61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

Did someone ask you your personal, unsubstantiated opinion about it?
How does one "substantiate" an opinion?
What the hell do you think forums like this are for?
And for the record: I don't agree with ScorpioRising007 at all.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

States should determine based on their citizens' position.
If a woman is not disciplined to refrain from getting pregnant she should move to the state that supports abortion.
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This is true. However, sadly, an ectopic pregnancy is not viable in all but the most outlier of miracle cases. From what I understand the pg implants in the fallopian tube. No baby can grow there. So you're either going to take the risk that the fallopian tube explodes and kills both baby and mother, or you remove the pregnancy before that happens. This is usually early.

I guess any mother has a right not to have one removed...but I don't know many pro-lifers who count ectopic pregnancies as abortions.

I count them as abortions; I just count them among the very few cases that are actually justifiable because the mother's life really is endangered by the pregnancy.
How does one "substantiate" an opinion?
What the hell do you think forums like this are for?
And for the record: I don't agree with ScorpioRising007 at all.

By showing the evidence upon which one bases the opinion, same way you substantiate anything.

And I think it's fair to point out that his post didn't really address the topic of thread; it was just about asserting his own opinion on abortion in general. The topic here is the part of the polls that the pro-aborts never mention, not about taking a new poll on the board.
Polls like AP, NORC et al university polls are solid left wing, and responded to by 90% leftist Democrats. Don't mean a thing. Generally, Republicans don't answer polls.

Most Americans are Christians, and regard abortion as the murder that it is. This includes Hispanics, which is why Democrat's support from Hispanics has been dropping like a lead ball. If Democrats think they are going to get some political mileage out of the Roe/Wade issue, they will be like people who need to drive East, and are driving West at 90 MPH.
72% want Roe to continue, and you are totally FOS. Change the channel. The problem is forcing your opinion 0n others. Ever heard of separation of church and state?
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72% want Roe to continue, and you are totally FOS. Change the channel. The problem is forcing your opinion 0n others. Ever heard of separation of church and state?
Your comment..."Are you an idiot or an A-hole?"
Your observation pretty well sums my observation of you.
Plenty of quotes describe you...
"Are you an idiot or an A-hole?" It takes one to recognize one.
"Are you an idiot or an A-hole?" Evidently you forgot what your mom said.."When you point a finger 3 are pointing back".
"Are you an idiot or an A-hole?" I bet your password is "ID10T".
72% want Roe to continue, and you are totally FOS. Change the channel. The problem is forcing your opinion 0n others. Ever heard of separation of church and state?
I see abortion as a moral issue apart from the concept of "church". Just as we outlaw murder, unecessary abortion should be outlawed as well. Anyone who thinks otherwise, is a lowlife, worthless barbarian. And I highly doubt this 72% notion. Leftists have a habit of drawing numbers from other leftists. Oh boy, how insightful.

PS -if liberals thinks they are going to get some political mileage from the SCOTUS decision on Roe, they better guess again. They are losing Hispanic support faster than a speeding bullet. In addition to LGBT lunacy, racial pandering to blacks, and crime tolerance, Hispanics hate abortion.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

The pro-abortion crowd shot themselves in the foot lengthening abortion terms to the point of infanticide.
Good post!!
Just before Easter, my wife's friends adult daughter had her baby at 26 weeks!
Baby is still in the hospital doing fine as its lungs still grow.

Yet, in Nevada, a woman can get an abortion up to 24 weeks.
Science isn't being followed here.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

And as further Proof was last night's Interview of Ohio
Congressman Ryan by Fox's Brett Baier.Ryan was unable to
give a straight answer about this.
When Abortion was made law of the land it had
three versions.A First Semester,a Second Semester and a
3rd or Trimester.
Abortions in the Third Semester are so gruesome that
just reading how it's done is enough to gag even an inmate
at Sing Sing.
Democrats have picked some crappy hills to die on. Unrestricted abortions, Pedo school courses, and open borders.
Plus Rampant Crime in Liberally Run big citys.
Did you hear the one about this Newsom nutbagger.
The Califiornia Governor went public suggesting that
His California could become a Sanctuary State for
Moms looking to have Abortions.
Maybe Men as well.
Since these same nutbags have teens believing that
men can get pregnant.
Yet Ironically even the First Black Female Supreme Court
Justice could not Define what a Wpman is.
These Flaks are such Hacks.
I guess if they Flak enough they won't need to floss
so mush.
And as further Proof was last night's Interview of Ohio
Congressman Ryan by Fox's Brett Baier.Ryan was unable to
give a straight answer about this.
When Abortion was made law of the land it had
three versions.A First Semester,a Second Semester and a
3rd or Trimester.
Abortions in the Third Semester are so gruesome that
just reading how it's done is enough to gag even an inmate
at Sing Sing.
And a Load of Spooge from a huge uncut Haitian Schlong usually can't even pull that gagging off
Democrats (including Hillary's husband if I remember correctly) used to say that abortions should be legal and rare. Who would have thought that the former governor of Va. democrat Northam would have recommended that newborn infants be made comfortable while the parents decide whether or not to kill them by neglect.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

They want to hide behind the court...instead of doing the work of getting a law.

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