61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

You’re on be losing side of everything.

Late term abortions, while rare, are the medically necessary abortions. Just because Republicans have lied about abortion for 50 years, to convince the gullible to accept these lies,doesn’t make it right to end them.
You go right on demanding you can rip off the limbs of this child at 19 weeks.
We’re taking names.
Offspring are your live descendants, now you know.

So your theory is that if you deny that an unborn child is alive through whatever primitive, uneducated view of science you use, that just automatically changes all reality, including the meaning of words.

Seriously, I don't even know what point you think you're "winning" - or attempting to win - at this point. What do you accomplish by arguing, in effect, that my children stop being my offspring if they die?
All of your posts seem to just be, "This debate thing is easy. All I have to do is declare that people are wrong and demand they change!"
I’m not asking anyone to change, that’s your side. I’m for choice, you’re not, you fucking commie.
Government intrusion into people’s bodies is ok with you. Fucking commie.

To you, women's rights begin and end with mediocre loser men being able to use them as sperm receptacles. Fucking misogynist.

Don't even try to play "champion of freedom" with me on this, Bubba. I don't have a lot of patience with being mansplained at how I need something that manifestly is all about benefiting men.
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So your theory is that if you deny that an unborn child is alive through whatever primitive, uneducated view of science you use, that just automatically changes all reality, including the meaning of words.

Seriously, I don't even know what point you think you're "winning" - or attempting to win - at this point. What do you accomplish by arguing, in effect, that my children stop being my offspring if they die?
I think that the soul is eternal and goes through time in different bodies, if you abort one, the soul grabs another one. The body is a vessel. You want me to abandon my beliefs for yours, which are crazy, an invisible superbeing who made us out of dirt, lol.
Women's rights begin and end with mediocre loser men being able to use them as sperm receptacles. Fucking misogynist.

Don't even try to play "champion of freedom" with me on this, Bubba. I don't have a lot of patience with being mansplained at how I need something that manifestly is all about benefiting men.
I’m glad you’re upset, you dumb sack of communism.
I’m not asking anyone to change, that’s your side. I’m for choice, you’re not, you fucking commie.

Your post, and I quote:

"That's not what this is. Please try again soon."

You're for baby-killing, and I'm not. Hold your breath waiting for the day you have the moral high ground. You are championing "women's rights" to a woman who is telling you she doesn't want them, and calling her names for not wanting what you - in your "superior masculine wisdom", no doubt - have decided she should want.

At what point do you think you are ANYTHING but a patriarchal dickwad trying to impose YOUR desires on women and the world?

You want to prattle about being "for choice"? Then start cheering for the Supreme Court restoring choice to the voters, because "choice" is the last thing we've had for the last fifty years. None of us have had any choice about what kind of society we want to live in, and that's what you're advocating to continue. You're so fucking worried that pro-lifers might pass laws favoring their viewpoint through majority vote. THAT'S "communism", or some shit. But nine unelected lawyers in robes simply mandating that the world will be this way and no one gets to object, THAT'S . . . what? Freedom? Democracy?

If you think abortion is so wonderful, get your ass out and convince the voters to agree with you. I'm perfectly willing to make my case; you seem terrified at not being able to just make declarations.
Your post, and I quote:

"That's not what this is. Please try again soon."

You're for baby-killing, and I'm not. Hold your breath waiting for the day you have the moral high ground. You are championing "women's rights" to a woman who is telling you she doesn't want them, and calling her names for not wanting what you - in your "superior masculine wisdom", no doubt - have decided she should want.

At what point do you think you are ANYTHING but a patriarchal dickwad trying to impose YOUR desires on women and the world?

You want to prattle about being "for choice"? Then start cheering for the Supreme Court restoring choice to the voters, because "choice" is the last thing we've had for the last fifty years. None of us have had any choice about what kind of society we want to live in, and that's what you're advocating to continue. You're so fucking worried that pro-lifers might pass laws favoring their viewpoint through majority vote. THAT'S "communism", or some shit. But nine unelected lawyers in robes simply mandating that the world will be this way and no one gets to object, THAT'S . . . what? Freedom? Democracy?

If you think abortion is so wonderful, get your ass out and convince the voters to agree with you. I'm perfectly willing to make my case; you seem terrified at not being able to just make declarations.
Nobody’s talking about killing babies. Go buy yourself a dictionary, you fucking dumb twat.
I think that the soul is eternal and goes through time in different bodies, if you abort one, the soul grabs another one. The body is a vessel. You want me to abandon my beliefs for yours, which are crazy, an invisible superbeing who made us out of dirt, lol.

Don't flatter yourself. I don't give a fat rat's furry ass WHAT dimwitted, pseudo-spiritual garbage you believe. And if you think your beliefs are somehow reasonable and scientific, but my presumed beliefs - because I note that I have never told you what I believe religiously at all; you just ASSumed, because you really, REALLY want to argue against points I'm not making - are somehow silly and stupid, then you are even less in contact with reality than I thought.
I’m glad you’re upset, you dumb sack of communism.

Not nearly as glad as I am that you're screaming with your hair on fire because Roe v. Wade might be overturned. While you're pretending to "savor" how "upset" I am that idiots like you exist and get to vote, don't ignore the fact of whose unhinged upset at having to vote started all this.
Nobody’s talking about killing babies. Go buy yourself a dictionary, you fucking dumb twat.

"That's not the debate, because I have declared it isn't so!!!"

By the way, your hostility toward and denigration of a woman the instant she disagrees with you about what's best for her isn't doing much for the image of yourself you're trying to cling to.

I submit that viewing all women as "dumb twats" and nothing more is exactly what you're fighting for.
The conservative accomplishment enabled by the Supreme Court which will allow states to criminalize abortion, which some southern states have done already. Some states are considering the possibility of bringing criminal charges against a woman who got an abortion.
Criminalizing abortion, including the patient, has already started.

The Post reports, "Republicans in the Louisiana House advanced a bill Wednesday that would classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutors to criminally charge patients, with supporters citing a draft opinion leaked this week showing the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.

"The legislation, which passed through a committee on a 7-to-2 vote, goes one step further than other antiabortion bans that have gained momentum in recent years, which focus on punishing abortion providers and others who help facilitate the procedure. Experts say the bill could also restrict in vitro fertilization and emergency contraception because it would grant constitutional rights to a person “from the moment of fertilization.”

CNN reports, "Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill Thursday criminalizing abortion-inducing drugs that are provided via mail.

"The measure, known as HB2416, establishes criminal penalties for offenders, but would not apply to the patient who was provided the abortion drugs."

Praise the Lord, Tennessee is not charging the patient with a crime.

Are Republicans proud of their accomplishment?

There is a better question. Have Republicans, overcome with religious fanaticism, gone nuts?
Don't flatter yourself. I don't give a fat rat's furry ass WHAT dimwitted, pseudo-spiritual garbage you believe. And if you think your beliefs are somehow reasonable and scientific, but my presumed beliefs - because I note that I have never told you what I believe religiously at all; you just ASSumed, because you really, REALLY want to argue against points I'm not making - are somehow silly and stupid, then you are even less in contact with reality than I thought.
You grouchy bitch won’t admit that you’re a religious nutter who wants to push her stupid religion on everyone. Not going to work.
"That's not the debate, because I have declared it isn't so!!!"

By the way, your hostility toward and denigration of a woman the instant she disagrees with you about what's best for her isn't doing much for the image of yourself you're trying to cling to.

I submit that viewing all women as "dumb twats" and nothing more is exactly what you're fighting for.
If it smells like a dumb twat, is grouchy like a dumb twat...

Nobody’s talking about killing babies except you.

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