61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

In the post war era Blacks in the Norther States were and continue quite often to be treated horribly.

We destroyed the black family with the War on Poverty and that's why norther and upper midwestern cities have such huge poor black populations and insanely high black on black crime.

The Norther States fought a war not over slavery, but over preserving the Union. Lincoln even stated that if he could have won the war without freeing a single slave he'd have done so.
We were talking about slavery. Southern cons. Today, still intolerant bigots...

More like the war on drugs and Reaganist screwjob of regular people and giveaway to the rich...

Yes, the ignoramus southern cons were taken for a ride by southern con propagandists for slavery...
Abortion is not a right. Just ask the SCOTUS.
According to the draft Court opinion it is not a Constitutional right like say the right to keep and bear arms.

Now the states can establish their own laws. I hope one day there is class action lawsuit on behalf of the chldren killed by abortion. The Court can then decide if the children have the Consititonal right to live and not be murdered because of birth control.
According to the draft Court opinion it is not a Constitutional right like say the right to keep and bear arms.

Now the states can establish their own laws. I hope one day there is class action lawsuit on behalf of the chldren killed by abortion. The Court can then decide if the children have the Consititonal right to live and not be murdered because of birth control.
So birth control is killing babies? :blowpop:
So birth control is killing babies? :blowpop:
When you use abortion as a birth control method the answer is hell yea.

Liberals don't understand that because they are as ignorant of Biology as they are of Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
When you use abortion as a birth control method the answer is hell yea.

Liberals don't understand that because they are as ignorant of Biology as they are of Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
That's a religious position that confuses fetus with baby.
Fifteen weeks mean the woman will have nearly three and half months to decide if she wants to abort and during that time she will know if she is pregnant with missing her monthly multiple times by then.

When you write the amount of months then let see how fast the left loses their argument because third trimester is a no go except in very rare cases of incest and the possible death of the mother or child…
The Moon Bats are always talking about "reasonable gun control" and now they are going to have to put up with "reasonable abortion restrictions".
THE Only thing reasonable about todays garden variety
Democrat is that they be Reasonably found out.
As in possession of No reason.
Because they are incapable of differentiating between
Reason and Desire.
Knowing that from the earliest days of great men like
Aristotle { 384-322 } Greek philosopher :
" The Law is reason unaffected by desire. "
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AP-NORC poll: Most say restrict abortion after 1st trimester​

The Alito memo removes Federal restrictions on ANY anti-abortion state laws

AP-NORC poll: Most say restrict abortion after 1st trimester​

The Alito memo removes Federal restrictions on ANY anti-abortion state laws
The daffy Left is going to have to prove what part
of Alito's Abortion trimming is not fair to all concerned.
This isn't a game of Jeopardy.Or even Mumblety-peg.
What is good for the Goose must also be good for the
All things in moderation.
Knowing a Fetus { Living,breathing Baby in the womb }
Is No Goose.
No matter how much a Democrat quacks.
Their preternatural bent.

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