61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

You just admitted that the primary issue was states rights. Do keep up. :laughing0301:
Not in the last century.

State's Rights and the underhanded way anti slavery forces were trying to create a large enough majority to pass a constitutional amendment against slavery.

They couldn't get it done under the constitution so they barred new states being admitted that allowed slavery. The intent was to eventually get enough anti slave states to get their amendment through.

Whether we like it or not slavery was constitutional and legal in 1987 and remained so for the next 80 years.
Thank God the American people are well able to see through "the life of the mother" crap, especially in the third trimester. You do NOT need to murder a baby to save the life of the mother, especially now. So yeah. Let's put this to a vote and see what goes down.
An ectopic pregnancy that is carried to term is fatal to the mother.

There are a few other conditions where this is also the case.

I have the utmost respect for a woman with a high risk of death from a pregnancy carried to term who makes that choice but we do not have a right to force them to carry to term.

Such abortions are essentially the use of deadly force in self defense and self defense is our most basic right.
Both parties had libs and cons...then NIXON and Southern strategy....Southern Cal GOP arghh.....
Nixon was an embarrassment to the party and damned near brought it down with him.

Thankfully Carter was such a piss poor president Reagan was able to breathe life back into it.
Both parties had libs and cons...then NIXON and Southern strategy....Southern Cal GOP arghh.....

Oh yes, the old southern strategy analogy. The fact is frankie that dems were the party of slavery and segregation. They always try to disguise themselves as the bearers of freedom. Lol, but they're really about bondage and control.
Nixon was an embarrassment to the party and damned near brought it down with him.

Thankfully Carter was such a piss poor president Reagan was able to breathe life back into it.
Carter was fine but obstructed by Teddy. Reagan's best role but a long term catastrophe...for the folkes and propaganda and covert disasters...
An ectopic pregnancy that is carried to term is fatal to the mother.

There are a few other conditions where this is also the case.

I have the utmost respect for a woman with a high risk of death from a pregnancy carried to term who makes that choice but we do not have a right to force them to carry to term.

Such abortions are essentially the use of deadly force in self defense and self defense is our most basic right.

This is true. However, sadly, an ectopic pregnancy is not viable in all but the most outlier of miracle cases. From what I understand the pg implants in the fallopian tube. No baby can grow there. So you're either going to take the risk that the fallopian tube explodes and kills both baby and mother, or you remove the pregnancy before that happens. This is usually early.

I guess any mother has a right not to have one removed...but I don't know many pro-lifers who count ectopic pregnancies as abortions.
This is true. However, sadly, an ectopic pregnancy is not viable in all but the most outlier of miracle cases. From what I understand the pg implants in the fallopian tube. No baby can grow there. So you're either going to take the risk that the fallopian tube explodes and kills both baby and mother, or you remove the pregnancy before that happens. This is usually early.

I guess any mother has a right not to have one removed...but I don't know many pro-lifers who count ectopic pregnancies as abortions.
That is a tubal pregnancy but they can also implant occasionally just about anywhere in the gut or on the outside of the tube and uterus.
I guess any mother has a right not to have one removed...but I don't know many pro-lifers who count ectopic pregnancies as abortions.
Many people on both sides of the argument don't understand the material. They aren't basing their positions on science, only on their own personal predilections or party positions.
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

Polls like AP, NORC et al university polls are solid left wing, and responded to by 90% leftist Democrats. Don't mean a thing. Generally, Republicans don't answer polls.

Most Americans are Christians, and regard abortion as the murder that it is. This includes Hispanics, which is why Democrat's support from Hispanics has been dropping like a lead ball. If Democrats think they are going to get some political mileage out of the Roe/Wade issue, they will be like people who need to drive East, and are driving West at 90 MPH.
That is a tubal pregnancy but they can also implant occasionally just about anywhere in the gut or on the outside of the tube and uterus.

Right. I don't think tubal pregnancies are ever viable. I know many avidly pro-life people as I said and I don't know any who consider this an "abortion" because it's non-viable. I think in rare cases other planted elsewhere have lasted longer? Though yikes.

What I meant more broadly by "life of the mother" is where you have a more common situation so just abort the baby. But the situation could be easily monitored. In other words it's a smokescreen.
Funny you seem to have missed the headline.

The vast majority of Americans believe there should be limits on abortion, a larger percentage than believe it should be legal.

The only real disagreement is when, where, and how those limits should be codified by law.
1st trimester is the period of time the current Mississippi law permits. The one the Left are claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights.

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