men in black.Plus there is no mention in our
Constitution about Abortion.
The Left as usual is making-up loads of crap concerning
the solid ground Alito's memo covers.
States rights.

Like outlawing gay marriage and allowing slavery...

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