61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

So we'll take the fetus out and you can take care of it. Ok?
Umm, people should not have unprotected sex if they don't want to get pregnant.

Life if full of choices, and choices have consequences.

You: They made a bad choice. Let's kill the baby!

he also didn't die or get hospitalized [from COVID]...only 28% want overturn-cbs
So? Does that mean vaccines should be forced on women against their will like he endorsed?

Yeah, very few people die or get hospitalized from COVID. I didn't either, and I had Alpha, the most deadly variant.

But you changed the subject. He said "her body, her choice," but when it came to the vaccines, he said, "your body, my choice." And history has shown the vaccines are enormously fallible.

They can also be deadly. They pushed the vaccines on people, and now they are saying that the J&J is so dangerous, it should not be given except as a last resort...

The vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, or even hospitalization and death with certainty. As such they are simply a medical treatment to reduce severity of disease. But you are advocating mandating them on all women against their will, regardless of prior infection?
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The daffy Left is going to have to prove what part
of Alito's Abortion trimming is not fair to all concerned.
This isn't a game of Jeopardy.Or even Mumblety-peg.
What is good for the Goose must also be good for the
All things in moderation.
Knowing a Fetus { Living,breathing Baby in the womb }
Is No Goose.
No matter how much a Democrat quacks.
Their preternatural bent.
"Fairness" isn't the question in the post you quoted. Alito's memo removes protections fr ANY abotions...including rape,incest,health of the mother

It also goes after contraception and gay marriage
You mean WOMEN...because guys (like yourself) can't get pregnant.

They can screw around all they want and just walk away
Not true. The deadbeat father can be civilly compelled to provide support and failure to do so it a crime.

But you are starting to get it, Lesh. There are two parents involved, and the child has unique DNA which is a combination of the two sets. As such, there are actually three human beings involved, but you think that the woman should be the only one to have a vote, and she should be allowed to kill a child simply because she wants to.

I used the word child, here, as I took it directly from Biden who says aborting a fetus is aborting a child (at the 4:10 mark)...

28% think the state should dictate health issues for pregnant women, not the woman and her doctor. This belief is commonly held in the Republican South, where harsh restriction laws have already been passed.
Everything about this is wrong.

"In Samuel Alito’s draft of the opinion that is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, the conservative justice makes a familiar argument about the ruling that he seeks to overturn: that Roe was a poorly reasoned decision that isn’t based on anything in the U.S. Constitution," Slate.

Justice Alito argued, "The Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one." That argument is spurious, and, quite honestly, it is a foolish statement to make.

Our Constitution stresses basic American freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom to assemble, and so on.

The freedom to make decisions regarding one's own health is a given. Much like the freedom to breathe air, the Framers never considered the freedom of health.

However, in the case of pregnancies, Republicans think the state should make health decisions for women. It is why three judges appointed by Trump favor the expiration of Roe.

The Catholic Church opposes abortion. Evangelicals, a dominant religion in the southern states, opposes abortion.

The idea that a human being is created at the point of conception is a religious belief. Republicans think they can impose religious beliefs upon others.

States like Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma that passed highly restrictive laws regarding abortion are defying reality and marginalizing their own religious beliefs. According to these states it is okay to kill a human being in the womb if it is within the parameters set by the state, be it six weeks, fifteen weeks, or whatever.

If the Republicans via their court appointed judges deny women the ability to make their own health decisions, what cherished freedoms will be next?

The freedom of free elections, for example. If Republican state officials do not like the result of an election, will the state change the result? We then head down the road of tyranny, and, thanks to Russian sponsored President Trump (2016 election), Vladimir Putin would be enormously pleased.
Justice Samuel Alito, author of leaked indictment of Roe vs. Wade, ducked a conference of his colleagues.

The Guardian reports, "The conservative justice has bailed on a conference of senior judges Thursday in New Orleans, Reuters reports, just three days after his opinion indicating the high court would overturn its landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision that guaranteed the right to abortion nationwide was leaked.

"According to the news agency, Alito had been set to appear at the 5th US circuit court of appeals’ judicial conference, a gathering of judges from the New Orleans-based federal appeals court and the district courts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, a person familiar with the matter said.

"But he has since canceled, the person said, and Patricia McCabe, a spokesperson for the supreme court, said he was not attending. No reason was given for why Alito was not going."

An educated guess can easily be made, and it would explain why Alito doesn't want to talk about it.

Overturning Roe is very unpopular with Americans. Also, Alito's colleagues may take exception to the fact that he favors criminalizing a medical procedure on the state level. Indeed, that has already been done some southern states.

Overturning Roe is so unpopular even several Republicans are opposed to it. They didn't want to talk about it.

Slate reports, "It is difficult to describe what an achievement the overturning of Roe v. Wade would be for the conservative movement. It is, more than maybe any other issue, foundational to the movement itself."

That said, however, "Leading Republicans on Tuesday preferred to make the story of Politico’s bombshell publication of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade not about the elimination of the right to an abortion. They tried to divert attention to the scandalous leak of that news itself."

This is how the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell described the leak. "“Liberals want to rip the blindfold off Lady Justice. They want to override impartiality with intimidation. They want to elevate mob rule over the rule of law. This lawless action should be investigated and punished to the fullest extent possible.”

There was nothing about the conservative accomplishment enabled by the Supreme Court which will allow states to criminalize abortion, which some southern states have done already. Some states are considering the possibility of bringing criminal charges against a woman who got an abortion.

Little wonder as to why Republicans are not celebrating. This kind of thing can have a dramatic effect on the November elections, and Republicans want to hush up their achievement.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

You’re on be losing side of everything.

Late term abortions, while rare, are the medically necessary abortions. Just because Republicans have lied about abortion for 50 years, to convince the gullible to accept these lies,doesn’t make it right to end them.
You’re on be losing side of everything.

Late term abortions, while rare, are the medically necessary abortions. Just because Republicans have lied about abortion for 50 years, to convince the gullible to accept these lies,doesn’t make it right to end them.

How are you defining "losing"? This whole conversation is taking place because we're winning, and you can't handle that fact.
Everything about this is wrong.

"In Samuel Alito’s draft of the opinion that is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade, the conservative justice makes a familiar argument about the ruling that he seeks to overturn: that Roe was a poorly reasoned decision that isn’t based on anything in the U.S. Constitution," Slate.

Justice Alito argued, "The Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one." That argument is spurious, and, quite honestly, it is a foolish statement to make.
You left out the part where he then immediately states,
"It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

All the draft ruling does is prevent the Fed from making abortion legal or illegal

Our Constitution stresses basic American freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom to assemble, and so on.

The freedom to make decisions regarding one's own health is a given. Much like the freedom to breathe air, the Framers never considered the freedom of health.

The fetus has unique DNA. It is therefore not part of the woman's body, for which every cell has the same DNA.

However, in the case of pregnancies, Republicans think the state should make health decisions for women. It is why three judges appointed by Trump favor the expiration of Roe.

You think the Fed should decide abortion. Republicans think each state should make its own decision. It propels democracy.

The Catholic Church opposes abortion. Evangelicals, a dominant religion in the southern states, opposes abortion.

The idea that a human being is created at the point of conception is a religious belief. Republicans think they can impose religious beliefs upon others.
It is scientific fact. When an egg is fertilized, it becomes a human zygote which soon develops into a human fetus. There is no doubt life begins at conception.

The law recognizes this too. If a doctor performs a malpractice and harms a fetus, the doctor can be held civilly or criminally liable.

States like Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma that passed highly restrictive laws regarding abortion are defying reality and marginalizing their own religious beliefs. According to these states it is okay to kill a human being in the womb if it is within the parameters set by the state, be it six weeks, fifteen weeks, or whatever.
Yes, and my prior governor, Ralph Blackface Northam said it's okay to kill a baby by denying care after it is born.

See, there are a variety of opinions out there.

If the Republicans via their court appointed judges deny women the ability to make their own health decisions, what cherished freedoms will be next?
Most abortions are elective. You are advocating that women should be allowed to arbitrarily make adverse and terminal health care decisions about the baby in their womb, just because they feel like it.

There is a difference when the health of the mother is at stake, but that is exceedingly rare in these times.
The freedom of free elections, for example. If Republican state officials do not like the result of an election, will the state change the result? We then head down the road of tyranny, and, thanks to Russian sponsored President Trump (2016 election), Vladimir Putin would be enormously pleased.

PS: I will note that you were apparently in favor of vaccine and mask mandates, so I am calling BS on your unwavering belief that women have a right to make their own health care decisions.
"Fairness" isn't the question in the post you quoted. Alito's memo removes protections fr ANY abotions...including rape,incest,health of the mother

It also goes after contraception and gay marriage
No it doesn't....he merely says it's up to the states.

The people vote, elect representatives, and the states make the laws. Alito doesn't remove them...it's up to the states to make the laws regulating it
Self-loathing white Dems want women to bear no responsibility for their actions at all. They hold the same view when it comes to blacks as far as unlawful behavior goes. Anything that tears at the fabric of our society they are for.
upid. ;)
you forgot MEN

they need to stop trying to bed women just because they think it makes them look like a man


a true man is responsible and takes care of his children AND actually loves the woman he marries (doesn't cheat on her etc)
you forgot MEN

they need to stop trying to bed women just because they think it makes them look like a man


a true man is responsible and takes care of his children AND actually loves the woman he marries (doesn't cheat on her etc)

Well, if you want to make men take sex more seriously and stop behaving like horny cads, limiting the ability to sweep away the consequences of their actions and deny all responsibility for them might be a good place to start.
you forgot MEN

they need to stop trying to bed women just because they think it makes them look like a man


a true man is responsible and takes care of his children AND actually loves the woman he marries (doesn't cheat on her etc)
Odd, in my "bedding women" days "looking like a man" meant being well turned out as far as attire/appearance went. I never really had to work at it much so the rest must have been sorta baked-in. ;)

No it doesn't....he merely says it's up to the states.

The people vote, elect representatives, and the states make the laws. Alito doesn't remove them...it's up to the states to make the laws regulating it
Hey dummy… it removes Federal protections AGAINST whatever shit red states want to do.

Learn to read
Well, if you want to make men take sex more seriously and stop behaving like horny cads, limiting the ability to sweep away the consequences of their actions and deny all responsibility for them might be a good place to start.
Great idea.

Vasectomy at 16. Reversal when they get married

You in?

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